Pre-Feminist Statistics

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Pre-Feminist Statistics





FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 3 of 30 CHILD ABUSE 1.) 1980 = 62% Abusers are 1.) 1980 = Strauss M.A., Gelles, Mothers R.J. & Steinmetz Susan I., Behind Closed Doors: Violence in American Families. Doubleday N.Y. 1980)

2.) Dean Tong author “Ashes to 2..) 1995 = 3,200,000 REPORTS of Ashes, …Families to dust.” Child Abuse and neglect. And “Don’t Blame Me Daddy”  16% incorporated sex abuse  Of those, 75% were deemed unfounded, without foundation  1995 depicted that 6.5 Million children had access to only 1 parent due to false child abuse charges. 3.) 1994 – The Toronto Institute 3.) 1994 = Study of Child Maltreatment for the Prevention of Child  49% abused by mothers Abuse.  31% abused by fathers CHILD NEGLECT  85% mothers neglected children

0 to 3 category = boys were 59% of victims. 4 to 11 category = boys were 55% of victims. 4.) 1977 – Nagi, Saad Child 4.) The idea of women being violent is a Maltreatment in the United hard thing for many people to States, Columbia University believe. It goes against the Press, Newy York, p. 47, 1977. stereotype of the passive and helpless Statistical Abstracts of the female. This, in spite of the fact that United States 1987, table 277. women are known to be more likely than men to commit child abuse and child murder (Daly & Wilson 1988 report 54% of parent-child murderers where the child is under 17 were committed by the mother in Canada between 1974 and 1983, for instance. The Statistical Abstract of the United States 1987 reports that of reported child maltreatment cases between 1980 and 1984 between 57% and 61.4% of these were perpetrated by the mother. Nagi 1977 found 53.1% of perpetrators were female, 21% Male, and 22.5% both. 5.) Dr. Daniel Amneus, The 5.) “In September 1989, a Social Service Garbage Generation, Primrose Officer in Milwaukee County, by Press, Alhambra CA, 1991. name Terrence Cooley, wrote an Page 86 inter-office communication titled “AFDC/Child Abuse Information,” a copy of which found its way into the editorial office of The Family in America pointing out that of the 1,050 cases of child abuse and neglect in that county, an astonishing CHILD ABUSE 83 percent occurred in households receiving Aid to Families with Dependent Children (read: female- FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 4 of 30 headed households.)”

6.) Per Judith Sherven, 6.) While 1.8 women annually suffered Ph.D. and James one or more assaults from a husband Sniechowski, Ph.D. WOMEN or boyfriend, 2 million men are assaulted ARE RESPONSIBLE, TOO by a wife or girlfriend, according to the 1986 study. The study also found that 54% of all violence termed "severe" was by women. 7.) The Battered 7.) Their Survey, sponsored by the Statistic Syndrome by National Institute of Mental Health, Armin A. Brott -- found appeared in the that 84% of American families are not Washington Post, July, violent. In the 16% of families that 1994 do experience violence, the vast majority of that violence takes the form of slapping, shoving, and grabbing. Only 3-4% of all families (a total of about 1.8 million) engage in ""severe'' violence: kicking, punching, or

CUSTODY OF CHILDREN 1.) 1996= 69% Children with 2 1.) U.S. Bureau of the Census IN TWO PARENT Parents 1996. “Although judicial HOUSEHOLDS pronouncements have exposed gender neutrality in terms of parental custody (McIntyre & Sussman 1995, Westfall 1994, Weyrauch & Katz 1983), the reality is that more children are living with neither parent (4%) than with father-only (3%) (69% of children are living with two parents and 24% of the children are living with mother only) (U.S. Bureau of the Census 1996).

2.) (The Most 2.) National Association Significant Minority: of Elementary School One-Parent Children Principals: “One-parent in the Schools, children, on the whole, quoted in Daniel show lower achievement in Patrick Moynihan, school than their two- Family and Nation, p. parent peers….Among all 92) two-parent children, 30 percent were ranked as high achievers, compared with only 12 percent of one-parent children. At the other end of the CUSTODY OF CHILDREN IN scale, the situation is TWO PARENT HOUSEHOLDS reversed. Only 2 percent of two-parent children are low achievers---while fully 40 percent of one- parent children fell in that category.”

FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 5 of 30 3.) Average income of 2 3.) Tony Chipelow, Casey parent families is Foundation $43,000, versus $17,500 for female-headed "families"

FATHER ABANDONMENT 1.) 40% of children who live 1.) (“State of in fatherless homes have Fatherhood, Father not seen their father for Facts, quoted in at least a year. McKenzie October, 1997)

2.) 90% of all fathers 2.) subordinated to Non- custodial parent will lose all contact with their children within 5 years.

3.) 40% of children in 3.) Wade Horn, National fatherless homes have Fatherhood Initiative not seen their fathers for more than 1 year. 58% have never been in their fathers homes.

FATHERLESSNESS (ROF) 1.) In the United States alone, 23 million 1.) children grow up without a father.

2.) Cindy Loose: “Fatherlessness 2.) (Los Angeles repeatedly shows up in Times, 15 January, studies as a leading 1998) indicator for a plethora of societal problems: infant mortality, alcohol and drug abuse, criminality, low test scores, depression---even suicide.”

3.) National Fatherhood Initiative: “Almost 40% 3.) National of America’s children Fatherhood will go to sleep in a Initiative. house where their biological father does not live.

4.) “Women’s de-regulation of themselves by achieving economic and 4.) The Garbage sexual independence can Generation, Dr. Daniel wreck the system. The Amneus Phd., Primrose ghettos show how easily Press, Alhambra, CA. P. this can happen. The 38. wrecking of the system is rapidly spreading from the ghettos to the larger society, where the legal system has become patriarchy’s chief enemy, FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 6 of 30 expelling half of society’s fathers from their homes.” % COURT AWARDS TO 1.) Maggie Gallagher: 1.) (The Abolition of FATHER “Marriage is one of the Marriage, p. 150) few contracts in which the law explicitly protects the defaulting party at the expense of his or her partner.”

