Mobile Operated Land Rover for Navigation

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Mobile Operated Land Rover for Navigation


A project Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Bachelor of Technology In Electronics & Communication Engineering Submitted By


3. SANKARA RAO.B 4. NARESH REDDY.T Under the Esteemed Guidance of P.Venkateswara Rao


Asst.Professor, in Electronics & communication Engineering Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Vikas College of Engineering & Technology NUNNA-52121, VIJAYAWADA RURAL.










 Embedded Systems

 Power supply

 Transformer

 Rectifiers

 Regulators

 Microcontroller description




In this project, the robot is controlled by a cell phone that makes a call to the mobile phone attached to the robot. In the course of a call, the cell phone is assigned to automatic answer button is activated. A tone corresponding to the button pressed is heard at the other end of the call. This tone is called ‘dual-tone multiple-frequency’ (DTMF) tone. The robot perceives this DTMF tone with the help of the phone stacked in the robot. The received tone is processed by the AT89S52 microcontroller with the help of DTMF decoder CM8870. The decoder decodes the DTMF tone into its equivalent binary digit and this binary number is sent to the microcontroller.

The microcontroller is pre- programmed to take a decision for any given input and outputs its decision to motor drivers in order to drive the motors for forward or backward motion or a turn. The mobile that makes a call to the mobile phone stacked in the robot acts as a remote. So this simple robotic project does not require the construction of receiver and transmitter units.

DTMF signalling is used for telephone signalling over the line in the voice-frequency band to the call switching centre. The version of DTMF used for telephone tone dialling is known as ‘Touch-Tone’ DTMF assigns a specific frequency (consisting of two separate tones) to each key so that it can easily be identified by the electronic circuit. The signal generated by the DTMF encoder is a direct algebraic summation, in real time, of the amplitudes of two sine (cosine)waves of different frequencies, i.e., pressing ‘5’ will send a tone made by adding 1336 Hz and 770 Hz to the other end of the line. Then the command is done with the frequency assigned to it. Then the robot move according to the commands given by the user.


Conventionally, wireless-controlled robots use RF circuits, which have the drawbacks of limited working range, limited frequency range and limited control. Use of a mobile phone for robotic control can overcome these limitations. It provides the advantages of robust control, working range as large as the coverage area of the service provider, no interference with other controllers and up to twelve controls.

Although the appearance and capabilities of robots vary vastly, all robots share the features of a mechanical, movable structure under some form of control. The control of robot involves three distinct phases: reception, processing and action. Generally, the preceptors are sensors mounted on the robot, processing is done by the on-board microcontroller or processor, and the task (action) is performed using motors or with some other actuators. In this project the robot is operated with the help of cell phone using the DTMF technology which is assigned in the cell phones.




Here in this block diagram we are using two cell phones. One of the two cell phones is used as the transmitter. From this transmitter cell phone, we are sending the DTMF signal to another cell phone which is the robotic car.

A cell phone which receives the signal from the transmitter will give the signal to DTMF (mt8870). From that DTMF it sends the binary signals to the micro controller which already has a program written into the micro controller according to the users specifications.

The motor will drive the robotic car according to the instruction given by the micro controller. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM EXPLANATION

We apply a 230v AC source of 12- 0-12 transformer, which is a step down transformer. This step down transformer gives 12v AC. Using a bridge rectifier we can change the AC voltage to DC voltage. This voltage is applied to 7805 voltage regulator which in turn gives a constant 5v DC configuration. The output of 7805 voltage regulator is applied to 40th pin of microcontroller. A mobile is used here to transmit the signals and this mobile acts as a transmitter. Here we use DTMF which receives the signals sent from the mobile.

The data given to the mobile is transmitted through DTMF pins 11,12,13,14,15 to the microcontroller port-1 pins 4,5,6,7,8 respectively. Microcontroller transmits the data from its port-2 pins 21,22,23,24 to L293D input pins 2,7,10,15. And the output pins 3,5,11,14 are connected to the first motor. The L293D pins 1,8,9,16 are shorted. The output pins 13,14 of the microcontroller at port-3 are connected to the L239D input pins 2,7. The output pins 3,6 are connected to the another motor. These motors can rotate.


