Teen Pregnancy Prevention Advisory Board

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Teen Pregnancy Prevention Advisory Board

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Advisory Board Quarterly 09/24/2015 9:30 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. DelDOT Administration Building Farmington/Felton Building 800 South Bay Road Dover, DE 19901

Kristin Bennett Catherine Dukes Evelyn Figueroa Frank Hawkins Venus Jones Lucy O’Donnell

Call Ins: Alyson Lang, Cynthia Madden and Janice Taylor

Absent Members: Nicole Adams, Patricia Ayers, Roberta Gealt, Robert Hall, Samara Kaminski, Pam Louie, Julie Wilgen, Gloria Shuba, Loretta Taylor and Marianne Letavish

Chair: Catherine Dukes Co-Chair: Lucy O’Donnell

A brief overview of the agenda was provided by the Chair. The main focus of the meeting was on the SMART objectives that the committees came up with and to take a broad strokes’ review of the State Adolescent Sexual Health Plan.

Following an introduction by the Advisory Board members that included how they or their organization represented adolescent pregnancy prevention efforts within Delaware, Mr. Hawkins informed the members that he would email grant information opportunities to fund pregnancy prevention research.

The July 9th minutes were accepted after removing Mr. Hawkins’ name for the Education Committee.

Review of Current Committees:

Membership Committee – Cat Dukes

Ms. Dukes called Kenyetta McCuryd-Byrd from West End Neighborhood House to request information about the Carrera Program as well as to find out whether there was an interest from someone to serve on the Board. She will follow up with another call since there was no call back from West End Neighborhood House. Mr. Hawkins also gave her the name Paul Calistro ([email protected]) who is the Executive Director and would be in a position to determine the appropriate person to serve on the Board.

Ms. Figueroa also suggested Alice Stevens as another contact. Board members were in consensus that they would like West End Neighborhood House to share information about their 5-year program based on the Carrera Model. Education Committee- Venus Jones

Ms. Jones reported that the committee members had a conference call on September 11th where their main discussion was about data and its distribution. Committee members felt that there needs to be a more parent-focused section where they can go into and get some really good data, resources and different ideas on how to speak to their teen and how they can get more involved.

She also shared feedback from the Education Subcommittee after their first meeting and review of the Delaware Adolescent Sexual Health State Plan (DASHP): a. Question as to which plan to update? The original plan or the update? Answer: The original plan. Kris told the Committee that Kicks Count data is updated yearly, and that data is more accurate that Vital Stats information. b. Question as to who this is for? Answer: It was for providers, researchers, community partners as far as we remember. The updated plan will have more specific professional /parent groups listed. See below. c. Recommendation to add/enhance a Parent Section - - Group said YES! d. Wondering if we should address specific populations?

There was some discussion regarding:  What do we want in the Plan?  What are the goals of the Plan?  Who is the audience?  Who to distribute it to?

Mr. Hawkins also talked about revising the State Adolescent Sexual Health Plan and how that would increase the likelihood of receiving additional federal funding. Ms. Dukes agreed with his suggestion and recommended creating a Plan Summary and Progress Report within the Plan. It was suggested to provide a five-year summary of the progress in 2016.

Bylaws Committee- Kris Bennett

Kris reviewed the names of the Committee member’s which included Cat Dukes, Christopher Moore and Natasha Smalls; however, they have not met yet. The Chair would like to see more representation on the Bylaws Committee. As an action item Cat and Lucy will look at nominating more individuals to the Bylaws Committee.

Membership Committee- Frank Hawkins

Mr. Hawkins stated that the committee reviewed member terms and dates. Clarification of Lucy’s term expiration was provided by the Chair. Ms. O’Donnell will have an additional year added due to her becoming Co-Chair.

The committee did not have any recommendations; however, there is a need to look at getting more members on the Board from diversified adolescent health experience. There are eight members who have not attended this year’s meetings. As a follow up, Mr. Hawkins sent out emails to those members. He received one reply from Ms. Lang. He also made phone calls to the Urban League asking for representation to fill the spot that was previously held by Natasha Smalls. However, the Urban League is going through a major transition since Mr. Gilliam died. Consequently, having representation from this agency will be placed on hold.

The Committee will also brainstorm and come up with some ideas about possible representatives to approach about being on the Board.

To be in compliance with the Bylaws the steps to take will be: . Telephone call . Letter next with Bylaws included . Finally dismissal if noncompliance

The Chair clarified that missing three consecutive meetings represents wording that is in the Bylaws. Mr. Hawkins suggested that the Bylaws need to be re-visited regarding this matter since there are only four meetings per year. Other Board members were in agreement.  Kris will follow up by reviewing the language in the Bylaws pertaining to this.

Recommendations for membership:  Maria Porter  Tya Pope  Paul Calistro-Frank will contact

The Chair and Vice Chair reached out to Healthy Teen Network advocates for youth and the national campaign. Lucy will provide an update.

Janice Taylor created an initial site mockup in under 6 hours! Ms. Taylor will provide an update during the Subcommittee reports.

Cat did a quick review of the SMART Goals:

 To review and update the Adolescent Sexual Health State Plan by June of next year  To implement a group website by September 30th  To review and analyze the membership and make recommendations on the By-Laws by December 30th of this year  To develop a consistent process to address absenteeism by December 30th of this year  To write an annual report and summary on or before June 30th of each year to be given to the DPH Director regarding our information recommendations and resources

Delaware Adolescent Sexual Health State Plan

Overall feedback from the TPPAB regarding broad-strokes feedback about the DASHP and where we’d like to go with the update: a. Current plan is outdated and too long. Need half as many pages or less and lots more visuals to replace paragraphs b. WHO do we want the plan to target: parents, youth service providers, educators, school board members, administrators, legislators and/or staff of government agencies? c. PURPOSE of the PLAN – to be used for advocacy, education & training, tools & tips, use for funding applications, increase awareness of issues and risks, and sections for resource and referral d. WHERE / HOW TO ROLL OUT: Press release, launch event, webinar? e. HOW DO WE WANT THE PLAN TO LOOK: Include infographic, Delaware teen stories, include “suggested uses” for the plan, etc.?

FLIPCHART 3 was the picture of a triangle with a line through the top 3rd to demonstrate what people can retain. If the iceberg represents ALL THE INFORMATION we want people to have about teen pregnancy, then the tip of the iceberg is what we can expect people to retain, remember and share with others. Our updated DASHP needs to be brief enough that the most essential information is included and not hidden by 20-30 pages of data they cannot retain or use.

Next meeting: December 17, 2015

Meeting concluded at 11:00 a.m.

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