2.) “In America a woman can 2.) Alex de Touqueville, undertake a long journey Democracy in America in safety,"

3.) Even in cases where both 3.) Anne Mitchell of parents agree to joint F.R.E.E. custody, 33% are awarded to the custody of the % COURT AWARDS TO mother anyway, and even FATHER in cases where both parents agree to father custody, 13% are awarded to the custody of the mother.

# “DEADBEAT DADS” 1.) The PFS pilot experience ... lays bare 1.) [Gordon Berlin, Senior VP, several sobering realities about the Manpower Demonstration potential of 'enforcement only' strategies Research Corporation. for increasing (financial) child Subcommittee on Human support collections from the parents of Resources, House Ways and AFDC children. ... The hard truth is that Means Committee. March 15, many noncustodial parents do not pay 1994.] because they have no income. Before they can pay, they need jobs.

2.) A study by the Institute for Research 2.) Institute on Poverty, on Poverty at the University of University of Wisconsin- Wisconsin-Madison found that "dead- Madison. [18 Dallas Morning beat dads" were really impoverished News, pg. 5. April 26, 1993.] dads. In their comprehensive study, they found that "... 52% of the nonpaying fathers had incomes of less than $6,155 per year ... ."

3.) Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 11:20:47 – 4.) Mens Issues Page, 0500 Reply-To: David Garrod [[email protected]] cited: David Garrod Subject: Commentary on CS study (2nd [[email protected] Attempt)

There is a strong correlation between compliance and ability to pay: e.g.

INCOME CS PAID IN FULL $6,155 9% $6,155- $12,309 28% $12,310 - $18,464 45% $18,466 60% This is a known correlation, since the

FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 7 of 30 GAO report that stated that 66% of all unpaid child support is because of inability to pay.

The other correlation, which I have always suspected, but had no data on previously, is an economic response to a feeling of injustice. Look at full compliance with CS as a percentage of income.... (For all income over $6,155)

CS as % of income CS paid in full 15% 46% 15 – 20% 29% 20% 11%

I think this clearly shows that if an NCP perceives the child support order to be excessive, he refuses to pay, regardless of DEADBEAT DADS his ability to pay. Just plain old economic theory at work again!

David Garrod Posted by: [email protected] (Bronis Vidugiris)

4.) "62% of custodial mothers do not 4.) I.B.I.D. receive child support. However, of that number, three-fourths of them simply do want child support, have not asked for it, have accepted other financial arrangements instead of child support, or the father does not have the money. Only 11% of those custodial mothers who do not receive child support, is because of 'deadbeat dads'."

5.) From the Institute for Research on 5.) Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin- Poverty, University of Wisconsin Madision bu Judi Bartfeld and Daniel Meyer. Study looked at the relationship between ability to pay, enforcement, and compliance in NONmarital child support cases. (I would believe nonmarital would be the hardest to collect since the NCP often did not want to be a parent.)

They check 700 cases where the income was known through income tax records.

N$ Pay 0 PartPay PayinFull Earn< 6,155 172 33% 58% 9% $6K-$12K 218 11% 61% 28% $12K-18K 153 9% 46% 45% > $18,464 172 8% 32% 60%

As a percent of income owed to compliance...that is if child support of

FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 8 of 30 over 20% of your $6,155 what are the odds of payment?

< 15% 459 9% 45% 46% 15-20% 66 9% 62% 29% >20% 190 31% 59% 11% As the amount of child support as a percent of income increases the number who pay nothing increases. (They have to run to keep a roof over their heads.) % CUSTODY OF FATHERS 1.) 1994= 10.1% Fathers have custody 1.) 17th Report of the Office of Child Support Custodial mothers who receive a th support award: 79.6% 2.) 1996= 12.7% Fathers have custody 2.) 19 Report to the OCSE Custodial fathers who receive a [Maccoby and Mnookin, “Dividing support award: 29.9% the Child”, Harvard Universtity Non-custodial mothers who totally Press. 1995 default on support: 46.9% Non-custodial fathers who totally 3.) Samuel Osherson: “The 3.) (Quoted in James default on support: 26.9% interviews I have had Nelson, The Intimate with men in their 30s and Connection, p. 119) Non-custodial mothers who pay 40s convince me that the support at any level: 20.0% psychological or physical Non-custodial fathers who pay absence of fathers from support at any level: 61.0% their families is one of the great underestimated tragedies of our times.” Single mothers who work less than full time: 66.2% Single fathers who work less than 4.) “Fatherlessness is 4.) Popenoe .” (12 June, probably the single most full time: 10.2% 1992) important factor in the Single mothers who work more than rising juvenile 44 hours per week: 7.0% delinquency rate, Popenoe Single fathers who work more than said 44 hours per week: 24.5% Single mothers who receive public 5.) Susan B. Anthony: assistance: 46.2% “Don’t you break the law 5.) (quoted in Phyllis Single fathers who receive public every time you help a assistance: 20.8% Chesler, Patriarchy, p. slave to Canada? Well, 38) the law that gives the Soource: Technical Analysis Paper father the sole ownership No. 42, U.S. Department of Health of the children is just and as wicked, and I’ll break Human Services, Office of Income it just as quickly. You Security Policy, Oct., 1991; Authors: would die before you Meyer and Garansky would deliver a slave to his master, and I will die before I will give up the child to its father.”

