Aligned, Quality-Centric, Software and Data Engineering

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Aligned, Quality-Centric, Software and Data Engineering

ALIGNED Aligned, Quality-centric, Software and Data Engineering H2020 – 644055

D7.6 Video overview of project results Project Number: 644055 Project Title: ALIGNED Document Type: (Deliverable/Internal): Deliverable Deliverable Number: D7.6 Deliverable Type (R/DEM/DEC/OTHER): Other (Video) Workpackages Contributing: WP 7 Dissemination Level (PU/CO): Public Contractual Delivery Date: July 2016 Actual Delivery Date: July 2016 Version: 1.0 Editor(s)/Lead Authors: Christian Dirschl, WKD With contributions from: ALL Reviewers(s): Jeremy Gibbons Abstract: This deliverable is covering the results from ALIGNED, as they are made available as video publications. In addition to videos for specific tools, there is also a more generic video available described in detail in this deliverable. Keyword List: Dissemination, training, video, consultancy service

This communication reflects only the author’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. Copyright © 2016 by the ALIGNED Consortium. The ALIGNED consortium consists of the following partners: Trinity College Dublin The University of Oxford Universitaet Leipzig Semantic Web Company GmbH Wolters Kluwer Deutschland GmbH Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu ALIGNED D7.6 - Video overview of project results


Version Date Reason Revised by

0.1 09/05/2016 First Draft Christian Dirschl

0.5 13/07/2016 Full Internal Draft for Review Christian Dirschl

0.9 18/07/2016 Revised Internal Draft for Final Review Jeremy Gibbons

1.0 21/07/2016 Final Version Odhrán Gavin

Author List

Organisation Name Contact Information

WKD Christian Dirschl [email protected]

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1 Executive Summary

This deliverable covers the results from ALIGNED, as they are made available as video publications. In addition to videos for specific tools, there is also a more generic video available, described in detail in this deliverable. Videos directly support dissemination, training and, exploitation efforts. All videos have a specific scope and address specific user needs as described in D7.13 Dissemination plan, phase 2.

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Table of Tables and/or Figures

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2 Introduction This deliverable covers the results from ALIGNED, as they are made available as video publications. In addition to videos for specific tools, there is also a more generic video available, described in detail in this deliverable. Videos directly support dissemination, training, and exploitation efforts. All videos have a specific scope and address specific user needs as described in D7.13 Dissemination Plan, Phase 2.

Videos and other multimedia contents are gaining importance in dissemination, training and exploitation activities, since more and more stakeholders are using platforms like YouTube as a key channel for distributing information, especially when people are new to topics or when very practical things are concerned.

ALIGNED is addressing this need by producing videos on a regular basis, starting with Phase 1 of the project, when finishing first use case trials. With this deliverable, another important step is achieved by offering a marketing video, which will hopefully reach a broader range of interested parties.

The analysis of video usage will help the ALIGNED consortium to identify opportunities for exploitation as well as to identify gaps in project communication.

A final version of the video overview will be made available as D7.15 “Video overview of project results, final report” in month 36.

The structure of the document is as follows:

The role of videos in the ALIGNED dissemination and training context is described in section 3. Section 4 gives details on the general dissemination video. Section 5 covers next steps. This deliverable also includes two appendices: one includes the video script, the other lists all ALIGNED videos.

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3 Videos are supporting dissemination and training activities Videos are an important offline communication channel. Their consumption takes a limited amount of time and is usually more pleasant than consuming information as pure text. On the other hand, textual information is more fine-grained, can be consumed repeatedly at the reader’s preferred speed, and so on. Therefore, it is important to use videos for a specific audience and for a specific purpose in order to achieve maximum impact. 3.1 Dissemination activities The main dissemination channel is the ALIGNED website. Therefore, all ALIGNED videos are linked directly on the website with some explanatory text. In addition, social media activities like blog posts or tweets can point to the respective videos directly or to the more contextual information on the website. The videos can also be used as demo parts during presentations at conferences and workshops, but they can also directly be used as supporting multimedia material e.g. at conference booths. 3.2 Training activities Training is an important task within ALIGNED. Videos can help to reach a broader audience, since consumption is independent from time and place. Another advantage of videos is the fact that they can be consumed several times, so that a better understanding can be achieved. This better understanding can lead to new ideas for new or improved features or even to ideas of exploitation within an academic or industrial scope. Therefore, training videos are an important prerequisite for successful exploitation.

