Capability View Facilities and Training Areas Considerations

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Capability View Facilities and Training Areas Considerations



PREPARED BY: Name: [CDG desk officer] Sign: Position: Address: Date: Tel: [number]; Fax: [Number] Email: [email address]

APPROVED BY: Name: Sign: Position: Address: Date: Tel: [number]; Fax: [Number] Email: [email address] 2 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011 PURPOSE 1. This capability view assessment represents a step towards identifying and defining the facilities, training areas and environmental impacts of new capability. These impacts resulting from the development, delivery and sustainment of capability systems will vary. In some cases the facilities elements represent a minor and relatively insignificant requirement. In other circumstances, facilities can be a major component in support of capability project with significant cost and schedule implications. As such, the applicability of some of the questions in this publication may also differ between projects.

2. This Capability View assessment sets out an approach to assess the potential facilities requirements and related impacts on DSG products as a result of a new capability. The intent is to also use this Capability View by Capability Systems Division in developing the Concept of Operations Document in order to develop a high level appreciation of the possible bases and training areas that may be affected by the capability project. By applying the range of steps that are logically connected in this Capability View publication, the gap in facilities, training areas and environmental requirements of capability projects can be accurately identified and defined to assist the detailed development of these requirements by DSG in the subsequent development stages, namely CSIR Part 2, Strategic Business Case and Detailed Business Case. This will lead to better outcomes for Defence.

3. Real value to detailed estate planning is gained by considering the underlying issues associated with each of the questions and bringing forth any matters of concern that could pose challenges and represent risks (or issues) in delivering the required infrastructure support to capability. Added complexities can arise when environmental issues are taken into account: while costs may be minor, the potential impact on the capability project can be significant. Also significant and complex facility requirements must be identified early to allow Parliamentary Works Committee (PWC) consideration in a timely maner.

4. The assessment aspects in this publication are meant to be interpreted by personnel with expertise in base operations & management and facilities matters. Initial guidance and assistance for completing this assessment could be sought from respective Service Infrastructure agencies (IDA-AF, Dir Plans Army – Infrastructure Section, Dir Navy Basing & Environ Pol) and/or Unit or Functional Commands. Answers to some of the questions can be provided by references to existing documents such as OCD, TCD, Acquisition Strategy, support concept, etc.

5. This publication, which is an expansion of the considerations contained within the Defence Capability Costing Standard – Facilities, has been prepared by the Directorate of Infrastructure Capability Coordination (DICC), Estate Planning Branch, Infrastructure Division. 3 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011 6. An editable version of this publication can be downloaded from:

7. 4 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011 5 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011 CAPABILITY – For broad appreciation of the impact of capability 1 Comments on DSG elements Describe the capability, incl its security classification a (The aim of this question is to gain an insight into the equipment so future questions can be tailored to the capability)

Has an Operational Concept Document been prepared? If so provide reference. Has the Logistics Support Concept document been prepared? If so provide reference. b Has a Training Needs Analysis been prepared? If so provide reference.

What is the project schedule and milestones? . First Pass – ORC, CDB, DCC & Govt approval dates . Second Pass – ORC, CDB, DCC & Govt approval dates c . IOC . Transition Period . FOC

What is the capability Life of Type (LOT)? d What potential LOT extension is likely?

How will the new capability be used? . Is it manned, unmanned? . Is it fixed, mobile, etc? e 6 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011 CAPABILITY – For broad appreciation of the impact of capability 1 Comments on DSG elements Describe the capability, incl its security classification a (The aim of this question is to gain an insight into the equipment so future questions can be tailored to the capability)

Has an Operational Concept Document been prepared? If so provide reference. Has the Logistics Support Concept document been prepared? If so provide reference. b Has a Training Needs Analysis been prepared? If so provide reference.

What is the project schedule and milestones? . First Pass – ORC, CDB, DCC & Govt approval dates . Second Pass – ORC, CDB, DCC & Govt approval dates c . IOC . Transition Period . FOC

What is the capability Life of Type (LOT)? d What potential LOT extension is likely?

How will the new capability be used? . Is it manned, unmanned? . Is it fixed, mobile, etc? e 7 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011 CAPABILITY – For broad appreciation of the impact of capability 1 Comments on DSG elements Describe the capability, incl its security classification a (The aim of this question is to gain an insight into the equipment so future questions can be tailored to the capability)

Has an Operational Concept Document been prepared? If so provide reference. Has the Logistics Support Concept document been prepared? If so provide reference. b Has a Training Needs Analysis been prepared? If so provide reference.

