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Rams/Wildcats Ski Club

CENTRAL DAUPHIN MIDDLE SCHOOL The Principal’s Page / November 2016 Edition Mr. Jeffrey S. Matzner - Principal

PTA NURSE’S CORNER to win a $5 gift card to the store. And Hersheypark Volunteers: Volunteers 6th grade physicals are due-if you have all clothing is 25% off!!!!! needed until the end of December to not turned in your physical form, please work Hershey Park in the Dark and turn it into the nurse STUDENT COUNCIL Hershey Park Christmas Candy Lane. 7th grade dentals are due-if you have The 6th Annual Student Council Volunteers can earn up to 4 ticket not turned in your dental form, please Halloween Dance was held on October vouchers to Hershey Park per shift. If turn it into the nurse 22nd and was another great success! you are willing to receive e-mails or Students that are provisionally enrolled We had approximately 315 students share e-mails about volunteer due to immunizations-please turn in attend, which is our highest attendance opportunities at Hershey Park please proof of immunizations to the nurse ever! Prizes were awarded for contact our Hershey Park Volunteer upon completion costumes in the following categories: Chair, Dena Clare at Have a safe and healthy holiday season best overall, most creative, scariest, [email protected]. As we enter into cold and flu season, funniest and best group. Students were Hospitality: The Hospitality committee please keep your student home if they also able to try to guess the number of is looking for volunteers to help are ill. Practice good hand-washing and pieces of candy in various containers provide special treats for the staff at coughing and sneezing into your elbow and the closest guess won! CDMS! The committee provides treats to reduce the spread of germs Additionally there was dancing, to the staff throughout the school year. basketball and an inflatable Hungry Please contact Nancy Ludwig if you are CDMS SCHOOL STORE Hippos game. The next project in the willing to provide a treat sometime this The school store is open every morning works for Student Council is our winter school year at [email protected]. and during your child’s academic holiday decorating contest which takes 8th Grade End of Year Party: The 8th enrichment period. We have tons of place the day prior to our Winter Break. grade end of year party will take place school and locker supplies including Homerooms will compete to see who on Friday, June 2nd. Any 8th grade folders, binders, pencils, lead, erasers can come up with the best/most parent wishing to volunteer the day of and much more! We also sell bottles of creative display. Last year we had the party will need a school district water and a variety of tasty cakes, many different types of entries, issued volunteer badge. Information on granola bars and pop tarts. We are including door decorating, interactive how you can be involved will be sent also selling poster board and markers activities, skits and videos and most out in early 2017. for all their project needs! For every decorated their entire classroom! purchase made, your child can enter Homeroom students and teachers come up with their idea and then the students CENTRAL DAUPHIN MIDDLE SCHOOL The Principal’s Page / November 2016 Edition Mr. Jeffrey S. Matzner - Principal bring in items (decorations, supplies, County District Attorney, were guest NOVEMBER CALENDAR OF etc.) to make it happen. A winning speakers. There were 565 registered EVENTS homeroom will be selected for each voters in the building; the results were 01 End of Marking Period 1 grade level. Winning homerooms will 321 votes for Bella C. who portrayed 08 Marking Period 1 Report Cards have the opportunity to compete in a Donald Trump and 192 votes for Ishana available on HAC new activity, the “Champions B. who portrayed Hillary Clinton. 11 NO SCHOOL – Veteran’s Day Challenge” which will take place at the Holiday end of the school year. CDMS/LMS MUSICAL 14 PTA Meeting @ 7:00 PM INFORMATION (CDMS Library) CDMS CHORUS Auditions were held for the 24-28 THANKSGIVING/FALL The sixth grade chorus was selected to CDMS/LMS musical, Shrek Jr., in BREAK sing at a Harrisburg Heat soccer game October. Thanks to all who auditioned on November 5th. The group will be and congratulations to the cast. performing ‘God Bless America’ to Musical rehearsals will begin the week begin the game. That song was chosen of November 7th and continue until because it is the work of the American March 9-11, 2017 when the show will composer, Irving Berlin. In addition, be presented. the piece utilizes diction and pitch skills. Both of these concepts are part CDMS NATIONAL JUNIOR of the sixth grade music and choral HONOR SOCIETY curriculum. 59 NJHS members attended leadership training at Gretna Glen in October and CDMS MOCK DEBATE are gearing up for their first community Central Dauphin Middle School held a service project of the year. Students mock debate and election on Nov. 1. will donate and collect pet items to be The 8th grade gifted students worked donated to the Human Society of hard during their academic enrichment Harrisburg. NJHS officers for this year period to prepare for this event since are: Nithika R. – President, Kyle S. - almost the beginning of the school Vice President, Emma M. – Historian, year. Rob Teplitz, Pennsylvania State Olivia A. – Historian, and Sophia H.- Senator and Ed Marsico, Dauphin Treasurer CENTRAL DAUPHIN MIDDLE SCHOOL The Principal’s Page / November 2016 Edition Mr. Jeffrey S. Matzner - Principal

