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Bethel Bible-Presbyterian Church


CALVARY PANDAN BIBLE- Almighty God. There are at least five PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH unique aspects of the plagues that [Adapted from Bethel Bible- testify that they were miraculous Presbyterian Church, 10 Downing St. events: their intensity, the prediction Oakleigh, Vic., 3166] before the event itself, the distinction made between the Egyptians and the Hebrews, the orderliness of the DHW BIBLE CLASS progression of the plagues and the 1 LESSON 7 moral purpose. Any attempt to rationalise the phenomenon in order to satisfy the unbelieving heart destroys THE BOOK OF EXODUS the honesty and integrity of the text and the purposes for which they are CHAPTERS 7-8 intended. There are many precious and permanent lessons that we can learn INTRODUCTION from these spectacular and stupendous acts of God. God had told Moses that Pharaoh would not let the children of Israel go OUTLINE readily. God would then smite Egypt with all His wonders which He would A. The First Plague: The Pollution do in the midst thereof and after that Of The Nile (7:8-25). Pharaoh would let the children of Israel go (3:19, 20). Moses and Aaron met 1. Moses and Aaron approached with initial failure when they first Pharaoh to persuade him to let approached Pharaoh. And when Israel go but he hardened his Moses turned to God and asked for heart (7:8-13). the reason, God reiterated His 2. Aaron smote the Nile before promise. God revealed to Moses who Pharaoh and it turned into blood He is and charged him to go to (7:14-21). Pharaoh with Aaron. God would 3. The Egyptian magicians could perform all the “signs and wonders” do the same and Pharaoh through them and in the end, Pharaoh hardened his heart (7:22-25). would let them go. God inflicted nine plagues (chs. 7- B. The Second Plague: Frogs In 10) and one final one (ch.12) before The Land (8:1-15). Pharaoh let the people go. The nine 1. The rivers and the land were plagues can be divided into three covered with an abundance of groups, each group more severe than frogs (8:1-6). the previous. The first group touched 2. Pharaoh promised to let the the land of Egypt, the second the Israelites go (8:7-14). livestock, and the third the people. In 3. Pharaoh broke his promise and each group, Pharaoh was warned first hardened his heart (8:15). for the first two plagues but the third plague came unannounced. These plagues were not freaks of nature or coincidences. A careful study of the plagues provides sufficient 1 John J. Davis, Moses and the Gods of Egypt evidence that they were supernaturally (Michigan, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, wrought by the True and Living 1971), p.85. DHW LESSON 7 EXODUS 7-8 2

