Homework Sheet Unit 17

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Homework Sheet Unit 17

Homework Sheet Unit 17: Post Cold War America Date Class Activities Homework Due In Class Today

Mon  Bush I and Clinton  Ch 43 1009-1022 4/22

Tues  Pre-Bubbling our AP Exams!!!  Modern America  Ch 44 1024 - 1043 4/23  1990’s “The Century” Movie

Block  Bush II and September 11th  Enduring Vision 1005-1023 4/25  Work on Writing

Friday  Unit 17 Review Due  Unit 17 Test 4/26  ALL LATE WORK DUE Monday May 6th Sources Used this Unit:  Pageant (Your Textbook): Kennedy, David M., Lizabeth Cohen, and Thomas A. Bailey. The American Pageant: A History of the Republic. Boston: McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin. 11th Edition.

Unit 17: Post-Cold War America Content Covered Foreign Policy: Persian Gulf Crisis; Operation Desert Storm; NAFTA; Israeli-Pakistan Issues; Afghanistan; Iraq Politics: Attacks against Affirmative Action; 27th Amendment; Election of 1992; Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; Deficit Reduction; “Contract with America”; 9/11; Economics: Recession During the Bush I presidency; NAFTA; Economic Revolutions; Income Gap; Social Change: Terrorism; Feminist Revolution; Changing Concept of Family; Aging of America; The New Immigration; Change from Melting Pot to Mixing Bowl; Cities and Suburbs; Minority America; Literature at the End of the Century; Environmental Issues Chapter 43: The Resurgence of Conservatism, 1980-1996

I. Identify and state the historical significance of the following:

1. Jimmy Carter 8. Geraldine Ferraro 2. Edward Kennedy 9. Sandra Day O’Connor 3. Ronald Reagan 10. Mikhail Gorbachev 4. John Anderson 11. H. Ross Perot 5. Walter Mondale 12. Newt Gingrich 6. Gary Hart 13. Clarence Thomas 7. Jesse Jackson

II. Define and state the historical significance of the following:

14. “supply side” economics 16. reverse discrimination 15. affirmative action

III. Describe and state the historical significance of the following:

17. NAFTA 22. Grenada invasion 18. Moral Majority 23. Strategic Defense Initiative 19. Chappaquiddick 24. Roe v. Wade 20. Reaganomics 25. boll weevils 21. Solidarity

IV. Essay Questions:

26. What caused the rise of Reagan and the “new right” in the eighties, and how did their conservative movement affect American politics?

27. What were the goals of Reagan’s “supply-side” economic policies, and what were their short-term and long-term effects?

28. What led to the revival of the Cold War in the early 1980s and to its decline and disappearance by 1991?

29. What were the successes and failures of George H.W. Bush’s administration? Was Bill Clinton’s election a positive mandate for change, or was it primarily a repudiation of the Bush record?

30. How did the antigovernment mood of the late 1990s affect both Bill Clinton and his Republican opponents? What were its larger consequences for U.S. society? Chapter 44: The American People Face a New Century

I. Identify and state the historical significance of the following:

1. César Chavez 3. Microsoft 2. IBM 4. L. Douglas Wilder

II. Define and state the historical significance of the following:

5. cultural nationalism 10. neoconservatism 6. OPEC 11. comparable worth 7. New immigration 12. Newt Gingrich 9. “gated communities” 13. Clarence Thomas 9. O.J. Simpson case

III. Describe and state the historical significance of the following:

14. Immigration and Nationality Act 19. biological engineering 15. United Farmworkers Organizing 20. Family Leave Bill Committee 21. electronic revolution 16. Immigration Reform and Control Act 22. international economy of 1986 23. underclass 17. Information superhighway 24. welfare reform 18. “classrooms without walls” 25. AIDS

IV. Essay Questions:

26. What were the consequences of the dramatically changed American economy in the 1990s? What caused the rapidly increasing gap between rich and poor in this period?

27. How did women’s new economic opportunities affect American society? What barriers to women’s complete economic equality proved most difficult to overcome?

28. How did the “new immigration” and the rise of ethnic minorities transform American society in the 1990s? Were the effects of the new immigration similar to that of earlier waves of immigration, or fundamentally different?

29. How were the changes in American society reflected in literature and the arts in the 1980s and 1990s?

30. What social and moral challenges seem most urgent as America enters a new millennium? How are these challenges rooted in American history, and how does understanding that history contribute to engaging these problems?

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