Formula for Schools
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1. Elements of the Formula 5
2. Details of each element of the Formula 6
2.1 Pupil Numbers (a) Age Weighted Pupil Units 6 (b) Pupil Number Base 6 (c) Excluded Pupils 6 (d) Ghost Pupils 7
2.2 Additional Educational Needs 7
2.3 Special Needs (a) Statemented Pupils 7 - 9 (b) The funding of Special Units 9
2.4 Social Deprivation 9
2.5 Lump Sum 10
2.6 Split Site Allowance 10
2.7 Floor Area 10
2.8 Rates and Rents 10
2.9 Transport to and from activities outside the School 10 Premises, which form part of the school’s curriculum
2.10 Swimming Pools 10
2.11 Primary Behaviour Initiative Bases 11
2.12 Small Schools Protection 11
2.13 Support for Minority Ethnic Pupils 11
2.14 School milk, meals and other refreshments 11
2.15 Insurance 12
2.16 Newly Qualified Teachers 12
2.17 Former Grant Funding 12
1 2.18 Partnership Behaviour Support 12
3. Schedule of rates of funding 13 - 17
1. Elements of the Formula 18
2. Details of each element of the Formula 2.1 Place Numbers 18 2.2 Excluded Pupils 19 2.3 Lump Sum 19 2.4 Floor Area 20 2.5 Hydrotherapy Pool 20 2.6 Rates and Rent payable in respect of the premises of each school 20 2.7 Support for Minority Ethnic Pupils 20 2.8 School Meals, Milk and other refreshments 20 2.9 School Insurance 20 2.10 Newly Qualified Teachers 21 2.11 Former Grant Funding 21
3. Schedule of rates of funding 21-23
1. School Specific Contingency 23 2. Funding of new schools (excluding amalgamations) 23 3. Funding of new schools (amalgamations) 24
ANNEX A Levels of Need Associated with Statement 25-27
ANNEX B Categories of Place Elements 28
2 ANNEX C The Methodology for Reviewing Special Place Numbers 29
ANNEX D Special Schools Conditions for Outreach Funding 30
ANNEX E Glossary 31 - 33
1. Each school receives a budget share for its delegated items. This is the school’s share of the Individual Schools Budget (ISB) and is determined by a formula.
2. Under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, Luton, together with all other Local Education Authorities, is required to devise its own formulae, having regard to local needs and circumstances and in accordance with advice provided and requirements laid down by the Secretary of State under Sections 47 and 48 of the Financing of Maintained Schools Regulations.
3. Under the Financing of Maintained Schools Regulations 2010 various factors or criteria can be used. These are set out in Sections B and C.
1. Elements of the Formula
Each school will receive a formula allocation, which will include the following Elements: - a) Pupil Numbers; b) Additional Educational Needs; c) Statemented Pupils; d) Lump Sum; e) Split Site; f) Floor Area; g) Rent and Rates payable in respect of the premises of each school; and where appropriate; h) ‘Ghost' Pupils; i) Transport to and from activities outside the school premises which forms part of the school’s curriculum; j) Swimming Pools; k) Primary Behaviour Initiative Bases; l) Small schools protection; m) Social Deprivation; n) Support for minority ethnic pupils; o) School milk, meals and other refreshments; p) School insurance; q) Newly Qualified Teachers; r) Former Grant Funding;
Full details showing the operation of the formula and rates of funding are contained in Luton Borough Council’s Annual Budget Statement published under Section 251 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.
2. Details of Each Element of The Formula
5 2.1 Pupil Numbers
(a) Age Weighted Pupil Units
Each school will receive an allocation based on the number of pupils on roll where the level of funding for pupils is to be determined according to their Key Stage level. Part time 3+ and 4+ pupils are now funded through the Early Years Single Formula.
(b) Pupil Number Base
The allocation for all pupils is based on the actual number of registered pupils as at the January School Census return date.
(c) Excluded Pupils
Where a pupil is permanently excluded from a school the school budget share shall be re-determined for that financial year in accordance with the following. The school's budget share shall be reduced by the amount A x B/52 where -
A is the amount attributable to a registered pupil of the same age and characteristics in accordance with the authority's formula;
B is the number of complete weeks remaining in the financial year calculated from the relevant date:
EXCEPT that where the permanent exclusion takes effect on or after 1 April in a school year at the end of which pupils of the same age or age group as the pupil in question normally leave that school prior to being admitted to a junior or high school, B is the number of complete weeks remaining in that school year calculated from the relevant date.
Where a pupil is admitted to a school ("The admitting school") who has been permanently excluded from another school in that financial year the authority shall re-determine the admitting school's budget share in accordance with the following:
The school's budget share shall be increased by an amount which may not be less than the amount D x (E/F) where -
D is the amount by which the authority reduce the budget share of the school from which the pupil was permanently excluded or would have reduced it had that school been maintained by the authority;
E is the number of complete weeks remaining in the financial year during which the pupil is a registered pupil at the admitting school;
F is the number of complete weeks remaining in the financial year calculated from the relevant date.