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4 General ALIGNED dissemination video

In order to reach a larger audience, the ALIGNED consortium has produced a marketing video, which shows what ALIGNED is about and what benefits can be expected from its results. This video will be used for dissemination activities in general, but it is mainly aimed at industry, in order to raise interest for the ALIGNED consultancy service and to support the ALIGNED brand as a whole, which is in turn important for future exploitation activities. 4.1 Storyline A start-up company is looking for support in using semantic technologies for its anticipated service. In this video, we give the following information as an introduction and explanation to them:  Overview of ALIGNED

 Relevant business aspects: project objectives, use cases and consultancy services

 Relevant technology aspects: Data sets, models, software tools

 ALIGNED key figures and the ALIGNED consultancy service

The aim is to get a comprehensive, yet general overview on ALIGNED, so that potential partners can deduce new ideas about how to leverage and potentially exploit ALIGNED technology and data in their own environments (the whole script can be found as Appendix 1 of this deliverable). 4.2 Target groups Target groups for this video can be divided into core target groups on the one hand and additional stakeholders that we also want to address on the other hand. Core target groups for this video are:  Software Tool Vendors

 Publishing, Information and Media Industry

 Enterprise Software Integration Companies

Additional main target groups are:  Software Engineering Researchers

 Semantic Researchers

 Digital Humanities Researchers

As this list illustrates quite clearly, the main audience is industry. In addition, academia is also important, since we also want to raise awareness as being an interesting area of research beyond the consortium’s existing networks.

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4.3 Expected Impact The expected impact concerning the video is in line with general impact expectations within ALIGNED. This impact can be classified in the following categories (with the most important ones at the top of the list):  Branding: It is key for any successful dissemination and exploitation that the audience is aware of ALIGNED and what it stands for

 Interest in ALIGNED Consultancy Service: This impact category is supported by two main parts of the video. First, the consultancy service itself is a major topic within the storyline of the video. This ensures that the audience is prominently pointed to its existence and value. Second, showing very practical aspects and benefits in the presentation of tools in the video helps the audience to discover a potential application scenario for their own purposes

 Initiating exploitation capabilities: The latter also supports the initiation of exploitation scenarios, either within industry or within academia

 Partnerships and collaboration: Even without aiming at exploitation explicitly, other forms of collaboration can be expected when people with similar challenges watch the video and see potential for e.g. direct synergies, or their own amendments to the ALIGNED tool stack

These impact expectations are of course derived from the main target groups that we want to reach with this video. Success rates will be calculated based on the general success criteria, described in chapter 7 of D7.13 – Dissemination Plan - Phase 2.

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5 Next Steps The production of videos for dissemination purposes is a permanent and routine task within ALIGNED. This will help us to bring the message across and to illustrate the project’s achievements for a wide audience. This video will be available along with all other ALIGNED videos on the website as well as on YouTube. We will use it for demonstration purposes at our core events like Netfutures 2017, SPLASH 2016 and SEMANTiCS 2016. We will also run a social media campaign, as we did for the first demonstrator videos to publicise the video launch. Based on these activities, we will collect lessons learned for the production of new videos, so that we achieve a better optimization of resources. On a short term basis, it will also give input to D6.5 Evaluation Report on Trials, and to D6.7 Internal Evaluation Report of ALIGNED and Research Strategy Assessment, Update.

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6 Appendix 1 – ALIGNED Video script This script is presented as a 3 column table which shows in parallel the cumulative run time, the on- screen activity and the associated transcript. The video is divided into 2 main parts, the first part (up to 5min) has a very simple message (ALIGNED is making complex things simpler), the second part has more details on the project achievements/outputs.

Runtime Slide On screen activity Script 0.30 1 ALIGNED branded Title Hi, I’m Christian and today we are going to talk about how ALIGNED is slide making data more flexible and easy to use. This video describes our work in the European Horizon 2020 project ALIGNED. ALIGNED is developing solutions for managing the complexity of building software that deals with large-scale data. This demo highlights work from Trinity College Dublin, Leipzig University, the University of Oxford, the Semantic Web Company, Wolters Kluwer Germany, and AMU in Poznan. OK, let’s get going.

1.30 3 Slide showing the - Hi, my name is Bob. business problems faced by Bob and Alice - And I’m Alice. when developing a new web data - We want to develop a cool app based on web data. application - But we have a lot of open questions… For instance:

- How can we maintain quality of large, complex datasets?

- How can we optimize our software development process, since software development tools are not coherent?

- How can we get our software and data teams to work together?

- How can we quickly assure the quality of our data when importing arbitrary datasets, vocabularies or ontologies?

