Design Outreach Constitution
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![Design Outreach Constitution](
Design Outreach Constitution
Article I - Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy of the Organization.
Section 1.1 The name of the organization will be known as DOSC (can be abbreviated as Design Outreach Student Club to represent Design Outreach, the Ohio State chapter). The Director’s Board of Design Outreach can at any time ask the organization to change its name if they are in agreement to make such a request.
Section 1.2 DOSC is an organization that has a purpose of supporting the work and mission of the national organization, Design Outreach. The purpose of the DOSC organization comes from the faith and belief that Jesus Christ is the center of all life and with the ambition to express the commitment through serving others by raising awareness and finances around the university campus.
DOSC supports the mission statement of Design Outreach on the national level. They are a Christian humanitarian engineering nonprofit organization that prioritizes the needs and aspirations of the world’s poor. Their mission is to create and deliver life-transforming solutions for poor and underserved communities around the world.
Section 1.3 DOSC is an all-inclusive organization that does not discriminate against any individual for any of the following reasons (but not limited to): age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
Article II - Membership
Section 2.1 DOSC will be comprised of official DOSC members based on an application process that will be comprised by the current executive board. The application process is open to any and all students who are currently enrolled at The Ohio State University.
Official DOSC members will be capped off at no more than 100 members (including the executive board). The set number of DOSC official members for the academic year will be a unanimous decision based on the current executive board. Members will have the ability to stay in the organization until their graduation date if and only if they complete the member reactivation process each year.
Section 2.2 Official DOSC members will be a part of a committee of their choice under the supervision of the fundraising coordinator(s) and the event coordinator(s). The type and number of committees for that academic year will be determined by the current executive board and coordinators. Section 2.3 Once an official DOSC member has graduated, they will become honorary members of the organization. Other honorary members include any faculty, alumni, and professionals that have been associated with DOSC or DO. Honorary members are encouraged to sit in and participate in any meetings and activities, but will not be able to vote.
Article III - Executive Board
Section 3.1 The executive board will be re-elected annually every spring academic term (March/April). The election will defined in further detail in Article V, Section 5.1. Any current official DOSC member, who has been a member for at least a full semester, has the option to run for a position on the executive committee except for the president and vice president. The new president and vice president have the decision to add on any needed executive positions that they see fit for the following school year.
Section 3.2 The executive board and the responsibilities are as follows (but not limited to): President: Meet with the adviser and the Vice President once a semester to set agenda for the organization’s current projects Will be the face of DOSC Key point of contact for any and all networking opportunities cognizant of university deadlines Maintains university paperwork (with the assistance of vice president and secretary) Maintains healthy relationship with the advisor Prepares and runs executive board meetings and general meetings There will be a “spending cap” on the president. If the president goes over the spending cap, the majority of the executive board must unanimously approve of the decision to spend extra money. The executive board sets the spending cap Vice president: Meet with the adviser and the President once a semester to set agenda for the organization’s current projects Prepares and runs meetings in absence of the president Maintains order and effectiveness during all meetings Councils with president on all internal affairs Assist in university paperwork with the president and secretary Improves and maintains relationships with other campus organizations Engage and ensure that all of the executive board is cognizant and engaged with goals, visions, and responsibilities. Treasurer: Maintains financial records Councils with president and vice president on financial spending/gain Maintains relationship with the bank Authorizes any spending before it happens Secretary: Maintains meeting minutes for both executive board and general meetings Sends out the Listserv emails Maintains university paperwork with the president and vice president Maintains all contacts and DOSC paperwork Social media chair: Maintains and publicizes events and other announcements on any social media site that DOSC uses Recruiting chairs: Maintains healthy relationship with partnered campus organizations Keeps a relationship with new recruited members Plans recruitment
Article IV - Standing Committees
Section 4.1 The following chairs and coordinators will be elected by the new executive board. They will report back to the executive board and maintain a healthy relationship between the executive board and general members of DOSC.
Section 4.2 Their specified duties are as follows (but not limited to):
Fundraising Coordinator: Lead any fundraising events that DOSC conducts on behalf of DO. Event Coordinator: Lead any projects for raising awareness that DOSC conducts on behalf of DO.
Article V - Method of Selecting and/or Removing Officers and Members.
Section 5.1 Selection for the executive board will be as follows: First year as a new organization will have an executive board of the chartering members. Every year after, the position president and vice president will be voted on by the retiring executive board. Only those already on the executive board can run for the president and vice president position. All other executive positions will be open to the general members of DOSC. Selections will be based on an application that will be made by the retiring executive board. Applications will be reviewed and then the selection of the rest of the executive board will be chosen by the new president and vice president with the aid of the retiring president and vice president.
Section 5.2 Selection for the general members of DOSC will be based on an application review that is provided by the current executive board. The executive board will review and complete new membership registration based on the yearly cap amount for members.
Section 5.3 Removal of an executive officer is as follows: Any member may approach the executive board with concerns for impeachment. Concerned member will express concerns and executive board will decide if proceeding steps should be taken. One mandatory meeting will be called and split into two sections. o First half of the meeting will allow the concerned member to express reasons for calling meeting. o Second half of the meeting will allow the person being impeached to rebuke their case. Member may only vote if they attend the one mandatory meeting. Voting will be sent out electronically and polls will be open for 24 hours after the mandatory meeting. At least 75% of members must agree to the removal of the executive officer in order for impeachment to occur.
Section 5.4 Removal of a general member is as follows: Any general member of DOSC that the executive board finds unfit for DOSC or OSU regulations will be discussed amongst the executive board. A unanimous vote within the executive board must then be reached in order for a general member to be removed.
