Smart Inverter Working Group Meeting

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Smart Inverter Working Group Meeting

Energy Resource Economics


Admin  Green items are agreed upon according to Frances Jamie discussed the questions she has received  The voltage and frequencies between PG&E and SDG&E and SCE don't match. Can the utilities provide commentary on why this is the case? o Utilities defer to Chase, who may not be coming o Jamie asks that the utilities form a joint document and send it to the working group with an explanation of that Jamie discussed next steps on the draft tariff filing  Must be a party to that proceeding to make comments SIWG Phase 2 Communication Issues - Process  Performance requirements will be Use Case-driven.  Should they be included in Rule 21? Or should they be in the interconnection handbook? o Frances notes that use cases are examples and are used to identify the information exchanges including things like performance. She does not think that this should be in Rule 21  Putt o Some parties agree that putting everything in Rule 21 might make Rule 21 far too large o Suggestion to add the following text to Rule 21: "utilities will provide 'reasonable' performance requirements in their interconnection handbooks"  Frances put this in green to indicate that it is agreed upon, but parties note that the utilities have not yet agreed to create performance standards o SMUD notes that they are not the ones making the communications standards SIWG Phase 2 Data Exchange Issues  Data Exchange Decisions o Data objects that must be supported for each of the Phase 1 functions:  SunSpec Alliance data objects: Are there any questions or comments? o Should the Frequency-Watt function (currently in Phase 3) be added? What about other functions such as monitoring  Frances asks the utilities what they are doing today in terms of monitoring  SMUD: Over 500 kW - 3-5 second kW and kVar streaming per site even if they have more than one PCC, should be per Use Case especially when changes or other events occur. Not certain about receiving data from smaller units. . Does not go by PCC, though SMUD rep is not supportive of this  SCE and PG&E: over 1 MW and aggregations of >1MW within a facility (per PCC) . The monitoring requirements SCE has today are at a high level and would need to come down from 1 MW . Expect it to change to a lower Watt level for smart inverters (capability will be in all inverters)  Would like to see what functions/modes are active (upon change or integrity check - e.g. upon startup in the morning)  Response to all commands o What aggregated data from groups of DER systems should be required?  Frances asks how you expect to get information from aggregators . Utilities need to know where systems are relative to the utility systems  Aggregators note that there is a temporal issue? . When and how often do utilities need data?  Parties discuss privacy and Use Case 3.1.2 (utility requests the current status of PCC capabilities from each aggregator) . Need information from DERs per feeder (PCC?) - Privacy issues may be a concern if the data comes through an aggregator - how transferable AMI privacy is to getting aggregator data?  Utilities to develop a note on these privacy issues based on current privacy policies . Parties note that both sides have confidential data that they may not be able to express to the other party  Frances asks if that meter location is public . Aggregators note that they could give larger location data that doesn't narrow the location down to something specific like the address or coordinates . Utilities note that having information on a high level is useful but need more granular data . Frances notes that utilities have access to meter data, so why would there be a privacy issue if DER data from a site was provided  Utilities already have personal information so what's the loss in privacy if they get the DER information from the aggregator  Parties do not know specific legal details . Utilities note that though they have gotten by without detailed information, the need for more detailed information will become increasingly important in the future  Frances asks if there are additional data items that should be listed in the "info exchanges" section for Use Case 3.1.2 . Parties note that some items are streaming vs polling o Based on Use Cases, what monitored data should be required from individual DER systems  Similar to aggregated data  Stream back voltage data, maybe % available reserves, state-of-charge for storage o Should the Frequency-Watt function (currently in Phase 3) be added?  If no objections, would like to see it

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