6.) Riane Eisler: “Since the institution of the family functions as both 6.) (Dissolution, pp. % CUSTODY OF FATHERS a social model and a 139f.) microcosm of the larger society, feminists have always perceived that no real change in the status of women is possible unless the patriarchal family is replaced. But it is precisely because FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 9 of 30 the whole structure of patriarchy rests so heavily on the institution of the family that any challenge to it is perceived as a fundamental threat. The patriarchal family is protected by a formidable alignment of religious dogma, legal sanction, and economic constraints, so that while it receives support from practically every existing social mechanism, alternative family forms are considered ‘abnormal’ and % CUSTODY OF FATHERS receive no support at all.”

# “DEADBEAT MOMS” % COURT AWARDS TO 1.) Rickie Solinger: “This 1.) (Wake Up Little MOTHER study aims to argue most Susie, p. 19) forcefully--both implicitly and explicitly —that politicians and others in the United States have been using women’s bodies and their reproductive capacity for a long time to promote political agendas hostile to female autonomy....”

2.) Feminists don’t so much want economic 2.) Dr. Daniel Amneus, “independence” as they Case for Father Custody want economic dependence (Pre-Release Book copy) on alimony, child support payments, affirmative action and the rest-- because they want to withdraw the sexual loyalty which gives the man his provider role and motivates him to be a high achiever. The woman wishes to be independent so that she may escape from the “tyranny of the family” and its sexual regulation of her.

% CUSTODY OF 1.) 1994= 89.2% Mothers have custody 1.) 17th Report of the Office of MOTHERS Child Support 2.) 1996= 87.3% Mothers have custody 2.) 19th Report to the OCSE [Maccoby and Mnookin, “Dividing the Child”, Harvard Universtity Press. 1995

3.) The number of children 3.) (“State of FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 10 of 30 living only with mothers Fatherhood, Father grew from 5.1 million in Facts, quoted in 1960 to over 17 million McKenzie October, today 1997)

4.) “Mother-custody has been the choice 4.) Dr. Daniel Amneus, The of divorce courts for a century. It is, Garbage Generation, Primrose as the foregoing paragraphs show, a Press, Alhambra, CA. [1991] p. tried-and-failed arrangement. It does 113. not benefit women. It drags them into poverty and depression.” P. 113

5.) Andrew Payton Thomas: 5.) (Crime and the “Single parents in Sacking of America, p. general are far more 161) likely, by the mere fact of that status, to raise children who have trouble % CUSTODY OF MOTHERS obeying the law. Seventy percent of juvenile offenders come from single-parent homes....17 percent of children raised by never-married mothers are suspended or expelled from school, 11 percent of children from divorced families draw the same sanctions.” # FATHERS IMPRISONED 1.) UNEQUAL INCARCERATION 1.) FATHERS MANIFESTO © RATES Prison incarceration rates of men Web page URL= for Equivalent crimes are up to 5 times that of women, and men receive prison sentences which are 2 or more times longer for the exact same crime. For example, out of 92,490 accusations of rape in 1988, fully 51,431 of these charges were PROVEN to be false, while 15,562 men were imprisoned. A false charge of rape does far more damage than many of the alleged rape themselves, yet not one single conviction for filing a false police report and/or perjury has been identified. Compensation for this unequal application of the laws requires federal programs to ensure that the estimated 50,000 women who file FALSE charges EVERY YEAR are punished as severely as those they falsely accuse.

BUREAU OF JUSTICE STATISTICS FACT SHEET - ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 5 P.M. EDT – WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1995 - Moreover, convicted husbands were more likely to receive a term of imprisonment (94 percent of the husbands vs. 81 percent of the wives), and the average prison sentence for husbands was much longer--16 years for husbands vs. 6 years for wives.

FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 11 of 30 % FATHERS IMPRISONED 1.) 1987 = Most cases of false 1.) Dullea, 1987 (New York DUE TO FALSE ABUSE allegations involve mothers falsely Times), Zweig, 1987 (Lost ALLEGATIONS (Est) accusing fathers. Angeles Times). 2.) 61-65% of child abuse accusations 2.) David S. Gil, Bradeis are found to be unfounded or false. University, Massachusettes, In contested divorce cases with 1985. issues of child custody, the false accusation rate has reached 80%.

3.) 60-80% of child abuse accusations 3.) V.O.C.A.L. (Victims of Child are found to be false or unfounded. Abuse Legislation) # MOTHERS IMPRISONED 1.) Three times the amount of women 1.) SB 95-15 default on Child Support than men.

2.) “Who are the women in prison?… 2.) Phyllis Chesler, Mothers on More than half are single mothers Trial: The Battle for Children living on welfare” and Custody (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1986)p.291.

3.) Prosecutors sometimes don't 3.) NEW YORK TIMES prosecute; juries rarely convict; those MAGAZINE [November 2, found guilty almost never go to jail. 1997], EVOLUTION and the Barbara Kirwin, a forensic Prom Mom, by Steven Pinker psychologist, reports that in nearly 300 cases of women charged with neonaticide in the United States and Britain, no woman spent more than a night in jail.

FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 12 of 30 CHILDHOOD 1.) Kidnapping: family abductions were 1.) C.O.P.’s Statistic’s (Coalition of ABDUCTIONS 163,200 compared to non-family Parent Support) abductions of 200-300, attributed to the parents' disenchantment with the legal system. CHILDHOOD CRIME 1.) The criminal class doesn’t suffer 1.) Dr. Daniel Amneus, The from other-deprivation. Mom has Garbage Generation: Primrose stinted nothing—she has given her Press, Alhambra, CA. (1991) p. all to the criminal class. Criminals 153. have many problems, but mother- deprivation is not one of them.

