9Am Communion Church Centre
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6th September 2015 www.stpaulstervuren.be Nathan writes 6thSeptember….
September has arrived! For some that might mean back to a familiar routine and for others it is a big shift and change. If change for you means you are new to St Paul’s, then I’d like to extend a warm This Sunday - 6th September welcome to you and please introduce 9am Communion @ Church Centre yourself at the welcome desk. 10.30am Morning Worship @ BSB 6.30pm Youth Social @ Church Centre We have some fun opportunities planned http://stpaulstervuren.be/#/whe to catch up with each other and welcome n-where-do-we-meet those who have arrived over the summer. Next Sunday (13th) we have a pot luck lunch after the 10.30 service. St Paul’s Events Then on 18th September we have a First Wednesday 9th September Beer and Cheese night in the Please come and church centre. (Details are to the right) join us for our next first Wednesday on as we engage Autumn term at St Paul’s is just like together in worship, prayer and teaching many families. Some things will be @ 8pm in familiar and some things new, like the The Church Centre (7.30 for coffee). Marriage Course (Details also on this leaflet). You will be saturated with Pot Luck Lunch information of groups restarting and new Next Sunday – courses and groups being offered. We th Bring a dish to are in danger of information indigestion 13 but please prayerfully look at how you share after church. might be involved as a participant as well as serving, as we look to becoming more Beer and Cheese Evening– 18th Christ like and introduce others to him Sept this term. Opportunities to Serve: Have you The Marriage thought about where you can serve this year? We have a real need for additional Course starts 2nd helpers in Children’s Work, the Welcome October Desk and Fun Tots amongst others - Is it time to invest please speak with ministry staff or go to some time in your the website under “opportunities to relationship? Join us for the “The serve”. Marriage Course” over 7 weeks at The For more information on any of the notices please Church Centre, contact the Church Centre 02 767 3435. see website for Hoornzeelstraat 24, 3080 Tervuren details. [email protected] www.stpaulstervuren.be
Save the Date St Paul’s Giving Gifts for the General Fund of the for THE Ball- 4th Dec church may be made to this ING account: Account St Paul’s Groups and Ministries Number: 310-0913387-24. Account name: The Chaplain of St Paul's. IBAN BE813 100 9133 8724. Tuesday Fun Tots is Back! BIC: BBRUBEBB. Account address: A playgroup for all pre-schoolers with Hoornzeelstraat 24, 3080 Tervuren food, stories, games, singing and more. No need to book just come along Tuesdays- 9.30 – 11.30am Church For more information about our events or Centre. ministries please go to the welcome desk, website and/or like our facebook page. Thursday Discussions @ The Other Services and Events Invitation 4th October Tavern on Thursday nights @ 8pm at Let there be Den Engel Tavern (Kerkstraat 21, 3080 lyghte (Gen. 1:3 Translation WT) Tervuren). Come for an informal time to The William Tydalemuseum cordially chat, share fellowship and have a drink invites you to attend her Open Doors on together. Sunday 4th October. Each year in October on his death anniversary we commemorate William Tyndale, the Please pick up a leaflet Homegroups great Bible translator. This year we from the Welcome Desk to join a unveil the scale model for a new homegroup near you. (See Alan Jolley) monument to Tyndale. ds. Edwin Delen predikant William Tyndale-Silokerk Pastoral Care For any www.protestantsekerkvilvoorde.be pastoral needs contact TALC - Rondeweg 3/1 1800 Vilvoorde 02 a group that provides help 2513945 (including meals) for anyone in need. [email protected] Next TAIZE Service date in St Jan’s Church in Prayer Chain: If you have a Tervuren. Is Tuesday prayer need contact Miriam evening 8th Sept, 8pm. Isaacs 02 767 6929 [email protected] God Space Prayer and Christian Meditation for all. A special time to practice and learn more about Contemplative Prayer and Meditation. 19th September from 16– 1730h, chez: Sonja Stark, Chaussée de Tervuren 113, Auderghem (0478 45 7643)
Quiz Night in aid of Banunule School, Friday 9th October St Paul’s British Primary School, 3 Stationsstraat, 3080 Vossem Tervuren. 19:30 for 20:00 start. Tickets: €15 (including light snack).To reserve your place send an email to [email protected] or contact Rosalind Pelle or Helger Eiler Dear friends, the runners and supporters of Oasis Belgium would like to say a huge ‘THANK YOU’ to you for your prayers and support as we undertook and followed through on our commitment to run a very common human trafficking route from Casablanca to Barcelona…… The fight against human trafficking is a long one and with the refugee crisis in Europe it is growing by the day. If you would like to know more about the work Oasis Belgium is doing in this area or want to support us in any way, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me, Elaine Dunn (0471 67 11 16). (For full letter please see our website)