Let S Go to Kunst-Kamenogorsk? I Told Him

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Let S Go to Kunst-Kamenogorsk? I Told Him



N30 Toponym - history

At night I saw a dream like I was in a remote place, on an “implementation business trip”. What is it? – there was no questions, and there was no answers. Probably, it was the same as a “material- gathering trip”, that is, the gap in a raw (in a routine) of working days. And the way one uses this gap – constructively, non-constructively, or “constructishly” depends on every single Zeitraum, on individual traits of each person, on personnel Hesiodos, on working days and gaps between them… In short, the destination point of this trip was a town, or an urban-type settlement, named Kunst- Kamenogorsk. Everything in it was ordinary and remote. Everything, but the name! And I liked it so much, that since the early morning I called Anatoly Mikhailovich Titov, the poet I knew – better to say, the creator and my friend. - Let’s go to Kunst-Kamenogorsk? – I told him. He grunted in respect and continued reflecting on the subject: - Why not, - he says, - and even better, to Kunst-Kamerogorsk, about two hundred versts to the east! They say that there is what they call “das Kunst”, and even the mountains. I don’t mean “the camel”, I mean “the mining art” – there is much of the mining art!.. – he told all the raw of allusions. - Right, - I laughed, - nice toponym! = No, - Tolik became gloomy, - That is not about him. That is about US! Loksy Ganglery

N81 Toponym – the history.

At night I had a dream that I am in the backwoods being away on “the implementating business trip”. What does it mean? – the dream didn’t ask questions and give the answers. It may be the same, that “a material-gathering trip” is: the main thing is that you have a ray in the succession, to be more preceise the rut of works and days. And how to take advantage of this ray – creatively, uncreatively or somewhat creativously, it depends on the definite Zeitraum or personal qualities of each of us, cadre Hesiods and works, and days, and rays between them. In a word, the destination of that business trip was a small city or a suburb under the grand name Kunst-kamenogorsk. Everything there was a sort of ordinary and remote. Everything besides the name! And I liked it so greatly that right in the morning I called Anatoliy Mihailovich Titov, a familiar poet or better to say a creator and a friend of mine. -Shall we go in Kunst-kamenogorsk? – I said. He nodded with respect and carried on with the subject at once: - Why not – he replied – and still better in Kunst-kamerogorsk – it is 200 miles to the East! There is as they say “ das Kunst”, and cameras and still more mountains there (“gorsk” can correspond to “ mountains in Russian”). It doesn’t mean “a camel”, but it means “mining” – different minimgs there!... – he blurted out the succession of allusions at once. -Exactly, - I laughed – A nice toponym!(“to-po-nym” can correspond to the phrase “that is on them” in Russian) - Not at all,- suddenly Tolik became gloomy –that is not on them. THAT IS ON US! N97 Toponym - History

At night I dreamed that I was in a remote place, in the "executive business trip." What is it? – My dream did not ask the question and did not give answers. Probably, it’s about the same as the "creative business trip": that is, the main thing is the presence of the gap in the string or, more precisely, in the routine of labour and days. And how to use this clearance - creatively, uncreatively, or in a way looking like “creatively” - depends on the particular period of time or individual qualities of each of us, personal Hesiods, on works and days, and the gaps between them... In a word, the destination of this trip was a town or village under the proud name of the Kunst-Kamenogorsk. Everything about him looked ordinary and remote. Everything, except the name! And I liked it so much that right since early morning I called Anatoly Mihailovich Titov, familiar poet or, it’s better to say, creator and friend. - Let's go, - I say, - to Art-and-stone-city? He quacked respectfully and immediately picked up the theme: - May be, - he says, - and, it would be even better, to Cabinet-of-curiosities-city – it’s about two hundred miles to the east! There is, they say, what is called "The Art", and cameras, and even mountains there. Not in the sense of "camel", but in the sense of "mining" - like different mining affairs!.. – he gave out a chain of allusions immediately. - Right you are, - I laughed, - a good place-name – “that’s-on-them”! - No, - Tolik darkened suddenly, - that’s not on them. THAT’S ON US!

