Santa Ynez Valley Union High School District s1

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Santa Ynez Valley Union High School District s1

SANTA YNEZ VALLEY UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION AGENDA Tuesday, February 19, 2013 Regular Meeting Closed Session 4:00 pm Open Session 6:00 pm

The regular meeting of the Santa Ynez Valley Union High School District Board of Education will be held in the Board Room, Santa Ynez Valley Union High School, 2975 East Highway 246, Santa Ynez, California on February 19, 2013 at 4:00 pm. The public may address the Board on each agenda item as it is discussed. The President of the Board will recognize members of the public who indicate that they wish to speak after each person has completed a speaker card. Persons wishing to address the Board shall be allowed three minutes for each presentation. The Board is prohibited from taking action on any item that is not part of the printed and published agenda. Members of the public may request to place items of district concern on the Board agenda by contacting the Superintendent in writing at least 10 days prior to the next regular meeting. Members of the public are encouraged to submit comments in writing.

A. Regular Session- 4:00 pm

A.1 Call to Order

A.2 Public Comments (relating to closed session only)

B. Closed Session-4:05 pm

B.1 Public Employment: Superintendent Search - Confer with Search Advisor: Albert Zonana, Assistant Superintendent, Santa Barbara County Education Office. (Government Code §54957)

B.2 Deliberating on Student Expulsion 2012/2013-2 (Ed Code 48900 (c, k,))

B.3 Certificated Negotiations (Government Code 54957.6.)

C. Reconvene in Open Session-6:00 pm

C.1 Report on Action Taken in Closed Session (if any) C.2 Roll Call C.3 Flag Salute C.4 Approval of Agenda C.5 Public Comments

Members of the public are invited to address the board on items of district concern, which are not included elsewhere on the agenda. Persons wishing to address the Board should complete a speaker card. Persons wishing to address the Board shall be allowed three minutes on a topic that is not addressed on the regular Board agenda.

C.6 Reports and Presentations

a. Student Board Representative- Chase Hemming b. Physical Education/AVID Departments c. John Connolly Presentation d. Principal e. Superintendent 1) Attendance Reports a. Santa Ynez Valley Union High School b. Refugio High School 2) Santa Ynez Valley Union High School Data Points a. Frosh Pyramid of Interventions b. Sophomore Pyramid of Interventions c. Juniors Pyramid of Interventions d. Discipline Data Points 9-12 e. Intervention Data f. Athletics Data g. Academic Mentor Program 3) Refugio High a. 2012/2013 Grading/Credit Report

D. Consent Agenda

At this time the board will act on the items listed below. These items are considered to be routine and are normally approved by a single vote of the board without separate discussion in order to conserve time and permit focus on other matters on this agenda. Individual consent items may be removed and considered separately at the request of a board member or staff. The superintendent and staff recommend approval of all consent agenda items.

 General Administration

D.1 Approval of Minutes

a. January 15, 2013 Regular Meeting

A copy of the minutes from these meetings is included in the packet and is posted in the District Office. After they have been approved by the Board of Education, they will be posted on the District web site:

 Curriculum and Instruction

D.2 Ratify Approval of Out of County Student Transportation to Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo

Resource Person: Mark Swanitz Funding Resource: Seminar will be paid by People Helping People, Transportation will be paid by Youth Action Council/PHP and principal’s discretionary fund; therefore there will be no cost to the district. Recommendation: That the Board ratifies approval of Out of County Student Transportation to Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo.

D.3 Approval of Student Transportation to ITT Technical Institute, Oxnard, March 22, 2013

Resource Person: Mark Swanitz Funding Resource: All expenses will be paid out of OLA Funds, therefore no cost to the district. Recommendation: That the Board approves Student Transportation to ITT Technical Institute, Oxnard, March 22, 2013 D.4 Ratify Approval of Out of County Student Transportation to UCLA and Pepperdine

Resource Person: Mark Swanitz Funding Resource: All expenses will be paid out of AVID Funds, therefore no cost to the district. Recommendation: That the Board ratifies approval of out of county student transportation to UCLA and Pepperdine.