The CM8870 provides full DTMF receiver capability by integrating both the band split filter and digital decoder functions into a single 18-pin IC or 20-pin PLCC package. The CM8870 is manufactured using state-of-the-art CMOS process technology for low power consumption (35mW, max.) and precise data handling. The filter section uses a switched capacitor technique for both high and low group filters and dial tone rejection. TheCM8870 decoder uses digital counting techniques for the detection and decoding of all 16 DTMF tone pairs into a 4-bit code. This DTMF receiver minimizes external component count by providing an on-chip differential input amplifier, clock generator, and a latched three-state interface bus.


Embedded systems are designed to do some specific task, rather than be a general-purpose computer for multiple tasks. Some also have real time performance constraints that must be met, for reason such as safety and usability; others may have low or no performance requirements, allowing the system hardware to be simplified to reduce costs.

An embedded system is not always a separate block - very it is physically built-in to the device it is controlling. The software written for embedded systems is often called firmware, and is stored in read-only memory or flash convector chips rather than a disk drive. It often runs with limited computer hardware resources: small or no keyboard, screen, and little memory.

Wireless communication has become an important feature for commercial products and a popular research topic within the last ten years. There are now more mobile phone subscriptions than wired-line subscriptions. Lately, one area of commercial interest has been low-cost, low-power, and short-distance wireless communication used for \personal wireless networks." Technology advancements are providing smaller and more cost effective devices for integrating computational processing, wireless communication, and a host of other functionalities. These embedded communications devices will be integrated into applications ranging from homeland security to industry automation and monitoring. They will also enable custom tailored engineering solutions, creating a revolutionary way of disseminating and processing information. With new technologies and devices come new business activities, and the need for employees in these technological areas. Engineers who have knowledge of embedded systems and wireless communications will be in high demand. Unfortunately, there are few adorable environments available for development and classroom use, so students often do not learn about these technologies during hands-on lab exercises. The communication mediums were twisted pair, optical fiber, infrared, and generally wireless radio. POWER SUPPLY Most of the circuits in Electronics need a smooth DC power supply in order to function correctly. Some other circuits, particularly those using digital ICs, also need their power supply to be regulated. In this article and the articles that follow in this series you will learn the meaning of terms such as 'smoothing' and 'regulation' and find out how to build a simple power supply for your circuits.

What Are AC And DC?

A representation of an Alternating Current (AC) supply is shown in figure 1. The voltage (and current) alternates between positive and negative over time and the resulting waveform shape is a sine wave. In the case of the UK mains supply, the frequency of this sine wave is 50Hz, or 50 cycles per second.

A Direct Current (DC) supply, shown in figure 2, stays at a fixed, regular, voltage all of the time, like the voltage from a battery. A DC supply is needed by most circuits as a constant reference voltage. Also, some components would be damaged by the negative half-cycles of an AC supply.

The Parts of a Power Supply: Building the 5V Regulated Power Supply Figure 4 gives a strip board layout for the 5V regulated power supply shown in figure 4. The layout does not include the transformer block, so the input to the board needs to be 7 - 35V AC from a Suitable transformer.

The layout includes space for two optional 2-way screw terminal blocks to make connecting up the power supply easier.

If the input voltage is 9V AC, you will be able to draw 1A from the power supply. For the maximum input voltage of 35V you will be able to draw 0.1A.


A suitable ready-built mains power supply unit, such as those used to control model trains, will include a transformer. I wouldn't recommend building your own due to the safety considerations when dealing with mains voltages. If such a unit does not incorporate smoothing, rectification, and regulation, then you will need to build these blocks as described in part 1 of this series. If the unit does not have a fuse or a cut-out on the output of the transformer, you will also need to add a fuse of an appropriate rating. This fuse is in addition to the mains fuse in the unit's plug and is needed to protect the low voltage winding of the transformer and any circuits you connect to it. Although we won't be building the transformer block of our 5V regulated power supply, it is interesting to know how it works.

Rectifier The purpose of a rectifier is to convert an AC waveform into a DC waveform. There are two different rectification circuits, known as 'half-wave' and 'full-wave' rectifiers. Both use components called diodes to convert AC into DC. A diode is a device which only allows current to flow through it in one direction. In this direction, the diode is said to be 'forward-biased' and the only effect on the signal is that there will be a voltage loss of around 0.7V. In the opposite direction, the diode is said to be 'reverse-biased' and no current will flow through it.


