
Selection Feeding Snails come in many sizes and shapes. They are useful but can also be fun and Algae eating snails, like the turbo, can attractive. Snails at the store including: starve if your aquarium lacks large algae Conch, Turbo (turban), Bumble Bee, patches, consider adding algae wafers for Astria and Margarita Snails. These these snails and other vegetarians to eat at mollusks are easy to care for and aid in least three times per week. removing patches of algae from the glass and rocks. Snails do not have long lives Breeding (typically three years) and they are sensitive to high levels of nitrates and to Having two or more snails in an aquarium copper-based medication in the aquarium may result in breeding. Breeding can water. produce many young. Baby snails have many enemies and will survive best when Compatibility raised alone.

Adult snails are compatible with most fish Water Requirements and invertebrates. Avoid mixing snails with aggressive starfish, shrimp, Test water quality at least weekly for pH triggerfish or puffer fish who can eat them. and salinity. Change 10 to 20% of the Talk with an associate at the store if you water frequently to refresh trace elements have some concerns. and temporary hardness (dK) with high quality water. Calcium supplements are particularly important.

A World of Fish 1516 East 66th Street, Richfield, Minnesota 55423 (612) 866-2026 or (612) 866-1905 Visit our website www.worldoffish.com