2.) “…Professor Sampson established 2.) Bryce J. Christensen, “From not only that single-parent Home Life to Prison Life: the households are likely targets for Roots of American Crime, “ crime, but that the neighbors of The Family in America, Vol. 3, signle-parent households are more No. 4 [April 1989], p. 3. likely to be hit by crime than the neighbors of the two-parent households. He concludes both that ‘single-adult households suffer a victimization risk higher than two- adult households’ and that ‘living in areas characterized by a high proportion of [single adult] house- holds significantly increases burglary risk’ for all types of households.”

3.) “The Hon. S.L. Vavuris, Judge of 3.) [Loebenstein #648527, S.F. the San Francisco Superior Court, Superior Court, July 3, 1974.] stated in open Court that ’90 percent of all of the children in trouble are from broken homes’

4.) “A study by Stanford Univeristy’s 4.) Gary Bauer, “Report to the Center of the Study of Youth President from the White House Development in 1985 indicated that Working Group on the Family,” children in single-parent families quoted in Phyllis Schlafly Report, headed by mothers have higher arrest February, 1988. rates, more disciplinary problems in school, and a greter tendency to smoke and run away from home than do their peers who live with both natural parents—no matter what their income, race, or ethnicity.” WELFARE COSTS 1.) Los Angeles Times: “Half 1.) Los Angeles Times: 14 of all children in the February, 1989. state will live at some time in a single-parent household. One in four is born to an unmarried mother and more than half the black children in California are born to single mothers. Such factors tend to be accompanied by increased health, academic and social problems for youngsters.” (14 February, 1989)

FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 13 of 30 2.) The data related to child support payments reported 2.) (Current Population Reports, by the Bureau of the Series P-23, No 173, 1989) Census (Current Bureau of the Census Population Reports, Series P-23, No 173, 1989), show that 75 percent of all child support owed is paid.  Total amount of child support owed. $14,800,000,000 (NOT $34 billion!)  Amount Received $11,100,000,000 WELFARE COSTS  Composed of paid in full $7,600,000,000  paid in part 3,500,000,000

President Clinton recently stated on national television, that $34 billion was owed in unpaid child support. This number is a fabrication and incorrect. [Jerry W. Lester, Ph.D. 2476 Bolsover, Suite 428 Houston, Texas 77005 (713) 528-6565]

3.) "In 1988 divorces filed involving families with children, 64.9% were filed by women, which is down from 71.4% filed by women in 1975; 28.8% were 3.) The Cato Institute filed by men, which is up from 25.6% in 1975; and 6.3% were filed jointly, which is up from 2.6% in 1975."

FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 14 of 30 DIVORCE RATE 1.) “In 1988 divorces filed involving 1.) National Center for Health families with children, 64.8% were Statistics, Monthly Vital Statistics filed by women, which is down from Report, Vol. 38, No. 12 (S) 2, May 71.4% filed by women in 1975; 21, 1991 28.8% were filed by men, which is up from 25.6% in 1975; and 6.3% were filed jointly, which is up from 2.6% in 1975.

FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 15 of 30 ILLEGITIMACY 1.) “But while the divorce 1.). Los Angeles Times: rate has leveled off, (27 November, 1996) more children are being born outside marriage....Nothing in the figures suggests the return of the traditional family.”

2.) Armand M. Nicholi, Jr., 2.) Armand M. Nicholi, M.D.: “The breakdown of Jr., M.D.: (ed., John the family contributes Templeton, Looking significantly to the Forward: The Next Forty major problems Years, pp. 132, 134) confronting our society today. Research data make unmistakably clear a strong relationship between broken or disordered families and the drug epidemic, the increase in out-of- wedlock pregnancies, the rise in violent crime, and the unprecedented epidemic of suicide among children and adolescents....Two-career families compound the problem of emotional inaccessibility. And single-parent families, where the mother is burdened with providing the children with emotional support as well as economic support, are an overwhelming problem in our society.”

3.) Senator Daniel Moynihan: 3.) (Human Events, 28 “We knew this was coming. Jan., 1994) In the early 60s we picked up the first tremors of the earthquake that was about to shake the American family. The single most powerful indicator is the ration of our-of-wedlock births. Today it is 43%, and in some districts as high as 81%.”

4.) Barbara Dafoe Whitehead: “In 1974 women disagreed 4.) (The Divorce Culture, by more than two to one p. 149f.) with the statement that ‘There is no reason why single women shouldn’t have children and raise ILLEGITIMACY them if they want to’; by FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 16 of 30 1985, the last time the question was asked, slightly more women agreed than disagreed....Across the socioeconomic spectrum, from inner-city teenagers to middle-class college students, young women say that they will have a child ‘on their own’ if the right man doesn’t come along.”

5.) Leontine Young: “Another interesting reflection of the existent cultural 5.) (Out of Wedlock, pattern is the high pp. 118f.) percentage of unmarried mothers coming from homes dominated by the mother and showing the pattern of personality damage which results when this form of family relationship exists in severe and pathological degree....Under these circumstances it is to be expected that the girls from father-dominated homes would constitute a considerably smaller percentage of the total, and this is borne out in fact.”

6.) Hillary Rodham Clinton: “[T]here has been an explosion in the number 6.) FIRST LADY QUOTE of children born out of wedlock, from one in twenty in 1960 to one in four today.

7.) Single-parent family daughters are 53% more likely to be teenage mums 7.) .(“State of (164% more likely outside Fatherhood, Father marriage). Facts, quoted in McKenzie October, 8.) Los Angeles Times: “The 1997) census counted 41 million never married adults and 8.) The Los Angeles Times: noted that this is nearly (17 July, 1992) double the 21 million counted in 1970.”