A diode bridge is an arrangement of four (or more) diodes in a bridge configuration that provides the same polarity of output for either polarity of input. When used in its most common application, for conversion of an alternating current (AC) input into direct current a (DC) output, it is known as a bridge rectifier.

Basic operation:

According to the conventional model of current flow originally established by Benjamin Franklin and still followed by most engineers today, current is assumed to flow through electrical conductors from the positive to the negative pole. In actuality, free electrons in a conductor nearly always flow from the negative to the positive pole. In the vast majority of applications, however, the actual direction of current flow is irrelevant. Therefore, in the discussion below the conventional model is retained.

In the diagrams below, when the input connected to the left corner of the diamond is positive, and the input connected to the right corner is negative, current flows from the upper supply terminal to the right along the red (positive) path to the output, and returns to the lower supply terminal via the blue (negative) path. When the input connected to the left corner is negative, and the input connected to the right corner is positive, current flows from the upper supply terminal to the right along the red (positive) path to the output, and returns to the lower supply terminal via the blue (negative) path


While there are many circuits that will tolerate a smoothed power supply, some must have a completely regular supply with no ripple voltage. This article discusses regulator ICs which can provide this regular power supply.

The 78xx Series of Regulators

There are many types of regulator IC and each type will have different pin-outs and will need to be connected up slightly differently. Therefore, this article will only look at one of the common ranges of regulator, the 78xx series.

There are seven regulators in the 78xx series, and each can pass up to 1A to any connected circuit. There are also regulators with similar type numbers that can pass a higher or lower current, as shown in the table below. In addition, variable regulators are available, as are regulators that can provide negative regulation voltages for circuits that require them. Here we are representing the regulators used in this project. TYPE NUMBER REGULATION VOLTAGE MAXIMUMCURRENT MINIMUM VOLTAGE

7805 +5V 1A +7V

7812 +12V 1A +14.5V

If you are using a regulator after the smoothing block of the power supply, then you shouldn't need to worry about the ripple voltage, since the whole point of using a regulator is to get a stable, accurate, known voltage for your circuits!


The AT89S52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 8K bytes of in-system programmable Flash memory. The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high- density non-volatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry-standard 80C51 instruction set and pin out. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with in-system programmable Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89S52 is a powerful microcontroller which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded control applications. The AT89S52 provides the following standard features: 8K bytes of Flash, 256 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, Watchdog timer, two data pointers, three 16-bit timer/counters, a six-vector two- level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, on-chip oscillator, and clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89S52 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port, and interrupt system to continue functioning.

Pin diagram Pin Description: VCC - Supply voltage. GND - Ground.

Port 0 Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bidirectional I/O port. As an output port, each pin can sink eight TTL inputs. When 1s are written to port 0 pins, the pins can be used as high impedance inputs. Port 0 can also be configured to be the multiplexed low order address/data bus during accesses to external program and data memory.

Port 1 Port 1 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pull ups. The Port 1 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 1 pins, they are pulled high by the internal pull ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pull ups.

Port 2 Port 2 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pull ups. The Port 2 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 2 pins, they are pulled high by the internal pull ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pull ups.

Port 3 Port 3 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-ups. The Port 3 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 3 pins, they are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the pull-ups.

RST Reset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. This pin drives High for 96 oscillator periods after the Watchdog times out. The DISRTO bit in SFR AUXR (address 8EH) can be used to disable this feature.

ALE/PROG: Address Latch Enable (ALE) is an output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. This pin is also the program pulse input (PROG) during Flash programming. In normal operation, ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6 the oscillator frequency and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes.

PSEN: Program Store Enable (PSEN) is the read strobe to external program memory. When the AT89S52 is executing code from external program memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to external data memory.

EA/VPP: External Access Enable. EA must be strapped to GND in order to enable the device to fetch code from external program memory locations starting at 0000H up to FFFFH. This pin also receives the 12-volt programming enable voltage (VPP) during Flash programming.

XTAL1: Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit.

