Gender and Perceptions of Leadership Effectiveness: a Meta-Analysis of Contextual Moderators

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Gender and Perceptions of Leadership Effectiveness: a Meta-Analysis of Contextual Moderators

Supplemental Materials Gender and Perceptions of Leadership Effectiveness: A Meta-Analysis of Contextual Moderators by S. C. Paustian-Underdahl et. al. 2014, Journal of Applied Psychology Eagly Ma and correlation 1995, Fe 18 5 effectivene Means/S Fs, ts, or s or chi- data leaders ? each? ss? D Zs squares not ? Authors Year Abbreviated Titles found? The relationship of selected factors to administrative effectiveness in the Holsclaw 1967 principalship Y unknown--was an Eagly et al (1995) study we could Maier 1970 not locate Y THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF A UNION STEWARD CHANGE: ROLE AND N SEX EFFECTS’ VS. A TIME-STUDY Maier and Sashkin 1971 MAN IN INTRODUCING Support for Women's Lib: Y Y Y N Martin 1972 Management Performance Male versus female leaders: Effects on perceived leader behavior Y Y Y Y No DF and satisfaction in a Bartol, Wortman 1975 hospital Perceived Performance differences between women and men supervisors and Francke 1975 implications for training SELF*PERCEPTIONS OF LEADERSHIP N BEHAVIORS AND Quinn 1976 DECISIONMAKING LEADER SEX-ROLE STEREOTYPING IN A FEMALE- Y Y Y Y N N N DOMINATED WORK Petty, Miles 1976 CULTURE Mohr and Downey 1977 Are women peers? Y An examination of the moderating effects of Y Y Y Y N N N Petty, Odewahn, Bruning, supervisor and subordinate Thomason 1977 sex A Multivariate Study of Subordinate Perceptions of and Attitudes Toward Y Y Y Y N N N Minority and Majority Adams 1978 Managers unknown--was an Eagly et al (1995) study we could Y Y Y Y Y, no Ns King 1978 not locate N Women and ROTC Mohr, Rowen, & Reidy 1978 Summer Camp (cadets) Sex Effects in Emergent Y Y Y N Schneier and Bartol 1978 Leadership Men and Women Executives and Processes Y Y Y N Related to Decision Muldrow, Bayton 1979 Accuracy unknown--was an Eagly et al (1995) study we could Pate 1979 not locate Y Female and male Waetjen, Schuerger, and managers: self-concept, Y Y Y N Schwartz 1979 success, and failure Archambeau 1980 Sex role flexibility Y Sex and Least Preferred Co-Worker Score Effects Y Y Y N Arnett, Higgins, Priem 1980 in Leadership Behavior An analysis of the MEANS Y Y Y Y background profiles of and ONLY Frosch 1980 self-assessed effectiveness Smith & George 1980 unknown--was an Eagly et Y al (1995) study we could not locate Comparison of the Relationships Between Subordinates' Perceptions of Supervisory Behavior Y Y Y Y N N N and Measures of Subordinates' Job Satisfaction for Male and Petty, Bruning 1980 Female Leaders unknown--was an Eagly et al (1995) study we could Friedman 1981 not locate Y unknown--was an Eagly et al (1995) study we could Young 1981 not locate Y Androgyny and leadership: ? Y Y Y Y Hamilton 1981 an empirical field study A study of leadership styles and their Y Y Y Y Y, no Ns relationship to Beard 1982 management effectiveness Leadership Style and effectiveness in summer Y Y Y Y N N N Legrand 1982 camps Sex Differences in the Incidence and Evaluation of Y Y Y N Participative Leader Jago, Vroom 1982 Behavior unknown--was an Eagly et al (1995) study we could Hughes, Copeland et al. 1983 not locate Y Gender, Self Confidence, and Social Influence Strategies: Y Y Y N An Organizational Instone, Major, Bunker 1983 Simulation unknown--was an Eagly et al (1995) study we could Peregrin 1983 not locate Y The Relationship among Perceptual Similarity, Sex, and Performance Ratings Y Y Y Y N ? N in Manager- Pulakos, Wexley 1983 Subordinate Dyads Employee Reactions to Supervision and Work Evaluation as a Function N of Subordinate Terborg and Shingledecker 1983 and Manager Sex Adams, Rice Instrone 1984 Y Y Y Y N ? N Follower Attitudes toward Women and Judgments concerning Performance Y Y Y N by Female and Rice, Instone, Adams 1984 Male Leaders Females in charge: Effects of