ILLEGITIMACY 9.) AFDC mothers tended to have more children than those who did not receive AFDC payments. The AFDC 9.) FATHERS MANIFESTO FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 17 of 30 mothers average 2.6 children each compared with 2.1 children born to mothers not receiving AFDC. Altogether, 9.7 million children were dependent on mothers receiving AFDC

10.) Only $50.00 of any monthly payment collected in Texas is turned over to the custodial parent. The rest is used 10.) FATHERS MANIFESTO to "reimburse" the state for welfare payments. The scam being perpetrated on taxpayers is as follows: Citizens, including NCFs, pay taxes to support child welfare payments. They agree to shoulder that financial burden because human beings care about children. They vote for laws to collect support due to children for the same reason. But state officials are keeping the money collected from NCFs. Using the excuse of poor children to pass harsh collection laws, allows them to effectively raise the amount of tax money collected from a particular group of citizens, NCFs. Money collected from "Deadbeat Dads" is paid into state general revenue coffers. So we see Campaigns to raise taxes to pay child welfare, then laws to collect child support, but what is missing is the step which turns over all of the collected child support to the children in whose name it is collected. It is instead directed into the pockets of those bureaucrats enforcing the collection measures.

11.) In New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Alaska, and Rhode Island, 11.) FATHERS MANIFESTO welfare pays more than a $12.00 an hour job--or more than two- and-a- half times the minimum wage.

12.) In 40 states welfare pays more than an $8.00 an hour job. In 17 states the welfare package is more generous than a 12.) FATHERS MANIFESTO $10.00 an hour job.

CHILDHOOD CRIME 1.) 85% of all youths sitting in prison 1.)Fulton Co. Georgia jail come from single parent households. populations, Texas Dept. of Corrections 1992.

2.) Douglas Smith and G. Roger Jarjoura: 2.)Douglas Simth and G. Roger “The percentage of singl-parent Jarjoura, (Journal of households with children between the Research in Crime ages of 12 and 20 is significantly and Delinquency, 25, associated with rates of violent crime Feb., 1988) and burglary.”

FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 18 of 30 3.) p. 76; “In Green Valley and other 3.)Francis A.J. Ianni, The Search rural areas, there were also frequent for Structure: A Report on cases of missing fathers, not as much American Youth Today (New so as in the urban inner city, but with York: The Free Press, 1989) sufficient frequency among the ‘old pp. 207f. families’ that ‘not having a man around to straighten out the kids’ was a frequent reason cited by criminal justice and social service professionals in the county seat whenever we asked about delinquency, teen pregnancy, or running away.”

4.) Brenda Scott: “Federal statistics show 4.)Children No More, pp.70 an incredible 25.4 pervent increase in violent crime by female juveniles between 1982 and 1992….In Massachusetts, e.g., 15 percent of female juvenile arrests were for violent crimes in 1982. By 1991, they accounted for 38 percent.” (p.70)

GANGS 1.) Brenda Scott: “There are 1.) (Children No More, pp. 73, 76) numerous reasons kids join gangs. Part of the allure is a sense of “glamour” teens see in a dangerous, risky lifestyle….Other reasons given for gang involvement are a desire to have friends, a need for protection, a longing for a family relationship the child doesn’t have at home, and a desire to make money through theft GANGS or drug trade. For some, gang membership is a family tradition, for others, it’s a way to deal with boredom…. Most young people who join gangs come from homes without fathers or any significant role models to enforce discipline.”

2.) David Popenoe: “Juvenile delinquency and violence are clearly generated disproportionately by 2.) (Life without Father. P. 62) youths in mother-only households and in other households where the biological father is not present.”

3.) …seedbed for gang activity, the broken home produces many of the 3.) Bryce J. Chritensen. “From nation’s most violent FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 19 of 30 young criminals. In a Home Life to Prison Life: The study of 72 adolescent Roots of American Crime,” murderers, researches at The Family in America, Vol.3 Michigan State University No. 4 [April 1989] p. 3 found that 75 percent of them had parents who were either divorced or had never married.

CHILDHOOD DRUG USE 1.) LeMonde: 80% “Eight out of ten 1.) (17 Oct., 1969; quoted in minors who are drug addicts come Daniel Patrick Moynihan, from broken homes.” Mankind and Nation, p.118)

2.) “Mother dominance was a common 2.) The Family in America: .” feature of addict families. (July, 1988) “The strongest finding, though, was a close…relationship of youthful addiction to ‘ the absence of a warm relationship with a father figure with whom the boy could identify.”

CHILD INSTITUTIONS 1.) Los Angeles Times: “A 1.) Los Angeles Times: 13, vast majority of American December 1988 teachers say that abused, neglected or sick children are serious problems in their schools and that teachers have little impact on the education process, despite publicized reforms, a report said. A growing gap between the home and school, blamed on parental disinterest in their children’s education, also troubles teachers, according to the report from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. The report, ‘The Condition of Teaching: A State-by- State Analysis, 1988,” was based on a national survey of 22,000 public schoolteachers. Among the highlights: 90% of teachers say lack of parental support is a problem, 89% report abused or neglected children in their classes, nearly 70% cite sick and undernourished students.” (13 Dec., 1988)

TEENAGE PREGNANCIES 1.) Fatherless children are 111% more 1.) Intergenerational likely to give birth, are 53% more Consequences of Family likely to have teenage marriages, and Disruption, American FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 20 of 30 are 164% more likely to have pre- Journal of Sociology, 4 marital births. [July 1988]; 130-152.

2.) 71% of teenage pregnancies are to 2.) C.O.P.’s fact sheet. children of single parents. Daughters (Coalition of Parent of single parents are 2.1 times more Support) likely to have children during their teenage years than are daughters from intact families. Daughters of single parents are 53% more likely to marry as teenagers, 164% more likely to have a premarital birth, and 92% more likely to dissolve their own marriages. All these intergenerational consequences of single motherhood increase the likelihood of chronic welfare dependency.