6 (e) Ghost Pupils
This funding is an alternative method of funding infant Key Stage 1 classes. Allocations are made to fund ‘ghost’ KS1 pupils by comparing the actual pupils in a class with the number of pupils if classes were full, based on the standard number for admissions and taking account of spare capacity in schools. There is a limit on the number of ‘ghost’ places i.e. 29 places, which equates to the average cost of 1 teacher.
2.2 Additional Educational Needs
The formula provides separately for schools within each sector and allocates funds to schools with above average levels of need.
Free School Meals
In those schools where the number of pupils registered for free school meals exceeds 2% of the statutory pupil number total, additional funding is provided in proportion to the number of pupils by which the 2% margin is exceeded.
Prior Attainment
For Key Stage 1 pupils, funding is based on numbers of pupils eligible for Free School Meals. For junior and primary schools, funding is based on pupils not achieving level 2 in reading, writing and mathematics at KS1. There is additional funding for KS2 schools based on the percentage of pupils not achieving level 4 in mathematics. For secondary schools KS2 results are matched to the relevant secondary school and funding is provided based on pupils not achieving level 4 in English and mathematics at KS2.
2.3 Special Needs
Schools will have many children with a wide variety of special needs, some arising as a result of a clearly defined handicap, others from social factors; in many cases children exhibit their special needs by having difficulty in keeping up with the rest of the class, but a significant number of children have special needs by virtue of having higher than average abilities.
The age weighted component of funding provided under the formula for each child is expected to meet the needs of most children within the school, including many who could be said to have special needs. There will be, however, in many schools particular children who, because of the extent of their special needs, will inevitably require supplementary financial support. There will also be schools in which there will be a very high proportion of children with special needs; these schools will also require additional resources.
(a) Statemented Pupils
7 Every statemented pupil is identified with a category of need (see Annex A) and the level of funding for each school is dependent upon the number of pupils in each category. Delegation of funding for statemented pupils to mainstream schools does not affect the provision specified in any individual statement.
Governing bodies in receipt of funding for statemented pupils are required to meet from their delegated budgets the needs of those pupils as identified within their statements. Since it is a statutory duty of the LA to ensure that this is done, the LA reserves the right, where a governing body fails to fulfil this requirement, to direct the governing body to set aside funding for this purpose or to provide support to the pupil directly and to recharge the cost to the governing body. The funding for statemented pupils will be allocated at the beginning of the financial year. In cases where it is necessary to take account of pupils who are due to transfer between phases of schooling in September, or who will leave school during the summer term, or who are known to be likely to go to another school in September for reasons other than a transfer between phases (e.g. because they have been waiting for a place in a special school), funding will be allocated at 5/12ths of the annual level. Where necessary, the remaining 7/12ths of the annual funding will be allocated in September.
It is recognised that the successful transition of pupils with complex needs requires careful planning and discussion between schools representing different phases. To support this process, additional funding of one extra month of the relevant category may be agreed by the Special Provision Allocation Group on production of an agreed Transition plan. For a child transferring in September the admitting school will receive 8/12 of the annual funding. (Transfers from nurseries at January will receive 4/12 while April Transfers will receive 13/12).
Further funding will be allocated throughout the course of the financial year in respect of newly statemented pupils and pupils who join any school for the first time during the financial year. This will be on a proportional basis calculated on the number of days left in the financial year.
Delegated funding will not normally be withdrawn from a school after the beginning of a financial year where pupils cease to be the subject of a statement or move to another school other than at normal age of transfer. This is to assist schools in their planning of staffing provision for statemented pupils. However, the LA will operate a “credit” system in relation to such circumstances as described above to take account of funding already allocated if other pupils in a school become newly statemented or if new pupils are admitted to school with a statement.
In the case of statemented pupils who are permanently excluded, delegated funding will be recouped by the LA, in accordance with DfEE Circular 17/94 - Arrangements for Money to Follow Pupils who
8 have been Permanently Excluded from School. Recoupment will be from the date that the pupil is taken off the school roll on a proportional basis calculated on the number of days left in the financial year.
The categories of need are as follows:
Level Description
A Emergency Funding
B1, B2 and B3 High Level Additional Funding
C1, C2 and C3 Medium Level Additional Funding
D1, D2 and D3 Low Level Additional Funding
(b) The Funding of Special Units
Schools with Special Units will be funded on a fixed number of places, which will be sufficient to meet the costs associated with providing such a unit. This has been calculated by using the existing statementing rates. If the number of pupils falls by 25% or increases by 10% of the fixed number of places in any one year, no changes will be made in-year but a review of the number of places will be necessary for the following financial year.
2.4 Social Deprivation
Social Deprivation - Flying Start
Using measures of social deprivation based on prior attainment, the number of free school meals, tax credit data and the number of pupils for whom English is an additional language are allocated funding to employ (a) family/community worker(s) and for equipment costs.