XTAL2: Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier. WORKING:

In order to control the robot, you need to make a call to the cell phone attached to the robot (through head phone) from any phone, which sends DTMF tunes on pressing the numeric buttons. The cell phone in the robot is kept in ‘auto answer’ mode. (If the mobile does not have the auto answering facility, receive the call by ‘OK’ key on the robot- connected mobile and then made it in hands-free mode). So after a ring, the cell phone accepts the call. Now you may press any button on your mobile to perform actions. The DTMF tones thus produced are received by the cell phone in the robot. These tones are fed to the circuit by the headset of the cell phone.

The CM8870 decodes the received tone and sends the equivalent binary number to the microcontroller. According to the program in the microcontroller, the robot starts moving. When you press key ‘2’ (binary equivalent 00000010) on your mobile phone, the microcontroller outputs ‘10001001’ binary equivalent. Port pins PD0, PD3 and PD7 are high. The high output at PD7 of the microcontroller drives the motor driver (L293D). Port pins PD0 and PD3 drive motors M1 and M2 in forward direction. Similarly, motors M1 and M2 move for left turn, right turn, backward motion and stop condition.

What Is DTMF…….?

Dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) signalling is used for telephone signalling over the line in the voice-frequency band to the call switching center. The version of DTMF used for telephone tone dialling is known by the trademarked term Touch-Tone, and is standardized by ITU-T Recommendation. Other multi-frequency systems are used for signalling internal to the telephone network. The robot is controlled by a cell phone that makes a call to the mobile phone attached to the robot. In the course of a call, the cell phone is assigned to automatic answer button is activated. Atone corresponding to the button pressed is heard at the other end of the call. This tone is called ‘dual-tone multiple-frequency’ (DTMF) tone. The robot perceives this DTMF tone with the help of the phone stacked in the robot. The received tone is processed by the AT89S52 microcontroller with the help of DTMF decoder CM8870. DTMF signalling is used for telephone signalling over the line in the voice-frequency band to the call switching centre. The version of DTMF used for telephone tone dialling is known as ‘Touch-Tone’ DTMF assigns a specific frequency (consisting of two separate tones) to each key so that it can easily be identified by the electronic circuit.

In DTMF system the tones and assignments are as follows

The data of the buttons: SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION

Software’s used are: *Keil software for c programming

*Express PCB for lay out design

*Express SCH for schematic design

What's New in µVision3?

µVision3 adds many new features to the Editor like Text Templates, Quick Function Navigation, and Syntax Coloring with brace high lighting Configuration Wizard for dialog based start-up and debugger setup. µVision3 is fully compatible to µVision2 and can be used in parallel with µVision2.

What is µVision3?

µVision3 is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that helps you write, compile, and debug embedded programs. It encapsulates the following components:

1* A project manager. 2* A make facility. 3* Tool configuration. 4* Editor. 5* A powerful debugger. To help you get started, several example programs (located in the \C51\Examples, \C251\Examples, \C166\Examples, and \ARM\...\Examples) are provided.

6* HELLO is a simple program that prints the string "Hello World" using the Serial Interface. 7* MEASURE is a data acquisition system for analog and digital systems. 8* TRAFFIC is a traffic light controller with the RTX Tiny operating system. 9* SIEVE is the SIEVE Benchmark. 10*DHRY is the Dhrystone Benchmark. 11*WHETS are the Single-Precision Whetstone Benchmark. Additional example programs not listed here are provided for each device architecture. Building an Application in µVision2

To build (compile, assemble, and link) an application in µVision2, you must:

1. Select Project -(forexample,166\EXAMPLES\HELLO\HELLO.UV2). 2. Select Project - Rebuild all target files or Build target. 3. Creating Your Own Application in µVision2 To create a new project in µVision2, you must:

1. Select Project - New Project. 2. Select a directory and enter the name of the project file. 3. Select Project - Select Device and select an 8051, 251, or C16x/ST10 device from the Device Database™. 4. Create source files to add to the project. 5. Select Project - Targets, Groups, and Files. Add/Files, select Source Group1, and add the source files to the project. 6. Select Project - Options and set the tool options. Note when you select the target device from the Device Database™ all special options are set automatically. You typically only need to configure the memory map of your target hardware. Default memory model settings are optimal for most applications. 7. Select Project - Rebuild all target files or Build target.

Debugging an Application in µVision2

To debug an application created using µVision2, you must:

1. Select Debug - Start/Stop Debug Session. 2. Use the Step toolbar buttons to single-step through your program. You may enter G, main in the Output Window to execute to the main C function. 3. Open the Serial Window using the Serial #1 button on the toolbar. Debug your program using standard options like Step, Go, Break, and so on.