What is the project schedule and milestones? . First Pass – ORC, CDB, DCC & Govt approval dates . Second Pass – ORC, CDB, DCC & Govt approval dates c . IOC . Transition Period . FOC

What is the capability Life of Type (LOT)? d What potential LOT extension is likely?

How will the new capability be used? . Is it manned, unmanned? . Is it fixed, mobile, etc? e 8 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011 CAPABILITY – For broad appreciation of the impact of capability 1 Comments on DSG elements Describe the capability, incl its security classification a (The aim of this question is to gain an insight into the equipment so future questions can be tailored to the capability)

Has an Operational Concept Document been prepared? If so provide reference. Has the Logistics Support Concept document been prepared? If so provide reference. b Has a Training Needs Analysis been prepared? If so provide reference.

What is the project schedule and milestones? . First Pass – ORC, CDB, DCC & Govt approval dates . Second Pass – ORC, CDB, DCC & Govt approval dates c . IOC . Transition Period . FOC

What is the capability Life of Type (LOT)? d What potential LOT extension is likely?

How will the new capability be used? . Is it manned, unmanned? . Is it fixed, mobile, etc? e 9 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011 10 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011

PPP SUITABILITY – To assess whether a PPP option should be 2 explored in the initial stages of project development. Comments

Will the capital cost of the project exceed $50 million?

(PPP Policy Framework requires serious and transparent a consideration to the use of PPPs for project proposals having a capital cost in excess of $50 million).

Will the required capability and associated service delivery involve Core Services? (Core Services are those non-asset related services which the government would normally retain responsibility for delivering. Outside b these, a range of asset-related and other ancillary services associated with the project may be considered for PPP. For Defence projects, Core Services will include provision and operation of Specialised Military Equipment).

Is it likely that Key Performance Indicators for the capability and/or associated services could be defined in output terms covering c quantity, quality and time?

Will the project involve a number of individual service contracts which d can be bundled into a single long-term contract? 11 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011

LOCATION AND TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS – To allow 3 identification of any base augmentation and any supporting Comments transport requirements What are the home base options for the capability? a

How does this home base location/s best meet Defence capability and basing requirements? Describe the reason behind the choice of b home base? c What additional working space is required to support the capability at the home base(s)? . Details of the space used by the current capability . Details of the space required for the new capability . Any identified options for additional working space for the new capability . Details should include: o Workshops o Equipment storage (including Q stores o Compounds, shelters and hardstanding for vehicles o Wharves, hardstands for ships, docks o Hangars o Runways (including aprons) o Washpoints o Armouries o POL points, & Fuel farms o Laboratories, including system test & validation centres, land based testing facility, etc o Roads (including intersections, turning circles, access points such as gates, overhanging obstructions such as 12 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011 trees) o Entrance precinct (guardhouse, security, visitor parking) o Car Parking (secure and general), etc What additional office accommodation is required to support the capability at the home base(s)? . Details of the space used by the current capability . Details of the space required for the new capability . Any identified options for additional office space for the new d capability . Details should include: o Type and size of accommodation (including ablutions, kitchenettes, etc). o Conference rooms, meeting rooms, conferencing tools

What specific engineering, power and general services including e transport, etc will be required at the home base(s)?

What security protection would be required for the new capability at f home base(s)?

What are the expected operating base(s)? g

How does the operating base(s) best meet Defence capability and basing requirements? Describe the reason behind the choice of h operating bases? i What additional working space is required to support the capability at the operating bases? . Details of the space used by the current capability . Details of the space required for the new capability 13 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011 . Any identified options for additional working space for the new capability . Details should be itemised as per 3c.

What additional office accommodation is required to support the capability at the operating base(s)? . Details of the space used by the current capability j . Details of the space required for the new capability . Any identified options for additional office space for the new capability . Details should be itemised as per 3d.

What specific engineering, power and general services including road k access, transport, etc will be required at the operating base(s)?