D.5 Approval of Student Transportation to Los Angeles are April 19-20, 2013

Resource Person: Mark Swanitz Funding Resource: All expenses will be paid out of ROP Funds, therefore no cost to the district. Recommendation: That the Board approves Student Transportation Los Angeles are April 19-20, 2013.

D.6 Ratify Approval of Student Transportation for the Wrestling Team, Six Flags Magic Mountain, January 26, 2013

Resource Person: Mark Swanitz Funding Resource: All expenses will be paid out of the Wrestling Team Booster Club Funds, therefore no cost to the district. Recommendation: That the Board ratifies approval of student transportation for the wrestling team, Six Flags Magic Mountain, January 26, 2013.

D.7 Approval of Student Transportation to Los Angeles, April 10, 2013

Resource Person: Mark Swanitz Funding Resource: All expenses will be paid out ROP Funds, therefore no cost to the district. Recommendation: That the Board ratifies approval of student transportation to Los Angeles, April 10, 2013

 Personnel Services

D.8 Accept Resignation from Girls Golf Coach Gretchen Smith Effective Immediately.

D.9 Accept Resignation from Ray Patton, Part-time Auto Shop Teacher, effective June 30, 2013

D.10 2012/2013 Santa Ynez Valley Union High School Athletic Coaches pending meeting district certification requirements:

a. Ashley Coelho-Girls Golf b. Allen Pinoli-Varsity Football Assistant c. Daniel Pace –Golf Volunteer d. Nathan Willingham-Boys Tennis Assistant e. Jimmy Sanchez-Softball Volunteer f. Nathan Flores-Track Volunteer g. Tyler Otis-Varsity Assistant Football Coach h. Bryan Peterson-JV Assistant Football Coach i. Paolo Aglong-JV Assistant Football Coach j. Nicole Antles, Volunteer Cheerleading Coach

D.11 Approval of Four-Day Work Week for District Operation, Summer 2013

Resource Person: Paul Turnbull Fiscal Impact: Anticipated utility savings unknown due to potential PG & E rate Increase. Recommendation: That the Board approves a four-day work week for District Operations in summer of 2013.

D.1 2 Request Approval to Hire a Former Auto Shop Student to Work Under Direction of Ray Patton, Auto Shop Teacher to Perform Maintenance and Repairs on District Vehicles, February 2013-June 2013 (Temporary Position)

Resource Person: Paul Turnbull Fiscal Impact: Potential impact $1,650.00 and $345 statutory benefits Funding Source: General Fund Recommendation: That the Board approves the request to hire a former auto shop student to work under direction of Ray Patton, auto shop teacher to perform maintenance and repairs on district vehicles, February 2013-June 2013 (temporary position).

 Business Services

D.13 January 2013 Payroll – Certificated and Classified

D.14 Warrant Listings

a. January 4, 2013 b. January 11, 2013 c. January 18, 2013

D.15 January 2013 Purchase Orders

D.16 January 2013 Financial Report

D.17 January 2013 Travel Log

D.18 December 2012 Café Report

D.19 Acceptance of Donations

a. Joan Mitchell, $150/Art Supplies, Art Program b. Charles Cappel, $3,000/Golf Clubs, Golf

D.20 Approval of the 2013-2014 Budget Calendar

Resource Person: Paul Turnbull Funding Resource: N/A Recommendation: That the Board approves the 2013-2014 Budget Calendar.

 Student Matters

D.21 2013/2014 Inter-district Attendance Agreement FROM Santa Ynez Valley Union High School District TO Santa Barbara School District (Dos Pueblos).

a. 2013/2014 (2-12)

E. Action Agenda

Action items have generally been presented to the Board at a previous meeting in public session. Background information is provided to Board members for review, questions and consideration. After legally authorized closed sessions, appropriate actions are also taken or reported out in public session.

 Business Services

E.1 Approval of 2013-2014 Preliminary Budget Action Plan

Resource Person: Paul Turnbull Funding Resource: Unrestricted General Fund Recommendation: That the Board approves the 2013-2014 action plan as presented. F. Discussion Agenda

Discussion items may recognize people and programs, provide reports, request operational actions, discuss proposals or make recommendations. The board may comment, provide direction or take action on these items. Generally, items requiring action will be placed on a following action agenda.