TEENAGE SUICIDE TEENAGE PROSTITUTION CHILD 1.) A child living in a female–headed 1.) The Legal Beagle, July 1984. MOLESTATION/DEAT home is ten times more likely to be H beaten or murdered, CHILD RUNAWAYS 1.) 90% of all child runaways come 1.) from fatherless homes.

2.) Paul G. Shane, “Changing 2.) In general, homeless Patterns Among Homeless and youth are more likely to Runaway Youth,” American come from female-headed, Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 59, single-parent, or reconstituted families with April, 1989, 208-214. many children, particularly step-siblings.

CHILD POVERTY 1.) “Further, the rise in 1.) (It Takes a Village, divorce and out-of- pp.39f.) wedlock births has contributed heavily to the tragic increase in the number of American children in poverty, currently one in five.”

2.) Almost 75% of children in 2.) .(“State of single-parent families Fatherhood, Father will experience poverty Facts, quoted in before the age of eleven, McKenzie October, compared with 20% in two- 1997) parent families.

3.) 18 million children live in single-parent homes. 3.) Statistic’s from Nearly 75% of American C.O.P.’S Homepage children living in (Coalition of Parent single-parent families Support) will experience poverty before they turn 11. Only

FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 21 of 30 20% in two-parent families will experience poverty.

4.) “According to Betty 4.) Betty Fiedan, It Friedan, ‘Statistic’s Changed my Life: indicate that a child in Writings of the a family now in poverty, Women’s Movement [New headed by a man, has a York: Random House, fifty-fifty chance of 1978] p. 326. getting out of poverty by his or her maturity—but that a child in a poverty family headed by a woman has no chance.”

5.) “Poverty is the Hallmark of societies 5.) Dr. Daniel Amneus, (are areas within societies) based on Ph.D.; THE GARBAGE female kinship. Wen the complaint is GENERATION, Primrose made that the rich get richer and the poor Press, Alhambra, CA., get poorer, what is meant is that the p. 192. patriarchal families get richer and female- headed families get poorer.” CHILD PSYCHOLOGICAL 1.) “When preschoolers end up in 1.) Richard Dalton, et al., PROBLEMS psychiatric wards, they typically “Psychiatric Hospitalization of come from homes where there is no Preschool Children: Admission father and where the mother is Factors and Discharge herself mentally disturbed.” Implications,” Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 26, No. 3 [May, 1987], 308-12; Epitomized in The Family in America: New Research, August 1987.

2.) 1989 – Adults who were deprived of 2.) Psychiatrie, Neurologia and a father in childhood due to Medizinische Psychologie, separation or divorce had a 1989. significantly higher risk of suicide and parasuicide in adulthood.

3.) Children who were separated from 3.) Indian Journal of Psychiatry, their father for a period of three 1988. months or longer and between the ages of 6 months to 5 years old, suffer a higher risk (2.5 to 5 times higher) of hysteria, emotional disorders and conduct disorder than other children.

4.) Here are some of the observed 4.) Clinical Observations on effects of removing a father to the Interferences of Early Father position of a visitor in a child`s life. Absence in the Achievement of "Based on our clinical experience Femininity by R. Lohr, C. g, A. with a number of latency aged and Mendell and B. Riemer, Clinical adolescent girls whose parents Social Work Journal, V. 17, #4, divorced during their oedipal years, Winter, 1989 we postulate that particular coping patterns emerge in response to the absence of the father, which may complicate the consolidation of

FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 22 of 30 positive feminine identification in many female children, and is observable during the latency years. We illustrate both the existence of these phenomena and implications for treatment:

1 .intensified separation anxiety 2. denial and avoidance of feelings associated with loss of father 3. identification with the lost object 4. object hunger for males."

"In an earlier study by Kalter and Rembar at [Children's Psychiatric Hospital, University of Michigan], a sample of 144 CHILD PSYCHOLOGICAL child and adolesce atients, whose parents PROBLEMS had divorced, presented [for evaluation and treatment] with three most commonly occurring problems: 63% Subjective psychological problem (defined as anxiety, sadness, pronounced moodiness, phobias, and depression) 56% Poor grades or grades substantially below ability and/or recent past performance

43% Aggression toward parents

Important features of the subgroup of 32 latency aged girls were in the same order:

69% indicating subjective psychological distress 47% academic problems 41% aggression toward parentts.

PRISON POPULATION UNEMPLOYMENT IRS DEFAULTS FAMILY SAVINGS NATIONAL SAVINGS 1.) As our analysis of the data shows, the 1.) Report to the Chairman, United States in 1970 and 1989 Committee on the Budget, U.S. ranked last among the nine countries in Senate BUDGET ISSUES - GDP gross fixed capital formation as a ANALYSIS BROADENS share of GDP BUDGET DEBATE GAO/AIMD-94-41 NATIONAL DEBT % WEALTH OF CITIZENS % WEALTH OF ELITE ADMINISTRATIVE CRIMINALS PRIVATE INDUSTRY JOBS GOVERNMENT JOBS GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS FATHER SUICIDES 1.) UICIDE The suicide rate among men 1.) FATHERS MANIFESTO is five (5) times higher than that for women, yet there are no for women, yet there are no "men's studies" programs to understand all of the reasons for this. FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 23 of 30 COURT CASES PER % POP. POLICE PER % OF POP CHILD SEIZURES DIVORCE RATE LAWYERS % OF POP. JUDGES % OF POP HIGH SCHOOL GRADS HIGH SCHOOL DROP- 1.) “More than one in three children of 1.> R.F. Doyle, The Rape of the OUTS broken families drop out of school.” Male (St. Paul, Minn: Poor Richard’s Press, 1976) p. 145, citing Starke Hathaway and Elio Monachesi, Adolescent Personality and Behavior, p. 81.