Social Deprivation - Pupil Mobility
Pupil Mobility is defined as the number of pupils joining and leaving a school at non standard times during the academic year as a percentage of the school roll during that academic year.
Social Deprivation Factor
This factor is based on the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI). The indicator is applied by mapping the postcode of each pupil in a school to the relevant Super Output Area (SOA) where the pupil resides. The scoring index increases as the level of deprivation increases. The SOAs are grouped into five bands with each band attracting a weighting, the higher the
9 deprivation index the higher the weighting. The value of these weightings gives a total for each provider, which is then used to distribute the available funds.
Social Deprivation – Looked After Children
Each school will receive an amount for each looked after child on a school’s roll as at January census date.
2.5 Lump Sum
Each school will receive a lump sum where the level is determined by the type of school.
2.6 Split Site
An allowance for primary schools that operate on a split site to help meet the additional costs incurred because of a split site.
2.7 Floor Area
Funding will be allocated to each school on the basis of its floor area. The floor area calculation excludes the school kitchen and any facilities used exclusively for dining purposes, since this falls outside the way in which school meals funding is allocated. It also excludes non teaching areas such as children centres and other community use facilities. (see Para 14.6 of the Scheme for Financing Schools)
2.8 Rates and Rent payable in respect of the premises of each school
A sum is included to cover the actual cost of rent and rates. At the end of each financial year, each school's formula allocation is adjusted retrospectively so that the school is credited or debited with the difference between actual costs and the sum allocated in the budget. For those schools with joint use provision an additional sum is added to the rent and rates amount.
2.9 Transport to and from activities outside the school premises which forms part of the school's curriculum
For those schools using a detached playing field over 1,500 metres from the school, a specified sum per pupil will be paid.
2.10 Swimming Pools
To take account of the additional running costs (heating and maintenance) associated with swimming pools at some schools an amount per square metre of the swimming pool will be paid.
2.11 Preventative Model for Behaviour (PM4B) Initiative
10 Schools with designated PM4B initiative bases will be funded on a lump sum basis, which will be sufficient to meet the costs associated with providing such a base, including outreach work. This budget has reduced by 50% in 2012/13 to establish partnership behaviour support funding and will reduce by a further 50% in 2013/14.
2.12 Small Schools Protection
It should be recognised that whilst most aspects of school budgeting are related to numbers of pupils, or to the size of building, there are many needs, which are not. These would include:
the managerial role of the Headteacher; basic items of equipment; many clerical/administrative tasks; some duties of site agent/caretaker, particularly relating to security.
These needs have been met by providing a lump sum within all school budgets, which is not related to the number of pupils on roll. It is considered that a "curriculum protection factor" is needed in addition to these basic elements, and this has been provided as an increased allocation for schools with less than the following number of statutory pupils: Infant/Junior/ Primary Schools Fewer than 160 pupils on roll High Schools Fewer than 800 pupils on roll When numbers fall below the threshold an additional allocation is provided based on the difference between the actual numbers in the school and these thresholds.
2.13 Support for Minority Ethnic Pupils This factor enables schools to enhance and increase the support they provide to pupils who use English as an additional language. Funding is calculated on the same basis as Standards Funds EMAG. The amount delegated to schools includes an element of funding to provide cover for short-term absence due to sickness and to cover advertising and interviewing expenses.
2.14 School milk, meals and other refreshments (a) Paid Meals for pupils A sum is allocated to cover the cost of paid meals for pupils based on the previous academic year's daily average of meals taken, multiplied by the number of days in the current financial year, multiplied by a subsidy rate. (b) Free Meals for Pupils A sum is allocated to cover the cost of free meals for pupils based on the previous academic year's daily average of meals taken multiplied
11 by the days in the current financial year, multiplied by the actual cost.
2.15 School Insurance
Each school will receive an amount included in the school's budget share equivalent to the appropriate proportion of the authority's planned expenditure on insurance.
2.16 Newly Qualified Teachers
An allocation is made to each school with one or more newly qualified teachers employed at the date of the January census and to whom statutory induction applies.
2.17 Former Grant Funding
In December 2010 the government announced its intention to mainstream many Standards Funds and Standards grants into the Dedicated Schools Grant . The Government announced that LAs are allowed to use previous levels of grant as an allowable factor in the formula, therefore for 2011/12 schools will received funding for former grants which replicated their previous levels of grant funding at a cash level. These grants are now being assimilated into the formula either in their entirety in 2012/13, or in the case of some grants with 50% assimilated in 2012/13 and a further 50% in 2013/14.
2.18 Partnership Behaviour Support
Each partnership within Luton Each partnership within Luton is allocated a share of the overall primary BESD budget. The share is calculated using agreed indicators, based 50% on pupil numbers and 50% on numbers of pupils eligible for Free School Meals. Partnerships will work to a general borough wide model with some scope for individual partnership decisions.