F.1 Latin Historical Information

Resource Person: Mark Swanitz

G. Board Comments and Correspondence

This agenda item allows board members the opportunity to discuss items of general interest, provide a reference or other resource to staff, ask for clarification or request staff to report to the board on a certain matter. No action will be taken. Individual board members may also have received correspondence that they want to share with the board, staff, and the public.

H. Board Matters

H.1 Adoption of BP/AR 1330 Use of School Facilities

Resource Person: Paul Turnbull Fiscal Impact: This policy would allow for additional revenue to the District, offsetting growing maintenance costs. Recommendation: That the Board adopts BP/AR 1330 Use of School Facilities.

H.2 First Reading of AR 5131.9 Academic Honesty Resource Person: Paul Turnbull Fiscal Impact: N/A Recommendation: That the Board reviews the attached language for AR 5131.9 Academic Honesty and provide staff with input and bring the policy back in subsequent board meeting for adoption.

H.3 First Reading of AR 3260 and BP 3260 Fees and Charges

Resource Person: Paul Turnbull Fiscal Impact: N/A Recommendation: That the Board reviews the attached language for AR 3260 and BP 3260 Fees and Charges and provide staff with input and bring the policy back in subsequent board meeting for adoption.

H.4 Upcoming Board Meeting Dates (information)

March 12, 2013 April 23, 2013 May 21, 2013 June 18, 2013

All meetings are held at 6:00 p.m., in the Santa Ynez Valley Union High School District Board Room.

H.5 Upcoming School Events

March 8, 2013-Principal’s Coffee 8:30 am Board Room April 12, 2013-Principal’s Coffee 8:30 am Board Room April-Drama Production-Dates TBA May 1, 2013-Open House May 9, 2013-Staff Appreciation Luncheon 11:40 am New Gym May 9, 2013-Senior Awards-7:00 pm New Gym May 10, 2013-Principal’s Coffee 8:30 am Board Room May 26, 2013-Baccalaureate-TBD May 31, 2013-Commencement-4:00 pm Athletic Field

H.6 Future Agenda Items

This agenda item allows board members to direct staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda.

I. Adjournment

REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION FOR ANY INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in a meeting or function of the Santa Ynez Valley Union High School District may request assistance by contacting the District Office, 2975 E Hwy 246, Santa Ynez, CA 93460; telephone 805-688-6487, extension 3570; or fax 805- 686-4454 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. BB 9005.1(a) Board Bylaws


Purpose The Board of Trustees is the educational policy-making body for the district. To effectively meet the District’s challenges, the Board and Superintendent must function together as a leadership team. To ensure unity among team members, effective operating procedures, or protocols, must be in place. There are general protocols and those that are specific for the Board and for the superintendent.

General -The Board and Superintendent will:

1. Keep learning and achievement for all students as the primary focus.* 2. Value, support, and advocate for public education.* 3. Operate openly with trust and integrity.* 4. Govern in a dignified and professional manner, treating everyone with civility, dignity, and respect*, while honoring the right to disagree with each other 5. Define and respect the difference between administration and policy-making and respect the roles of each. 6. Keep confidential matters confidential.* Uphold the legal requirement for confidentiality on all matters arising from Board Meeting Executive Sessions; will keep all conversations taking place in Closed Session absolutely confidential.

FOCUS ON STUDENTS Board Members will:

1. Work with all members of the Board and the Superintendent to become a team devoted to students; be dedicated to making all members of the team successful. 2. Act with dignity, and understand the implication of demeanor and behavior.* 3. Recognize and respect difference of perspective and style on the board and among staff, students, parents, and the community.* 4. Focus on policymaking, planning and evaluation for student success. 5. Govern within board-adopted policies and procedures.* 6. Communicate a common vision.* 7. Understand authority rests with the board as a whole and not with individuals.* Recognize decisions are made only at properly scheduled meetings. 8. As an individual board member, not make or appear to make a decision that appropriately should be made by the entire board. 9. Support decisions of the majority after honoring the right of individual members to express opposing viewpoints and vote their convictions. 10. Ensure opportunities for the diverse range of views in the community to inform board deliberations.* 11. Attend regularly scheduled board meetings unless a situation occurs that makes attendance impossible; cooperate in scheduling special meetings and/or work sessions for planning and training purposes. BB 9005.1(b) PROTOCOLS: BOARD AND SUPERINTENDENT OPERATING PROCEDURES (continued)

