2016 CCNU Admission for International Students

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2016 CCNU Admission for International Students

2016 CCNU admission for international students


About CCNU...... 1 Schools and programs...... 2 Tuition and fees...... 11 How to apply...... 12 Scholarship Information...... 13 Short term programs...... 15 Contact...... 16 About CCNU

Central China Normal University (CCNU) is located in Wuhan, capital of Hubei Province. Founded in 1903, it is a prestigious comprehensive university under the administration of the Chinese Ministry of Education. CCNU is also one of the top normal universities in China and it is on the list of the “ Chinese National 211 Priority Project”.

With a campus on Guizi Hill bordering the South Lake in Wuhan, CCNU consists of 25 schools. It has more than 60 research centers and offers 59 bachelor’s programs, 184 master’s programs and 94 doctoral programs. Now the university has a student body of over 30000, among which 8000 are postgraduates.

Central China Normal University is one of the first Chinese universities to receive international students and it has been appointed by the central government to receive international students with China Government Scholarship. Besides, CCNU is among the first state-level “Chinese Language Teaching Bases”, ratified by the State Council. The university has a wide range of academic and scientific cooperation with more than 100 universities in 70 countries, such as America, Germany, Japan, Russia, France, Australia, etc.

At present, more than 2800 international students from about 100 countries are studying at CCNU. Welcome to join our big family!

1 Schools and Programs

School Level Chinese-taught Programs English-taught Programs College of International Bachelor Chinese Language; Business None Cultural Exchange Chinese Master Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign None Language Language Chinese Language None Student School of Information Bachelor Information Management and None Management Information Systems; E- commerce; Information Resources Management Master Information Science ; Information Management Science and Science ; Library Engineering ; Business Science ; Management; Library science; Logistics Archival Science; Logistics Engineering; Engineering; Project management Management Science and Engineering Doctorate Management Science and Management Engineering; Information Science Science and Engineering; Information Science School of Physical Bachelor Physical Education ; Physical None Education Training Master Physical Humanities and None Sociology; Human Movement Science; Physical Education and Training; National Traditional Sports Doctorate Physical humanities and Physical humanities sociology; Physical Education and and Sociology ; Training; National Traditional Physical Education Sports and Training School of Sociology Bachelor Sociology; Social Work None Master Sociology; Social Work Sociology; Social

2 Work

Doctorate Sociology Sociology School of Life Science Bachelor Biology; Biological Technology Biology Master Biochemistry and Molecular Biochemistry and Science ; Botany ; Zoology; Molecular Genetics; Ecology Science ; Botany ; Zoology ; Genetics; Ecology Doctorate Botany;Zoology Botany;Zoology School of Psychology Bachelor Psychology Psychology Master Basic Psychology; Developmental Basic Psychology; and Education Psychology; Education Applied Psychology (Does not Psychology ; include Psychological Counseling Applied and Treatment Direction) Psychology (Does not include Psychological Counseling and Treatment Direction Doctorate Basic Psychology; Developmental Basic Psychology; and Developmental and Education Psychology Education Psychology School of Chemistry Bachelor Applied Chemistry None Master Inorganic Chemistry; Analytical Inorganic Chemistry ; Organic Chemistry ; Chemistry ; Physical Analytical Chemistry ; Polymer Chemistry Chemistry ; and Physics Organic Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; Polymer Chemistry and Physics School of Mathematics Bachelor Mathematics and Applied and Statistics Mathematics; Master Basic Mathematics ; Applied Basic Mathematics ; Probability Mathematics ; Theory and Mathematical Applied Statistics; Operational Mathematics ;

