Medway Y5 French 30 Minute Lesson Plans Term 1

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Medway Y5 French 30 Minute Lesson Plans Term 1

Medway Y5 French 30 minute Lesson Plans – Term 1

Lesson one Weather

Resources/preparation: Map of France, DVD Section 7, Weather flashcards, weather ppt, weather song ppt

Framework Learning Introduction/ Plenary/ New Activities KAL refs Objective Warm up consolidation Language IU5.2 Talk about the Revise nos 1-50 Using map of france talk about Listen to sounds Il y a du il fait chaud Recognise weather in Recite them in the style weather patterns in France (revise in temps and soleil (it’s hot) similarities France. of: au nord, au sud, à l’est, à ‘ouest) vent Il y a du il fait froid and (choose Where have you vent (it’s cold) differences Learn new characters/animals/per Which parts will be the warmest in heard them In France il y a du soleil between weather sonalities etc, children summer? What would it be like in before? you will (it’s sunny) places phrases. count, every ten numbers call out name the Alps or other mountains in France commonly il y a du vent of winter? trente hear ‘il y a’ (it’s windy) character/animal/perso (there is) Quel temps nality to say them in *Watch DVD section 7 “Quel used fait-il ? the style of) temps fait-il?” instead of il (what’s the e.g. Homer un “doh”, fait du (it weather like? deux “doh”, etc *Echoing activity with weather makes) but Literally - piglet, lion, flashcards/powerpoint some What weather cannot be makes it?) *Listen to weather song on Early changed so Start CD (ppt) stick to these 2! EMBEDDING OPPORTUNITIES AND ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES ICT Links  Geography – link to project on mountain environments Click on Quel temps fait-il for sound files of weather. Activity 1 – map of France saying weather in French cities.

Weather ppt (including map of france) Weather song ppt Evaluation Medway Y5 French 30 minute Lesson Plans – Term 1 Lesson two

Resources/preparation: weather flashcards, Frère Jacques’ weather (ppt)

Framework Learning Introduction/ Plenary/ Activities KAL New Language refs Objective Warm up consolidation L5.3 Sing a song Play number ping pong *Repetition activities with weather Pairs perform il fait mauvais Write words, about the – divide class into 2 flashcards. revised versions of (the weather is phrases and weather. groups Actions: song and teach to bad) short Start with ‘un’ – first Il fait beau (thumbs up) rest of class. il pleut sentences Write own child in group one says Il y a du soleil ( draw circle with (it’s raining) ‘un plus (2/3/4)…. hands) using a version of the il neige Marie’ Il fait froid (shiver) reference weather song. Marie in group 2 Il fait mauvais (emphasise word and (it’s snowing) responds with ‘trois pull face) 05.4 Prepare plus 2/3/4’… Ben. Aim Il fait chaud (wipe brow) a short is to get the other Il pleut (fingers make rain) presentation group to have to say Il y a du vent (hands move quickly on a familiar ‘trente’. from left to right) topic Il neige (draw snowman)

*Sing weather to the tune of ‘Frère Jacques’ (ppt)

*Pairs to think of ways of changing song by substituting weather phrases and actions EMBEDDING OPPORTUNITIES AND ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES ICT Links  Geography/science – take weather readings daily and announce in Click on Quel temps fait-il? French ‘il fait froid/ 15 degrés’ etc Frère Jacques’ weather (ppt)  ICT – find out daily weather in Britain and France tto find out today’s weather in  DT - design and make a weather dial France Evaluation Medway Y5 French 30 minute Lesson Plans – Term 1 Lesson three

Resources/preparation: Early Start DVD 2, mini weather flashcards

Framework Learning Introduction/ Plenary/ New Activities KAL refs Objective Warm up consolidation Language O5.1 To be able to Revise numbers 50 – Watch DVD section 7 again. Remind Il fait gris – Aujourd’hui Prepare and describe the 100. Discuss annual international kite children of literally il fait gris practise a weather Play number ping festival held on beaches of Berck- structures means ‘it’s (today it’s simple pong with numbers sur-Mer in Nord-Pas de Calais. Il y a and grey’ grey/ conversation 50 – 100. Losing Il fait Il y a des cloudy) team says 100. Explain that because France is Introduce nuages – IU5.2 twice the size of Britain the climate ‘Il fait gris or il literally Recognise changes quite a lot from one part y a des means similarities to another. nuages’ ‘there are and Link with clouds’ differences * Play miming game in pairs. colour words. between Shuffle mini flash cards – take it in Il y a can places turns to turn over – don’t show mean ‘there partner, mime the weather, partner is’ or ‘there has to guess and say are’ ‘Aujourd’hui il fait beau’ , partner replies ‘oui, il fait beau’ or ‘non, aujourd’hui il fait mauvais’ etc. EMBEDDING OPPORTUNITIES AND ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES ICT Links  DT/science – use French instructions in Early Start to make a kite, Click on Quel temps fait-il design and test kites  Geography – compare climate patterns in England and France  ICT - research kites/ weather in France/ area of Nord-Pas de Calais Evaluation Medway Y5 French 30 minute Lesson Plans – Term 1 Lesson four