Starting µVision2 and Creating a Project

µVision2 is a standard Windows application and started by clicking on the program icon. To create a new project file select from the µVision2 menu

Project – New Project…. This opens a standard Windows dialog that asks you for the new project file name. We suggest that you use a separate folder for each project. You can simply use the icon Create New Folder in this dialog to get a new empty folder. Then select this folder and enter the file name for the new project, i.e. Project1.

µVision2 creates a new project file with the name PROJECT1.UV2 which contains a default target and file group name. You can see these names in the Project

Window – Files.

Now use from the menu Project – Select Device for Target and select a CPU for your project. The Select Device dialog box shows the µVision2 device database. Just select the microcontroller you use. We are using for our examples the Philips 80C51RD+ CPU. This selection sets necessary tool options for the 80C51RD+ device and simplifies in this way the tool Configuration

Building Projects and Creating a HEX Files

Typical, the tool settings under Options – Target are all you need to start a new application. You may translate all source files and line the application with a

Click on the Build Target toolbar icon. When you build an application with syntax errors, µVision2 will display errors and warning messages in the Output

Window – Build page. A double click on a message line opens the source file on the correct location in a µVision2 editor window.

Once you have successfully generated your application you can start debugging.

After you have tested your application, it is required to create an Intel HEX file to download the software into an EPROM programmer or simulator. µVision2 creates HEX files with each build process when Create HEX files under Options for Target – Output is enabled. You may start your PROM programming utility after the make process when you specify the program under the option Run User Program #1.

CPU Simulation µVision2 simulates up to 16 Mbytes of memory from which areas can be mapped for read, write, or code execution access. The µVision2 simulator traps and reports illegal memory accesses.

In addition to memory mapping, the simulator also provides support for the integrated peripherals of the various 8051 derivatives. The on-chip peripherals

Of the CPU you have selected are configured from the Device

Database selection

You have made when you create your project target. Refer to page 58 for more

Information about selecting a device. You may select and display the on-chip peripheral components using the Debug menu. You can also change the aspects of each peripheral using the controls in the dialog boxes.

Start Debugging

You start the debug mode of µVision2 with the Debug – Start/Stop Debug

Session command. Depending on the Options for Target – Debug

Configuration, µVision2 will load the application program and run the start-up code µVision2 saves the editor screen layout and restores the screen layout of the last debug session. If the program execution stops, µVision2 opens an

Editor window with the source text or shows CPU instructions in the disassembly window. The next executable statement is marked with a yellow arrow. During debugging, most editor features are still available.

For example, you can use the find command or correct program errors. Program source text of your application is shown in the same windows. The µVision2 debug mode differs from the edit mode in the following aspects:

_ The “Debug Menu and Debug Commands” described on page 28 are

Available. The additional debug windows are discussed in the following.

_ The project structure or tool parameters cannot be modified. All build Commands are disabled.

Disassembly Window

The Disassembly window shows your target program as mixed source and assembly program or just assembly code. A trace history of previously executed instructions may be displayed with Debug – View Trace Records. To enable the trace history, set Debug – Enable/Disable Trace Recording.

If you select the Disassembly Window as the active window all program step commands work on CPU instruction level rather than program source lines. You can select a text line and set or modify code breakpoints using toolbar buttons or the context menu commands.

You may use the dialog Debug – Inline Assembly… to modify the CPU instructions. That allows you to correct mistakes or to make temporary changes to the target program you are debugging.


1. Click on the Keil u Vision Icon on Desktop

2. The following fig will appear 3. Click on the Project menu from the title bar

4. Then Click on New Project

5. Save the Project by typing suitable project name with no extension in u r own folder sited in either C:\ or D:\ 6. Then Click on save button above.