3 Research and Cybernetics ; Probability Theory Mathematics of Computation and Mathematical Statistics ; Operational Research and Cybernetics; Mathematics of Computation Doctorate Basic Mathematics ; Applied Basic Mathematics ; Operational Mathematics ; Research and Cybernetics ; Applied Mathematical Statistics Mathematics ; Operational Research and Cybernetics ; Mathematical Statistics School of Economics Bachelor International Trade ; Business None Administration ; Economics ; Real Estate Management; Financial Accounting Master International Economics ; Business Business Administration ; Administration Western Economics ; World Economics ; Political Economics ; History of Economics Thought ; Human Resource and Environment Economics ; Regional Economics ; Industrial Economics ; Quantitative Economics ; Business Management ; Land Resource Management; School of Fine Art Bachelor Fine Arts ; Animation ; None Drawing; Visual communication design; Environmental Design Master Fine Arts; Design None Doctorate None None School of Computer Bachelor Computer Science and Computer

4 Science Technology Information Technology Master Computer Science and None Technology; Software Engineering School of Politics Study Bachelor None None Master International Relations ; International International Politics ; Relations ; Diplomacy; Political Theory ; International Chinese and Foreign Political Politics; Diplomacy Institution; Scientific Socialism and International Communist Movement ; Political Sociology ; Political Economics ; The Science of Local Government ; The Study of Marxism in China; Overseas Marxism Research; Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law; National Management and Examination System Doctorate International Relations ; International International Politics ; Relations ; Diplomacy; Political Theory ; International Chinese and Foreign Political Politics; Diplomacy Institution; Scientific Socialism and International Communist Movement ; Political Sociology ; Political Economics ; The Science of Local Government ; The Study of Marxism in China; Overseas Marxism Research; Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law; National Management and Examination System School of Music Bachelor Musicology ; Music None Performance Master Musicology None Doctorate None None School of Foreign Bachelor English ; English None 5 Language Translation(Translation) ; Japanese; French ; Russian; Korean Master English Education ; English English Language and Literature ; Education ; French; Master in Translation; English language Japanese Language and and literature Literature; Russian; Korean Doctorate English Language and English language Literature; Japanese Language and literature and Literature ; Russian; Korean School of Physical Bachelor Physics; Electronic Information Science and Technology Engineering; Communication Engineering Master Theoretical Physics; Particle Theoretical Physics and Nuclear Physics ; Physics; Particle Atomic and Molecular Physics ; Physics and Condensed Matter Physics; Nuclear Physics ; Optics; Radio Physics; Atomic and Astrophysics; Material Physics Molecular and Chemistry; Physical Physics ; Electronic; Circuits and Systems; Condensed Matter Micro-electronics and Solid State Physics; Optics; Electronics; Electromagnetic Radio Physics; Field and Microwave Technology; Astrophysics; Communication and Information Material Physics System; Electronic and and Chemistry; Information Engineering Physical Electronic; Circuits and Systems; Micro- electronics and Solid State Electronics; Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology; Communication

6 and Information System Doctorate Theoretical Physics; Particle Theoretical Physics and Nuclear Physics; Physics; Particle Atomic and Molecular Physics; Physics and Condensed Matter Physics; Nuclear Physics; Optics; Radio Physics; Atomic and Astroparticle Physics Molecular Physics; Condensed Matter Physics; Optics; Radio Physics; Astroparticle Physics School of City and Bachelor Tourism Management; Environmental Science Geographical Science; Geographic Information Science; Human geography and urban planning ; Natural geography and resource management Master Tourism Management; Land None Resource Management; Geography; Doctorate Human Geography None School of Chinese Bachelor Chinese Language and Literature; None Language and Chinese Language Master Theory of Literature and Art ; None Literature Linguistics and Applied Linguistics; Chinese Language and Literature; Study of Chinese Classical Text; Ancient Chinese Literature; Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature; Comparative Literature and World Literature ; Film and Television Literature; Folk Literature; Teaching Chinese as Foreign Language Doctorate Theory of Literature and Art ; None Linguistics and Applied