The borough-wide model involves 5 elements: a local resourced base in one primary school within each partnership an outreach facility (provided by the resourced base school or managed by one of the partnership heads) funding to support individual pupils with significant needs in their local school (accessed flexibly without the need for statutory processes) funding delegated/devolved to individual schools to enhance their own capacity some funding for broader training/developments across the partnership
Partnerships will need to work together to plan the use of partnership behaviour support funds for use within the partnerships and for those funds currently notionally held within individual schools. These funds may be gathered centrally or used to retain staff in an individual school but with the potential to deploy them across the partnership
12 Schedule of rates of funding
(a) Age Weighted Pupil Units/Key Stage Element
Age-weighted Weighted Year Group Funding Per funding Ratios Pupil £ 3+ 4+ Part time Nursery 3.24 4+ full time 1.18 Reception 3,063.73 Key Stage 1 5+ 1.00 1 2635.81 6+ 2 Key Stage 2 7+ 3 8+ 1.02 4 2,700.25 9+ 5 10+ 6 Key Stage 3 11+ 7 12+ 1.28 8 3,376.84 13+ 9 Key Stage 4 14+ 1.47 10 3,877.68 15+ 11
(b) Ghost Pupils
Funding Per ‘Ghost’ Pupil 1,168
(c) Additional Educational Needs
Non-Statemented Pupils £ Free School Meals Funding per pupil Primary 991.00 Secondary 1,607.32 Prior attainment Funding per pupil Primary 953.04 Secondary 2,244.39 Key stage 2 Maths results 210.80
(d) Special Needs – Statemented Pupils
13 Pupils with statements FTE Funding per pupil £
Level A 13,464
Level B1 12,240
Level B2 11,016
Level B3 9,792
Level C1 8,568
Level C2 7,344
Level C3 6,120
Level D1 4,896
Level D2 3,672
Level D3 2,448
Special Units Funding per pupil £ Severe Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties 33,704
Physical Disabilities and Visual Impairment 14,067
Hearing Impaired Unit 13,547
Visual Impairment 13,547 e) Social Deprivation
Flying Start - Lump Sum 33,338 Mobility Funding per % mobility Primary 785.00 Secondary 1,091.00 Deprivation Factor - Per score - Primary 15.54 Secondary 16.50
14 Looked After Children 613.00
(f) Lump Sum
Funding per School £
Primary LA Key Stage 1 79,140
with Site Agent House 79,640
Primary VA Key Stage 1 81,084
Primary LA Key Stage 2 86,633
with Site Agent House 87,133
Primary VA Key Stage 2 88,578
with Site Agent House 89,078
Large LA Primary School 107,390 (500 pupil or more) with Site Agent House 107,890
Large VA Primary School 109,335 (500 pupil or more) with Site Agent House 109,835
Secondary LA * 246,143
with Site Agent House 246,643
Secondary VA and 251,404 Foundation *
with Site Agent House 251,904
VA – 6th Form 268,404
(g) Floor Area
Funding per m2 £
Primary 21.72
15 Secondary 43.14
(h) Transport to and from activities outside the school premises
Funding per pupil £
Detached playing fields 21.77
(i) Split Site
Funding per pupil £
Primary 60,000
(j) Small Schools Protection
Threshold number Funding of pupils per pupil £
Primary 160 500.00
Secondary 800 1,052.87
(k) School meals and other refreshments
Subsidy Paid Meals for Pupils £
Infant 0.89
Junior 0.89
Primary 0.89
Secondary 0.77
Free Meals for Pupils Actual Cost £
Infant 2.59
Junior 2.64
Primary 2.64
16 Secondary 2.67
(l) Swimming Pools
Funding per m2 £
All schools 18.62
(m) Insurance
Funding Per School £
Per School As per sum delegated to cover cost of policies offered by the Council
(n) Newly Qualified Teachers
Per Newly Qualified teacher 3,127
1. Elements of the Formula
17 The difference in the formula for special schools is that, whereas the bulk of funding for mainstream schools is age-weighted pupil led, the funding for special schools is linked largely to the number of designated places, which are weighted by five categories of special need rather than by age.
Each school will receive a formula-based budget, which will include the following elements:
(a) Place Numbers; (b) Excluded Pupils; (c) Lump Sum; (d) Floor Area; (e) Rates and Rent payable in respect of the premises of each school; and where appropriate (f) Support for minority ethnic pupils; (g) Schools milk, meals and other refreshments; (h) Hydrotherapy Pool; (i) Insurance; (j) Newly Qualified Teachers; (k) Former Grant Funding
Details of each element of the Formula
2.1 Place Numbers
The place numbers are based on needs rather than age weighted. There are two categories of need, which are based on levels of difficulty plus one category, which, relates to residential school provision.
Moderate Learning Difficulty (MLD); Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD); Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD)
Annex 'C' provides a description of the nature of provision associated with each category of need.
Schools designated as MLD, SLD or PMLD receive funding per place according to the level of need. The number of places funded is reviewed on an annual basis according to an objective methodology. The methodology for reviewing the place numbers is set out in Annex 'D'.