Article VI – Advisor Qualification Criteria
Section 6.1 The advisor selected to represent DOSC must be an active member of The Ohio University faculty or administrative & professional staff. The advisor must maintain a connection with DOSC and must continue a close relationship with the President and Vice President. The advisor is expected to attend at least one meeting per semester and fulfill the mandatory advisory paperwork requirements. The advisor will help oversee and give insight in difficult situations. The advisor will either sign or discard amendments and/or bylaws when needed.
Article VII – Meetings of the Organization
Section 7.1 A minimum of two mandatory general meetings will be held every semester. There will also be a minimum of two mandatory meetings specifically for the executive board. One of the mandatory general meetings will serve the purpose of updating general DOSC members on new executive board elections. Other general meetings will be planned and coordinated based on the yearly needs set by the executive board.
Article VIII – Method of Amending Constitution: Proposals, notice, and voting requirements.
Section 8.1 To amend the constitution, the process is as follows: Concerned member must get a 75% vote from the executive board to agree to the amendment change Concerned member must draft out the new amendment and send it to the executive board to review. There must be a unanimous vote from the executive board for constitutional change. If the change is passed, it will then be proposed at the next general meeting to the members If passed, there will be an electronic voting window of 24 hours to vote on the amendment change. At least 75% of the general assembly must agree to the amendment change in order for the amendment to pass. Members are still allowed to vote if they were not at the meeting for review. The advisor must review the constitutional change and either sign off on the change or discard it.
Article IX – Method of Dissolution of Organization
Section 9.1 For the organization to dissolve, the entire executive board must decide to hold a vote on the matter. If agreed, there must be a unanimous vote amongst the entire DOSC organization to make the decision. During any time of the dissolution of DOSC, any DOSC member that desires to continue with DOSC may assume leadership in order to refute the dissolution. If dissolution of DOSC continues, any and all assets of DOSC will be donated to the DO national organization at the time of dissolution.
Article I – Parliamentary Authority
Section 1.1 The rules contained in Robert’s Rule of Order shall govern the organization in all cases where they are applicable.
Article II - Membership
Section 2.1 To apply for membership of the organization, a student must complete an application and is required to attend an informational meeting for the general public to meet and talk with the recruitment chair(s). If a new potential member cannot attend the informational meeting they can set up an individual meeting with the recruitment chair but must be done before the application deadline that is set for that semester. Once the application process has begun, potential members with an application will be reviewed by the executive board. The executive board will have a discussion on which potential members’ best fit the mission statements of DOSC. If the potential members are a fit, then they will be accepted into DOSC. After acceptance, the student will pay a certain amount for dues that will be determined on a semester basis. To remain a member, one must attend at least 50% of the meetings that are held each semester and also attend one large event put on by DOSC. Section 2.2 Any member that fails to meet the requirements of dues and/or attendance will be put on probation and their case will be put under review by the executive board a member can request termination anytime, but must submit an official statement to do so. The official statement of termination may be submitted electronically.
Section 2.3 The executive board will have a hidden membership cap that will be decided upon each year. Once the cap is met, if a student requests membership but is unable to join due to the cap or due to the application deadline, the student will be redirected to the recruitment chair(s). The recruitment chair(s) will then explain when the next opportunity to join will be and inform potential new member of DOSC events so that they may remain involved with the organization until new membership applications open up again.
Article III- Election / Appointment of Executive Board
Section 3.1 Elections for the new executive board will be discussed by the executive board before official selections are held. Voting will be held for the president and vice president positions by the retiring executive board to ensure that all executive members can participate. Procedures and eligibility for elections can be referred back to Article V, Section 5.1. If an executive member wishes to resign, they must first finish their duties in their respective position for the semester. At the end of the semester, an election will be held to fill their position in the executive board.
Article IV- Executive Board Responsibilities
Section 4.1 President and Vice President: Meet every semester to set goals and a vision for the upcoming semester. Discuss the growth of DOSC Recruiting Chair(s): Between the two members, must attend at least one meeting for other organizations once a month and stay up to date with DOSC Must maintain contact with new members Update contact information of new members Keep in contact with potential new members who are unable to join DOSC due to the membership cap
Article V - Standing Committee Responsibilities
Section 5.1 Fundraising coordinator: Coordinate and lead the sub-committees within each fundraising event Point of contact between the executive board and sub-committees for the fundraising event Provide aid to any sub-committee that requires help Event coordinator: Coordinate and lead the sub-committees within each event for awareness Point of contact between the executive board and sub-committees for the event for awareness Provide aid to any sub-committee that requires help
Article VI - Advisor Responsibilities
Section 6.1 It is preferred, but not required, that the advisor for DOSC has some background with the national organization, Design Outreach (DO). The advisor must attend one meeting a semester and should keep close ties with executive board. In addition, they will approve or deny amendments to the constitution.
Article VII - Meeting Requirements
Section 7.1 Meetings are determined by the current executive board and standing committees. Meeting frequency will be determined based on upcoming events and tasks. There will be at least two meetings a month. Members must attend at least 50% of meetings per semester. Any voting will take place electronically and therefore will not be done during meetings.
Article VIII - Method of Amending By-Laws
Section 8.1 In order to amend a by-law, the concerned member must draft out a new by-law and send it to the executive board for review. There must be a 75% majority vote within the executive board for the constitutional change. The advisor must then review the change and choose whether to sign off or discard the proposed amended by-law.