7 Linguistics; Chinese Language and Literature; Study of Chinese Classical Text; Ancient Chinese Literature; Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature; Comparative Literature and World Literature; Folk Literature School of Marxism Bachelor Political Science None Master Philosophy of Marxism; Foreign None Philosophy; Logic; Ethics; Philosophy of Science and Technology; International Politics Doctorate None None School of Education Bachelor Pedagogy; Pre-school Education; None Special Education Master Pedagogy; Pre-school Education; Pedagogy; Special Education; Comparative Comparative Education; Educational Economy Education; and Management; Sociology of Educational Education; History of Education; Economy and Curriculum and Teaching Management; Methodology Sociology of Education; Curriculum and Teaching Methodology Doctorate Pedagogy; Pre-school Education; Pedagogy; Special Education; Comparative Comparative Education; Educational Economy Education; and Management; Sociology of Educational education; History of Education; Economy and Curriculum and Teaching Management; Methodology Sociology of Education; Curriculum and Teaching Methodology School of Educational Bachelor Educational Technology None Information Master Educational Technology None Technology 8 School of Journalism Bachelor Journalism; News Broadcasting None and Communication Master Journalism; Communication; None

School of Law Bachelor Law None Master Constitutional Law and None Administrative Law; Civil Law and Commercial Law; Science of Procedure Law; Science of Economic Law Bachelor History; Cultural Heritage and None Cultural Industries School of History Master Chinese History; World History; None

Doctorate Chinese History; World History; None Engineering center for Master Informatics and communication Informatics and E-learning ; Internet Plus communication ; Internet Plus Doctorate Informatics and communication Informatics and ; Internet Plus communication ; Internet Plus

Tuition and Fees

(Tuition RMB/year) Subject Liberal Arts Science Music, Fine Arts and Chinese- Type of study Physical Education taught Bachelor 18000 20000 22000 Master 22000 28000 28000 Programs Ph.D 28000 36000 36000 General Studies 18000 20000 20000 Advanced Studies 22000 28000 28000 Chinese Language 17000 Chinese Preparatory 24000 Course English- Bachelor 22000 24000 24000 Master 28000 34000 34000 taught Ph.D 32000 39000 39000 Programs Advanced Studies 28000 36000 36000 Accommo Housing Location Single Room Twin Room Amenities dation Fee CICE Dorm 1200 900 Air conditioner, TV,

9 Triple Room Quad Room Internet, Bathroom, Card 600 450 Telephone, Public Kitchen per month & Laundry Room Off Campus 800-1500 per month 1-3 room apartments Health 800/ year insurance Notes 1. Students should pay 300 for registration. 2. Students must buy the health insurance. 3. The accommodation fee does not include water, electricity, internet cost. 4. Students living outside the campus must inform the student's affairs office.

How to Apply

1.Apply online:http://isao.ccnu.edu.cn.

2. Required application materials

Student type Materials 1. highest degree of education (notarized copy) 2. transcript(notarized copy) Bachelor 3. study plan Master 4. two recommendation letters (for Master and Ph.D Ph.D candidates) 5. copy of passport 6. photo(20-80K, with blue background)

1. copy of passport Chinese language student 2. photo(20-80K, with blue background) 3. highest degree of education (for African students)

1. highest degree of education (notarized copy) 2. transcript(notarized copy) General study student (non- 3. study plan degree) 4. copy of passport 5. photo(20-80K, with blue background)

10 Note : Students who apply for programs taught in English must provide the English proficiency certificate


1. CSC Scholarship — University Postgraduate Study program(Number:30)

Eligible applicant: Master and Doctorate students Scholarship: includes tuition, living allowance, accommodation and health insurance. Living allowance: 3000 RMB/month for Master students and 3500 RMB for Doctorate students.

For more information, please visit: www.csc.edu.cn/laihua .

2. Sino-American Scholarship (Number:5)

Eligible applicant: Bachelor, Master and Doctorate students Scholarship: includes tuition, living allowance, accommodation and health insurance. Living allowance: 2500 RMB/month for Bachelor students, 3000 RMB/month for Master students and 3500 RMB for Doctorate students.

