Draft Delta Kappa Gamma International

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Draft Delta Kappa Gamma International

Draft Delta Kappa Gamma International Eta Tau Chapter Minutes April 18, 2016

The meeting was held at Delta Kappa Gamma International Headquarters, Austin, TX. Our hostesses for the evening were Pat Guthneck, Jan Raby, and Donna Slathar.

Program Celebrating Eta Tau’s 51st birthday and honoring our DKG Founders were the basis of our April program. Donna Slathar created a game of Jeopardy to help us learn more about our Founders and their talents.

Call to Order President Pat Guthneck called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. There were ten chapter members present and one special guest.

Inspiration Jan Raby shared thought-provoking ideas about gratitude.

Introduction of Special Guests Pat Guthneck’s friend, Debbie Koehler, visited our chapter.

Member News / Brag Bag Jean’s daughter Julie is now staying home with her little girls, and Jean shared a picture of her sweet granddaughters. Emily’s husband is on a business trip in Canada. We have all missed Lois Pendley, but she has been busy with her grandsons on Monday nights. Mary Kay was stranded by the flooding in Houston. Margaret is regaining her strength and is getting ready for her grandson’s wedding! Susie Nelson recovered from the neck surgery she had earlier this year, and she is have back surgery tomorrow!

Approval of the Minutes The March minutes were approved as printed.

Treasurer’s Report Cathy Harris reported a balance of $3,035.07 in our bank account.

Correspondence Eta Tau members received a thank you note from Pat Guthneck for the expressions of condolence, our support, and the red rose she received after the passing of her husband.

Committee Reports Programs – Jan Raby distributed a survey so our members could evaluate the chapter programs for this year. Members were also encouraged to make suggestions for programs for next year. Projects/Global Awareness – Janie Knolle has 57 caddies to deliver to Breakthrough Austin this week for its graduation project. Legislation – The 2016 TRTA Convention will be held in Houston. One of the main concerns is the $1.5 billion shortfall expected for the TRS-Care health insurance program in 2017. H.R. 711, a bill to repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), will be an important topic at the convention. LaVonne Rogers shared a handout that she created comparing a defined benefit pension program and a defined contribution pension program. There are some legislators and business leaders like Laura and John Arnold that would like to change our defined pension program to a defined contribution pension program. This is NOT in the best interest of TRTA members, and our members are working hard to educate legislators and the public about the value of our TRS defined benefit plan. Social – Donna Slathar and Lois Mayes collaborated to create sign-up sheets for hostesses, door prizes, and inspirations for Eta Tau’s 2016-2017 meetings. The members who were able to attend the April meeting began signing up. Communications and Publicity – Jean Fajkus asked members to send news of trips they are taking to her to include in the newsletter. Jean also asked that we consider writing an article for the newsletter. Web Watcher – Donna Slathar reported that the International Convention is July 5-9 in Nashville. Guidelines for Chapter Presidents, Treasurers, Membership Committee Chairs, and Communications and Publicity Committee Chairs are now available online. The following publications are available for viewing online: DKG News, Collegial Exchange, and the Presidents’ Page. Texas has a new chapter. Nu Beta, located in Area 18, was chartered on Saturday, April 16, in Porter, Texas. The Spring Edition of Lone Star News is also online.

Old Business 87th Texas State Convention - Laura Packard is the only Eta Tau member that is able to attend the Convention in Frisco in June. A motion was made and seconded to give Laura $50 to buy items for the Convention Unifying Project. Chapters were asked to donate school supplies, new fleece blankets, and new teddy bears for children in the convention’s host communities of Northeast Texas. Area VII Fall Workshop – The Fall Workshop will be held at Marble Falls High School on August 27th. There will be a webinar presentation for Presidents, Treasurers, and Membership Chairmen for strategies to attract and to maintain chapter members. The registration fee is $12, and Eta Tau members planning to attend the Workshop need to give Cathy Harris a check or cash so that she can mail in our registrations together.

New Business Golden Gift: There is no news yet, but the Coordinating Council will be meeting on Saturday, April 30th, and information should be forthcoming. Perfect Attendance – The following members had perfect attendance for 2015-2016: Cathy Harris, Lois Mayes, Laura Packard, and Jan Raby. Chapter Achievement Award – Eta Tau members voted in March and selected our president, Pat Guthneck, to receive this year’s Chapter Achievement Award. According to the nomination forms, Pat is greatly appreciated because she is loyal, dedicated, positive, kind, welcoming, enthusiastic, appreciative . . . and she is willing to serve a second term as Eta Tau’s President! Thank you, Pat, for ALL that you do!

Adjournment of the Business Meeting The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Door Prizes Jean Fajkus provided door prizes.

Delta Kappa Gamma Song Cathy Harris led members in singing the Delta Kappa Gamma Song.

Respectfully submitted, Mary Wallace

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