TEAM HIGHLIGHTS Language Arts: Our team is beginning our writing piece through the entire writing lesson on Text Structure and ending our first process. Students have also been working on Gray Wolves – In Social Studies, the students Language Arts unit for the year. Students have grammar skills such as determining the just completed their test for Unit 2-PA History. completed their Personal Narratives and may difference between commonly confused words We are focusing on the current election for a be creating a Photo Story to share with their and editing their peer writing. Our class few days, and then starting Unit 3 where we classmates. We will be beginning Unit 2 for continues to work on reading skills in Unit 1 learn about the United States government. In Language Arts this month. such as comparing and contrasting different unit 3, we will focus on citizenship, the Science: I would like to thank all parents who media and determining text structures. In Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, helped their children with their Science Fair Social Studies students are wrapping up Unit 2 and the Bill of Rights. Tomorrow the students projects. They turned out wonderfully and I am on Pennsylvania History with a test and little will see a live debate, and we will also have a amazed at all of the ideas and projects picture booklet. Next up is Unit 3, which school wide election! In LA, we just finished presented! We are currently working with the studies the United States. In Mrs. Klick’s learning about confusing words and made Design Process. After finishing the design Language Arts we are finishing up Unit 1 with posters to help remind us throughout our process, we will move on to our Forces and our final area of focus being text structure. writing. We will be learning about sentence Motion unit. Students are busy composing their own variation next. In reading we are now focusing Math: We flew through Integers and magazine that includes articles written by them on Text Structure. We will be using different Coordinate Planes and will be landing in the in each type of text structure format. Up next texts and trying to figure out which text land of Ratios and Rates. Please feel free to will be Unit 2 with a focus on theme, plot structure is being used. We also just finished share your experiences with your kids. This is elements, and generalization. Coming up in our personal narratives and photo stories. In an especially good time of year as we head into grammar is a focus on different types of science we just finished the Science Fair the holidays. Our holiday meals, the amount we sentences as well as continuing to work on projects, and our unit test on Black Boxes / spend on decorations, food, gas and travel are edits within our writing such as punctuation, Scientific Method. We are currently working excellent ways to assist in reinforcing these commas, and sentence structure. In Science we on the design process and will be building hum concepts. As always, your assistance is are wrapping up Unit 1 with a look at the dingers in class. One of the exciting activities appreciated. design process. Students did a wonderful job on that we will be doing in class is designing a cell Social Studies: We have completed our PA their Science Fair Projects and they were very phone. In math we just completed our test on history unit and our moving into unit 3- The enjoyable to see! Unit 2, Forces of Motion, is Chapter 5, Integers and Coordinate Planes. We formation of the United States government. The up next. This will include learning about simple will be bouncing back to Chapter 1 where we students will be learning about the Declaration machines and Newton’s Laws of Motion. In will be learning about Rates and Ratios. As of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of math we are beginning chapter 5 on Integers always, math help is available every day if a Rights, and citizenship. and the coordinate plane. We will be graphing student needs help. integers, calculating with integers, comparing Blue Dolphins – Congratulations to the Blue and ordering integers, and graphing on the Red Phoenix – Congratulations to our Students Dolphin October Students of the Month: coordinate plane. In Mr. Neagley's Language of the Month, Rachel D. and Joshua B. for Red Sophia S. and Connor O. In Language Arts Arts class we are finishing up punctuation and Phoenix. These two students are great examples with Mrs. Klos, students have begun writing commas, and working on adjectives. We will of the people we have on the Red Phoenix. their personal narratives. They will take this be starting our study of inference. We will also CENTRAL DAUPHIN MIDDLE SCHOOL The Principal’s Page / November 2016 Edition Mr. Jeffrey S. Matzner - Principal be starting our next novel which is Tuck choice. Students then had to compose a sales finished reading and journaling with the novel, Everlasting. pitch, present it to the class and hope their The Moderator by Dwight Kopp. In addition, invention would be one of three selected as the students have just completed a large vocabulary Red Raptors – The Red Raptors would like to winner. Students have received their first unit, which culminated with students designing congratulate Rosa W. and Andre N. for being TedTalk assignment and will identify central the packaging for a unique invention of their selected as the students of the month for idea and supporting details from an choice. Students then had to compose a sales October! In World History, we welcomed our informational topic of their choice. pitch, present it to the class and hope their student teacher, Mr. Christ. He will be with us invention would be one of three selected as the until the middle of December. Gold Stars – The first marking period is winner. Students have received their first We are currently studying Greek culture. We quickly coming to a close, and the Gold Stars TedTalk assignment and will identify central have created a Greek gods yearbook and built students have put in a lot of hard work already idea and supporting details from an Greek temples out of paper, paper clips, tape, this year. Over the next month, the students informational topic of their choice. and other ordinary supplies. We will be will continue the study of narrative by writing studying the famous philosophers and scientists personal narratives in their English class. They Silver Lions – In Algebra we are solving for of Greece very soon. In Science class, we are will also review concepts of sentence structure multi-step inequalities. We will investigate ending our first marking period with an to help improve their writing. In World History, compound and absolute value inequalities. In experiment on junk food! Ask your student to the Gold Stars are learning about the Greeks. Geometry we will be working with parallel and tell you