Sutton Courtenay Parish Council s1

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Sutton Courtenay Parish Council s1


A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Sutton Courtenay on Tuesday 1st December, 2009 Present: Councillors: M. Jenkins, (Chairman), W. Hanks (Vice-Chairman), Mrs. R. Atkinson, E. Braclik, C. Campbell, D. Hignell, J. Warwick, C. Woodward Clerk: Mrs. L. Martin 4 members of the public Cllr. G. Duffield (District Councillor) Cllr. S.Lilly (County Councillor) 7 youngsters from the Damascus Youth Project and Mr. A. Gould, the youth worker Joined by Cllr. A. Black

The Chairman welcomed everyone, particularly the youngsters to the meeting. Prior to the commencement of formal business, representatives from the Damascus youth project gave a presentation about its work over the last year. Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson who was involved with the project spoke about the history of Damascus, the role of the Trustees and how the project was delivered. Mr. Andrew Gould spoke about the youngsters who introduced themselves and they spoke and gave examples of what they had been doing during the year. Cllr. Black joined the meeting Activities included “health” at the Milton Park Gym, and a youth club for younger Damascus members. They had had help offered via Connexions and been involved with the Youth Opportunity Fund by serving on the panel awarding grants. They had made a film, played sports and the girls had been involved with the “Pink Crew” which focused on issues particular to the girls. Cllr. Jenkins, the Chairman of the Council presented certificates to the youngsters for their achievements and commitment to the Youth Opportunity Fund panel Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson spoke about partnership working and the wish of the youngsters to be integrated with the community. She stated that the Damascus project had been successful in being awarded a grant of £179,625 from the Lottery Fund over the next five years.

The Chairman thanked them for the presentation and the youngsters left the meeting. Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson took her seat as a Councillor, and the Chairman commenced the formal business of the meeting at 7.45 p.m.

The Chairman advised that 3 additional items for the agenda had been received since the preparation of the agenda and asked that Council also consider a planning application for Evergreens at All Saints Lane, the list of schemes for Oxfordshire County Council’s Local Transport Plan, and a report from Cllr. Hanks who had attended a meeting of the Didcot Community Forum. Council agreed to take these as additional agenda items.

2009/242 Apologies for Absence The Clerk had not received any apologies, but the Chairman reminded Council that Cllr. Manley was receiving treatment for his broken leg, and that Ms. Field was also unlikely to be present.

97 2009/243 Declarations of Interest Cllr. Jenkins declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the agenda item relating to the planning application at Evergreen, All Saints Lane as this property was adjacent to his own. Cllr. Hanks declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the agenda item relating to the planning application for 36 Bradstocks Way in the he knew the applicants well.

2009/244 Minutes of the annual meeting of the Council held on 3 rd November, 2009 These were agreed and signed as a true record of the proceedings.

2009/245 Matters Arising from the minutes held on 3 rd November, 2009

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Council noted receipt of a letter of thanks for the donation to the Appeal.

Drayton Road - Footway Council noted that the footway width was in accordance with the Department of Transport guidelines where there was an obstruction in the path. The County Council, however, had requested a cost from Scottish Southern for the relocation of the pole and would consider the matter when costs were known.

WRG – Landfill Site – Catch Up Saturdays Council noted that Saturday working at the landfill site to catch up with public holiday closures was permitted by the existing planning permission.

Cllr. S. Lilly (Oxfordshire County Council) joined the meeting.

2009/246 Public Participation Amey site, Appleford Road – Proposed housing development Mr. Draper made reference to an article in the press which stated that the Parish Council had remained neutral about the application. He asked for clarification about pre-application negotiations. His questions were answered by the Chairman.

Landfill Site Mr. Draper referred to the planning application in 2008 SUT/616/59-CM which was for the deposit of non-hazardous landfill, the surcharging of the existing landfill and the extending of the operations for landfill and extraction of clay. He said the application was fatally flawed in that the drainage had not been included. He stated that the Parish Council had not considered these issues nor had the County Council. The Environment Agency claimed to have submitted a report on drainage, but asked what the County Council had seen. He suggested that a judicial review of this application would undermine the application for the incinerator.

Dorchester Carbon Project Mr. C. MacKenzie asked why Mr. Stephenson from the Dorchester Carbon project was not giving a presentation at the meeting. The Clerk had asked for

98 further information after the last meeting, but had only received a reply since the preparation of the agenda. As the Damascus group were giving a presentation at this meeting, the earliest a further presentation could be given was the January meeting.

