American Experience College Prep Unit Planner
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American Experience College Prep Unit Planner
Unit/Time History Literature English Assessments Frame Content/Emphasis Component Content/Emphasis
I Summer What traits are The Things What traits define Credo paper Reading/ unique to Americans They Carried personal growth Test American Definition of the Personal visions Character American character Newsweek for the future Historic perspectives Magazine- Who (2 weeks) on American We Are character Personal definitions Credo Letter of American Wall Street character Journal
Const. Day (Special lesson on Constitution as per (l day) federal law)
Unit/Time History Literature English Assessments Frame Content/Emphasis Component Content/Emphasis
II Major events of The Adventures Slavery and Persuasive Prelude to 1850s that led of Huckleberry racism in Essay War: The directly/indirectly to Finn America Ultimate Test the Civil War Heroism Test of American Compromise of Transcripts Character Character 1850 from L-D development Kansas-Nebraska Debates Friendship and Act loyalty – Huck’s Dred Scott Decision Chief Justice dilemma Lincoln-Douglas Taney’s regarding Jim Debates decision in the Banned books, John Dred Scott case controversial (4 weeks) Brown/Bleeding vocabulary in Kansas John Brown’s literature final speech Election of 1860 Satire Unit/Time History Literature English Assessments Frame Content/Emphasis Component Content/Emphasis
III Causes/effects of The Mystery of Effects on war on Analytical A Nation Civil War Heroism by individual essay on Divided: War Key battles/turning Crane character impact of and points – Bull Run, development Civil War Reconstruction Gettysburg, Occurrence at Emotional Test Vicksburg Owl Creek expression Impact of Lincoln Bridge by through literature Change in national Bierce Impact of war on identity – “United national identity States are to United Selected poems States is” by Major issues Whitman, (3 weeks) surrounding Dickinson Reconstruction Election of 1876 and Entries from Compromise of Mary Chestnut 1877 Emancipation Proclamation End of M.P. 1
Unit/Time History Literature English Assessments Frame Content/Emphasis Component Content/Emphasis IV Reasons for Sculptor’s Realism in Analytical Frontier to westward expansion Funeral – literature Essay on Factory Culture of west and Cather Small town life Gilded Age – influence on compared to Robber American character Outcasts of urban life Barons v. Urbanization and Poker Flats – Impacts of Captains of Gilded Age –shift Harte industrialization Industry from agrarian to and expansion on Test industrial society Chicago – American Rise of Sandburg character industrialists/robber Flaws of barons – Carnegie, Richard Cory- urbanization – Rockefeller, etc. Robinson immorality, Immigration – New alienation of (3 weeks) and Old Gospel of individuals Wealth - Carnegie Unit/Time History Literature English Assessments Frame Content/Emphasis Component Content/Emphasis V Domestic agendas of The Jungle- Exposé writing Essay written Progressives Progressive Sinclair Social problems in muckraker and Growth of presidents – Power of style American Roosevelt, Taft and How the Other literature in Test Social Wilson Half Lives –Riis awakening Conscience Meat Inspection Act America’s social Pure Food and Drug Additional conscience Act readings from Investigative Square Deal period authors journalism Triple Wall of Privilege Political Reforms – referendum, recall, (3 weeks) initiative, 16th and 17th Amendments Federal Reserve Act Jane Addams Muckrakers Unit/Time History Literature English Assessments Frame Content/Emphasis Component Content/Emphasis VI Spanish American A Farewell to Alienation Essay Imperialism War – causes/effects Arms – Heroism Test and First Yellow journalism Hemingway Realism World War Reasons for Love of country, imperialism individuals Reasons for United Escape from States involvement horrors of war Home front efforts– Impact of war on (3 weeks) liberty bonds, etc. personality Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations End of 1st Midterm semester Exam History Literature English Content/Emphasis Component Content/Emphasis Assessments Unit/Time Frame
VI American reaction to The Great Pursuit of the Test The 1920s World War I Gatsby – American Dream Essay on 1st Red Scare Fitzgerald Image of modern Gatsby Major issues of woman Cotton Club 1920s – jazz, Overview of the analysis women’s liberation, Selected poems decade automobile, from Harlem Harlem prohibition, Renaissance Renaissance fundamentalism v. writers – Cotton Club modernism Hughes, et al simulation Scopes’ trial (4 weeks) Harlem Renaissance Growth of mass consumer culture Unit/Time History Literature English Assessments Frame Content/Emphasis Component Content/Emphasis VIII Stock Market Crash Of Mice and Plight of migrant Test The Great Hoover’s reaction to Men – workers Essay Depression Depression Steinbeck Friendship Character and New Deal Bonus Army Pursuit of the Journal Election of 1932 Excerpts from American Dream Photo FDR’s programs – The Grapes of Exploitation analysis CCC, FDIC, WPA, Wrath Loneliness TVA, SEC, Social Security Bank holiday, fireside chats Critics and court- (3 weeks) packing scheme Oakies Dorothea Lange’s photographs Impact of New Deal on American philosophy
Unit/Time History Literature English Content/ Assessments Frame Content/Emphasis Component Emphasis
IX Causes/Effects of Selected war Test The Second war letters Essay World War Pearl Harbor Letters and Its American Home Aftermath front –rationing, war bonds, impact of women Manhattan Project and Atomic Bomb Japanese internment (2 weeks) camps Marshall Plan War crimes trials Division of Germany End of M.P.3
Unit/Time History Literature English Content/ Assessments Frame Content/Emphasis Component Emphasis
X Truman Doctrine The Crucible – Extremism and Test The Cold War Korean War Miller paranoia Essay Eisenhower’s Impact of mass Administration – hysteria key actions Rumors and McCarthyism and unjust 2nd Red Scare accusations Eisenhower Doctrine Character Popular culture – assassination (3 weeks) rock ‘n roll, baby boom, conformity Levittown Unit/Time History Literature English Assessments Frame Content/Emphasis Component Content/Emphasis
XI Turbulent 60s A Gathering of Social and JFK – Bay of Pigs, Old Men – Political Cuban Missile Crisis Gaines Rebellion JFK assassination LBJ – Great Society Letter From and War on Poverty Birmingham Counterculture Jail – MLK movement Civil Rights – Little Selected letters Rock Nine, Freedom from Vietnam Riders, Freedom Vets (4 weeks) Summer, Voting Rights Act Protest music Vietnam War – causes/impact Tet Offensive Unit/Time History Literature English Assessments Frame Content/Emphasis Component Content/Emphasis
XII Nixon – relationship Post - Modern with China and American Soviet Union Watergate Carter – Iranian hostage crisis, gas shortages, Camp David Accords Reagan – return to conservatism, economic program, Iran Contra Affair (2 weeks) End of Cold War