Policy and Procedures on the Acceptable Usage of the Saqa Trademarks and Holograms

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Policy and Procedures on the Acceptable Usage of the Saqa Trademarks and Holograms



EFFECTIVE DATE: 2004-10-01


Division: ETQA

Divisional Manager: Zithulele Zondi


CEO: Oupa Mopaki


Approved By: EXCO

Designation: Chairperson: Mike Seroba


Approval Date:

Policy & Procedure on the Acceptable Usage of the SAQA Trademarks & Hologram POL/PROC-ETQA-LOGOS-01 Version 1.0 Page 1 of 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page



Policy & Procedure on the Acceptable Usage of the SAQA Trademarks & Hologram POL/PROC-ETQA-LOGOS-01 Version 1.0 Page 2 of 11 1. PURPOSE

The purpose of this policy document is to reflect the ISETT SETA’s commitment to the Terms and Conditions of the Policy on Acceptable Usage of SAQA Trademarks by Stakeholders and Guidance to ETQAs on Procedures for the Use of the SAQA Hologram. This policy sets forth to outline the requirements for authorization of the use of the SAQA name, logo and holograms. It also emphasizes the procedures for the security and safekeeping of the SAQA name, logo and holograms.


The requirements and procedures described in this document apply to the acceptable use of the SAQA name, logo and holograms. It covers the following trademarks:

 South African Qualifications Authority  SAQA  South African Qualifications Authority together with the Q device

The trademarks and holograms will be used to recognize the accreditation of education and training providers falling within the primary focus of the ISETT SETA, the registration of constituent assessors and moderators, and the achievements of learners who have attained national qualifications.


The rationale for the development of this policy and procedures is to ensure compliance to the permissible use of SAQA trademarks and holograms, and to prevent the fraudulent use of these trademarks and holograms within the ISETT SETA or by any accredited education and training provider falling within the primary focus of the ISETT SETA.


(1) The ISETT SETA shall be responsible for:

a. controlling the use of the SAQA trademarks and holograms; b. controlling the activities of the education and training providers with regard to the acceptable usage of the SAQA name and logo; c. ensuring familiarity and compliance to the SAQA Policy on the Acceptable Usage of Trademarks and ISETT SETA Policy and Procedures for the Acceptable Usage of the SAQA Trademarks and Holograms; d. ensuring that the education and training providers are liable for any violation of these SAQA and ISETT SETA policies and procedures.

Policy & Procedure on the Acceptable Usage of the SAQA Trademarks & Hologram POL/PROC-ETQA-LOGOS-01 Version 1.0 Page 3 of 11 5. GENERAL PRINCIPLES FOR USE

(1) The usage of the SAQA trademarks and holograms shall be consistent with the following principles:

 Compliance to the rules on the use of government resources  Accountability and Responsibility  Maintenance of security and fraud prevention  Compliance to contractual agreements  Reporting suspected or potential security violations to ISETT SETA and SAQA


The ISETT SETA and its constituent education and training providers shall use the SAQA name and logo for the following activities:

(1) All accredited education and training providers falling within the ISETT SETA primary focus intending to use the SAQA trademarks shall forward a written request to use the SAQA name and logo for advertising purposes and shall be granted permission to do so upon application and approval by the ISETT SETA to only the qualifications and/or unit standards for which they have received accreditation. (2) All accredited education and training providers, assessors and moderators falling within the ISETT SETA primary focus intending to use the SAQA trademarks shall forward a written request to use the SAQA name and logo for business usage and shall be granted permission to do so upon application and approval by the ISETT SETA on business stationery and/or business cards as long as it is accompanied by the word “accredited” (for providers) or “registered” (for assessors) by the ISETT SETA. (3) All certificates for accredited education and training providers, assessors and moderators, and learner achievements falling within the ISETT SETA primary focus shall be issued upon certification with the SAQA name, logo and holograms. (4) The SAQA holograms shall only be affixed by the ISETT SETA to the certificates for accreditation of an education and training provider, registration of assessors and moderators, and achievements of learners for a full qualification.


The use of the SAQA trademarks by ISETT SETA and accredited education and training providers shall be followed without alteration to the specifications of the Policy on Acceptable Usage of SAQA Trademarks by Stakeholders. The specifications as described below shall be applied without alteration.