N143 Topomim – history At night I dreamt , that I am in the bottom of the country, in ”executive trip”. What is it?- the dream didn’t put a question and didn’t answer. Probably, it’s about the same as “a creative trip”: that is, the main thing is a gleam of hope in the line, or, more precisely, in the routine of troubles and days. And how to dispose of this gleam of hope really – creative , imaginative or somehow else – depends on a specific time and place or individual qualities of each of us, human gesiods and troubles and days, and the hopes between them… In a word, the point of destination of this trip was the town or the urban-type settlement under the proud name of Kunst-Kamenogorsk. Everything in it looked like ordinary and out-of-the- way. Everything, besides the name! And I liked it so much, that just right from the morning I called to Anatoliy Mikhailovich Titov, the familiar poet – or rather, the author and my friend. -Let’s go to Kunst- kamenogorsk, – I said. He respectfully hemmed, and - took the topic up at once: -It’s possible, - he said, – and it’s even better to Kunst –kamerogorsk – it’s about 200 miles to east! There are, as they say, “das kunst”, and chambers, and, what is more, mountains. Not in the meaning of “camel”, but in the meaning of “mining” – all sorts of minings!...- he gave a line of allusions at once. - Really, - I smiled, - a good toponim! - Not at all, - Tolik suddenly grows gloomy, - that’s – not - on them. That’s ON US! N218 Toponym-story

I dreamt about going to a very remote place on a “performing trip” last night. Neither did the dream ask nor did it give an answer to the question regarding what a “performing trip” was. This is probably the same as a “creative trip”: the point is in the gap existing in the string or, if to be more precise, in the routine of labours and weekdays. The way of handling this gap, either in a creative or in an uncreative or even in a peevish way, is up to a certain individual or our own features, personnel preferences and labours and weekdays, and the gaps between… In a word, the final destination of that trip was a tiny town or an urban settlement with a proud name Kunst-Kamenogorsk. There was everything that seemed to be trivial and out-of-the- way. Everything, but the name of it. And I liked it so much that early in the morning I called a poet, Anatoly Mikhailovich Titov, who was, if to tell better, a big creative mind and a friend of mine. Let’s go to Kunst-Kamenogorsk! – I suggested promptly. He expressed something barely audible with all his respect and come on going: - Let’s go – he replied, - but we had better go to Kunst-kamerogorsk which is about 130 miles to the east. It is said that there are a lot of so-called “das kunst”, and prisons, and above it all, some humps all over there. I don’t mean camels’, I mean rocks activities – a diverse range of them!... – he managed to think of a chain of allusions. - You are right, – I laughed – what a perfect site! - Not at all, - he suddenly made a long face, - it is not about how we reside, it IS ABOUT HOW WE DECIDE.

Loksy Ganglery


Toponym story At night I dreamt as if I were in a hinterland, on a „performing business trip“. What is that? The dream never asked or answered. Maybe it is similar to a „creative business trip“; that is a gleam in the stream, or rather a routine of work and days. Controlling this gleam, whether it be creative or not, or „crab-creative “in a way, depends on the certain period of time or individual behavior of each of us, personnel Hesiod and labor, and gleams between them... In short, the destination of the business trip was the town or urban-type settlement proudly named Kunst-kamenogorsk1. Everything there would seem to be ordinary and rustic. Everything, except the name! I liked this so much, that in the early morning I called Anatoly Mikhailovich Titov, a poet I knew; well, let’s better call him the creator and the friend. „Shall we go to Kunst-kamenogorsk?“ I ask. He grunted in respect and picked up the subject right away: “Yeah, we can” he says. But it’s better, if we go to Kunst-kamerogorsk 2. It is about two hundred versts3 to the east! It is said to be so called “Das Kunst4”, chambers and mountains. I don’t mean

1 The town of Kunst-Kamenogorsk has the meaning of its name. The first part “Kunst” means “Art” from the German language; it is a borrowed word in the Russian language. The second part consists of two words: “Kamen’” (Камень), which means “Stone”, and “Gorsk”derived from the word „Gora“ (Гора), which means “mountain”.

2 The town of Kunst-Kamerogorsk has the meaning of its name. The first part “Kunst” means “Art” from the German language; it is a borrowed word in the Russian language. The second part consists of two words: “Kamera’”, which means “Chamber”, and “Gorsk” derived from the word „Gora“ (Гора), which means “mountain”.

