3Rd Six Weeks Gov T Summative: Election Simulation 2016

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3Rd Six Weeks Gov T Summative: Election Simulation 2016

3rd Six Weeks Gov’t Summative: Election Simulation 2016

Objective: Student understands the factors that influence an individual’s political attitudes.

In groups of 1-3, students represent political parties/candidate, PACs or interest groups in 2016 Presidential campaign and create a product designed to persuade the class to join their point of view.

4 3 2 1 Student creates website Student creates website Student creates website Student does not fully or commercial w/ their or commercial w/ their or commercial w/ their contribute to group group incorporating: group including: group including: design of campaign 2 persuasive 3 public policy issues, 2 public policy issues, slogan and website. techniques, 3 public 1 persuasive technique, 1 persuasive technique, Resulting product is policy issues, 1 Crockett results from poll, plus limited and is not 1 Crockett endorsement, results name and slogan, informative. endorsement, results from poll in a graph, however information from poll in a graph, plus name, creative on public policy issues Website is incomplete, plus name, effective slogan, and background or persuasive technique does not include slogan, and background information for your is unclear or required elements, or details for your group. group. incomplete. has multiple errors in information, images, Website homepage Website homepage Website homepage grammar, spelling, etc. includes multiple fonts, includes multiple fonts, incorporates some colors and images with colors, and images with creative use of fonts, Commercial is a menu bar containing a menu bar containing colors and images, may incomplete, less than 2 links to additional links to additional not include appropriate mins, does not include pages, social media pages, social media information, links, or required elements. details, and has no info, and has few may have some errors spelling, grammar or spelling, grammar or in spelling, grammar Student does not punctuation errors. punctuation errors. and punctuation. provide written evidence of their role in Commercial is creative Commercial is video of Commercial is 2-3 the group project. video of 3-4 mins., 3-4 mins., including mins in length, includes including designed designed sound and some use of creative sound and visuals, as visuals, as well as the sound and visuals, as well as the elements elements listed above. well as elements listed listed above. above. Student in groups of 2- Student in groups of 2- 3 provides written Student provides some 3 provides written evidence of their role written evidence of evidence of their role and work to their role in group. and work to demonstrate their demonstrate their individual contribution. individual contribution. Big 8

1. What is the assignment asking me to LEARN?, or “get good at”?

2. What final product, writing, or presentation do I have to produce? End product? Today’s product?

3. What sources of information do I have to use? How many? What can I use to get smarter today?

4. How much time do I have to complete the assignment? (master this concept/skill?)

5. When is it due?

6. S: Do I have to meet with someone to describe my progress while I do my work? Who? When?

7. S: Do I have to use a learning guide, graphic organizer and/or notebook or log during the activity? How?

8. S: Will my work be evaluated with a set of criteria/scoring guide? Do I have a copy? When?

Political Party Role Expectations 1. CHOOSE A PARTY or CANDIDATE to represent

Hillary Clinton https://www.hillaryclinton.com/

Bernie Sanders https://go.berniesanders.com/page/content/splash

Democratic Party https://www.democrats.org/

Ted Cruz https://www.tedcruz.org/

John Kasich https://www.johnkasich.com/

Donald Trump https://www.donaldjtrump.com/

GOP (Republican Party) https://www.gop.com/

Jill Stein http://www.jill2016.com/

Green Party http://www.gp.org/

Gary Johnson https://garyjohnson2016.com/

Libertarian Party http://www.lp.org/

2. CHOOSE ROLES within your group, all are responsible for final product.

Chairman-The face of the party, speaks and represents party platform to public

Public Relations Director-Assists writing platform, developing winning strategy

Media Relations Director-Develops social media presence, creates party image

3. RESEARCH PARTY PLATFORM, determine 3 public affairs to focus on, and your party/candidate’s position on these issues.

4. DEVELOP SLOGAN AND LOGO, and research background details.

5. CONDUCT POLL of at least 10 classmates on paper or Google Forms on issue in your party platform and illustrate the results in a graph (Google Forms will create the graph for you) to be included in your final web page or commercial.

6. EARN ENDORSEMENT from a Crockett celebrity or official, include quote or image in your final product. 7. CREATE a 3-4 minute COMMERCIAL OR WEBSITE homepage (digitally or on paper), including all of the above elements.

8. INCORPORATE 1-2 PERSUASIVE TECHNIQUES into your final product to convince the public to choose your candidate/party over the others.

Interest Group or Super PAC Role Expectations

1. CHOOSE A GROUP to represent (see list of interest groups and PACs)

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) http://www.naacp.org/

League of United Latin American Citizens http://lulac.org/

National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) http://www.ncai.org/

National Organization of Women (NOW) http://now.org/

American Civil Liberties Union https://www.aclu.org/

AFL-CIO http://www.aflcio.org/

MoveOn.Org http://front.moveon.org/

Americans For Prosperity https://americansforprosperity.org/

US Chamber of Commerce https://www.uschamber.com/

Sierra Club http://www.sierraclub.org/

Humane Society http://www.humanesociety.org/

Marijuana Policy Project https://www.mpp.org/

National Parks Conservation Society https://www.npca.org/

2. ASSIGN ROLES within your group

3. CHOOSE ROLES within your group, all are responsible for final product.

Chairman-The face of the group, speaks and represents platform to public Public Relations Director-Assists writing platform, developing winning strategy

Media Relations Director-Develops social media presence, creates online image

4. RESEARCH ISSUE, determine 3 elements of your public policy issue to focus on, and your group’s position.

5. DEVELOP SLOGAN AND LOGO, and research background details.

6. CONDUCT POLL of at least 10 classmates on paper or using Google Forms on public policy issue and illustrate the results in a graph (Google Forms will create the graph for you) to be included in your final web page or commercial.

7. EARN ENDORSEMENT from a Crockett celebrity or official, and include a quote or image in your final product.

8. CREATE a 3-4 minute COMMERCIAL OR WEBSITE homepage (digitally or on paper), including all of the above elements.

9. INCORPORATE 1-2 PERSUASIVE TECHNIQUES into your final product to convince the public to choose your group over others

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