Policy & Procedure on the Acceptable Usage of the SAQA Trademarks & Hologram POL/PROC-ETQA-LOGOS-01 Version 1.0 Page 4 of 11 (1) The logo should be reproduced only from copies of the designer master drawing (in hard copy, electronic media or holograms) available from SAQA. It should be reproduced in a solid, unbroken tone on a solid, unbroken background. (2) If enlarged or reduced in size, the relative proportions of each component of the design must remain unchanged. (3) The logo can be reproduced in the solid Black or Pantone 072 CVC against white background according to stipulations/proportions available from SAQA. (4) The logo may be used in a central position for a symmetrical layout, or offset to one side for an asymmetrical layout. The logo should always be reproduced upright, never at a slant or on a horizontal position. (5) The logo may, if desired, appear more than once in a layout (e.g. it could be used in a series of paragraph headings), but should not be reproduced in more than one size on one page or panel. 8. UNACCEPTABLE USAGE

(1) The logo may not be used in conjunction with any element/s that could be interpreted as being part of the logo design; (2) It is not permissible to encircle, or partly encircle the logo with lettering; (3) The logo may not be used as substitute for the letter "Q" in SAQA, or as any letter in any other word; (4) The logo may not be used to form a repeating pattern or border; and (5) The usage of the SAQA trademarks and the logo for illegal or inappropriate purposes is prohibited. (6) Un-authorised usage of the trademarks by organisations are violations of SAQA policy and would result in SAQA taking any legal steps that are necessary to force the un-authorised usage to desist. (7) The SAQA holograms shall not be used for the following: a. Certification of unit standards; b. Statements or transcripts of results to learners; c. Personal Use d. Business cards and stationery, personal documents, letterheads, and/or any other that may not be specified in this policy unless approved by the ISETT SETA. 9. PERMISSION FOR USAGE

(1) The ISETT SETA Chief Executive Officer, by written application, shall seek permission from the SAQA Executive Officer to use the SAQA name, logo and holograms prior to the production of each item that shall bear these trademarks and holograms. (2) The ISETT SETA Chief Executive Officer may, in writing, delegate the responsibility for such application to the Senior Manager: ETQA who deals with quality assurance functions and activities as delegated to the ISETT SETA by SAQA.

Policy & Procedure on the Acceptable Usage of the SAQA Trademarks & Hologram POL/PROC-ETQA-LOGOS-01 Version 1.0 Page 5 of 11 (3) The ISETT SETA Chief Executive Officer, by written request, shall seek permission from the SAQA Executive Officer to approve the requests made by its constituent education and training providers to use the SAQA name, logo and holograms prior to the production of each item that shall bear these trademarks. The requests as made by the constituent education and training providers shall be meritoriously considered on the following aspects:

 The purpose for the Use of the SAQA name and logo;  The status of accreditation of the constituent education and training provider;  Evidence of non-existence of prior commission of fraud by the training provider;  Security and control measures to prevent fraudulent use of the trademarks.

(4) The ISETT SETA Chief Executive Officer and Senior Manager: ETQA shall, if so delegated, have to sign an Oath of Secrecy pertaining to the security features and measures that may have been revealed to them by SAQA representatives.


(1) The ISETT SETA Chief Executive Officer or Senior Manager: ETQA, if due delegated, shall receive a letter of approval on the SAQA trademarks and holograms from the SAQA Executive Officer; (2) The receipt and acknowledgement of the SAQA holograms shall be the sole responsibility of the ISETT SETA Chief Executive Officer or the Senior Manager: ETQA, if so delegated, and shall sign a register indicating the date of receipt, number of holograms received and their serial numbers; (3) The collection of the holograms from SAQA shall be the responsibility of the ISETT SETA Chief Executive Officer or Senior Manager: ETQA, and any other person so delegated in writing by the ISETT SETA Chief Executive Officer and a confirmation letter or receipt from SAQA shall be filed.

Policy & Procedure on the Acceptable Usage of the SAQA Trademarks & Hologram POL/PROC-ETQA-LOGOS-01 Version 1.0 Page 6 of 11 11.SECURITY MEASURES AND CONTROL OF THE SAQA HOLOGRAMS

(1) The SAQA holograms shall be kept in a secure room that has a lockable safe with limited access to the ISETT SETA Chief Executive Officer or Senior Manager: ETQA, and any other person so delegated in writing by the ISETT SETA Chief Executive Officer; (2) A register shall be signed each time the holograms are collected from the security room and the keys of the safe shall be kept in the CEO’s or Senior Manager: ETQA’s office; (3) All holograms received shall be counted for quantitative accuracy and all spoilt or tampered holograms shall be registered and signed for, and kept in the safe until such time that they are destroyed by SAQA or the ISETT SETA Chief Executive Officer or the Senior Manager: ETQA, if so delegated by SAQA in writing; (4) The affixing of holograms on certificates shall be validated and verified for authenticity by the ISETT SETA Chief Executive Officer or the Senior Manager: ETQA; (5) Every certificate issued with a hologram shall be recorded with their serial numbers, certificate number and date of issue for the purposes of tracking and auditing; (6) The ISETT SETA Chief Executive Officer or the Senior Manager: ETQA, if so delegated in writing, shall take stock of the SAQA holograms. (7) The ISETT SETA Chief Executive Officer or the Senior Manager: ETQA, if so delegated in writing, shall be responsible for the movement of the holograms within the ISETT SETA and ensure security during the movement within the organization.