For more information, please visit: www.csc.edu.cn/laihua .

3. Confucius Institute Scholarship

Eligible applicant: Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (10) , General Study of Chinese Language (30) Scholarship: includes tuition, living allowance, accommodation and health insurance. Living allowance: 3000 RMB/month for Masters and 2500 RMB/month for language students.

For more information, please visit: http://cis.chinese.cn.

4. CCNU Distinguished Student Scholarship (Number:100)

11 Eligible applicant: Doctorate students: 5; Master students: 20; Bachelor students:75 Scholarship: covers full tuition for 5 students, half of the tuition for 20 students and offers 2000 to 8000 RMB to the others.

5. CCNU Specific Nationality Scholarship (Number:100) (Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, etc.)

Scholarship: The scholarship covers full tuition for 10 students, half of the tuition for 20 students and offers 2000 to 8000 RMB to the others.

NOTE: 1. The scholarships I~IV will be reviewed by CSC (China Scholarship Council) every year. 2. The scholarship V will be reviewed by Confucius Institute every year. 3. The scholarships VI&VII will be reviewed by CCNU every year. 4. All the scholarships are only provided to the incoming freshman. 5. For more details, please contact the admission office.

12 Short-term Programs

I. Program

Program Introduction Qualification Probing the Essence of The courses take you back to thousand years 1. Ages between Three Kingdom and Chu ago and to trave with heroes in that period. 18 to 60; Culture The Chu Culture and appreciation of 2. High school masterpieces of local writers enables you to graduate certificate experience the essence of Chinese literature. Teaching Skills Workshop With the urgently needed courses such as 1.Oversea Chinese- for Oversea Chinese Chinese Intonation, Chinese Grammar, Language Teachers language Teachers Chinese Writing, Compiling of Teaching ages above 22; Plan and Teaching Practice, the teachers are 2. High school expected to improve their teaching ability. graduate certificate Oversea Chinese The Oversea Chinese Family Camp offers 1.Ages above 12; Adolescent Culture the children not only the opportunity to 2.Certificate Of Experience Camp understand China’s history and culture, but Schooling also the chance of intimacy and growing with parents. Cultural Industry Study With the visit to industries, lectures on 1.Ages between 18 to Tour of Wuhan City politics and the economy, oral Chinese 60 (applicants above classes and cultural excursion, you will get 60 should submit the vision of China and Wuhan city and the health certificate); opportunity to integrate into local economic 2.The applicant development. should have high school graduate certificate Chinese language and Guided by colorful lectures on Chinese 1.Ages between 18 to Culture Camp traditional culture, oral Chinese classes and 60 (The applicants various activities, the Camp helps the above 60 should

13 participants to perceive China’s long submit health history, to immerse in the real language certificate); environment and to experience the life of 2.The applicant common Chinese people. should have high school graduate certificate

II. Application Materials

1. International Student Study Application Form which can be downloaded on the website of www.cice.ccnu.edu.cn; 2. High School or University Diploma photocopy; 3. Two passport-sized photographs; 4. One photocopy of passport data page

III. Fees

1. Registration Fees: 300 RMB 2. Tuition Fees: 10000 RMB for a three-week program, including the courses, accommodation at the international student dorms, cultural field trip and airport pickup; 3. The program may be cut to 2 weeks at request and the tuition may be reduced accordingly

IV. Accommodation

International Student Dorm of Central China Normal University

V. The minimum number of participants in a group should be 15


Admission Office, College of International Cultural Exchange, Central China Normal University, Address: 152 Luoyu Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China Tel: +86-27-67865209/67865607

14 Fax: +86-27-67863760/67866427 Email: [email protected] Website:http://www.ccnu.edu.cn/ , http://cice.ccnu.edu.cn

Apply online:http://isao.ccnu.edu.cn.


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