- How can we leverage human experts to improve data quality while minimising the effort for them and get more value from less knowledgeable contributors? And most important of all:

- How are we ever going to build our system and deliver value to our customers? 2.30 5 Slide showing ALIGNED addresses these challenges on different levels: ALIGNED high level ALIGNED offers a methodology for combined software and data engineering objectives (industry- based on a meta-model describing the complete software and data focused aspects that lifecycles, domain models and design intentions. resonate with the problems discussed in It provides tools to produce software development models from the meta- the last section) model, including transformations that generate or configure software applications. This also covers tools to produce data development models from the meta-

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model, incorporating data quality and integrity constraints, data curation workflows, and data transformations. ALIGNED creates methods to use the meta-model and tools as part of a unified software and data engineering process, with an emphasis on techniques for ensuring data quality and integrity, as well as software security and reliability. The project checks that the ALIGNED methodology and tools produce greater development productivity and agility in realistic enterprise and web scale data intensive systems. 3.00 6 Slide on Dacura This is also reflected by the technology stack we have developed. Dacura provides automated semantic schema validation and data management checks to protect the integrity of your data. It assures that all data conforms to both the schema and your configured data quality metric thresholds, even as they evolve. In addition, it provides customized, data manipulation user interfaces that support your data collection, validation and enrichment tasks. These interfaces are dynamically generated from the schema so they evolve as your data needs to. Dacura supports a range of data management roles – Harvester, Domain Expert, Data Architect so that each can have customized workflows or interfaces for interacting with your data as it grows and changes over time. The automated quality checks enable data quality questions to be directed to staff at the appropriate level, saving expert time for resolving only questions that require deep domain knowledge. 3.30 7 Slide on RDFUnit (or RDFunit implements a unit-testing methodology for validating RDF datasets UL tools) and supports automatic and semi-automatic unit test generation as well as manual rules. RDFUnit can be used as an independent validation component or integrated as a library in different technology tool-stacks such as JURION and the upcoming PoolParty release. 4.00 8 Slides on Model The Model Catalogue provides a standardized way to collaboratively Catalogue/Booster document and manage data models. Semantic links can be made between models, describing data items that may be combined or linked, allowing automated interoperability analysis. The Booster toolset combines Model-Driven Architecture and formal software engineering techniques to allow the generation of reliable information systems. Data models, annotated with constraints and update specifications, are automatically transformed into complete working software. Data upgrade scripts are also generated, allowing the smooth migration of data from one version of the system to the next. 4.30 10 Slide on PoolParty PoolParty is a semantic middleware developed by Semantic Web Company Vienna, which provides a framework that checks the quality of RDF datasets and offers semi-automatic repair mechanisms. PoolParty is also used as the basis for linking semantically tagged data fragments from the software development and data management life cycle. The PoolParty integrated open source software Unified Views is used for extraction and transformation of datasets into RDF models and for automatically metadata enrichment based on given vocabularies. 5.00 11 Bob and Alice are Bob and Alice are happy now and can develop their system with greater happy now. productivity, agility and quality using tools like PoolParty, RDFUnit, Booster or Unified Views. Slide with Bob and Alice using tools/tools In fact, they can also go to ALIGNED for free consultancy services overlaid/solutions overlaid For short version of video skip right to the last segment below, otherwise continue 5.10 12 Title slide: ALIGNED But enough of Bob and Alice, ALIGNED tools are already deployed in several

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Tools in Action ambitious data intensive systems around the world. 6.10 13 ALIGNED tools in JURION is a smart legal information platform developed by Wolters Kluwer JURION slides Germany, which supports the fundamental business transformation process that the whole industry is currently facing. It merges and interlinks over one million documents of content and data from diverse sources, such as national and European legislation and court judgments, extensive internally authored content and local customer data; as well as social media and web data. On top of the classical information processing pipeline, the JURION development teams add value through applications for personalization, alerts, analysis and semantic search. Wolters Kluwer is using ALIGNED tools to accelerate time to market, since ALIGNED helps them to reduce errors and solve issues earlier in the process, where they have less impact. ALIGNED also helps to streamline processes, because there is more information e.g. on software requirements in one place, where there was a scattered technology situation before. 7.00 15 Linking slide to next Whereas JURION is aiming at both lifecycles, PoolParty concentrates on use case Software engineering improvements. 7.10 16 ALIGNED tools in PoolParty is a commercial product, which helps companies manage their PoolParty knowledge models in standard formats. Within ALIGNED, additional quality assurance methods and tools have been developed for the end users of the system. In addition, ALIGNED tools are developed to streamline the software requirements and issue tracking workflow within the PoolParty development team. This enables the PoolParty teams to make faster and better decisions on how and when to implement new features in their software. This leads to productivity gains and also more transparency and better documentation. 8.00 18 Linking slide to next Seshat on the other hand is focused on the data engineering aspect. use case 8.10 19 ALIGNED tools in The ‘Seshat: Global History Databank’ is the premier home to test theories Seshat with historical and archaeological data. Seshat contains a vast amount of theoretically motivated data for a range of units of analysis, including polities and national geographic areas. The data coverage is truly global and it encompasses data from the start of the Neolithic Revolution to today. ALIGNED tools are used at all stages of the project, including for data gathering, for checking the data quality and for visualising the data. ALIGNED tools have also been vital to ensure a smooth collaboration between the large groups of different stakeholders, including editorial board members, project managers and staff, domain-experts, research assistants and volunteers. Having a solid workflow support system is crucial as the Seshat project is foreseen to scale up to hundreds of collaborators. For the Seshat project ALIGNED tools have thus increased the data quality and reduced the project management cost considerably. 9.00 21 Linking slide to next Finally we want to have a look at an end to end process when it comes to use case offering a large-scale knowledge graph. 9.10 22 ALIGNED tools in DBpedia is a crowd-sourced community effort to extract structured DBpedia information from Wikipedia and make this information available on the Web of data as a Large-scale, Multilingual, Semantic Knowledge Graph. DBpedia allows people to ask sophisticated queries against Wikipedia, to link different data sets on the Web to Wikipedia data as well as enable new mechanisms for navigating, linking, and improving the encyclopaedia itself ALIGNED tools and ontologies are thoroughly used at all stages of the DBpedia extraction and data dissemination process, including data generation, quality assessment, violation isolation and data dissemination. ALIGNED decreased the time needed to identify and report errors in DBpedia, enabling faster development lifecycles 9.45 24 ALIGNED by the In addition to tool deployments, ALIGNED has been busy developing new

