Part I. Terrorism ─ Past and Present

TASK 1. Read the interview* with Mr. Anthony Johns, the Financial Analyst of Ford Motor Company (the UK) and answer the following questions:

(* Click the cover of the War on Terror book at the first page of the just-english site, then click the link interviews / интервью in the text)

1. Which landmark events in the history of mankind does Mr. Johns associate with the history of terrorism? 2. How does he describe the motives of terrorist actions? 3. What is his idea of the top priority measures to combat international terrorism? 4. Does he agree with the statement that terrorists are getting inspiration from Hollywood films?

TASK 2. Find in the text of the interview the English equivalents for the following words and expressions. Use these expressions while discussing the issues of the War on Terror.

1. жестокость, зверство 2. находиться под следствием 3. быть частью человеческой природы 4. территориальные претензии 5. делать выводы 6. добиваться известности, стараться заставить о себе заговорить 7. оружие массового уничтожения 8. привлекать внимание общественности 9. недооценивать 10. покончить с терроризмом 11. причины, семена насилия 12. первостепенные меры 13. очаги насилия 14. информационные технологии 15. представлять насилие в привлекательном виде 16. следовать чьему-л. примеру, подражать кому-л. 17. бдительность 18. последнее, но тем не менее важное

TASK 3. Study the following statements, taken from the interview. Say if you share/oppose these opinions. Justify your point of view.

 Contemporary terrorism can take advantage of all the modern technological evils.  The USA felt cosseted prior to Sept 11th and felt that imported terror could not happen to them.  Hollywood does tend to glamorise violence.  It could be argued that the media is the terrorists’ friend. Otherwise how would terrorists illustrate their objectives and their capabilities?  Terrorism can never be totally defeated.

© Just English 1 No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the Copyright owner. Part II. A burning issue of the 21st century

TASK 1. Read the interview** with Mr. Kalyan Munshi, the Research Scientist, University of Minnesota, (USA) and answer the following questions:

(** Click the cover of the War on Terror book at the first page of the just-english site, then click the link interviews / интервью in the text)

1. What is Mr. Munshi’s idea of the ultimate motives and goals of terrorism? 2. According to Mr. Munshi, in what ways is the contemporary terrorism different from that of the past? 3. What measures does he consider to have been effective to prevent the 11th of September horror? 4. In what way does he compare terrorism with the dreadful diseases of the 21st century?

TASK 2. Find in the text of the interview the English equivalents for the following words and expressions. Use these expressions while discussing the issues of the War on Terror.

1. жгучий /животрепещущий, насущный/ вопрос 2. проводить сравнение 3. политическое убийство 4. резня; избиение людей 5. «Выживает сильнейший» 6. точный критерий 7. ужасные события 8. ключ к решению проблемы 9. государственная безопасность 10. повышенная бдительность 11. «промывка мозгов», идеологическая обработка 12. положить конец терроризму 13. бич, кара, наказание человечества

TASK 3. Study the following statements, taken from the interview. Say if you share/oppose these opinions. Justify your point of view.

 Terrorism is not rooted in human nature.  Cruelty and terrorism are quite different things.  The lack of readiness to face the drastic terrorist attacks was due to the inability of the USA to understand the terrorists' psychology, their minds and their spirits and motives.  Personal tragedy on a massive scale must not be a subject for black humor or video- games in our civilized society!  Are we returning to the savagery of prehistoric times?

© Just English 2 No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the Copyright owner.