Each school receives enhanced funding for 20 places in order to support integration through outreach work. A specification of what is required from a school receiving enhanced funding for outreach work is provided in Annex 'E'.
18 2.2 Excluded Pupils
Where a pupil is permanently excluded from a school the school budget share shall be re-determined for that financial year in accordance with the following. The school's budget share shall be reduced by the amount A x B/52 where -
A is the amount attributable to a registered pupil of the same age (ie.relevant mainstream AWPU) and characteristics in accordance with the authority's formula;
B is the number of complete weeks remaining in the financial year calculated from the relevant date:
EXCEPT that where the permanent exclusion takes effect on or after 1 April in a school year at the end of which pupils of the same age or age group as the pupil in question normally leave that school prior to being admitted to a junior or high school, B is the number of complete weeks remaining in that school year calculated from the relevant date.
Where a pupil is admitted to a school ("The admitting school") who has been permanently excluded from another school in that financial year the authority shall re-determine the admitting school's budget share in accordance with the following:
The school's budget share shall be increased by an amount which may not be less than the amount D x (E/F) where -
D is the amount by which the authority reduce the budget share of the school from which the pupil was permanently excluded or would have reduced it had that school been maintained by the authority;
E is the number of complete weeks remaining in the financial year during which the pupil is a registered pupil at the admitting school;
F is the number of complete weeks remaining in the financial year calculated from the relevant date.
2.3 Lump Sum
Schools receive a lump sum element within the formula, the size of which is determined by whether the school is classified as MLD, or PMLD.
2.4 Floor Area
19 The floor area calculation excludes the school kitchen and any facilities used exclusively for dining purposes, since this falls outside the way in which school meals funding is allocated.
2.5 Hydrotherapy Pool
In recognition of additional costs associated with heating and maintenance of hydrotherapy pools funding is provided based on the area of the pool.
2.6 Rates and Rent payable in respect of the premises of each school
A sum is included to cover the anticipated actual expenditure on rent and rates. At the end of each financial year, each school's formula budget is adjusted retrospectively so that the school is credited or debited with the difference between actual costs and the sum allocated in the budget.
2.7 Support for Minority Ethnic Pupils
This factor enables schools to enhance and increase the support they provide to pupils who use English as an additional language. Funding is calculated on the same basis as Standards Fund EMAG. The amount delegated to schools includes an element of funding to provide cover for short-term absence due to sickness and to cover advertising and interviewing expenses.
2.8 School milk, meals and other refreshments
(a) Paid Meals for pupils A sum is allocated to cover the cost of paid meals for pupils based on the previous academic year's daily average of meals taken, multiplied by the number of days in the current financial year, multiplied by a subsidy rate. (b) Free Meals for pupils A sum is allocated to cover the cost of free meals for pupils based on the previous academic year's daily average of meals taken multiplied by the days in the current financial year, multiplied by the actual cost.
2.9 School Insurance
Each school will receive an amount included in the school's budget share equivalent to the appropriate proportion of the authority's planned expenditure on insurance.
2.10 Newly Qualified Teachers
An allocation is made to each school with one or more newly qualified
20 teachers employed at the date of the January census and to whom statutory induction applies.
2.11 Former Grant Funding
In December 2010 the government announced its intention to mainstream many Standards Funds and Standards grants into the Dedicated Schools Grant. The Government announced that LAs are allowed to use previous levels of grant as an allowable factor in the formula, therefore for 2011/12 schools will received funding for former grants which replicated their previous levels of grant funding at a cash level. These grants are now being assimilated into the formula either in their entirety in 2012/13, or in the case of some grants with 50% assimilated in 2012/13 and a further 50% in 2013/14.
3. Schedule of rates of funding
(a) Place Led Funding
Funding per place Day Places £
Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) 7,332.30
Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) 13,265.86
Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) 19,866.05
Outreach 2,400.00
(b) Lump Sum
Funding per school £ Predominantly Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) and Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) – Primary 141,142.00 Predominantly Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) and Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) - Secondary 256,829.00 Predominantly Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) and Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) 164,863.00
(c) Floor area
21 Funding per m2 £ Predominantly Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) and Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) 29.87 Predominantly Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) and Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) 43.66
(d) Swimming Pools
Funding per sq m. £ Hydrotherapy Pool 79.86
(e) School Milk, Meals and other Refreshments
Subsidy Paid Meals for Pupils £
Paid Meals for Pupils Primary 1.64 Paid Meals for Pupils Secondary 1.60 Actual Free Meals for Pupil £
Free Meals for Pupils Primary 3.39 Free Meals for Pupils Secondary 3.50
(f) Insurance
Funding Per School £ As per sum Per School delegated to cover cost of policies offered by the Council g) Newly Qualified Teachers
Per Newly Qualified teacher 3,127
1. School Specific Contingency The LA retains a sum of money to meet the following situations:-
(a) Large or unforeseen changes to pupil numbers
Where a school could be financially disadvantaged due to LA approved expansion (e.g. to accommodate a new form of entry or an agreed increase in standard number) additional funding will be allocated on completion of the expansion (usually September) (b) Correction of errors
(c) Emergencies e.g. accidental damage to buildings above 0.1% of a schools’ budget or expenditure which because of its size, nature and unavoidability it would not be reasonable to expect the Governing Body to meet from its budget share and which would prejudice the education of the pupils
Payments under (a), (b) and above will be credited to a school’s formula allocation and will be at the governors’ disposal in qualifying schools. Payments under (c) above will normally be as earmarked funds to make good the specific loss and would need to be assessed according to individual circumstances.
