Ideas for Competencies

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Ideas for Competencies

Competencies Assessment

Purpose: Preparing and maintaining a portfolio of training experiences and developing competencies is a useful exercise for students. Benefits for students include fostering a considered approach toward the next steps in their education; developing skills for assessment of one’s own competencies strengths and weaknesses; and maintaining detailed and accurate records for later use in applications to internship, registration as a psychologist, and jobs. Benefits for the programme include enhancing our continual efforts to improve the quality of training and meet our educational objectives; documenting that students have met accreditation standards for broad and general training in specified areas of study; and facilitating meaningful formative and summative evaluation feedback to students, including the annual written feedback on student progress.

Standards: CPA (and APA) requires students to meet standards for broad and general training in the biological, cognitive, affective and social aspects of behaviour, as well as in human development, in order for our graduate program to be accredited and for students to become registered as psychologists post-graduation. These standards can be met through a variety activities including (but not limited to) both graduate and undergraduate courses, workshops, research studies, brown bag/colloquium talks, etc. or some combination thereof. One “breadth” course will likely not meet the standards for a category, so you will need to document training you’ve received in these areas across different experiences, courses, settings, etc. It is important that students demonstrate that they have met each standard before graduation. The clinical faculty will review the training experiences you’ve acquired within these five areas yearly and sign off when your training in that area has met APA/CPA standards.

Assessment: Another purpose of the Competencies Assessment is to help students think about the level of competency they believe they have attained in what the clinical faculty consider to be the most important areas of competence for clinical psychologists. These are reflected in the check boxes next to each item, and should be informed by the training experiences you’ve listed below each item. Because every student has his/her own personalized career goals, we expect that students will vary in the other competencies they wish to prioritize mastery (outside of the areas required by CPA). The purpose of this portion of the document is simply to help students self-assess their progress and how that fits with their ultimate training goals.

The Competencies Assessment document should be discussed with your advisor and used to help plan the next steps in your graduate education. Also, this is meant to be a cumulative document that gets revised and amended over time. Even after an area is deemed complete by the faculty, we encourage students to continue to add relevant experiences, as maintaining a comprehensive log will ultimately help the student when applying for jobs or registration, etc. Historical and Scientific Foundations of Psychology This domain includes a broad knowledge base, including biological bases of behaviour, cognitive-affective bases of behaviour, social and cultural bases of behaviour, and individual differences/lifespan development. No Exposure - have not (yet) been exposed to the material Exposure - have been introduced to the main topics and possess a level of understanding that allows you to identify and describe the major concepts Basic, Working Knowledge - can compare and contrast information from multiple sources, and could prepare an introductory lecture on the topic In-depth Knowledge - ability to evaluate the topic critically and integrate it with knowledge from other areas to formulate unique thoughts and ideas about clinical or research problems

Knowledge No Exposure Exposure Basic Working In-depth 1. Biological bases of behaviour, (e.g. Knowledge Knowledge physiological or comparative psychology, neuropsychology, etc.) graduate courses: ______undergraduate courses: ______other:______For office use only: Standards met date: ______signing authority: ______

No Exposure Exposure Basic Working In-depth 2. Basic psychopharmacology Knowledge Knowledge

graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Basic Working In-depth 3. Cognitive – affective bases of behaviour Knowledge Knowledge (e.g. learning, sensation, perception, cognition, thinking, motivation, emotion) graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______For office use only: Standards met date: ______signing authority: ______

Updated:04/28/2014 2 No Exposure Exposure Basic Working In-depth 4. Social bases of behaviour (e.g. social Knowledge Knowledge psychology, cultural, ethnic and group processes, sex roles, organizational and systems theory) graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______For office use only: Standards met date: ______signing authority: ______

No Exposure Exposure Basic Working In-depth 5. Individual behaviour (e.g. personality Knowledge Knowledge theory, human development, individual differences, abnormal psychology) graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______For office use only: Standards met date: ______signing authority: ______

No Exposure Exposure Basic Working In-depth 6. Historical and scientific foundations Knowledge Knowledge of general psychology

graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______For office use only: Standards met date: ______signing authority: ______

No Exposure Exposure Basic Working In-depth 7. Typical and atypical development across Knowledge Knowledge the life span, including protective and risk factors that influence development graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______For office use only: Standards met date: ______signing authority: ______

Updated:04/28/2014 3 Research Skills and Critical Reasoning This domain includes scientific reasoning and decision-making; independent research; critical evaluation of the literature; and quantitative skills. No Exposure – have not been (yet) exposed to the material Exposure – have been exposed to the basic concepts associated with the competency but do not (yet) have applied experience Experience/Training – some experience and ongoing training with this competency Competent w/ Supervision – knowledge and skills are at the level expected of an advanced graduate student ready for internship

Knowledge and Skills No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 8. Research methods in psychology, Training w/Supervision with special emphasis on clinical psychology

graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 9. Program evaluation methods Training w/Supervision

graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 10. Objectively evaluate research Training w/Supervision

graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

Updated:04/28/2014 4 No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 11. Prepare research proposals Training w/Supervision

graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 12. Quantitative analysis using multiple Training w/Supervision methods

graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

Updated:04/28/2014 5 Ethics and Professionalism This domain includes professional identity and integrity; concern for the welfare and dignity of others; ethical, legal and professional standards in research, teaching, and practice, decision- making and conduct; and commitment to enhancing competency through self-evaluation and continuing education.