Resources/preparation: box of props linked to the weather, mini weather flash cards/dominoes, Singing French CD

Framework Learning Introduction/ Plenary/ New Activities KAL refs Objective Warm up consolidation Language 05.1 To be able to Sing Ma Trousse Get child to select prop from the Spot the silent Silent letters Il y a du Prepare and say whether a to revise classroom box and ask ‘Quel temps fait-il?’ letters brouillard practise a description of objects Rest of class has to guess Thumbs up or (it’s foggy) simple the weather is which weather is being down if you hear conversation, true or false. represented. Aim to be first to the ‘t’ in reusing say and do the action – e.g. il fait beau familiar Shiver ‘il fait froid’. il fait gris vocabulary Quel temps fait- Ask ‘c’est vrai ou faux? (true or il? 05.2 false) answer ‘Oui, c’est vrai’ or il fait froid Understand ‘Non, c’est faux fait....etc) il y a du vent and express simple Introduce new weather phrase ‘il opinions y a du brouillard’ (it is foggy)

Paired activity – weather snap/weather dominoes EMBEDDING OPPORTUNITIES AND ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES ICT Links  Click on Quel temps fait-il

Evaluation Medway Y5 French 30 minute Lesson Plans – Term 1 Lesson five

Resources/preparation: IWB dans le panier activity/ mini food flashcards from year 4

Framework Learning Introduction/ Plenary/ New Activities KAL refs Objective Warm up consolidation Language 05.1 To understand Play game Review weather phrases. Change context – Il y a - ‘Qu’est-ce Prepare and and use the ‘Je pense à quelque Compare il fait/il y a ask : there qu’il y a ?’ practise a expression ‘il y chose dans la Talk about the use of’ ‘il y a’ to ‘Qu’est-ce qu’il y a is/there (what is simple a’ in different classe. Qu’est-ce mean ‘there is/there are’. dans la classe ?’ are there ?) conversation, contexts. que c’est ?’ (I’m IWB activity – Dans le panier What is in the reusing thinking of something (in the basket). classroom ? Phonetic - familiar in class, what is it ?) Respond with Kes killee ya vocabulary ‘C’est bleu, c’est *Dans le panier il y a ….. (or Dans la classe il y a and petit.’ use OHT and mini food un stylo etc. structures in Children guess flashcards piled on top – class new contexts ‘C’est un crayon?’ need to guess.. Dans le panier il y a…)

*Pair activity, shuffle food cards, take it in turns to say ‘Dans le panier il y a…’ EMBEDDING OPPORTUNITIES AND ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES ICT Links Click on Les fruits, Les legumes for  various activities revising fruits and vegetables IWB – Dans le panier

Evaluation Medway Y5 French 30 minute Lesson Plans – Term 1 Lesson six

Resources/preparation: IWB word snake activity, maps of France for weather forecast.

Framework Learning Introduction/ Plenary/ New Activities KAL refs Objective Warm up consolidation Language 05.1 To be able to Revise Word snake activity on IWB or on board. Rest of class Prepare and identify simple ‘au nord, au Children have to guess what the weather listen and practise a weather sud, à l’est, à phrases are without punctuation and gaps. explain in simple sentences l’ouest, English the conversation, Designate *Paired activity. weather in reusing To present a compass France. familiar weather points around Give pairs map of France. They decide vocabulary forecast. room. where to put weather symbols and then Children close prepare a short weather presentation based L5.2 eyes and Make simple on their map. sentences move, ‘Voici le temps aujourd’hui – and short according to Dans le nord il fait mauvais, etc.’ texts directions.

EMBEDDING OPPORTUNITIES AND ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES ICT Links  Maths – compass points/coordinates IWB – snake activity.  Weather role play – link literacy television script Evaluation

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