2016-2017 Course Syllabus

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2016-2017 Course Syllabus

2016-2017 Course Syllabus


Text: Pre-Algebra, Tools for a Changing World. (If you check out a textbook and it is lost, stolen, or misplaced, you, the student, are responsible to pay the replacement costs. Replacement cost is $70.00

Teacher: Ms. Heidi McNeil Room 18

541.535.1552 ext. 4138 [email protected] (preferred contact method)

Course Overview: Throughout the year we will be covering topics in these mathematical areas: The Number System, Expressions and Equations, Functions, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Success in this class will prepare you for Algebra 1.

Goals and Objectives: The student will demonstrate understanding and proficiency of skills through daily assignments, problem solvers, quizzes, and tests.

Timeline: Daily assignments will be given to practice the targeted standard, quizzes (formative assessments, usually on Wednesdays and Fridays), and tests (summative assessments, given at the end of a unit).

Course Standards:

 Quarter 1 – Expressions and Equations

o Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with integers to add, subtract, multiply and divide rational numbers in expressions and equations.

 Quarter 2 – Expressions and Equations

o Work with radicals and integer exponents

o Understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations

o Analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations

 Quarter 3 – Geometry

o Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software

o Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem

o Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres

 Quarter 3 – Statistics and Probability

o Investigate patterns of association in bivariate data

 Quarter 4—Functions

o Define, evaluate, and compare functions

o Use functions to model relationships between quantities

 Quarter 4 – The Number System

o Know that there are numbers that are not rational, and approximate them

Grading Components Initial here ____/_____ Academic Grade: Citizenship Grade:

 Homework practice (10%) Preparedness

 Quizzes (30%) Effort/Participation

 Test (60%) Attitude

Citizenship grade is made up of the 10 points available every week. The 10 points are given to assess participation (being on task, group work, question/response), preparedness (completing assignments, manage materials, time management), and attitude (support others, be positive, be respectful).

Academic Grade: Expectations of Required Work

Summative Assessments (Tests) -- initial here ____/____

 Tests covering chapter content and review problems of the previous content will be given at the end of each unit

 If a student earns less than 75%, the test may be retaken after evidence of practice.

Formative Assessments (Quizzes/Projects) -- initial here ____/____

 Several quizzes will be given each unit (Usually, but not limited to Wednesday and Friday)

 Improving a score on a quiz is offered through quiz corrections (Quiz Correction Form Required)

 Quiz Corrections must be complete prior to the Unit Test for Credit

Formative Assessments (Homework) -- initial here ____/____

 Assignments are to be completed and turned in when due.

 Regularly assigned work will be corrected an reviewed in class

 If you are missing an assignment – it is your responsibility to make up your missing practice – your quiz and test scores depend on how seriously you take that responsibility. Once we take the unit test, I no longer accept assignments from that unit.

Notebook: (required)

 Each student should have a 3-ring notebook dedicated to math. It is required as evidence of understanding as well as a resource for future math classes.

Classroom Expectations: initial here ____/____

Student Behavior – There are four basic rules that need to be followed:

1. Be in your seat when the bell rings

2. Bring your learning materials with you (Notebook, pencil, and paper – I RARELY allow students to leave class to retrieve required materials).

3. Be respectful of our classmates, the room, and your teacher

4. Show up with a desire to participate and learn – MATH ROCKS!! 5. Cell phone policy: Cell phones are not allowed in my classroom

Consequences – If you choose to be disruptive there will be consequences which could include:

Verbal Warning Detention Student/Teacher Conference

Discipline Referral Parent Contact My head exploding

Additional Student Support – I am available before school (8am), during lunch (4th period), after school (4pm) and by appointments. I also have a standing T/Th Drop-In Study Session in my room from 8-8:30.

Math is not a spectator sport!! It will be hard work, I will be here to help you, believe that you can do it (I do!!)

Statement of Commitment – Please read over this information with your parents and sign below:

I understand the information stated in the Course Syllabus and am signing to show my commitment towards my (my child’s) success in this class.


Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature

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