2. Funding of new Schools (excluding amalgamations) New Schools In the case of a new school with a temporary governing body, the local education authority may, in respect of the period before the school opening date, adjust the school's budget share to take into account the needs of the school in question as a new school. (a) Mainstream
In the event of the phased opening of a mainstream school, for those year groups where children are admitted, the recommended minimum level of funding will be based on the following:
Above 50% of the school's Standard Number, the funding will be based on the number of pupils. Where more than 25% but less than 50% of the Standard Number have been recruited, then funding would be based on 50% of the Standard Number. Where less than 25% of the Standard Number have been recruited, then funding will be based on a doubling of the actual number of pupils. With regard to additional pupils recruited in
23 September above those estimated in the formula (based on January School Census return pupil numbers), then the cash threshold figure of 3% for in-year budget changes will be suspended for a period up to but not exceeding 3 years from the September following the opening of the new school.
(b) Special
In the case of a special school the LA will determine appropriate place numbers following consideration of projected growth in pupil numbers. With regard to additional pupils recruited in September above those recorded on January School Census return, then the cash threshold figure of 3% will be suspended for a period up to but not exceeding 3 years from the September following the opening of the new school.
3. Funding of new Schools (Amalgamations)
An allowance to reflect the one off nature of the additional costs associated with the amalgamation of schools. The allowance has two components.
The amalgamated school will receive additional resources in recognition of the start up costs, which all new schools will have to incur before the school officially opens.
There are also transitional arrangements in respect of the lump sum where schools amalgamate. Until 31st March in the financial year of amalgamation the school will receive twice the lump sum funding appropriate to the relevant primary schools. For the 2nd financial year following amalgamation the school will receive the funding appropriate to a primary school of its size plus half of the smaller lump sum of the two former schools. For the 3rd and subsequent years the school will receive the basic lump sum funding for a primary school of its size.
An amount payable to a new school established as the result of the discontinuance of one or more maintained schools in order to reflect the extent to which a school, which has been discontinued, has not spent all of its budget share in any previous financial year.
24 ANNEX 'A'
The levels of need described below will apply to the special educational needs of most pupils for whom the LA makes a statement. However, it is anticipated that there will be a small number of pupils whose special educational needs will not fall within the parameters of these descriptors and in such cases, the LA will identify the pupil with the funding level most appropriate to the level of extra support which the pupil is thought to need.
Category A – Emergency Funding
This category of funding is intended for use in exceptional circumstances, for example, when a child’s placement is highly unstable or in crisis. In future, it will normally be awarded on a temporary basis of no more than one term and only extended following receipt of fresh evidence justifying its continuation.
Category B - High Level Additional Funding (Categories B1, B2, B3)
Band B is designed to provide additional funding for pupils who require dedicated individualised support for all, or almost all, of the school day.
Cat. Statement Funding School Total
B1: 25 hours additional TA funding + 10 hours = 35 hours per week Pupil requires dedicated 1:1 support throughout the entire school day, including on arrival/departure and at break/lunchtimes.
B2: 22.5 hours additional TA funding + 10 hours = 32.5 hours weekly Pupil requires dedicated support throughout the school day (eg shorter week)
B3: 20 hours additional TA funding + 10 hours = 30 hours weekly Pupil requires dedicated support for almost all of the school day but can manage more independently for short periods, such as lunchtime, or in particular lessons.
Cognition/learning: The child has highly significant barriers to learning preventing independent access to most/all areas of the curriculum. Requires an individually designed and supported programme of intervention to access a highly differentiated/modified curriculum, including during non-structured times of the day.
Behaviour, emotional and social development: Frequent or unpredictable, severely challenging behaviour. Low impulse control. May exhibit socially in-appropriate behaviour (self-injury, soiling, sexualised behaviour). Places self or others at risk of harm at short notice. Requires careful adult 1:1 supervision for most/all of the time.
Sensory and/or physical:
25 Complex physical difficulties with very high dependency on individual assistance.
Category C - Medium Level Additional Funding (Categories C1, C2, C3)
Band C is designed to provide additional funding for pupils who require dedicated individualised support for most of the school day.
Cat. Statement Funding School Total
C1: 17.5 hours additional TA funding + 10 hours = 27.5 hours per week Typically, pupil requires dedicated 1:1/very small group support in all lessons (or a combination of classroom and unstructured time).