What security protection would be required for the new capability at l operating base(s)? m What will contractors require as working space and office accommodation to operate/support the capability at the home base(s) and/or operating base(s) require facilities? . Type of facilities required . What specialist fit out/services (power, engineering, access, etc) required . Who will be responsible for supplying and maintaining these facilities . If Defence is supplying these facilities, will they be Mandated’ facilities or ‘Optional’ facilities (see DI(G) Admin 35-1) . Where will these facilities be located and why? 14 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011 (For large naval projects, the Commonwealth may provide dry dock facilities. For RAAF projects, the Commonwealth may provide hangars for maintenance activities). How will the capability be transported around Australia? n 15 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011

INTRODUCTION INTO SERVICE (IIS) – To identify the operational 4 Comments and support transitional requirements What will be the transitional arrangements if the new capability is replacing existing capability? . What will be the overlap in home base between current and new capability? . What will be the overlap in operating locations between current a and new capability? . What will be the Cwlth roles/responsibilities for the IIS? . What will be the contractor(s) roles/responsibilities for the IIS? . What specific services (engineering/store/workshop/power,etc) would be needed for IIS, including contractor’s services requirements? What will be the trial support requirements during IIS phase? . Details of trial locations . Expected engineering and other services including contractor requirements at trial locations . Storage requirements for equipment, spares, test & trial equipment and other specialised equipment, including hard stands b . Office accommodation at trial locations . Work space requirements at trial locations . Living-in accommodation at trial locations . Expected usage of EO at trial locations and amount of EO that will require storage (e.g. approx. no. of units)

What will be the training support requirements during the IIS phase? Also describe: c . Contractor provided training facility . Cwlth provided training facility . Training overlap between current and new capability? 16 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011 17 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011

CAPABILITY SUSTAINMENT REQUIREMENTS – To allow 5 Comments identification of ongoing support facilities What will be the level of the capability management & maintenance responsibilities of contractors? . Will this work be undertaken at contractor support facilities or Commonwealth provided facilities? a What will be the level of the capability management & maintenance responsibilities of the Commonweath? . Where will this work be undertaken (at home base and/or operating bases)? b Are there any large stores holdings associated with the capability? If so, What is the preferred location and why?

What specific engineering services, power and other general and c specific services will be required at Support Bases? d What type of fuel will the equipment use? What will be the source of fuel supply? . If replacing existing capability, is the type of fuel different to what is being replaced?

What increased (or decreased) Petroleum, Oils and Lubricants supply & distribution will be required at each location (home base and operating bases) for operation, support and training?

Where is fuel for the capability likely to be sourced, and how will it be distributed to the equipment? 18 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011

What additional POL Wash Points will be required at each location?

What noise is the equipment likely to generate? . At Operating Base . At Support Base e . At Training Base If replacing existing capability, is the new capability noisier or quieter compared to the capability being replaced? 19 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011

PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS – To allow identification of 6 working and living space requirements and associated garrison Comments services What are options for operating the capability? . Is this operated by a single service or joint service personnel? a . What other agencies (internal and external) will assist the operations? . Are the other agencies involvement of a permanent (on- going) nature or transitional or demand driven? What are the options for maintaining the capability? . Will the capability be maintained in-house by Defence resources b only? . Will the sustainment (in full or part) be contracted? If so, what parts of sustainment will be out-sourced? What is the expected net increase/decrease in Defence personnel numbers associated with the operation of the capability at each location? . During capability development phase . During the capability transition-in phase c . During the capability in-service phase . During the capability transition-out phase

How many of these personnel will require living-in accommodation for each phase? What messing and associated services are required? d What is the expected net increase/decrease in Defence personnel numbers associated with the support of the capability at each location? . During capability development phase . During the capability transition-in phase . During the capability in-service phase . During the capability transition-out phase 20 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011

How many of these personnel will require living-in accommodation for each phase? What messing and associated services are required?

How many contractors are expected to assist in the operation of the new capability at each location? e . Is this phased-in/phased-out? . What will be the length of contract operating period

How many contractors are expected to assist with the support of the new capability at each location? f . Is this phased-in/phased-out? . What will be the length of contract operating period 21 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011

TRAINING REQUIREMENTS – To allow identification of training 7 Comments facilities What individual training requirements will be needed to operate the capability? . Which ADF Schools will be affected? . Is there a requirement for new facilities at the schools (e.g. a platform simulators, specialized classrooms) . What is the training liability in numbers for capability introduction and operation in service?

What collective training requirements will be needed to operate the capability? . Space, shape and nature of the terrain required? o At Urban terrain? o At Open terrain o At Littoral zone? . Wet/dry weather requirements? . Air space requirements? b o Size and shape? o Benign airspace? . Sea space requirements? o Shallow/deep water o Open ocean/littoral combination? . Instrumentation requirements for conduct? . Instrumentation requirements for after action review?