2.) “The first investigator to present 2.) Henry B. Biller and Richard S. data suggesting an intellectual Solomon, Child Maltreatment disadvantage among father-absent and Paternal Deprivation: A children was Sutherland (1930). In Manifesto for Research, an ambitious study involving Prevention and Treatment, Scottish children, he discovered that (Lexington Mass.; D.C. Heath those who where father-absent and Company, 1986) p. 151 scored significantly lower than did htose who were father present….A number of more recent and better controlled studies are also generally consistent with the supposition that father-absent children, at least from lower-class backgrounds, are less likely to function well on intelligence and aptitude tests than are father-present children…”

3.) “A two year study funded by Kent 3.) Gary Bauer, “Report to the State, the William T. Grant Foundation President from the White House and the National Association of School Working Group on the Family,” Psychologists, found that there were quoted in Phyllis Schlafly Report, substantial differences beween children February, 1988. of intact families and those of divorced families. ‘Children of divorce also are absent from school more frequently and are more likely to repeat a grade, to be placed in remedial reading classes and to be referred to a school psychologist’ says the study of 699 randomly chosen first, HIGH SCHOOL DROP- third and fifth graders in 38 states. In addition, John Guidubaldi, Provessor of OUTS Early Childhood Education and director of the study, noted ‘far more detrimental effects of divorce on boys than on girls. Disruption in boys’ classroom behavior and academic performance increased ‘noticeably’ throughout elementary school. Boys, he speculated are much more afffected by their parents’ divorce because children fare better with single parents of the same sex, and 90 percent of all custody rights go to mothers.”


MONIES OWED BY MOTHERS % OF FUNDS COLLECTED FOR USE IN TOTAL COUNTY BUDGET MONEY COLLECTED BY FEDS FEMINIST/GOVERNMENT 1.) My Five-Year-Old Feminist at the 1.) SUPPORT AND Brides Party ictread.html -- My Five-Year- by Kiesa Kay Old Feminist at the Brides ADVOCACY TO HATE Party; by Kiesa Kay MEN My little girl, Ameli, desperately wanted to be with her friends at one child's Brides Party. All of the kindergarten girls were supposed to dress up as brides, with a wedding cake in lieu of a birthday cake, and party activities such as "Walk Down the Aisle" and "Put On Your Wedding Make-Up." My daughter insisted on attending, but I was heartsick to see all of the little girls in FEMINIST/GOVERNMENT white dresses, as if marriage meant SUPPORT AND happiness, as if a wedding was the ADVOCACY TO HATE Goal for Girls. After the party, I MEN picked up my daughter. The birthday girl's momma met me at the door.

"All of the girls wanted to put on make-up but your daughter," she said in consternation. "Ameli told them that she didn't need make-up to be pretty! She said that lipstick was made out of bat poop, and that bat poop doesn't belong on pretty faces!"

I hugged my little girl close. "Bat guano," I told her. "Lipstick contains bat guano." "Poop is poop, Mom," she said. We walked hand-in-hand to the car. "Did you have fun?" I asked her. "No," she said sadly. "The other girls wanted to play with stupid Barbies. I hate Barbies! I hate make-up! It was so boring." "What did you do?" I asked. "I rode a rocking horse and waited for them to get over it and go outside to play!" she said. "Did they?" I asked. "No," she said. "We tried, but we got in trouble for getting our dresses dirty." "It doesn't sound really fun, Ameli. A wedding isn't such a big deal," I said. "I mean, girls should be things besides ladies, don't you think? I hate for you to think that you need a man or something." FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 25 of 30 "A man! I don't want to marry a man! Yuck! I'm going to marry Leni," Ameli replied. "Girls can marry girls if they love each other, right?"

"Right," I replied.

There's a long way to go, but my little girl's getting there. On the worst days, I've felt like the lone feminist stuck in a tribe of Stepford Wives, and I guess my daughter has an inkling of that feeling herself. I know that we each reach our own level of consciousness at our own pace, but even as a kindergartener, Ameli's starting strong.

2.) On February 4, 1998, the Arlington 2.) Press Release, March 24, 1998 Police of Arlington, TX; aided in the David A. Shelton, President, Child Theft of Fatmah and Mona Texas Fathers alliance. Tel. Abdallah from their rightful father, 214-741-4800 Ossimah M. Abdallah. The ARLINGTON POLICE conspired with the Arlington Women's Shelter and the FEMINIST/GOVERNMENT DFW Airport Department of Public SUPPORT AND Safety to hide the children from their ADVOCACY TO HATE father. However, "the city of Arlington now offers a new service to women MEN which may bring in even more families, especially if the mother in the family has any thoughts about divorce and hiding the children or, perhaps, are desiring to flee the country with the children." So stated David Allen Shelton, President of the Texas Fathers Alliance. He made the statement after learning the Arlington Police Department, The Arlington Woman's Shelter, and the DFW Airport Department of Public Safety, had assisted Rawda Mustafa Abdallah in the International Parental Kidnapping of Mr. and Mrs. Abdallah's tow minor children in February of this year.