sex of subordinate and romantic N attachment status upon self-ratings of Snodgrass and Rosenthal 1984 dominance unknown--was an Eagly et al (1995) study we could Wakefield 1984 not locate Y Sex and Situational Influences on the Use N of Power: A Follow-Up Koberg 1985 Study Female Perceptions of no direction Female and Male Y Y Y Y reported Liden 1985 Managerial Behavior An analysis of selected biographical and Y Y Y N Riggins 1985 personality characteristics Sex Differences in Nonverbal and Verbal CommunicationWith N Bosses, Peers, and Steckler and Rosenthal 1985 Subordinates Teacher satisfaction with leadership based on

principal sex role Simpson 1985 orientation unknown--was an Eagly et al (1995) study we could Yoder, Adams, & Hicks 1984 not locate Y The role of gender, androgyny, and attraction in predicting the identity and effectiveness of Goktepe 1986 emergent leaders Y Effects of Dispositional Dominance and Sex Role Y Y Y N Expectations Nyquist, Spence 1986 on Leadership Behaviors unknown--was an Eagly et al (1995) study we could Farokhi, F. R. 1987 not locate Y Emerging leadership Y Y Y Y N N N Gallegos 1987 among hispanic women Upward-Influence Styles: Relationship with Y Y Y N Perfornnance Evaluations, Kipnis, Schmidt 1988 Salary, and Stress Are androgynous managers really more Y Y Y Y N N N Baril, Elbert et al 1989 effective? Lindholm 1989 N N N unknown--was an Eagly et al (1995) study we could Sadeghi-Nejad 1989 not locate Y Beyond Simple Demographic Effects: The Importance of Relational N Demography in Superior- Tsui and O'Reilly 1989 Subordinate Dyads Bourantes and Sex differences in Y Y Y Y N N N Papalexandris 1990 leadership styles Nonverbal Affect Responses to Male and Female Leaders: Y Y Y Y F ONLY Implications for Butler and Geis 1990 Leadership Evaluations Age and leadership effectiveness: from the Y Y Y Y N N N Gilbert et al 1990 perceptions fo the follower Examining Contextual Differences in the Development of Y Y Y Y N N N Instructional Leadership Heck and Marcoulides 1990 and School Achievement The Interdependence of Self-Reported Estimates of Y Y Y Y N N N Individual and Unit Lakhani 1990 Performance peer nomination for leadership and likability in N Petzel, Johnson et al 1990 problem solving groups Transformational Leadership Behaviors and Their Effects on Followers' Trust In Leader, Y Y Y Y N N N Satisfaction, and Organizational Citizenship Podsakoff et al 1990 Behaviors Leadership Behavior and Supervisory Performance: Y Y Y Y N N N York and Denton 1990 The View From Below Gender and Managerial Leadership Styles: A Y Y Y N Comparison of Arizona Kelly et al 1991 Public Administration The Effects of Prototype- Based Biases on Leadership Appraisals A Y Y Y Y F ONLY Test of Leadership Nye and Forsyth 1991 Catigorization Theory Leadership Ratings: Toward Focusing More on Y Y Y N Uleman 1991 Specific Behaviors Leadership and Social Intelligence: Linking Social Perspectiveness and N N N N Behavioral Flexibility to Zaccaro et al 1991 Leader Effectiveness Sex and Gender Differences in Group N N N N Communications: Impact Andrews 1992 on the Facilitation Process Gender Orientation and N Gurman and Long 1992 Emergent Leader Behavior The Effect of Leader's Sex on Group Performance and no direction on Leadership Behavior Y Y Y Y Y, no Ns N reported under Varying Group Verkerk 1993 Compositions Perceptions of Appropriate Leadership Style: Participation Versus Y Y Y Y F ONLY Consultation Across Two Campbell et al 1993 Cultures Leaders' Gender-Role as a Correlate of Subordinates' Perceptions of Y Y Y Y N N N Effectiveness and Hackman et al 1993 Satisfaction Perceptions of Effectiveness and the Y Y Y Y Y No SDs N N Satisfaction of Principals Johnson and Holdway 1993 in Elementary Schools Managers' Conflict Management Style and Leadership Effectiveness: Y Y Y Y N N N The Moderating Effects of Korabik et al 1993 Gender An Examination of the Relationships among Self- Perception Accuracy, Self- Y Y Y Y N N N Awareness, Gender, and Lee. Smith, Cioci 