How frequently will collective training be conducted? . How much equipment will be involved? c . How many personnel will be involved? 22 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011 What is the signature footprint of the capability? . Electronic environment including directed energy or electronic warfare? d . Impact on land (tracked/wheeled) . Impact on sea/air? . Does it typically deploy singular or in numbers?

What are the simulation requirements for training of the capability when deployed? . Connectivity into the DRN/DSN and Defence Training Enabled Network (DTEN) from the training area? . Connectivity into the DRN/DSN and DTEN from the e home/operating base? . Weapon and system simulation platforms at the home and/or operating base? . Indoor simulated firing ranges?

Will the training involve shoulder fired/hand held live firing? . What permanent ranges are required? . Are there any special ammunition restrictions? . What is the nature of the ammunition (ball, high explosive/fragmentation etc) f . What are the air space requirements to accommodate flight and burst? . Are there any special ammunition storage/handling requirements? . What are the terminal effects of the weapon, in general terms? g Will the training involve indirect fire large calibre live firing? . Describe the live firing activities (single round or massed) . Is it an air to surface, surface to surface, surface to air, sea to surface, sea to sea or air to air live firing capability? . What permanent ranges are required? 23 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011 . Does it require special target systems? . Does it require electronic target scoring? . Does the target need observation? . Describe the typical range from firing point to target . Does it require long range stand off weapons firing? . Describe the templating/safety trace requirements . Are there any special ammunition restrictions? . What is the nature of the ammunition (high explosive/smoke etc?) . Are there any special ammunition storage/handling requirements? . What are the air space requirements to accommodate flight and burst? . What are the terminal effects of the weapon, in general terms?

What is the preferred existing training area, including air and sea space, suitable for training with the capability, in relation to the home base and the operating base? h . Describe major shortcomings . What is the preferred deployment time and method to a training area? i Based on the sponsor’s understanding of the new capability, what special conditions, infrastructure or facility requirements, not mentioned above, are needed to conduct training? . Benign airspace? . Remote secure areas for training? . Logistic considerations including forward supply of fuel, water and transport? . Specialised storage or loading infrastructure? . All weather roads and access to training sectors? . Specialised recovery facilities including recovery of UXO? . Unrestricted access to sea or air space within specified stated 24 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011 requirements at intervals as required? 25 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011

IT REQUIREMENTS – To allow identification of IT based 8 Comments infrastructure requirements What are the IT infrastructure needs, including network access, IT security, etc for the capability? a . At the Home Base(s) . Operating Base(s) . At Training locations

Is there any special IT equipment that must be stored at bases? . What level of security protection is required? b . Any details of size and volume? 26 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011

ENVIRONMENTAL AND SAFETY IMPACTS – To allow 9 identification of potential environmental and safety based Comments infrastructure requirements What are the new capability environmental and/or heritage impacts? a (This should address air emissions, noise, water & soil contamination, marine pollution, waste generation, vegetation loss, heritage issues, etc, including end of life disposal and cumulative impacts)

Will the capability require any special environmental protection measures to meet any restrictions imposed? b (This should cover emission scrubbers, noise attenuation, water or soil treatment, biodiversity protection, waste disposal, etc) Will the capability require large inputs of resources such as water, energy, materials? c Will the use including training, operation and maintenance of the capability pose any restrictions in the use renewable energy sources?

Will personnel operating or supporting the capability require any d special safety protection? e Has a potential Environmental Risk Matrix been prepared to inform the development of Project Environmental Management Plan and identify Environmental Impact Assessment requirement in accordance with DMSP(MAT) 1/2006? (The presence of endangered species of flora and fauna can impact on the shape or location of works. The time frame associated with 27 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011 obtaining EPBC clearances can also be significant. Defence must also comply with any heritage restrictions that may apply. This can add both cost and time to project approvals). 28 Capability view – facilities and training areas considerations Issue 3, Nov 2011 SPECIALISED GARRISON SUPPORT SERVICE IMPACTS – To 10 allow identification of specialist additional garrison support Comments requirements What additional personnel transport service would be required at each location? Particularly . How many general transport vehicles would be required at each location? a . How many specialist transport vehicles (specify type and no) would be required at each location?

Are there any other specialist Garrison Support service requirements? b

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