August 25, 2008

Dear Sponsor:

This letter is to invite you to apply for continued participation as a Children's Defense Fund Freedom Schools® sponsor organization for 2009. We value your partnership and appreciate your great work that helped make this past summer an overwhelmingly positive experience for children, their families, and communities. Thanks to your commitment, and the hard work of your staff, nearly 9,000 children at 132 sites across the country benefited from the culturally and educationally enriching experience provided through CDF Freedom Schools ® programs. The CDF Freedom Schools program is healthy and strong; our hope is that with your help we will maintain the quality and integrity of the program while we expand CDF Freedom Schools to more communities in the coming year.

Please confirm your plans to serve as a returning Sponsor Organization by submitting this application (three copies) no later than Friday, October 31, 2008 to Ali Merfeld, Program Assistant, Children's Defense Fund Freedom Schools, 25 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001. Please review the contents of the enclosed application packet. This packet includes the CDF Freedom Schools 2009 Program Operating Principles, a 2009 Returning Sponsor Summer Application, and the CDF Freedom Schools 2009 Estimated Site Budget. Returning sponsor organizations will be notified immediately following a committee review in early November. Applications received after that date may not be considered. Requests for extension will be accepted on a case-by case basis and must be received no later than Friday, October 31, 2008. Please include a one time application fee of $25.

Please contact me or Ali Merfeld at (202) 662-3589 with questions or concerns. We look forward to receiving your completed application packet! Thank you again for a wonderful summer of service.


Dr. Jeanne Middleton-Hairston National Director Children's Defense Fund Freedom Schools®



Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools®


I Can Make A Difference! Self  Family  Community Country  World

Submit this application (please send three copies) and $25 application fee (checks payable to the Children’s Defense Fund) by fax, email, or mail postmarked no later than Friday, October 31, 2008

to Ali Merfeld, Program Assistant Children's Defense Fund Freedom Schools 25 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001 Email: [email protected]

Children's Defense Fund Freedom Schools 25 E Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 Tel: 202-628-8787 Fax: 202-662-3570 [email protected]

2 The Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools Program Returning Sponsor Renewal Form – Summer 2009

To complete this form you may type directly into the Word document or print out the form and write in black ink. To type into the document, click your mouse, near the question you want to answer. A black box will appear. Type your answer in the black box. If more space is required, attach additional pages.


Name of Sponsor Organization: Please check the box that best describes your organization type (check one): Faith-Based Organization Charter School Other Nonprofit/Community-Based City/State/Other Municipality Please Explain Organization School District Institution of Higher Learning

Executive Director of the Organization: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Office Telephone: ( ) Cell phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Email:

Have there been any changes in your organization’s operations, board of directors, or organizational governance since June 1, 2008? Yes No

If so, please explain.

Please list all of your organizational partnerships and their organization type. Name of organization that will partner with your Type of organization CDF Freedom Schools program (i.e. Faith-based organization, charter school, Non- profit/Community-based organization, School District, City/State/Other Municipality, Institution of Higher Learning) Example: University of DC Institution of Higher Learning 1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.


3 The Executive Director of the CDF Freedom Schools program will be responsible for overseeing the general CDF Freedom Schools site operations. All new Executive Directors will be required to attend our February 10 – 13, 2009 Orientation and Training at CDF’s Haley Farm in Clinton, TN. Sponsor organizations will be responsible for all travel and lodging expenses for the training.

Please check here if the Executive Director for the program is the same as the Executive Director of the Sponsor Organization. If you checked this box, skip to Primary Contact Person below.

Executive Director of the CDF Freedom Schools Program: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Office Telephone: ( ) Cell phone; ( ) Fax: ( ) Email: Primary Contact Person for the CDF Freedom Schools program is the first point of contact for all CDF Freedom Schools information. All materials will be emailed and sent to the person listed below.

Primary Contact Person Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Office Telephone: ( ) Cell phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Email:

The Children's Defense Fund requires sponsor organizations to identify a Project Director and Site Coordinator to serve full-time as managers of the summer CDF Freedom Schools program (see enclosed Program Operating Principles). All Project Directors should be selected no later than January 20, 2009 and all Site Coordinators should be selected no later than February 27, 2009. Both Project Directors and Site Coordinators are required to attend the March 26 – 29, 2009 Orientation & Training at CDF Haley Farm in Clinton, TN. Sponsor organizations are responsible for all travel and lodging expenses for this training.

If you already have a Project Director, please fill out the contact information below.

Project Director: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Office Telephone: ( ) Cell phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Email: If you already have a Site Coordinator, please fill out the contact information below.

Site Coordinator: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Office Telephone: ( ) Cell phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Email: III. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION & RECRUITMENT

1. How many children will you serve in 2009? At how many program sites (physical locations)? 4 (We recommend that new Sponsor Partners only operate one CDF Freedom Schools site in their first year) In order to plan for the needs of all the children we serve, please check the ethnicity of the children in the community you will serve. (Check all that apply) Asian Hispanic, Latino White Black Native American Other

2. How many staff persons do you plan to employ in 2009? (One trained intern for every 10 children is the required intern to child class size ratio. We recommend that you hire one or two additional interns to serve as floater interns.)