2009/247 County Councillor’s Report County Council – Finance Cllr. Lilly reported that the County Council would receive less from central government and that it would also have reduced income from its investments. There would be significant cut backs, but front line services would not be affected.

Environment Agency – Flood Map Cllr. Lilly provided a flood map of the parish which he left with members.

WRG – Incinerator – Landfill site Cllr. Lilly reported that there was no change as far as he was concerned. Discussion were taking place between the preferred provider and officers.

High Street – Frilsham Street – Bus Stop This stop was to be moved to a new location a few metres further along the road within the next few days.

Drayton Road - Chicane Cllr. Lilly confirmed that he had approached the traffic engineer regarding a chicane and he was looking into this and reporting back.

Members asked questions of Cllr. Lilly. These included how much had been spent by the County Council on the procurement of the incinerator, and how many people had been involved. It was suggested that the Clerk write to the Chief Executive of the County Council to ask this question. Also asked was how the formula for financial reductions from central government operated, and was this peculiar to Oxfordshire or was it national. Cllr. Lilly stated that all councils were affected similarly.

2009/248 District Councillor’s Report WRG Liaison Committee – Constitution Cllr. Duffield had provided the Chairman with a copy of the constitution for this committee and suggested that it needed looking at as their appeared to be a discrepancy in the numbers of representatives from Appleford and Sutton Courtenay.

WRG – Environmental Permit Application Cllr Duffield reported that the Environment Agency had confirmed that the permit application would not be approved unless it could be demonstrated that it would not cause environmental problems in the area.

99 Amey Site, Appleford Road Cllr. Duffield confirmed that planning consent already existed, but this was for light industrial development which in the current climate was not required and a revised application had therefore been lodged.

Hulgrove Barn, Drayton Road Cllr. Duffield confirmed that the current application for Hulgrove Barn was being considered by planning officers and they were minded to ask for it to be reduced in size even further.

Vale of White Horse District Council – Referral of Applications to development control committee The scheme of referral proposed last month has now been rejected and the District Council is reviewing the matter following concerns raised by parish councils.

Local Plan Cllr. Duffield raised concerns that any ideas for a Southern Bypass for Abingdon would not proceed now that the County Council had stated a preference for expansion at Wantage and not Abingdon.

Vale of White Horse District Council – Appeal with costs Cllr. Duffield advised that the District Council had had an appeal against a planning refusal dismissed, and had been awarded costs. This represented a new departure.

2009/249 Matters raised by Councillors for information There were no matters raised

2009/250 Police Matters There were no Police matters raised.

2009/251 Planning Applications

a) Decisions on previous applications

SUT/4547/2 Erection of single storey conservatory Southbourne, High Street Permitted 3rd November, 2009

SUT/18239/3 Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of two 4 bedroom detached houses and detached garages 14 Harwell Road Permitted 4th November, 2009

100 SUT.6342/24 Change of use of premises for the use within classes B1, B2 and B8. Use of external areas as a depot and installation of new hardstanding area. Units 1E, 1F, and 1G Trident House and adjoining site, Basil Hill Road, Didcot Withdrawn 18th November, 2009

Appeal against refusal by the Vale of White Horse District Council Extension to property and creation of private nature reserve Hulgrove Barn, Drayton Road Appeal for the extension was dismissed 18th November, 2009 Appeal for the private nature reserve was allowed 18th November, 2009

b) Applications dealt with prior to the meeting

SUT/14286/4 Change of Use from disused market garden to residential use Land rear of 17 and 19 Harwell Road For: Mr and Mrs. D. Page Comments: Council had no objections

SUT/14286/3 Change of Use disused market garden to residential use. Erection of triple garage with associated turning area. Land rear of 17 and 19 Harwell Road For: Mr and Mrs. D. Page Comments: Council objected. Vehicle movement and turning would be intrusive from the noise and disturbance point of view on the adjacent property no. 15. No. 17 would have vehicle movement on two boundaries. The design of the garages was an unattractive flat roof block in an open area.