C2: 15 hours additional TA funding + 10 hours = 25 hours weekly Pupil typically requires dedicated 1:1/very small group support in almost all lessons (or a combination of classroom and unstructured time).
C3: 12.5 hours additional TA funding + 10 hours = 22.5 hours weekly Pupil requires dedicated 1:1/very small group support in most lessons (or a combination of classroom and unstructured time).
Cognition/learning: The child has severe learning difficulties preventing independent access to the majority of the curriculum. Requires a highly differentiated and/or individualised approach with substantial daily individual/small group support for many/most areas of the curriculum.
Behaviour, emotional and social development: Severe emotional difficulties, unpredictable unacceptable behaviour. Regular challenging, disruptive behaviour. May work in small groups for some lessons. Can stay on task for short periods. Requires substantial targeted daily adult support.
Sensory and/or physical: Severe physical difficulties with high dependency on assistance.
Category D - Low Level Additional Funding (Categories D1, D2, D3)
Band D is designed to provide additional funding for pupils who require dedicated individualised support for much of the school day.
Cat. Statement Funding School Total
D1: 10 hours additional TA funding + 10 hours = 20 hours per week Typically, pupil requires dedicated 1:1 support/small group support in most lessons (or a combination of classroom and unstructured time), but may work more independently in a few areas of the curriculum.
D2: 7.5 hours additional TA funding + 10 hours = 17.5 hours weekly
26 Typically, pupil requires dedicated 1:1 support/small group support for much of the curriculum (or a combination of classroom and unstructured time), but may work more independently in some areas of the curriculum.
D3: 5 hours additional TA funding + 10 hours = 15 hours weekly Typically, pupil requires dedicated 1:1 support/small group support in many lessons (or a combination of classroom and unstructured time), but may work more independently in several areas.
Cognition/learning: The child has moderate/severe learning difficulties preventing independent access to much of the curriculum. National Curriculum attainments in affected areas are significantly below age appropriate expectations. A highly differentiated and/or individualised approach is required with daily targeted individual or small group support for several areas of the curriculum and/or targeted additional adult support at specific times throughout the week.
Behaviour, emotional and social development: Persistent disruptive behaviours requiring targeted individual support, usually daily. Difficulties in forming/sustaining positive relationships. Difficulties in maintaining behaviour that does not harm self or others.
Sensory and/or physical: Significant physical difficulties with substantial daily dependency on assistance.
NB The above category descriptions are intended to be illustrative of the types of SEN provision required. They are meant to assist SPAG to make judgements about the most appropriate level of statement funding required. They should not therefore be regarded as ‘hard-and-fast’ criteria; rather, SPAG decisions will depend on the individual circumstances of each case and on the quality of information available to the panel.
1. Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD)
These pupils, who would not fall into any of the other categories, will have learning difficulties which may arise from immature cognitive development, mild sensory impairment or mild physical disability. They may exhibit restricted receptive and expressive language skills, poor motor co-ordination, immature conceptual development or delayed social and emotional development.
MLD Level 1 - provides standard funding for these pupils. MLD Level 2 - Profound Sensory Impairment - These pupils have moderate learning difficulties and a hearing or visual impairment which requires full- time additional support to access the curriculum.* MLD Level 3 - Severe Autism - These pupils have moderate learning difficulties and severe Autism with challenging behaviour which require a high level of specialist teaching and access to full-time one to one support to enable access to curriculum and to develop communication and behavioural skills.*
2. Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD)
These pupils are likely to exhibit marked limitations in learning across all areas of development although some may show uneven development, with particular difficulties in specific areas such as language, physical development, social skills emotional development. They will demonstrate greater communication skills and cognitive abilities and a greater ability to progress towards planned independence with specialist support. Their difficulties may be compounded by physical disabilities
3. Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD)
These pupils will have difficulty accessing the curriculum either as a result of restricted mobility or as a result of not having the physical dexterity or stamina to carry out all the tasks, which, would be expected of the majority of pupils. With assistance to cope with or overcome these difficulties, these pupils may be expected to make relatively normal progress in most areas.
PMLD Level 1 - Provides standard funding for these pupils.
PMLD Level 2 - Profound Sensory Impairment - These pupils have physical disabilities which require special school provision and a hearing or visual impairment which requires full-time additional support to access the curriculum.*
PMLD Level 3 - Severe Autism - These pupils have physical disabilities requiring special school provision and have severe Autism with challenging behaviour which requires a high level of specialist teaching and access to full-time one to one support to enable access to the curriculum and to develop communication and behavioural skills.*
28 ANNEX 'C'
1. A review of the place number shall occur each year when:
(a) the April/September/January pupil average exceeds the previous year's place number; or
(b) the April/September/January pupil average is more than 10% (or 10 pupils), whichever is the lesser below the previous year's place number.