why we love it so much! Next we will Congratulations to Period 3 on winning the perpendicular lines and their relationship with be looking at nucleic acids, also known as Egyptian World Championship. The next class transversals. This will be the foundation for DNA. As the new marking period begins, we competition will be a Greco-Roman poster. In working with properties of quadrilaterals. The will be starting Narrative writing and sentence Science, the students will continue to explore Silver Lions just completed a unit in History structure in English class. In Academic biochemistry, first looking specifically at DNA class about the people, concepts, and influences Literacy we will be exploring theme in a then exploring the role of molecules throughout of the U.S. Constitution. We will be delving variety of text. We will also concentrate on our bodies. In Pre-Algebra, the students are into the actual document and the Bill of Rights determining the central idea in various types of completing a review chapter on operations with to learn more about how our modern-day text. In Pre-Algebra, we are learning how to fractions and decimals. While the concept isn’t system of government works and how basic use algebraic equations to solve problems. new, the students will be challenged with rights have changed. In Science the Silver Afterwards, we will begin using algebraic higher-level word problems, with negative Team is studying Deep Space Objects such as inequalities to solve problems. fractions and decimals thrown into the mix. Galaxies, Constellations, and Stars. We are 7th grade Reading students continue to work on They just finished their second short project on currently working on a Performance Task Greek and Latin root words each day. In a graphing ordered pairs, and were excited to use where the students will create their own weekly Reader's Workshop, students have just the Chromebooks to edit their work. The Gold constellation and then write a story, myth, or finished reading and journaling with the novel, Stars team looks forward to continued learning legend about how their constellation became The Moderator by Dwight Kopp. In addition, and success in the second marking period. one. After Unit 3, we will begin our unit on the th students have just completed a large vocabulary 7 grade Reading students continue to work on Earth, Moon, Sun System and solar object unit, which culminated with students designing Greek and Latin root words each day. In a movement. During English class, students the packaging for a unique invention of their weekly Reader's Workshop, students have just have engaged in Socratic Seminars to enhance CENTRAL DAUPHIN MIDDLE SCHOOL The Principal’s Page / November 2016 Edition Mr. Jeffrey S. Matzner - Principal their discussion of the literature covered in the a unit on solving linear inequalities. In Intro to the Wall by Martha Squaresky. Finally, Short Story Unit. They have used the school's Algebra class, the students are learning how to students are becoming skilled in using Google newly-purchased Google Chromebooks to take solve linear equations. In English class, classroom to complete and submit assignments. surveys, post discussion questions and further students are getting moody as they learn about research information. Our next unit will be the subjunctive and conditional moods of verbs. Informative Writing Unit where students will Soon, they will be researching a topic of their complete an I-search paper using the research choosing for an informative essay. In skills taught in class and in the library. Responding to Reading, the students have been Students will choose something that always practicing their time management skills and interested them and will detail their search will be reviewing various study skill strategies. experience in a written essay. By choosing Vocabulary development and application their own topic, students should stay engaged continues to be emphasized in class and in in the process and learn the correct way to written responses. As we move further into the research and to use that research in a formal second marking period, the students in Reading essay. 8th grade Reading students are will be analyzing various texts in terms of completing a unit on the study skill of Time structure, comprehension and comparison. In Management. They have created personal Science, we are nearing the end of the periodic SMART Goals, maintained and revised a week- table unit and blasting off to space next week. long schedule and analyzed their time In U.S. History we are writing a new management behaviors. Additionally, students Constitution and debates have been fierce have just finished reading the book, Who between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Moved my Cheese for Teens by Dr. Spencer 8th grade Reading students are completing a Johnson. They have also explored how they unit on the study skill of Time Management. react to change and have learned much about They have created personal SMART Goals, handling the changes that have and will crop up maintained and revised a week-long schedule in their lives. In addition, students work daily and analyzed their time management behaviors. on Greek and Latin Root words and are reading Additionally, students have just finished and responding to pertinent Articles every other reading the book, Who Moved my Cheese for week. Students continue participate weekly in Teens by Dr. Spencer Johnson. They have also Reader's Workshop and are reading the book, A explored how they react to change and have Spot on the Wall by Martha Squaresky. Finally, learned much about handling the changes that students are becoming skilled in using Google have and will crop up in their lives. In addition, classroom to complete and submit assignments. students work daily on Greek and Latin Root words and are reading and responding to Green Clovers – The students of the month for pertinent Articles every other week. Students the Green Clovers are Sarah W. and Patrick E. continue participate weekly in Reader's In Algebra class, the students will be beginning Workshop and are reading the book, A Spot on

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