SUT/19470/9-D Extension of permission SUT/19470/4-D Amey Site, Appleford Road For: Westdene Developments Comments: Council had no objections

SUT/2124/3 Demolition of existing garage and utility. Extension of two storey extensions to north flank and front. Erection of single storey extensions to both flanks and rear Beechfield, Abingdon Road For: Mr and Mrs. D. Chung Comments: Council had no objections, but asked that landscaping conditions be imposed. Concerns with overlooking the neighbours given the raised balcony at the rear. Concerned regarding the house becoming a house in multiple occupation or sub-divided, a condition should be imposed to restrict this.

Work to Trees (22 trees) – Felling, removing dead wood, sever ivy, reduce crown by 30%. 101 The Abbey Cottages, and 10 The Green For: Bridget Astor 1988 grandchildren’s Trust Comments: The Council noted that the Trust commissioned a specialist arboriculturist report, and was disappointed that this was not available. Council was concerned at the lack of information on the Health and Safety issues given as reasons for the works. Council had no objection to the reduction and removal of dead wood and ivy, but did object to the felling of any healthy tree.

The Clerk advised Council that she had received a telephone call from the aboricultural officer at the Vale of White Horse District Council confirming that he was concerned with some of the proposed works and was looking to protect some of the trees. c) Applications considered at the meeting

Cllr. Hanks left the room

SUT/21047 Erection of single storey front extension 36 Bradstocks Way For: Mr. W. Brooks Comments: Council had no objections

Cllr. Hanks rejoined the meeting and Cllr. Jenkins left the room In the absence of the Chairman the Vice-Chairman, Cllr. Hanks took the chair for this item.

SUT/3387/2 Demolition of existing bungalow. Erection of a replacement dwelling and associated landscaping Evergreens, All Saints Lane For: Mr and Mrs Cording Concerns were raised regarding the underground pipe which served Harwell, the potential for the annexe to become a separate dwelling, the overall very modern design adjacent to the conservation area, problems of drainage and sewage, the potential for overlooking unless windows were high level or obscure glass, the effect of large private houses with all boundary enclosures on the village and the lack of integration into the community. Members put forward differing views. The Chairman asked for a show of hands for all those in favour of the proposal

In favour Against Abstention 3 4 1

Comments: that a letter of objection be sent to the Vale of White Horse District Council based on the design and appearance of the building near to the conservation area and the concerns previously discussed.

102 Cllr. Jenkins rejoined the meeting and took the chair. d) Vale of White Horse District Council – Planning Evening for parishes 18 th November Council received a report from Cllrs. Mrs. Atkinson and Hanks who attended this meeting. There had been presentations on planning related issues and a heated discussion on the referral of applications to committee. The Vale officers were going to consider the issues raised by the parish councils in this regard. Council noted receipt of a copy letter from Cumnor Parish Council which had been sent to the Vale of White Horse District Council on the planning consultation paper-referral of applications to committee.

2009/252 WRG Liaison Committee meeting – 30 th November, 2009 Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson gave a report on the meeting that she and Cllr. Hanks had attended. A trench was proposed to be dug on WRG adjacent to the recreation ground in order to alleviate flooding on the football pitch. It had been stated, however, that it was not WRG’s problem. A sign had been erected on the pedestrian/cycle way in Hobbyhorse Lane advising cyclists of pedestrians in the road. Two more signs were still to be erected. As far as Hansons was concerned they had been hoping that gravel extraction at Bridge Farm would start in the near future, however there was a need to import gravel and other materials as Bridge Farm had not come on stream. It was confirmed that the public were entitled to see the minutes of the liaison meetings. They would have to contact WRG’s administrator (Sue Davies) at the Sutton Courtenay site. There would be a charge for photocopying. As far as flood risk was concerned they were re-profiling the landfill cells which had been finished and capped. The cap was removed and the cell added to and then re-capped. This caused an increase in height which affected flood risk. WRG as a company was going through major restructuring dividing into North/South and landfill and non landfill operations. It was unclear as to the position regarding Sutton Courtenay as both landfill and non landfill operations took place. As far as the planning application for the Energy from Waste incinerator was concerned WRG had noted the refusal by Oxfordshire County Council and made a statement that it was not minded to appeal, and was possibly investigating other waste technologies.

2009/253 WRG Environmental Permit Application – Technical Group meeting 30 th November Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson gave a report on this meeting with other Parish Councils and the Environment Agency. Mr. Whittaker and Mr. McKenzie as residents had given a presentation on air quality, which was being sent to the Environment Agency. A decision on the permit application was expected at the end of January. There would be a further period of consultation should the Agency be minded to give consent. There would be one further meeting next February with the Environment Agency including Mark Jones from the permitting office in Sheffield.