2. Where a review of the place number occurs:
(a) in the case of (a) above, the April/September/January pupil average plus 5% (or 3 pupils), whichever is the greater, shall form the basis of a revised place number up to but not exceeding the capacity of the school; or
(b) in the case of (b) above, the place number will be reduced by 1 (for a school with a place number of 50 or less), by 2 (for a school with a place number between 51 - 100) or by 3 (for a school with a place number greater than 100).
3. Where a school has a residential provision, the above will be applied separately to both day and residential place numbers.
4. The calculation of the April/September/January pupil average will be based upon the maximum full-time equivalent (FTE) number on roll during the previous Summer and Autumn Terms and the FTE figure appearing on the School's DfES January School Census return.
5. The methodology will be applied to all schools unless exceptional circumstances dictate otherwise (e.g. the provision of additional places or reduction in places as a result of a policy decision).
29 ANNEX 'D'
Schools in receipt of additional funding for outreach work will be expected to be involved in most or all of the following activities in support of their commitment to outreach work:
(a) to develop links with mainstream schools in order that a range of shared part- time integration programmes can be developed to meet pupils' individual needs;
(b) to provide support and advice to individual pupils and their families;
(c) to provide support and advice to staff when pupils are being assessed for shared/integrated placements;
(d) to provide teaching support for individuals/groups in mainstream schools;
(e) to work within mainstream schools supporting teaching and learning programmes;
(f) to develop, organise and teach on link courses within mainstream schools/colleges;
(g) to provide in-service training opportunities for colleagues;
(h) to support the appropriate differentiation of curriculum for pupils in shared educational placements;
(i) to promote the resource-base and outreach role of the special school;
(j) to liaise with post-16 providers to ensure that appropriate provision continues;
(k) to retain a monitoring role during the first year in which any former pupil is fully re-integrated into mainstream.
3 year olds Children who become 4 after 31 December as recorded on January School Census return and attend approved provision through the EYSFF.
4+ non-statutory Children who become 5 after 31 December as recorded on January School Census return.
4+ statutory Children who were 4 on 31 August but became 5 between 1 September and 31 December as recorded on January School Census return and thus are statutory admissions in the Spring Term.
Admission Number The maximum number of children that can be admitted to a school in any one year group where different from the standard number.
Appeals Panel An independent panel, which considers parental requests for admission to schools where the Admission Number would otherwise be exceeded. The Panel has a responsibility also for hearing appeals in respect of permanent exclusions from school.
AWPU Age Weighted Pupil Unit (unit of funding per child and related to age)
Budget Share That part of the Local Schools Budget, which is allocated to a particular school.
Community School A former county school maintained by the LA
Delegated Funding The governing body of a school has full discretionary powers to determine how delegated funding is spent.
DFE Department for Education.
EBD Emotional and Behavioural Difficulty.
EBDSS Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Support Services.
EC European Community.
Extra-district Children who reside outside the Borough but attend a Luton School.
EYSFF Early Years Single Formula Funding
Foundation School A maintained school which holds land on trust for the purpose of the school
31 FTE Full-time equivalent.
GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education
GNVQ General National Vocational Qualification.
ISB Individual Schools Budget
LA Local Authority.
LMS Local Management of Schools.
LMSS Local Management of Special Schools.
LSS Learning Support Service.
Mainstream School A school that is not a special school.
Maintained School A school maintained by the local education authority or nursery school.
Mandatory exceptions Those services/items, which may not be delegated to schools.
MLD Moderate Learning Difficulty.
OFSTED Office for Standards in Education.
PD Physical Disability.
Peripatetic Staff Teachers employed by the LA who teach regularly or occasionally in several different schools.
PMLD Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty.
School Census Return Pupil Led Annual Schools Census. A detailed statistical return made to the Department for Children, Schools and Families in January by every maintained school
SICD Sensory Impairment and Communication Difficulties Support Service.
SLD Severe Learning Difficulty.
Standard Number Normally, the maximum number of pupils that the school can accommodate in any one year group.
32 Statement of SEN A statement issued after a pupil has been assessed by an educational psychologist. The statement indicates what special provision should be made to meet the exceptional educational needs of the pupil. The LA is required to provide the resources to meet the terms of the statement.
Statutory pupils A child becomes of statutory school age when their 5th birthday falls on or before the following dates:
Autumn Term 1 September Spring Term 1 January Summer Term 1 April
Voluntary Aided School A school originally provided by an independent body, often a religious foundation, but since taken into LA control.
Year 1 The First year of compulsory education in which the national curriculum is required to be taught.
Year R The year before Year 1 in which pupils are either; -
admitted termly in January and April into reception classes in the term following their fifth birthday, or are admitted annually in September into reception classes, which contain a mixture of statutory and non - statutory aged children.
Year N or N - 1 The years prior to year R in which pupils are either: -
admitted termly into a nursery unit or nursery school no earlier than in the term following their third birthday and either:- transfer to main school in the term following their fifth birthday, transfer one term early into a rising five class