Policy & Procedure on the Acceptable Usage of the SAQA Trademarks & Hologram POL/PROC-ETQA-LOGOS-01 Version 1.0 Page 7 of 11 12.GLOSSARY OF TERMS

The legislative terms used in this policy document are as defined in the SAQA Policy documents on Criteria and Guidelines for ETQAs, 2001, Criteria and Guidelines for the Registration of Assessors and have been used without alteration to avoid differentiation in meaning and context in which they are used.

Achievement refers to the recognition granted to a learner when all required learning outcomes have been successfully demonstrated;

Accreditation means the certification, usually for a particular period of time, of a person, a body or an institution as having the capacity to fulfil a particular function in the quality assurance system set up by the South African Qualifications Authority in terms of the Act;

Assessment means the process of collecting evidence of learners’ work to measure and make judgments about the achievement or non-achievement of specified National Qualifications Framework standards and/or qualifications;

Assessor means the person who is registered by the relevant Education and Training Quality Assurance Body in accordance with criteria established for this purpose by a Standards Generating Body to measure the achievement of specified National Qualifications Framework standards or qualifications, and “constituent assessor” has a corresponding meaning;

Auditing is an event conducted within a specified period and the outcome of which is a summative evaluation of attainment of quality;

Constituent means belonging to the defined or delegated constituency of an organization or body referred to in these regulations;

Education and Training Quality Assurance Body means a body accredited in terms of section 5(1)(a)(ii) of the Act, responsible for monitoring and auditing achievements in terms of national standards or qualifications, and to which specific functions relating to the monitoring and auditing of national standards or qualifications have been assigned in terms of section 5(1)(b)(i) of the Act;

Hologram is the Authentication Mark

Learner means an individual who is participating in a learning programme with the purpose of achieving credits for standards and /or qualifications;

Learning Programme refers to a structured set of learning offerings and related assessment and attainment requirements;

Policy & Procedure on the Acceptable Usage of the SAQA Trademarks & Hologram POL/PROC-ETQA-LOGOS-01 Version 1.0 Page 8 of 11 Moderation means the process which ensures that assessment of the outcomes described in National Qualifications Framework standards or qualifications, is fair, valid and reliable;

Monitoring is a continuous process of review of quality that can be conducted internally and/or externally to recommend quality improvements;

Outcomes refer to the contextually demonstrated end-products of the learning process;

National Learners’ Records Database refers to an electronic information system that assists the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) to manage the National Qualifications Framework;

Primary focus means that activity or objective within the sector upon which an organization or body concentrates its efforts;

Provider means a body which delivers learning programmes which culminate in specified National Qualifications Framework standards or qualifications, and manages the assessment thereof;

Qualification means the formal recognition of the achievement of the required number and range of credits and other requirements at specific levels of the NQF determined by the relevant bodies registered by SAQA;

Quality assurance means the process of ensuring that the degree of excellence specified is achieved;

Registration means the process which ensures that the person who assesses learner competence has the requisite criteria recommended by SGBs for specified NQF registered standards and/or qualifications;

Registered Constituent Assessor means an assessor who has met the requirements for registration as an assessor of specified NQF qualifications and/ or unit standards and has been registered by the ETQA under whose primary focus the standards and qualifications fall;

Sector means a defined portion of social, commercial or educational activities used to prescribe the boundaries of an Education and Training Quality Assurance Body;

Unit Standard refers to registered statement of desired education and training outcomes and its associated assessment criteria together with administrative and other information as specified in the regulations;

Policy & Procedure on the Acceptable Usage of the SAQA Trademarks & Hologram POL/PROC-ETQA-LOGOS-01 Version 1.0 Page 9 of 11 Validation means the overall process by which it is determined by an ETQA whether or not an assessment is valid, and leading to the acceptance or rejection of assessment results;

Verification means the process managed by an ETQA for externally verifying (checking) moderation processes and confirming or overturning moderation findings.


ETQA Education and Training Quality Assurance Body ISETT Information Systems, Electronics, Telecommunications and Technologies NLRD National Learners’ Records Database NQF National Qualifications Framework SAQA South African Qualifications Authority (also the Authority) SETA Sector Education and Training Qualifications Authority SGB Standard Generating Body


This policy document must be read in conjunction with the following:

a. Policy for Acceptable Usage of SAQA Trademarks by Stakeholders; b. Policy and Procedure for Learner Certification Policy; c. Guidance to ETQAs on Procedures for the Use of the SAQA Hologram.

Policy & Procedure on the Acceptable Usage of the SAQA Trademarks & Hologram POL/PROC-ETQA-LOGOS-01 Version 1.0 Page 10 of 11 AMENDMENT HISTORY

Policy Version Description Revision Number number Date

POL/PROC- 1.0 Original Document 2004-10-01 ETQA- LCERT-01

Policy & Procedure on the Acceptable Usage of the SAQA Trademarks & Hologram POL/PROC-ETQA-LOGOS-01 Version 1.0 Page 11 of 11

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