1993 Leader Effectiveness Van Velsor 1993 Y Y Y N Transformational Leadership and Y Y Y Y N N N Performance: A Yammarino et al 1993 Longitudinal Investigation Adler and Roush 1994 N Shatter the Glass Ceiling: Women May Make Better Y Y Y Y N N N Bass and Avolio 1994 Managers Leadership Profiles, Situation and Y Y Y Y N N N Ekvall and Arvonen 1994 Effectiveness Leader Traits and Behavior as Determinants of Leadership Y Y Y N Effectiveness in a Military Hall 1994 Academy Effects of Sex and Gender Role on Leader N Ken and Moss 1994 Emergence Leadership Practices of Effective Student Leaders: Y Y Y Y Gender Makes No Posner and Brodsky 1994 Difference The Evaluation of Effectiveness and Likability of Gender-Role Y Y Y Y F ONLY Congruent and Gender- Rojahn and Willemsen 1994 Role Incongruent Leaders The Glass Ceiling: Are Women Where They N Chaffins et al 1995 Should Be? When the Sales Manager is a Woman: An Exploration into the Relationship Between Y Y Y Y N N N Salespeople's Gender and Their Responses to Comer, Jolson, Dubinsky 1995 Leadership Styles An Investigation of Gender Differences in Y Y Y ? Leadership Across Four Gibson 1995 Countries Superior and Subordinate Gender and the Y Y Y Y N N N Acceptance of Superiors Javidan, Bremmels, Devine 1995 as Role Models Sex and Gender N Murphy, Eckstat, Parker 1995 Differences in Leadership Leadership Since 1975: N Phillips 1995 Advancement or Inertia? Moderating Effects of Leader Sex and the Relation Between MEANS N Y Y Y Leadership Style and ONLY Perceived Behavior Millard, 1996 Patterns Gender and Leadership in Work Groups: Six N Berdahl 1996 Alternative Models Women - The New Heroes n Brandster 1996 of the Business World? New Directions for Research and Practice in n Chen and Van Velsor 1996 Diversity Leadership School Context, Principal Leadership, and Student Y Y Y Y N N N Hallinger et al 1996 Reading Achievement Gender Issues in School Headship: Quality Versus y y y y n n n Kruger 1996 Power? Gender Differences in Evaluation of Performance and Leadership Ability: Y Y N Y Autocratic vs. Democratic Luthar 1996 Managers The Superintendency: An Analysis of Leadership y y y n Role and Gender Martinek 1996 Differences Gender Role, Decision n n n n Park 1996 Style and Leadership Style Leadership Emergence in Task Groups with N Egalitarian Gender-Role Sapp, Harrod, Zhao 1996 Expectations Gender, Interaction, and Y Y Y Y N N N Walker 1996 Leadership School Contexts, Principal Characteristics, and Instructional Leadership Y Y Y Y No df Effectiveness: A Statistical Zheng 1996 Analysis A Study of the Relatipnship of the Job Satisfaction of Chief Academic Officers of Institutions of High y y y n Education and the Perceived Leadership Style of Institution's Crist 1997 President Dorfman 1997 y y y y n n n The Social Scientific Study of Leadership: Quo N House and Aditya 1997 Vadis? Kingman 1997 A Gender Study on Y Y Y N Leadership: The Female and Male Principals of Hong Kong Secondary Schools as Perceived by Teachers and the Principals Themselves Are We Still Stereotyping Leadership?: A Look at Gender and Other N Predictors of Leader Kolb 1997 Emergenc The Effects of Interactive Leadership on Human Resource Management in Y Y Y Y N N N Singapore's Banking Li, Koh, Hia 1997 Industry Perceptions of Women N (FE

Principals' Leadership and ONLY) Shum and Cheng 1997 Teachers' Work Attitudes The Cross-National Cross- Gender Study of Managerial Task y y y n Preferences and Evaluation of Work Toren et al 1997 Characteristics Leader Effectiveness: The Influence of Leader y y y y F only Weiner 1997 Behavior and Gender Social-Role Versus Structural Models of n Gender and Influence Use Aguinis and Adams 1998 in Organizations Gender Differences and Managerial Competencies: Federal Supervisor y y y y n Perceptions of the Job of Daley and Naff 1998 Management The Influence of Gender and Organization Level on Perceptions of Leadership y y y n Behaviors: A Self and Lewis and Fegenson-Eland 1998 Supervisor Comparison Eight Parameters