103 2009/254 Recreation Ground Cllr. Woodward gave a report on the weekly inspection of the play areas. He had noted that the barrier to the car park was in need of repair, there was some minor graffiti and some rubbish. The litter bin by Old Wallingford Way at the North Eastern corner of the site had been damaged as had the fence. The Clerk would obtain a quotation for a replacement fence similar to that in the South West corner. It was suggested that the broken litter bin be removed. Consideration could then be given at a future date to relocating one of the other bins. Discussion took place as to the minimum responsibility for checking the play equipment and whether there could be cost savings on the paid inspections. Council noted the report from Venturplay, on the condition of the play equipment. This had identified a spring on the self closing gate for the toddler play area which was in need of tightening, and the grinding rail on the skatepark where the grouting concrete around it was beginning to work loose and only needed to be kept under observation. Cllr. Jenkins and Cllr. Hanks offered to tighten the spring.

RESOLVED: a) that the Clerk seek a quotation for a replacement fence at the North East corner of the recreation ground using fencing similar to that in the South West corner. b) that the damaged litter bin at the North East corner be removed, and the need for a replacement bin be reviewed at a later date. c) that Cllr. Hignell undertakes the play. equipment inspections on a weekly basis and litter clearing in the recreation ground until the January meeting of the Council.

2009/255 Risk Assessment Council carried out a risk assessment as outlined in the National Association of Local Councils Guide on Governance and Accountability. Council considered risks to its assets and liabilities on an individual basis. It considered changing the sum insured for the war memorial and noted this had not originally been funded by the Parish Council but by public subscription. The war memorial, however, was sited on the village green which was Parish Council land. The risk of total destruction was minimal.

RESOLVED: a) that the insurance cover for the war memorial remain at £18,000 b) that the draft risk assessment be accepted in all other respects.

104 2009/256 Oxfordshire County Council - Local Transport Plan – List of Schemes Council considered the list of schemes prepared by the County Council for possible inclusion in the Local Transport Plan.

RESOLVED: that the County Council be requested to consider the following: (i) adding a chicane on the B4016 in the Drayton Road at the start of the built up area of the village. (ii) removing the reference to 20 mph in Abingdon, as this would discourage visitors and trade would suffer (iii) adding traffic calming in the Milton Road (iv) measures to reduce the speed in Drayton Road.

2009/257 Didcot Community Forum Cllr. Hanks gave a report on a meeting of the Forum which he had attended. The Great Western Park housing scheme had been halted owing to lack of funding. Taylor Wimpey, had however, joined with Sovereign Housing Group to provide social housing, 300 houses over a 3 year period in phase I. Questions were asked as to whether infrastructure would be provided. It appeared there were no plans for schools and other facilities. Didcot was a vibrant shopping centre during the recession. It was expanding into a second phase of shops. Changes to the front of the railway station would start soon, and the area as a whole was being encouraged as a centre for science expertise.

2009/258 Correspondence a) Vale of White Horse District Council – Chairman’s Community Awards Lunch – 6 th March 2010 Council noted that nominations were being invited for those who deserved to be recognised for their achievements in the local community. b) CrimeStoppers – Information on reporting crimes anonymously. c) RWEnPower – Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service training exercise 15th November. d) Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association – Annual Report e) The Abbey – disability access – letter confirming completion of works f) ORCC – Bulletin g) Vale of White Horse District Council – Reminder to include home address on the register of interests. h) Vale of White Horse District Council – Meeting 3rd December at Harwell regarding the new waste collection service. Either Cllr. Woodward or Hanks would attend this. i) Request from Mark Stephenson from the Dorchester Carbon Project to address Council.

RESOLVED: that Mr. Stephenson be invited to attend the next ordinary Parish Council meeting at 7.15 p.m. on 5th January to give a presentation.

105 2009/259 Accounts Council noted the list of cheques to be signed and authorised payments totalling £4646.10 in respect of administration costs, grant, grass cutting, subscription and play equipment inspection.

2009/260 Date of Next Meeting Council agreed that the next ordinary meeting of the Council would take place on Tuesday 5th January, 2010 at 7.15 p.m. in the village hall to allow time for the presentation by the Dorchester Carbon Project. The finance meeting would take place on Tuesday 8th December, 2009.

The meeting closed at 9.45 p.m.

Signed ...... Date ......


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