Knowledge No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 13. Ethical issues in the conduct of research, Training w/Supervision teaching, supervision, and practice (e.g., knowledge of the CPA and APA ethics codes, the CPBC code of conduct, the Tri- Council Policy Statement for ethical research) graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

Skills No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 14. Identify and observe boundaries of Training w/Supervision competence in all areas of professional practice graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 15. Establish and maintain an environment Training w/Supervision that promotes ethical behaviour and decision-making graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

Updated:04/28/2014 6 No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 16. Critically evaluate one’s own Training w/Supervision competence through self-assessment and feedback from others graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 17. Demonstrate respect for others, including Training w/Supervision those with conflicting viewpoints, in all areas of professional functioning graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 18. Accurately represent and document Training w/Supervision work performed in scholarship and professional practice graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 19. Specific skills related to ethical issues Training w/Supervision that commonly arise in relation to the student’s idiosyncratic area of work graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

Updated:04/28/2014 7 Interpersonal Competence and Communication This domain includes relating effectively and meaningfully with clients, colleagues, supervisors, and students as well as proficiency in working with individuals with diverse cultural and personal backgrounds and characteristics. No Exposure – have not been (yet) exposed to the material Exposure – have been exposed to the basic concepts associated with the competency but do not (yet) have applied experience Experience/Training – some experience and ongoing training with this competency Competent w/ Supervision – knowledge and skills are at the level expected of an advanced graduate student ready for internship

Skills No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 20. Communicate effectively in oral and Training w/Supervision written format in scholarly and practice settings graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 21. Identify and manage interpersonal Training w/Supervision conflict graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 22. Professional presentations and teaching Training w/Supervision

graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

Updated:04/28/2014 8 No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 23. Knowledge and skills pertaining Training w/Supervision to supervision graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 24. Develop and communicate formative Training w/Supervision and summative evaluations of students’ work graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 25. Knowledge and skills pertaining to Training w/Supervision developing a warm and constructive working alliance with clients and relevant stakeholders graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

Updated:04/28/2014 9 Evidence-Based Practice This domain is broad and includes basic application of research findings to clinical practice. This basic level of knowledge and skills involves integration of theory, systematic knowledge, and experience to collect, interpret and apply pertinent data as well as awareness of biases and heuristics. This domain also includes assessment and intervention. In the realm of assessment, the domain covers appropriate selection and application of measurement approaches and psychometric tools; diagnosis and case conceptualization; communication of assessment findings; and knowledge of limitations and appropriateness of norms and references. In the area of intervention/supervision/consultation, the domain includes the use of evidence-based interventions designed to alleviate suffering and to promote mental health and well-being and provision of expert guidance or professional assistance to supervisees and third parties.

Knowledge and Skills No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 26. Biases and heuristics that can influence Training w/Supervision clinical decision-making along with steps to minimize their influence graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 27. Psychometric theory and test Training w/Supervision construction methods graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 28. Methods for assessing characteristics Training w/Supervision and behaviours of children and adults graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

Updated:04/28/2014 10 No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 29. Diagnostic classification systems Training w/Supervision and their limitations graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 30. Factors influencing interpretation of data Training w/Supervision and decision-making graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 31. Evidence base supporting efficacy and Training w/Supervision effectiveness of interventions for specific problems/disorders graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 32. Articulate a rationale for decisions and Training w/Supervision psychological services that relies on supporting data (e.g., research results, base rates, epidemiological data) graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 33. Knowledge and application of evidence- Training w/Supervision based criteria in selection and adaptation of assessment methods (e.g., psychometric properties, cost effectiveness, relevance, norms) graduate courses:______

Updated:04/28/2014 11 undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 34. Administer and score assessment Training w/Supervision instruments for children and/or adults graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 35. Interpret and synthesize results from Training w/Supervision multiple sources (e.g., multiple methods of assessment, multiple informants) graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 36. Formulate a diagnosis, recommendation, Training w/Supervision and/or professional opinion using multi-axial diagnostic criteria using multiple methods graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 37. Evaluate effectiveness of psychological Training w/Supervision services graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 38. Knowledge and skills pertaining to Training w/Supervision intervention in a variety of treatment

Updated:04/28/2014 12 modalities (e.g., individual therapy, family therapy) graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 39. Engage in collaborative intervention Training w/Supervision planning with client(s) and stakeholders graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

No Exposure Exposure Experience/ Competent 40. Engage in consultation and collaboration Training w/Supervision across professions, including other organizations such as schools, community agencies, etc. graduate courses:______undergraduate courses: ______other:______

Updated:04/28/2014 13

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