of Managerial Effectiveness: y y y n A Study of Senior Analoui 1999 Managers in Ghana Influence Bahaviors and Managerial Effectiveness y y y y n n n Church and Waclawski 1999 in Lateral Relations Leadership Effectiveness n Gedney 1999 and Gender Gender Differences in Transformational Leadership Among The y y y y No N No df Field Leaders of new South Wales Police Panapoulos 1999 Students Filipina Managers and Entrepreneurs: What n Roffey 1999 Leadership Models Apply? Effects of Leader Style, Leader Sex, and Subordinate Personality on n y y y Leader Evaluations and Future Subordinate Cellar et at 2001 Motivation Relationshpis Among Gender, Type of Humor, y y y y n n n And Perceived Leader Decker 2001 Effectiveness Examining the Relatipnships Between Leadership and Emotional y y y n Intelligence in Senior Gardner et al 2001 Level Managers A Diagnostic-Ratio Appriach to Measuring Beliefs About The y y y n Leadership Abilities of Male and Female Martell et al 2001 Managers Faculty and Staff Members' Perceptions of Effective Leadership: Are y y y y y There Differences Between Women and Men Rosser (same as 2003 data) 2001 Leaders? Emotional Intelligence, Moral Reasoning and y y y n Transformational Sivanathan et al 2001 Leadership A Study of Principals' Leadership Effectiveness In Implementing no direction Multicultural Education In y y y y reported North Carolina Public Elementary and Middle Chavis 2002 Schools Increasing Initial Leadership Effectiveness: n Assisting Both Women Hogue et al 2002 and Men An Examination of Leadership Style and Player-Coach y y y n Relationships in College- Lii 2002 Level Soccer Programs Women-Better Leaders Than Men? In General and n Educational Management Pounder and Coleman 2002 it Still "All Depends " Gender Differences in Leadership: Current Social Issues and Future n Organizational Stelter 2002 Implications Images of Leadership and Their Effect Upon School y y y n Gaziel 2003 Principals' Performance Perception of Leadership Qualities in Higher Education: Impact Of Professor Gender, n Professor Leader Style, Situation and Participant Larocca 2003 Gender Executive Blind Spots: Discrepancies Between y y y y n n n Sala 2003 Self- and Other-Ratings Perceived Effectiveness of Career Technical Education Administrators y y y y n n n as Influenced by Leadership Style and Wanstreet 2003 Gender An Examination of the Realtionship Between Emotional Intelligence, y y y y n n n Leadership Style and Perceived Leadership Weinberger 2003 Effectiveness Leadership and Gender in Public Relations: Perceived Effectiveness of N Y Y N Transformational and Transactional Leadership Aldoory 2004 Styles Military Leadership Evaluations: Effects of n Sex, Leadership Style, and Looney 2004 Gender-Role Attitudes Emergence of Women in Healthcare Leadership: n Transforming the Impact Neubert et al 2004 of Gender Differences Principals' Sense of Efficacy: Assessing a y y y y n n n Tschannen-Moran et al 2004 Promising Construct A Study of Relatipnships Between Selected Demographic Variables y y y y n n n and the Principals' Self- Perception of Technology White 2004 Leadership Gender Differences in perceived Leadership n y y y y Effectiveness in Hong Chow 2005 Kong Gender Differences in Social and Emotional y y y n Skills and Charismatic Groves 2005 Leadership Servant Leadership and the Effectivesness of y y y y n n n Irving 2005 Teams 2004 Division 35 Presidential Address: n Gender and Leadership In Madden 2005 Higher Education Perceptions of Effective Leadership in Schools for Students with Visial y y y y n n n Impairments: A National Oyinlade et al 2005 Study Leader Group Prototypicality and Leadership Effectiveness: y y y y n n n The Moderating Role of Need for Cognitive Pierro 2005 Closure The Glass Vliff: Evidence that Women are Over- y y y n Represented in Precarious Ryan 2005 Leadership Positions Physician Leadership Styles and Effectivesness: y y y y n n n Xirasagar et al 2005 An Empirical Study A Cross Cultural Perspectives On Perceived n Yan 