"Federal law is quite clear on what constitutes INTERNATIONAL PARENTAL KIDNAPPING. The United Stated Code (18 U.S.C.A. ?1204) defines PARENTAL KIDNAPPING as the act of removing a child from the United States or retaining a child (who has been in the United States) outside the United States with intent to obstruct the lawful exercise of parental rights" said Mr. Shelton. That is just what Mrs. Abdallah is doing. Mr. Shelton stated "Mrs. Abdallah fled the United States and traveled to Germany on February 4,

FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 26 of 30 1998. She gained passports for the children by lying to the US Passport Agency." In order to get the children out of the country Mrs. Abdallah had to have the children's passports, which her husband, Osmana M. Abdallah had safely stored. She even admitted later, to the Arlington Police, that she had obtained new passports, even though she knew the original passports were in her husband's care. This indicates to me that this little flight to Germany was not a spur of the moment thing. Mrs. Abdallah had planned this for some time. She got the new passports, in November 1997, made reservations with the airlines, and then called the Arlington Police Department, where she began to get the assistance she needed to get to the airport and out of the United States. Every detail of this has been FEMINIST/GOVERNMENT documented." SUPPORT AND 3.) Father has child stolen from him with 3.) The Chico News and Review ADVOCACY TO HATE assistance of Chico Police and Catalyst MEN Women’s Center of Chico, California. The Father, David Owens, left standing outside at appointed time in which to lawfully obtain his child, he was left outside standing with a Court Order in his hand while Chico Police and Catalyst let the woman leave the Center and get into a truck to steal the child from the father whom had a court order on the issue. He was holding the court order in his hand when his child was stolen from him.

FEMINIST LIES AND 1.) Otsego 1.) Editorial Response to the New DISINFORMATION Minnesota 55330 Republic Magazine, July 24, 1994

Correspondence The New Republic 1220 19th Street, NW Washington D.C. 20036

To the editors:

Although Paul Offner has many statistics in his article on child support ("Kid Stuff," August 1), he has only one that relates to how much child support is owed or paid, and that one is only half right. He states, "[HHS] reports that of the $47 billion in child support that should be collected in 1994, only $13 billion actually will be paid." The

FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 27 of 30 $13 billion figure is correct.

The $47 billion figure is from Dr. Elaine Sorenson of the Urban Institute who did a mathematical model that proposed that "if we lived in an 'ideal' world" where "every father made the median income" and "every father started paying child support at the birth of the child" and "every father only had one child" the maximum support we could extract from fathers would be $48 billion Dollars in 1990.

"If every father made the median income," is a key phrase here. The Poverty Studies Institute at the FEMINIST LIES AND University of Wisconsin, Madison DISINFORMATION discovered in 1993 that 52% of fathers who owe child support earn less than $6,155 per year.

Let's stop looking at hypothetical amounts. The U.S. Bureau of the Census reported that in 1989, the total amount of child support owed was $14.8 billion. How much of this was paid? $11.1 billion, or 75%.

So, what about the other $3.7 billion? A U.S. General Accounting Office report (GAO/HRD-92-39FS, January 1992), stated that 66% of all support not paid by non-custodial fathers is due to inability to pay. This data was obtained, not by asking the non-paying fathers, but by asking the non-receiving mothers. The amount not received due to inability to locate the father? Only five percent (5%).

Mr. Offner focuses on how much is collected by agencies and how slowly that figure is growing. However, isn't the amount paid, whether through a Child Support Enforcement Agency or not, the important part? Apparently not. He decries the "federal child support bureaucrats [who] dictate how fast money coming in to a child support office must go out." So, agencies collecting child support is important, but ensuring that the moneys collected is actually used to support children is unimportant.

FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 28 of 30 Mr. Offner's article contains plenty of father-bashing. However, according to Technical Analysis Paper No. 42, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Income Security Policy (October 1991), fathers are much better at paying child support than are mothers (in the rare instances when fathers get custody). In this paper, Meyer and Garansky report that 61% of non- custodial fathers pay some level of support (not necessarily the total amount owed). The comparable figure for non-custodial mothers? Only 20%.

FEMINIST LIES AND Sincerely, Michael F. Stemper DISINFORMATION 2.) Rebuttal to 'Divorce Revolution' stats 2.) Originally posted by on Divorced Standard of Living [email protected] (Bronis Vidugiris) 12 Dec 90 "Divorce statistic misleads us", Jed H HTML by David R Throop. Abraham.

The finding that the average standard of living of divorced women declines a cataclysmic 73 percent While that of a divorced man rises a whopping 42 percent is probably the most famous divorce statistic of the decade.

It has been rebroadcast far and wide by the media, and it was the prop upon which much of the child-support legislation of the 1980s rests.

This statistic, however, is wrong.

The population sample from which the statistic came was small (228 people) and geographically limited (California). It was also biased. It consisted of a self- selected group of men and women drawn from divorce case dockets.

[...] The statistic also does not account either for property transfers by husbands to wives at divorce ...and neglects the costs of visitation time.

[...] The consensus of other researchers is that a divorced women's standard of living falls on the order of only 10 percent to 35 percent after which, on the average, it recovers.

[...] To the extent that post-divorce financial stress is bound up with the costs of providing for children, joint custody -

FATHERS RIGHTS FACT SHEET Page 29 of 30 with fathers shouldering a significant share of direct child care costs - should commend itself over sole maternal custody.

Sole custody unnaturally reduces fathers to mere sources of transfer payments to mothers and forbids fathers an ongoing parental relationship, emotionally and physically, with their children.

3.) Sunday 7/18/94 Beacon Journal in 3.) Dale Allen, Editor The Beacon Akron Ohio had a news story about Journal 44 E. Exchange St, P.O. research study of Gene Pollock Box 640 Akron, Ohio 44309-0640 and Altee Stroup at College of Wooster. Monday, 7/19/94, the columnist FEMINIST LIES AND They found that loss of income for Carl Chancellor, DISINFORMATION women during the first year after divorce is closer to 30 percent. "Divorced men, rather than having an increase in income, actually experienced about a 7- to 10- percent drop," Pollock said. "the popular belief that divorced men have a lot of money in their pockets that could be tapped to support the children of divorce is an oversimplification." Pollock and Stroup contrasted their study to Lenore Weitzman of Harvard in 1976. The new study has a larger population, and Pollock and Stroup argue that Weitzman's study is flawed. "If people are misled by incorrect analysis, they may come up with the wrong public social policy," concluded Pollock.


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