3 “Verst” is an old Russian measurement of distance that is equal to 3500 feet or 1.067 km 4 „Das Kunst“means „The art“from the German language. “camels” but “mining” when I talk about mountains. Yes, there are different mining businesses!...He referred to this place at once. „Exactly! What a great toponym they’ve got!“ I laughed. Well… not exactly, that is not what they’ve got! That is what we’ve got!” Tolik5 suddenly became gloomy. Loksy Gangleri

N260 Toponym-story

I saw a dream last night that I was on «the administrative business trip» in the remote place. What was it?-the dream didn’t ask any question and didn’t give any answers. I guess it’s the same as «creative mission»: that is to say, the main thing is the presence of the ray of hope in a series of events, more precisely, in the routine of works and weekdays. And how to use this break- creatively, uncreatively or somehow pseudo creatively- depends on the concrete period of time or individual features of everyone, trained Hesiods and Works, and Days, and breaks between them… In short, the place of destination of this very mission was a small town or urban village with a proud name Kunstoneville. Everything in it seemed to be trivial and remote. Everything but the name! So I like it so much, that right in the early hours of the morning I called Anatoly Mikhailovitch Titov, my acquaintance poet- moreover, it’s better to say-a creator and friend. -Here we go to Kunstoneville!-said I. He grunted with approval and caught up this idea at once: -It will do-he said,-and we’d better go to Kunstoneville- it’s approximately 200 versts to the East! They say there is so-called «das kunst», and sells, and mountains too. Not in sense of «Verblyud» but in sense of «mining»- there are too many different minings there!...-said he suddenly at once a row of allusions.

-So true, - I laughed, - such a good toponym! -No, - suddenly he became dismal, - WE`ll reach this TOP!

Loksley Gangleri

N311 A Story of a Place Name By Loksiy Ganglery Last night I had a dream of being at some backwater area in the middle of nowhere while taking an "executive field trip". What does the term stand for? In my dream, this question was never asked and thus got no answer. It might have been be the same as a trip one takes in search of creative inspiration with the purpose of making a break in the string - or, precisely, routine of his works and days. The kind of inspiration one finds during this break may differ from creative to recreative, to procreative. It depends on one’s individual timeframe and character, since every man is his own Hesiod to decide about the works, the days and the breaks in between. To cut it short, the destination of my trip was some town – or community – which was proudly called Kunst Kamenogorsk. Everything about it seemed ordinary and backwater. Everything but its name. I liked the name so much as to make an early morning call to Anatoly Mikhailovich Titov, a poet friend of mine who had a way with words. “What do you think, shall we go to Kunst Kamenogorsk?” I asked him.

5 „Tolik“ is a nickname of the full name Anatoly. He grunted with respect to my find and carried on with the topic. “Of course, we shall. But I know an even better place called Kunst Camerogorsk situated somewhat two hundred miles to the east.” He followed the new name with a string of allusions. “It is said there we can find what they call ‘das Kunst’ and cameras and gore. No, rather not gore, nor gory but glory – we’ll be in our glory.” “Right!” I said happily. “What a place name. It certainly rings a bell.” “No,” Anatoly’s voice was suddenly somber. “It does not ring. It tolls. It tolls for us.”

N339 Toponym- history At night was dreaming, that I was in a depth, in a "carrying out business trip". What is it? - The dream did not put any question and did not give any answers. Probably, approximately the same, what "creative business trip" means the mainly is a presence of road clearance in a file, more precisely, to the routine of labours and days. And then, how to dispose of this road clearance - creatively, uncreatively, or somehow carelessly - depends on concrete case or individual internals each of us, skilled achievements of both labours and days, and road clearances between them...

In a word, the point of setting of this business trip was a small town or settlement of city type under the proud name Kunst-kamenogors. All was in him, as though, ordinary and back-water. All, except the name! And it so pleased me, that straight with since early morning I called to Anatoliy Mikhajlovich Titov, acquainted poet - but it is better to say, to the creator and friend.

-Let’s go to the Kunst-kamenogors!- I said.

He respectfully quacked, and - here caught up a theme:

- It is Possible, - he said , - and better, in Kunst-kamenogors – it is about two hundred miles to east! There, it is talked, and the name is «Das Kunst», there are chambers, and mountains. There is not a “camel” not in sense , "but in sense "mountain business" is different there mountain businesses!. - here he gave out the chainlet of allusions.

- Exactly, - I began to laugh, is a good toponym!