C. The Third Plague: Lice Covered miracles.3 In the light of Scripture, The Land Of Egypt (8:16-20). these magicians are Satan’s agents 1. The land of Egypt was infested and they performed the miracles with lice (8:16-17). through the power of the Devil. In other 2. The Egyptian magicians' words, in God’s plan and purpose, He response to the plague (8:18- has given the angels whom He created 19a). the power to do great and mighty 3. Pharaoh hardened his heart works. (8:19b). The Egyptians had deified the snake. It is a symbol of protection and D. The Fourth Plague: Flies power. The Egyptian kings had the Swarmed The Land Of Egypt image of a snake-god on their (8:20-32). headgear. The most significant part in this encounter is that Aaron’s snake 1. Moses warned Pharaoh the swallowed up all the other snakes. LORD’s judgement (8:20-23). God displayed that He is more 2. The LORD smote Egypt with superior to the gods of Egypt. The swarms of flies (8:24). stage is set for the battle between the 3. Pharaoh promised with Lord God of Moses and the children of conditions (8:25-29). Israel, and the gods of Pharaoh and 4. The plague ended but Pharaoh the Egyptians. hardened his heart (8:30-32). The First Plague—the Nile The first plague was directed COMMENTARY against the river Nile. It is appropriate because the Nile is considered sacred Yahweh is Superior by the Egyptians. It is the lifeline of Moses obeyed God. His brother Egypt, for without it the lands adjacent Aaron and he approached Pharaoh would be like the deserts and the again. Pharaoh asked for a sign from wastelands beyond. The LORD told Moses and Aaron. God had already Moses to meet Pharaoh when he went instructed Moses what to do. He was to the river. He should ask Pharaoh to to cast his rod on the ground and it let the Hebrews go that “they may turned into a serpent (7:10). Pharaoh serve me in the wilderness” (7:15, 16). called his magicians and they The turning of the waters of the Nile duplicated “in like manner” (2 Timothy into blood was to demonstrate to 2 3:8). Then Aaron’s snake swallowed Pharaoh that the God of the Hebrews up the magicians’ snakes. The Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart as the Lord 3 Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false had spoken. Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great The ability of the magicians to signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were perform the act is not by any sleight of possible, they shall deceive the very elect. hand or trickery for the inspired Word 2 Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming describes that they did it in the same is after the working of Satan with all power and way. God has revealed in His Word signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that that Satan and the fallen angels who perish; because they received not the love of the followed him can also perform truth, that they might be saved. Revelation 16:14 For they are the spirits of 22 Timothy 3:8 Now as Jannes and Jambres devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the them to the battle of that great day of God faith. Almighty. DHW LESSON 7 EXODUS 7-8 3 is the LORD—the ever present, active The Egyptians associated the frog and powerful God.4 When the Nile with the goddess of Heqt (pronounce was turned to blood, it could no more heqet). The frog-headed deity give the life-supporting elements that it symbolised fruitfulness and blessings, used to. This is to impress upon assuring the Egyptians of a good Pharaoh that the origin and sustainer harvest as the frogs appeared in of life is the LORD and not the Nile. greater numbers during the time when It should not surprise us that the the Nile was flooding, and the women magicians too could perform the same were in childbirth. But the frogs had thing and Pharaoh's heart was become problematic and a nuisance. hardened (7:22). The fact that the The magicians too could do the same magicians could still have “unbloodied feat. They added more to the problem water” to change suggests that the first by doubling the number of frogs, but wonder was immediately reversed, they could not remove the frogs. only to be repeated by the magicians. Pharaoh had to call for Moses and Nothing seems extraordinary insofar Aaron and asked them to pray to the as Pharaoh and the Egyptians were LORD that He may get rid of the frogs. concerned. The interval of seven days For the first time, Pharaoh used the after the LORD had smitten the river name “the LORD”. He also promised gave Pharaoh ample opportunity to to let the people go that they might repent before God acted again in sacrifice unto the LORD (8:8). Pharaoh judgement. But Pharaoh’s heart was recognised that it is Yahweh who could hardened. remove the frogs. The Second Plague—Frogs Moses’ initial reaction was one of jubilance (8:9). He asked Pharaoh to Moses approached Pharaoh with select the time for him to ask the the request to let the people go that LORD to remove the frogs! Moses' they might serve the LORD. Pharaoh words “glory over me” suggests that he was warned that if he refused, the river gave Pharaoh the honour of choosing Nile would be infested with frogs. The the date for the removal of the frogs. frogs would enter into their houses, Pharaoh said, “Tomorrow." It was bedrooms and theit beds, kitchens, done. All the frogs that were in the ovens, kneading troughs and upon all houses, the villages and the fields the people (8:2-4). Moses told Aaron died. The Egyptians had once thought to stretch his hand, and frogs came out the frog was a symbol of blessings but of the streams, rivers, and ponds onto the frogs were then gathered in heaps the land as predicted by Moses. and the land stank! When Pharaoh The plague of frogs must have saw that the frogs were gone, he discomforted the Egyptians miserably. hardened his heart, and went back on Imagine turning in to sleep at night to his word (8:15). find frogs in bed with you; putting on the kettle to boil water and out jump The Third Plague—Lice frogs; and walking on the streets, We observe that no request was stepping on frogs—frogs here, frogs made to Pharaoh and neither was there, frogs everywhere, not forgetting Pharaoh pre-warned of its imposition the croaking noise they all made! (8:16). The LORD just commanded Moses to say to Aaron to stretch out 4 Davis (pp.93-94) comments that it is not the rod and smite the dust of the necessary to argue whether the Nile River was turned into human or animal blood. The water had ground and it became lice. These lice all the characteristics of blood as viewed by Moses invaded the bodies of man and and the others. DHW LESSON 7 EXODUS 7-8 4 animals throughout the land of Egypt. land and the all the inhabitants of Now the magicians tried to replicate Egypt would be invaded with “swarms the feat but this time they could not. of flies”. Moreover God would make a They made a significant distinction this time between the land acknowledgement: “This is the finger of Goshen where the Hebrews lived of God.”5 How do we understand that and the rest of the land. The land of this time the Egyptian magicians could Goshen would be spared the invasion not duplicate the feat? The appropriate of the swarms of flies. The purpose interpretation is that God, who had was that Pharaoh might know that “I allowed the magicians to replicate His am LORD” (8:22). feats in the past, had limited them this Pharaoh refused. The LORD acted. time. God restrained the demonical Swarms of flies filled the land except powers that they had used for their Goshen. The phrase “of flies” is own purpose of self-exaltation before. italicised by the translators of the King Their failure is evidence that the God James Version for the simple reason of the Hebrews is the living and true that it is not in the Hebrew text, which God who is sovereign and who is reads “swarms” (arob). The word LORD. We observe that from now "swarms" means a mixed one, a onwards, the magicians were variety of insects, or diverse sort of completely helpless and powerless. flies. Some translated it as gnats or The magicians and priests of Egypt beetles that was a symbol of the sum were noted for the purity of their and of the abiding life of the soul. The physical bodies. They were Egyptians wore the effigy of this circumcised, shaved their hair from revered symbol.7 their heads and bodies, washed We see a response from Pharaoh frequently and were dressed in at last. He called Moses and Aaron beautiful linen robes. The priests could and said, “Go ye, sacrifice to your God not carry out their priestly function as in the land” (8:25). Moses replied that usual and effectively as they were it was not possible. The slaughtering of afflicted by this plague. It humbled sheep, and cattle, which the Egyptians them and stained their glory. They worshipped as gods, would offend became objects of dislike and disgust.6 them. They might turn violent towards The Fourth Plague—Flies the Israelites and stone them. Moses insisted that they moved out of Egypt. Pharaoh’s heart was hardened Pharaoh then made another and he still refused to let the people go compromise that they should not go to serve their LORD (8:19b). The very far away. Pharaoh also asked LORD told Moses to rise up early in Moses to intercede for him and rid the the morning and approach Pharaoh by land of the swarms of flies (8:28). the river again. Moses must warn him Moses agreed to do so but warned him that if he still rejected the request, the that he should not deceive him again 5 This expression is a symbol of divine power. The (8:29). Law that God gave to Moses was written the Two significant developments took “finger of God” (Exodus 31:18). Our Lord Jesus place. God made a distinction between Christ told the Pharisees that He cast out devils His people and the Egyptians. This is with the “finger of God” (Luke 11:20). Compare strong evidence that the plagues also Daniel 5:5-In the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand, and wrote over against the cannot be explained away by human candlestick upon the plaster of the wall of the reason for they are supernaturally king's palace: and the king saw the part of the performed by God. Nature does not hand that wrote. 6 Davis, p. 103. 7 Maxie D. Dunnam, p.117. DHW LESSON 7 EXODUS 7-8 5 have personal intelligence to children in mercy and love, protecting distinguish between the Hebrews and and providing for those who fear, love the Egyptians, Goshen and the rest of and obey Him. the land. We see that not only Pharaoh While Satan through his agents is and the gods of Egypt were humiliated, able to perform similar feats of wonder but also the LORD pointed out that he and amazement, these acts only would “put a redemption” between His further aggravated the evil situations. people and the people of Egypt (8:23). They have no power to alleviate them. The other development is that we Satan’s power is limited by God. The see that Pharaoh was weakening, but devil can only perform if God permits. not much. He offered two concessions. The Apostle Paul learns this truth well. But when the LORD did what Moses If God be for us who can be against asked Him to do i.e. removed the us? (Romans 8:31). There is no one, swarms of flies, Pharaoh once again really. God’s love towards His people hardened his heart and refused to let is not determined by “tribulation, or the children of Israel go. We can distress or persecution, or famine, or understand why Pharaoh hardened his nakedness, or peril, or sword.” heart and refused to let Moses and the Today if we hear His voice, harden people go. Pharaoh is also struggling not our hearts, but obey and trust Him. within himself. He was made to believe that he was a god. Giving in to Moses’ God would diminish him in the eyes of his priests and people, and would reduce his power. He simply could not do so without being humbled by God.