12. Acknowledge that a Board member may place an item on a meeting agenda; acknowledge individual request for reports and projects will be directed only to the superintendent who will consult with the Board President. 13. Understand the distinctions between board and staff roles, and refrains from performing management functions that are the responsibility of the superintendent and staff.* 14. Understand the superintendent’s role to make personnel recommendations and changes in consultation with the Board. 15. Understand the board as a collective body must give clear signals to its professional staff through its superintendent. 16. Participate in establishing annual expectations and goals for the Superintendent. 17. Objectively evaluate the superintendent’s performance and provide appropriate feedback. 18. Periodically evaluate its own effectiveness*; review its protocols at least every two years. 19. Take collective responsibility for the board’s performance.* 20. Communicate directly with the Superintendent when a question or concern is raised by a staff member, student, parent, or community member, or contacted by the media. 21. Contact the superintendent whenever contacted by the media regarding an incident, event, or agenda item. 22. Communicate directly with the Superintendent prior to Board meetings to address questions and/or concerns about agenda items; honor the “no surprises” rule with the superintendent and fellow board members. 23. Communicate one-on-one with the Superintendent when an individual concern arises; will not allow a matter to fester. 24. Cast a vote on all matters except when a conflict of interest arises. 25. Recognize the individual role of constituents and special interest groups, while understanding the importance of using one’s best judgment to represent all members of the community. 26. As time permits, visit school sites and attend school functions, under the same guidelines of other community members; not to interrupt instruction or interrupt employees at work. 27. Attend community functions, when possible. 28. Participate in professional development and commit the time and energy necessary to be an informed and effective leader.

* CSBA Governance Standards FOCUS ON STUDENTS

The Superintendent will:

1. Work toward creating a team with the Board dedicated to students. 2. Respect and acknowledge the Board’s role in setting policy and overseeing the performance of the superintendent. 3. Work with the Board to establish a clear vision for the school district. 4. Communicate the common vision. 5. Recognize that the Board/Superintendent governance relationship requires support by the district’s management team. 6. Understand the distinction between board and staff roles, and respect the role of the Board as the representative of the community. BB 9005.1(c)


7. Accept leadership responsibility and is accountable for implementing the vision, goals, and policies of the district. 8. Prepare preliminary District goals annually for the Board’s consideration. 9. Provide data to the Board members so data-driven decisions can be made. 10. Make personnel recommendations and changes in consultation with the Board. 11. Communicate with Board members promptly and effectively. 12. Inform the Board prior to critical information becoming public; apprise all board members in a timely manner of any major incident or even they may be called on to answer or explain. 13. Distribute information fully and equally to all Board members. 14. Provide information requested by one board member to every board member. 15. Distribute the Board agenda in a timely fashion and with enough time for Board study, and clarify information prior to scheduled meetings. 16. Never bring a matter to a public meeting that is a surprise to a board member or cabinet member. 17. Provide requests for additional information through a board up-date, special report, board agenda items, or as a board workshop. 18. Present major decisions initially as a discussion item, then place it on the next board agenda for action. Unless there are major modifications to the recommendation, the item will be posted as a consent agenda item at the second hearing. 19. Treat all Board members professionally. 20. Communicate with individual Board members to determine if concerns exist prior to a possible problem developing, and respect the right to disagree with each other. 21. Conduct a self-assessment prior to the Board’s evaluation of the Superintendent’s job performance. 22. Participate in the Board’s self-assessment instrument for the Board’s consideration. 23. Keep the Board informed regarding issues and/or situations that could possibly concern parents, students, staff or community. 24. Bring to the attention of the Board matters that affect relationships. 25. Visit school campuses regularly. 26. Represent the school district by being visible in the community. 27. Model the value of life long learning.

SANTA YNEZ VALLEY UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Policy Adopted: January 20, 2005 Santa Ynez, California Revised: February 20, 2007

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