How Is the Government of South Africa Different from the Government of Sudan?

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How Is the Government of South Africa Different from the Government of Sudan?


SS7CG1 – The students will describe the various forms of government in Africa and the role of the citizen in each country


______a type of government where citizens have no role and the government is ruled by one powerful person.

______The government is ruled by a small group of citizens or one political party or idea. Decisions are usually made to keep that party or small group powerful. Citizens have little to no role in government.

______the government is selected and chosen by the people. The Citizens have a large role usually the most basic role that citizens have is freedom of speech and voting. Describe the different ways that government corruption has hurt the people of Africa

How is a Presidential Democracy different from a Parliamentary democracy?

Sudan (Everything is not as it seems)

Omar Hassan al-Bashir came to power in a military coup in What is the title of the government leader in 1989 and has ruled with an iron fist ever since. Sudan?

Mr Bashir faces two international arrest warrants - issued by the International Criminal Court in The Hague - on charges of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. The charges relate to the conflict in the western Darfur, where How did the leader get their job? thousands of people died of violence, disease and displacement during the fighting between government and rebel forces. He has dismissed the allegations and has continued to travel to countries which oppose the indictment. What rights and duties do the citizens have in Sudan? In December 2014 the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, said she was ''hibernating'' investigations into war crimes in the Darfur region of Sudan because of a lack of support from the United Nations Security Council. Mr Bashir was elected president in 1996. A new constitution was drawn up and some opposition activity was What type of government does Sudan have? permitted.

But in late 1999 Mr Bashir dissolved parliament and declared a state of emergency after Mr Turabi tried to give parliament the power to remove the president and to reinstate the post of prime minister. South Africa (Pay close attention to how people get their jobs not the titles) President: Jacob Zuma What is the title of the government leader in South Africa? The leader of the ruling African National Congress party, Jacob Zuma, was chosen president by the newly-elected parliament in May 2009.

Mr Zuma looked set to become president of South Africa after How did the leader get their job? the 2009 parliamentary elections, but the corruption allegations persisted. It was not until April 2009 - weeks before the parliamentary polls - that state prosecutors finally threw out the charges on the grounds that there had been What rights and duties do the citizens have in political interference. South Africa?

In November 2011, a man seen as a potential serious challenger for Mr Zuma's post, the firebrand ANC youth leader Julius Malema, was suspended from the governing party. He remains a thorn in Mr Zuma's side, however, and What type of government does South Africa called for him to resign over the Marikana mine shooting have? incident in August 2012.

In December 2012 Mr Zuma was was re-elected as ANC leader with an overwhelming majority. And in May 2014 the ANC again won a commanding majority in parliamentary elections, providing President Zuma a second term in office

How is the government of South Africa different from the government of Sudan?

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