Servant Leader Interns Site Coordinators Project Directors Other Please list any other employees you plan to hire (i.e. including kitchen and janitorial staff, mental health professionals, art therapist, paid junior servant leaders, etc.).

3. During which dates will your program operate? through (The CDF Freedom Schools program must begin after June 15, 2009)

Operation of a CDF Freedom Schools summer program serving 50 children requires at least 5 individual classroom spaces; a meeting area large enough for the children to gather for meals, “Harambee” and other large group activities; and safe outdoor space for children to play. In addition to providing photographs of each classroom and the common meeting/eating areas, please include a general description of your site below.

Name of Site Location 1 Site Address: City: State: Zip: Office Telephone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Site Description (church, community center, etc.):

Name of Site Location 2 Site Address: City: State: Zip: Office Telephone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Site Description (church, community center, etc.):

Name of Site Location 3 Site Address: City: State: Zip: Office Telephone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Site Description (church, community center, etc.):

For more sites, please add additional sheet if necessary.


The basic cost of operating a quality 6-week summer CDF Freedom Schools program for 50 children comes to approximately $58,000 (see attached sample budget worksheet). We anticipate that books will cost $75 per child and training will cost $800 per Servant Leader Intern and $900 per Site Coordinator. 5 1. Please describe how you will fund your CDF Freedom Schools Summer 2009 program. Is this funding pending or committed? Please provide the names and funding levels of those funders who have committed resources to your program.

Name of Funder for Summer 2009 Amount Committed or Pending? Example: Malok Community Organization $5000 Committed (July 7th, 2009)

** Please note that upon acceptance as a CDF Freedom Schools program sponsor, a deposit of 50% of your total invoice for books and training will be due in March 2009, with final installment of the billable balance in May 2009.


1. Please share your plans and ideas to fund your CDF Freedom Schools program for the next three years. Our goal is that all of our program sites be sustainable for at least 3 years.

EXAMPLE Next Steps and Plans for Sustainability 1. 1. Write a funding proposal for Walmart and Target. Deadline for requests Sept. 1. 2. 2. Contact local businesses and Chamber of Commerce for funding opportunities by October 20. 3. 3. (For returning sites) Identify former Read Aloud guests in community (i.e. potential business and community leaders) to help secure funding. 4. 4. Invite potential funders to 2009 CDF Freedom Schools site. 5. 5. Plan community fundraiser with CDF FS site during summer 2009 to support 2010 CDF FS Site.

Next Steps and Plans for Sustainability

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6 2. Please describe how you will fund your CDF Freedom Schools Summer 2010 - 12 program. Is this funding pending or committed? Please provide the names and funding levels of those funders who have committed resources to your program.


Name of Funders for Summer 2010 Amount Committed or Pending? Example: City of Acorn Business Initiative $25,000 Committed (part of 3-year grant awarded July 5, 2008); Example: First Baptist Church $5,000 Pending (included in 5-year budget) Example: Malok Community Organization $5,000 Pending (Plan to reapply, Proposal due November 7th, 2009)

Name of Funders for Summer 2011 Amount Committed or Pending?

Name of Funders for Summer 2012 Amount Committed or Pending?

Please add any other potential funding and sustainability opportunities and ideas below:


Please send a one time application fee of $25. Payment methods of checks or credit are acceptable.

Checks or Money Order Payable to Children's Defense Fund

Credit Card Type (check): Visa Mastercard AMEX

Name on Card: ____ Card #:

Expiration Date: /_ _

VII. REMINDERS 7 The Children's Defense Fund requires that CDF Freedom Schools Sponsor Organizations:

 Select the Project Director by January 20, 2009 and the Site Coordinator by February 27, 2009. (Both the Project Director and Site Coordinator must attend the March 26-29, 2009 Orientation and Training Meeting).

 The Executive Director must attend the February 10-13, 2009 Orientation & Training Meeting at the historic Alex Haley Farm in Tennessee.

 Provide two nutritious meals and a snack for each child each day the program is in operation.

 Conduct background checks on all paid and volunteer staff that have contact with CDF Freedom Schools children for prior criminal records and child protective findings.

Provide proof of your organization’s current state license to serve children.

Provide proof that the site where your organization will house its summer program has met applicable state and/or local health and safety standards and regulations (i.e. health department certificate, occupancy certificate, etc.).

Provide proof of liability insurance coverage.

Do you have any actual or potential conflicts of interest as they relate to the mission of the Children’s Defense Fund and/or the CDF Freedom Schools program that we should know about when considering your application?

YES NO Please attach additional pages as necessary.

I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all information in the enclosed application is true and correct. I have read and understand the criteria and responsibilities that are detailed in the CDF Freedom Schools Program Operating Principles and in this application, and agree to comply fully with these responsibilities as the Sponsor of a Summer 2009 Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools program.

______Signature of Chief Executive Officer of Sponsor Organization

______Print Name Date