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numbers methods, standards and communities. We attended 39 events, created 13 publications so far, released 16 software packages, 13 data models and 2 large data sets. 10.00 25 ALIGNED Consultancy If you’d like to learn more about ALIGNED, visit our website. If you are a and website/where to business, join us through the ALIGNED consultancy program. We are offering get more info free consultancy to European businesses to exploit ALIGNED knowledge and know-how. We want to talk to you. The details can be found on the website. 10.15 26 End ALIGNED Team Table 1: ALIGNED video script

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7 Appendix 2 – List of ALIGNED Videos The ALIGNED consortium has produced videos since the first concrete project results became available. These videos are of three different types (D, T, O):  Demo videos (Type “D”) are showing specific tools or use cases

 Webinars (Type “T” for training) are specifically made for training

 Marketing videos (Type “O” for overview) are aiming at a broad range of stakeholders, because they give a more general overview and aim at raising interest

Table 2 gives an overview of the currently available videos. Name Source Description Typ Link e D3.1 Seshat OxSE ALIGNED is developing tools to assist Seshat, the D Demonstration Global History Databank, with their work of watch?v=OqNtpSClczU System analysing and cataloguing over ten thousand years of historical data. D4.1 JURION WKD ALIGNED is developing tools and processes to D Demonstration improve JURION, Wolters Kluwer's legal information watch?v=6aLXK7N7wFE System service. D5.1 PoolParty SWC ALIGNED is developing tools and processes to D Demonstration integrate with PoolParty, Semantic Web Company's watch?v=CKUiN3DT94w System semantic technology suite. D5.2 Unified SWC This video shows the progress development on the D Governance Tools Unified Governance Tools being developed as part of watch?v=ndHDTLiFpO4 ALIGNED. D5.3 Expert Curation TCD ALIGNED is developing workflow and process models D Process and to support the curation of semantic datasets by watch?v=qFc4ZQVRkOo Workflow Tools domain experts who are not knowledge engineers D5.4 Test Case UL This video shows ALIGNED tools for identifying D Dependencies & Linked Data issues in action. watch?v=cDDsMDfkILA Linking Tools and Methods D4.3 ALIGNED TCD The Dacura Quality Service tool provides an HTTP D Integrity Enforcement interface for runtime integrity enforcement and data watch?v=Mv7pKQPZXis Framework quality analysis before insertion of RDF data into the Demonstrator internal DQS triplestore. D3.4 SUMMR, the TCD, UL SUMMR Linked Data interlink validation tool. Shows D Model Mapping Tool the tool in action validating DBpedia interlinks. watch?v=iYWaCnQRHpg D3.3 Semantic OxSE This video shows the capabilities of Semantic D Booster Booster Tool watch?v=_DKlpyjG0Q8 D4.4 Automated Data UL This video shows mainly the JUnit tool D Testing and watch?v=T0enhLikN54 Verification Framework D7.6 Video overview WKD/ General ALIGNED Dissemination Video O TCD watch?v=yMjI9AXLToU Table 2: List of ALIGNED videos

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As Table 1 shows, the majority of ALIGNED videos to date demonstrate either tools (4-10) or use cases (1-3). However, a marketing video is already available, and a training video is in preparation. Five partners have produced videos in order to make sure that the individual know-how is sufficiently reflected in the videos.

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