7. Select the component for u r project. i.e. Atmel……

8. Click on the + Symbol beside of Atmel

9. Select AT89C51 as shown below 10. Then Click on “OK”

11. The Following fig will appear

12. Then Click either YES or NO………mostly “NO”

13. Now your project is ready to USE

14. Now double click on the Target1, you would get another option “Source group 1” as shown in next page. 15. Click on the file option from menu bar and select “new”

16. The next screen will be as shown in next page, and just maximize it by double clicking on its blue boarder.

17. Now start writing program in either in “C” or “ASM” 18. For a program written in Assembly, then save it with extension “. asm” and for “C” based program save it with extension “ .C”

19. Now right click on Source group 1 and click on “Add files to Group Source” 20. Now you will get another window, on which by default “C” files will appear.

21. Now select as per your file extension given while saving the file 22. Click only one time on option “ADD” 23. Now Press function key F7 to compile. Any error will appear if so happen. 24. If the file contains no error, then press Control+F5 simultaneously. 25. The new window is as follows

26. Then Click “OK” 27. Now Click on the Peripherals from menu bar, and check your required port as shown in fig below 28. Drag the port a side and click in the program file.

29. Now keep Pressing function key “F11” slowly and observe. 30. You are running your program successfully 1 APPLICATIONS:

The project is not only limited to simple functioning of the robot that is to move forward, backward, right and left, but it can also be implemented with camera to watch what is going out in particular location of the floor in a close circuit monitor or /and with a voice recorder to even record the conversation going on in a room. This definitely requires a difficult circuitry. Thus it is up to the maker what he/she wants his/her robot to be like: SIMPLE (like ours) or SOPHISTICATED…as described further.

Scientific: Remote control vehicles have various scientific uses including hazardous environments, working in deep oceans, and space exploration. The majority of the probes to the other planets in our solar system have been remote control vehicles, although some of the more recent ones were partially autonomous. The sophistication of these devices has fueled greater debate on the need for manned spaceflight and exploration.

2) Military and Law Enforcement:

Military usage of remotely controlled military vehicles dates back to the first half of 20th century. Soviet Red Army used remotely controlled Tele tanks during 1930s in the Winter War and early stage of World War II.

3) Search and Rescue:

UAVs will likely play an increased role in search and rescue in the United States. This was demonstrated by the successful use of UAVs during the 2008 hurricanes that struck Louisiana and Texas. Thus the required connection which is to be made with the ear piece that is the connections with the tip and the ring is to be taken care of, because it is this which will make the circuit to work as desired. If the wire is not connected properly the robot will not function. The ring of the hands free is shown with number 1 while the tip is with number 2

4) Recreation and Hobby:

See Radio-controlled model. Small scale remote control vehicles have long been popular among hobbyists. These remote controlled vehicles span a wide range in terms of price and sophistication. There are many types of radio controlled vehicles. These include on-road cars, off-road trucks, boats, airplanes, and even helicopters. The "robots" now popular in television shows such as Robot Wars, are a recent extension of this hobby (these vehicles do not meet the classical definition of a robot; they are remotely controlled by a human). CONCLUSION

Thus, this robot can move to any place where even man cannot enter and collects the information through a camera attached to it. The robot is being controlled by the mobile. The information collected by the robot is seen in the personal computer. This project finds a wide range of application in military purposes besides its general purpose applications.


1. IR Sensors:

IR sensors can be used to automatically detect & avoid obstacles if the robot goes beyond line of sight. This avoids damage to the vehicle if we are manoeuvring it from a distant place. 2. Password Protection:

Project can be modified in order to password protect the robot so that it can be operated only if correct password is entered. Either cell phone should be password protected or necessary modification should be made in the assembly language code. This introduces conditioned access & increases security to a great extent. 3. Alarm Phone Dialler:

By replacing DTMF Decoder IC CM8870 by a 'DTMF Transceiver IC‟ CM8880, DTMF tones can be generated from the robot. So, a project called 'Alarm Phone Dialler' can be built which will generate necessary alarms for something that is desired to be monitored (usually by triggering a relay). For example, a high water alarm, low temperature alarm, opening of back window, garage door, etc.

When the system is activated it will call a number of programmed numbers to let the user know the alarm has been activated. This would be great to get alerts of alarm conditions from home when user is at work. BIBILOGRAPHY

1. Wikipedia - The free encyclopaedia 2. 3. 4. Schenker, L (1960), "Pushbutton Calling with a Two-Group Voice- Frequency Code” The Bell system technical journal. 5. 6. California micro 7. “DTMF Tester” , „Electronics For You‟ Magazine , Edition (June 2003) 8. 9. 10.

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