The Most Comprehensive Landlord-Tenant Security Deposit Law

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The Most Comprehensive Landlord-Tenant Security Deposit Law

The Most Comprehensive Landlord-Tenant Security Deposit Law Chart for All 50 States and DC Copyright 2010

PART 3 – Partial summary (Members)

PART 3 Available to paid members of here to Join

This is the most comprehensive summary security deposit law guide available on the Internet for all 50 states and the District of Columbia (3 parts). It has been meticulously double checked and includes links to each state’s statute and an authoritative publication, not a blog or newspaper column filler. Resources include:

 Live link to the security deposit statute of each state (paid members only)

 Each state’s deadline for refund or accounting of deposits at the end of tenancy

*The full security deposit law guide and state statute links (Parts 1-3) available to paid members of

Click underlined words for more information or how to comply with specific requirement.

STATE & CHARGES WALK- WRITTEN NUMBER OF PUBLI- STATUTE LANDLORD THROUGH ACCOUNT- DAYS TO CATION? S CAN INSPECTION ING OF REFUND OR MAKE REQUIRED? CHARGES ACCOUNTING AGAINST TO DEADLINE DEPOSIT DEPOSIT? Alabama *Available No Yes 35 days after *Available AL. Code to termination to *Available to members of tenancy members members only and delivery only only of possession Alaska *Available No Yes 14 or 30 days *Available AK Code to depending on to *Available to members termination members members only notice only only Arizona *Available Yes Yes 14 business *Available *Available to to days to members members members only only only Arkansas *Available No Yes 30 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only California *Available Yes Yes 21 days *Available *Available to to to STATE & CHARGES WALK- WRITTEN NUMBER OF PUBLI- STATUTE LANDLORD THROUGH ACCOUNT- DAYS TO CATION? S CAN INSPECTION ING OF REFUND OR MAKE REQUIRED? CHARGES ACCOUNTING AGAINST TO DEADLINE DEPOSIT DEPOSIT? members members members only only only Colorado *Available No Yes One month or *Available *Available to to up to 60 days to members members per lease members only only only Connecticut *Available No Yes 30 days or 15 *Available *Available to to days after to members members written notice members only only of forwarding only addr., whichever is later Delaware *Available No. Yes. 20 days if no *Available *Available to to deductions, to members members or 20 days members only only with written only accounting and refund of balance if there are. Tenant must object in writing within 10 days. District of *Available No Yes 45 days to *Available Columbia to refund or to members notify of members only withholding, only 30 days after notification of withholding Florida *Available No Yes 15 days if no *Available *Available to to charge to members members against members only only deposit, 30 only days if there is. Tenant may object. Georgia *Available Yes Yes One month *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only Hawaii *Available No Yes 14 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only Idaho *Available no Yes 21 days, or *Available STATE & CHARGES WALK- WRITTEN NUMBER OF PUBLI- STATUTE LANDLORD THROUGH ACCOUNT- DAYS TO CATION? S CAN INSPECTION ING OF REFUND OR MAKE REQUIRED? CHARGES ACCOUNTING AGAINST TO DEADLINE DEPOSIT DEPOSIT? *Available to to up to 30 if to members members lease so members only only provides only Illinois *Available No Yes 45 days of *Available *Available to to moveout if no to members members deductions, members only only written only accounting and partial refund in 30 days if deductions Indiana *Available No Yes 45 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only Iowa *Available No Yes 30 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only Kansas *Available No Yes 30 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only Kentucky *Available Yes, at Yes 30 days, and *Available *Available to to beginning if tenant does to members members and end of not claim members only only tenancy refund or only dispute accounting landlord may retain whole deposit Louisiana *Available No No One month, *Available *Available to to but only if to members members tenant does members only only not only wrongfully abandon premises Maine *Available No Yes Written lease *Available *Available to to 30 days, to members members tenancy at members onlyDoes not only will 21 days only apply to owner occupied buildings less than 5 units STATE & CHARGES WALK- WRITTEN NUMBER OF PUBLI- STATUTE LANDLORD THROUGH ACCOUNT- DAYS TO CATION? S CAN INSPECTION ING OF REFUND OR MAKE REQUIRED? CHARGES ACCOUNTING AGAINST TO DEADLINE DEPOSIT DEPOSIT? Maryland *Available Yes Yes 45 days *Available *Available to to unless cause to members members for longer members only only time only Massa- *Available Yes Yes 30 days *Available chusetts to to *Available to members members members only only only Michigan *Available Yes, inv. Yes 30 days. *Available *Available to to checklists Read statute to members members for rules. members only only only Minnesota *Available No Yes Three weeks *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only Mississippi *Available No Yes 45 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only Missouri *Available No Yes 30 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only Montana *Available Yes Yes 10 to 30 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only Nebraska *Available No Yes 14 days after *Available *Available to to Tenant to members members demands and members only only provides only mailing address Nevada *Available No Yes 30 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only New *Available No Yes 30 days *Available Hampshire to to *Available to members members members only only only New Jersey *Available No Yes 30 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only STATE & CHARGES WALK- WRITTEN NUMBER OF PUBLI- STATUTE LANDLORD THROUGH ACCOUNT- DAYS TO CATION? S CAN INSPECTION ING OF REFUND OR MAKE REQUIRED? CHARGES ACCOUNTING AGAINST TO DEADLINE DEPOSIT DEPOSIT? New Mexico *Available No Yes 30 days *Available New Mexico to to Statutes members members *Available to only only members only New York *Available See local See local See local *Available to borough or borough or borough or to *Available to members county rent county rent county rent members members only office office office only onlyRent & Eviction Regs *Available to members only North Carolina *Available No No 30 to 60 *Available *Available to to days, see to members members statute. members only only only North Dakota *Available No Yes 30 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only Ohio *Available No Yes 30 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only Oklahoma *Available No Yes 30 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only Oregon *Available No yes 31 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only *Available to *Available No Yes 30 days *Available members to to only members members only only Rhode Island *Available No Yes 20 days *Available to to members members only only South Carolina *Available No yes 30 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only South Dakota *Available No Yes Two weeks, *Available STATE & CHARGES WALK- WRITTEN NUMBER OF PUBLI- STATUTE LANDLORD THROUGH ACCOUNT- DAYS TO CATION? S CAN INSPECTION ING OF REFUND OR MAKE REQUIRED? CHARGES ACCOUNTING AGAINST TO DEADLINE DEPOSIT DEPOSIT? *Available to to see statute to members members members only only only Tennessee *Available Yes Yes Ten days, see *Available *Available to to statute to members members members only only only Texas *Available No Yes 30 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only Utah *Available No Yes 30 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only Vermont *Available No Yes 14 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only Virginia *Available yes Yes 45 days, see *Available *Available to to statute to members members members only only only Washington *Available Yes Yes 14 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only West Virginia *Available No No None *Available to to members members only only Wisconsin *Available Yes Yes 21 days *Available *Available to to to members members members only only only Wyoming *Available No Yes 30 days after *Available *Available to to termination to members members or 15 days members only only after Tenant only provides new address. Utility deposit, 10 to 45 days. © 2010 All rights reserved. No unauthorized reproduction of the contents of this publication is permitted. See Copyright warning below. Any violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent by law © 2010 *Comprehensive Chart available to paid members of (Standard and Deluxe Gold Membership—Does not apply to 3-day Trial Membership. Click here to Join!

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