- But it is not, - Tolik grew gloomy, - that - not on them. THAT SOFTWARE TO US!

Locks Gangleri

N423 Toponym – a story I saw a dream last night: I was in a downtown on business trip called an “executive assignment”. But what is this? My dream asked no questions and gave no answers. Probably, this is nearly the same as the “material-gathering trip”, where the main is a presence of light in succession of different things, or more exactly – the presence of day and work routine. But how to deal with this light - creatively or not, or somehow peevishly- will depend on time and individual qualities each of us, on snapshot “hesiodes” and their “works and days”, and a light between them.. In one word, the point of destination of this trip was a town or may be an urban village under the proud name Kunst-Kamenogorsk. Everything there was ordinary and remote. But except its name!! I liked the village so much, that at daybreak l called Anatoly Michajlovich- my familiar poet, or I should say, a master and a good friend. “Let’s go,” I said,” to Kunst-Kamenogorsk.” He grunted respectfully but urgently took up the theme. “We can,” he says, “but it will be nicer to set off to Kunst-Kamerogorsk, it’s about 200 km eastward! They say so:“das Kunst”, and even cameras and mountains. Meaning not “camel”, but “mining art”. They have many different “arts” there!..”- he blew urgently a chain of allusions. “Truly,” I laughed- “what a nice toponym.” “No,” Tolik suddenly became sulky, “no, man, not a nice PONY it’s a nice PUN.” Loksy Gangleri

N425 Last night I dreamt of being in the interior of the country on an executive trip. What is an executive trip? The dream put no questions, neither did it give any answers. I guess, it is something like a “creative trip” which practically is all about reaching out for the light at the end of the everyday- routine tunnel. As for how this light is used later- creatively, none-creatively, or maybe even creatfully – depends on the specific period time or is up to our individual qualities, career-oriented hard-labor supporters, and works, and days, and the light that separates them. Anyways, the point of my destination was a small town or some urban village proudly bearing the name of Artstburg . Everything about it seemed ordinary and hick. Everything but its name! I like it so much that first thing in the morning I phoned Anatoly Mikhailovich Titov- a poet I know, or, should I say, a creator and a friend. - “Wanna go to Artstburg?” I asked. He made some kind of a duck noise in approval and dwelled on the topic right away: - “Let’s go” he said, “Artsburger would be even better! It is about 130 miles further east. They say, there they’ve got the so called art and burgers, and mountains even. I don’t mean to state the obvious, just stressing the mining art they got there- all kinds of mining arts!...- he blurted out a string of allusions.” - “For real! “ I laughed. “Good for them!” - “No, Tolik” he suddenly turned gloomy,- “Good for US!”

N427 Not a Bad Place by Loxy Ganglery Last night I dreamed I went to the back of beyond on a whole-gathering trip. Now, what is whole- gathering trip? My dream hushed up the explanation. Some sort of a material-gathering trip, I suppose; the point about them is your finding of an escape route from the train — the rut, I mean — of ‘works and days’. Then again, the manner in which one takes that route — be it whole-gathering, wool-gathering, or even, for some people, wooer-gathering — depends on Zeitraum* present, and one’s personality, and staff Hesiods**, and works, and days, and all those routes’ frequencies. So, my trip was to a certain town, or township, or whatever they proudly named Curio-Cameraford. Twas an out-of-the-way spot, seemingly, with nothing out of the way about it. Except for the name itself! I liked it so much that midmorning found me on the phone with Anatoly Mikhailovich Titov, a poet and an acquaintance of mine — or rather I should say, an artist and a friend. “How about,” I told him, “darting off to Curio-Cameraford?” He uttered a knowing ‘hum’ — then took up the theme: “Why not,” he said. “Or better still — Curio-Camenaeford, some forty leagues to the east! They say you find all sorts of curios there, not only cams, and lots of fords — not vehicles, I mean wading places. Brooks and rivulets you would wade, and so, of course, Camenae wouldn’t be far away…” he fired off allusions with ease. “Aye,” was my laughing reply. “Not a bad place, is it.” “Oh no,” Tolyik’s voice grew solemn. “The play can’t be ceased. It is ceaseless!”

T/N: * Zetraum: the German word for period, time span ** Hesiod: an Ancient Greek poet who wrote the hortatory poem ‘Works and Days’

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