All About Me

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All About Me


This project will form a percentage of your final mark. It will also be included in your summative project – the personal portfolio. It should take the form of a brochure – all about you! It will have three parts – described below. You may use photos and graphics to emphasize key aspects of the brochure (a picture of you on the front, for example) – get creative!

The project should include three distinct parts:

A. Introduction You can include any of the following, or anything else that is interesting:  your name and age  some biographical information such as information about your family, places where you have lived and/or traveled, your interests, hobbies, schools you have attended  preferences such as food, music, books, clothes, pets, sports  the type of people you like spending time with  issues you feel strongly about (environment, poverty …)  your heroes/mentors, people you look up to  any other details which help to define you as a person

B. The Body Here, you will use the information you have learned in class to describe yourself. Your writing should include evidence that supports your statements. The evidence could be results of your quizzes, statements made by other people, accomplishments or awards won, or milestones that you have reached.

(Example: One of my strengths is following through on a goal – I recently achieved my goal of training and running a 5K marathon).

Suggestions to include for the body of your brochure:  Goals (What are your short-term and long-term goals?)  Values (What are your values? How do you incorporate them in your life?)  Skills (What are you good at?)  Smarts (Where are you strongest/weakest in the multiple intelligences?)  Work Habits (What are you good at, what do you need to work on?)  Learning Styles (Left/Right Brain, Auditory/Visual/Kinesthetic)  Anything else about you that you have learned so far? C. The Conclusion/Reflection – sum it all up! What does all of this information say about you? Does it give you any idea about what sort of career you would be suited to? Why is it important to be self-aware and knowledgeable about who you are? Does this information give you something to work towards, to build on, and to benefit from? How will this information help you in the future?

First page Second page of Word document of Word document

Back page of Inside brochure brochure Start intro here

Front Cover

D. Presentation After completing your brochure you will present it to the class. You will only be given 90 seconds so make sure to only include the most important information. You might want to prepare what you want to say as we all know that first impression are usually lasting ones. The presentation might be short but it should be professional and use should seems like you have a purpose. Think of it like the first practice interview.

Hints  Use colour, graphics and pictures to make your brochure creative!  Use headings to break down the introduction, body and conclusion  Pick an easy to read font  Keep your text the same size throughout, with the exception of headings – making the text smaller than 12 will allow you to fit a lot more!  Have fun! All About Me Brochure Name: Expectation Level Four Level Three Level Two Level One Achievement A1: Personal  Thoroughly uses a variety  Considerable uses a  Thoroughly uses a  Thoroughly uses a variety Management of assessment tools to variety of assessment variety of assessment of assessment tools to produce a personal profile tools to produce a tools to produce a produce a personal profile personal profile personal profile Uses a self-assessment  Demonstrates thorough  Demonstrates thorough process to develop a understanding of the  Demonstrates  Demonstrates thorough understanding of the personal profile for use purpose of self- considerable understanding of the purpose of self- in career development assessment and the use understanding of the purpose of self- assessment and the use planning of standardized purpose of self- assessment and the use of standardized assessment tools assessment and the use of standardized assessment tools of standardized assessment tools assessment tools A3: Personal  Oral communication  Oral communication  Oral communication  Oral communication Management demonstrates high degree demonstrates demonstrates some use demonstrates limited use of effective considerable use of of effective of effective communication skills effective communication communication skills communication skills Oral Communication skills demonstrates effective  Brochure thoroughly  Brochure somewhat  Brochure poorly use of interpersonal skills communicates information  Brochure considerably communicates communicates information (eye contact, tone, body communicates information language, etc.)  Brochure demonstrates information  Brochure demonstrates  thorough understanding Brochure demonstrates some understanding of Brochure Presentation  of audience and purpose Brochure demonstrates some understanding of audience and purpose demonstrates information considerable audience and purpose thoroughly and is understanding of considerate of audience audience and purpose and purpose

C1: Preparation for  Student thoroughly  Student considerably  Student somewhat  Student poorly Transitions and articulates personal, articulates personal, articulates personal, articulates personal, learning and occupational learning and learning and learning and occupational Change goals occupational goals occupational goals goals

Articulates personal,  Thorough connection  Considerable connection  Some connection  Limited connection learning, and occupational between goals and between goals and between goals and between goals and goals taking into assessment tool results assessment tool results assessment tool assessment tool results consideration the results results from the assessment tools

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