2005 Leadership Effectiveness Professors' Teaching Effectiveness in Relation to Self-Efficacy Beliefs n and Perceptions of Student Balam 2006 Rating Myths Demographic Category Membership and Leadership in Small y y y y n n n Groups: A Social Identity Hogg et al 2006 Analysis Effective Leadership and Successful Career n (just Advancement: fe) Perspectives From Women Hopkins et al 2006 in Health Care Perception of Leader Effectivesness as a Function of Gendered n Language in Electronic Luong 2007 Mail Gender's Unspoken Role n Lyons et al 2007 in Leadership Evaluations Wu 2007 y y y n A Cross-Cultural study Into Peer Evaluations of N (FE

Women's Leadership ONLY) Jogulu et al 2008 Effectiveness School Leadership, Sex and Gender: Welcome to n Kruger 2008 Difference Managers' Perceptions of Women and Men Leaders: n A Cross Cultural Prime et al 2008 Comparison Teacher Union Leader and Executive Committee Member Attitudes Towards Five Components no direction y y y y of Union Leadership and reported Union Leader Effectivesness in Long Smith 2008 Island, New York School Leadership, Followership, y y y n Van Vugt 2008 and Evolution Revisiting Leadership Styles and Attitudes y y y y n n n Towards Women as Galanaki 2008 Managers in Greece Queens of the Hill: Creative Destruction and N (FE the Emergence of ONLY) Executive Leadership of Furst et al 2008 Women The Road to the Glass Cliff: Differences in the Perceived suitability of Men and Women for n Leadership Positions in Succeeding and Failing Haslam et al 2008 Organizations Competent Yet Out In The Cold: Shifting Criteria For y y n Hiring Reflect Backlash Phelan et al 2008 Toward Agent Women Are Female Executives Over-Represented in y y y n Precarious Leadership Adams et al 2009 Positions? The Moderating Effect of Gender on Leadership n (meta) Intervention Impact: An Avolio et al 2009 Exploratory Review The Evolving Manager Stereotype: The Effects of Industry Gender Typing n y y y on Performance Expectations for Leaders Cabrera et al 2009 and their Teams Organizational Change: Motivation y y y y n n n Communication, and Gilley et al 2009 Leadership Effectiveness Choosing the Best (Wo)Man for the Job: The Effects of Mortality n Salience, Sex, And Gender Stereotypes on Leader Hoyt et al 2009 Evaluations Women and the Vision n Ibarra et al 2009 Thing Gender and the Career Aspirations, Professional Assets, and Personal y y y n variables of Higher Lepkowski 2009 Education Administrators Women "Take Care", Men "Take Charge": Managers' n Stereotypic Perceptions of Prime et al 2009 Women and men Leaders Leadership Style and Percetion of Effectiveness: y y y y n n n Enlightening Malasian Jayasingam et al 2009 managers Leadership: Why Gender n Ayman et al 2010 and Culture Matter Gender Typing in Management: Evaluation y y y n of Magerial Subroles for Burton et al 2010 Sport Perceived Leadership Effectiveness and the Role of Transformational n y y Behaviors, Culture, and Castano 2010 Gender of the Leader Wimpy and undeserving of respect: Penalties for n men's gender-inconsistent Heilma et al 2010 success Hoyt et al 2010 Choosing the Best n (Wo)Man for the Job: The Effects of Mortality Salience, Sex, And Gender Stereotypes on Leader Evaluations A Qualitative Study of N (FE Faculty Members' Views y y n ONLY) Isaac et al 2010 of Women Chairs Kark 2010 n Managerial Leadership is Associated With Self- Reported Sickness y y y y n n n Absense and Sickness Presenteeism Among Nyberg et al 2010 Swedish Men and Women Agentic Women and Communal Leadership: How Role Presecription n Confer Advantage to Top Rosette and Tost 2010 Women Leaders Think Crisis-Think Female: The Glass Cliff and Contextual Variation n in the Think Manager- Ryan et al 2010 Think Male Stereotype Transformational Leadership and Innovative Work Behavior: Exploring y y y n the Relevance of Gender Reuvers et al 2011 Differences Running Head: Principal Leadership and Student y y y y n n n Moreno 2011 Performance

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