Living By Faith It is clear from this chapter that idolatrous worship of things and animals is futile and useless. Paul had pointed out that the people had worshipped the creature rather than the Creator. We learn, and that is the intention of God, that the one who is in control and is in charge is the living and true God. He is the LORD who is ever present, active, immutable, and keeps His promises. Those who opposed and disobeyed Him could not escape the displeasure of His anger. But those who trusted and obeyed Him correspondingly received from Him His protection and provision. God has shown this by putting a distinction between His people and the enemy. As the people of God chosen and bought with the precious blood of Christ, we take comfort and encouragement as we live and serve Him. God looks upon His DHW LESSON 7 EXODUS 7-8 6

DHW Bible Class …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… LESSON 7 …………………………………………… …………………………………………… THE BOOK OF EXODUS …………………………………………… …………………………………………… Chapters 7-8 ……………………………………………

DAILY READINGS & DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 3. Which Egyptian gods were judged by the turning of the Nile into blood? DAILY READINGS …………………………………………… MONDAY: Exodus 7:8-13; 2 Timothy …………………………………………… 3:1-17; Revelation 16:14 …………………………………………… …………………………………………… TUESDAY: Exodus 7:14-25; …………………………………………… Ephesians 6:10-19; John 3:11 …………………………………………… …………………………………………… WEDNESDAY: Exodus 8:1-15; …………………………………………… 1 Corinthians 8:1-6

THURSDAY: Exodus 8:16-24; 4. How does this first plague show the John 8:1-11 judgement of the gods?

FRIDAY: Exodus 8:25-32; …………………………………………… 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… DISCUSSION QUESTIONS …………………………………………… …………………………………………… 1. What are the names of the two …………………………………………… Egyptian magicians? ……………………………………………

…………………………………………… …………………………………………… 5. How would a hardened heart be …………………………………………… manifested today? …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… 2. What truths can be drawn about …………………………………………… Aaron’s snake and the Egyptian …………………………………………… magicians’ snakes? DHW LESSON 7 EXODUS 7-8 7

6. What different effect has this …………………………………………… plague on Pharaoh than the …………………………………………… previous ones?

…………………………………………… 11. Are earthly powers in conflict with …………………………………………… God today? What are they? …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… 7. What would be the reasons for …………………………………………… Pharaoh's change of attitude?

…………………………………………… 12.Give a title to this chapter. …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… 8. What made the plague of lice more irritating than the previous ones?

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9. What distinction is now put between the Egyptians and the Hebrews? What does it indicate?

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