DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Kathryn Chaudry Subject : Computer Literacy Start Date(s): January 27 Grade Level (s): 6th Grade Building : West, Valley, Freeland, Drums Unit Plan

Unit Title: Microsoft Word Research Report on Computer Pioneers

Essential Questions Who is a computer pioneer and what has he or she accomplished? What important biographical information can be found on the internet about this person? What impact or change did this person make towards society and computer automation? Why did you choose this person to research?

Standards: PA Core Standards, PA Academic Standards/Anchors (based on subject)

1;3.7;13 Improve basic vocabulary related to computers and used in keyboarding and formatting.

Improve language, writing and composing skills. Improve grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation skills

1; 3.7;13 Key, format, edit, proofread and printing of reports and applications Summative Assessment Objective Assessment Method (check one) Students will key a left-bound, multi-page report using formatting tools in ____ Rubric __X_ Checklist ____ Unit Test ____ Group Summative Unit Assessment :PowerPoint Presentation which includes animation and sounds Microsoft Word including headers and footers . ____ Student Self-Assessment

____ Other (explain)


Day Objective (s) DOK LEVEL Activities / Teaching Strategies

Students will-participate in a discussion about the 1 history of computers and will research computer 2 pioneers while using the internet. Discussion and Group Participation of Computer 1 Pioneers students already know

Students will-select a computer pioneer to research 1 biographical information and learn how that person 2 Direct Instruction of taking notes, using bullets and impacted the industry 3 search engines to get information from a variety of 2 websites

Students will-select categories based upon the 1 information they have to divide the reports into 2 Direct instruction and individual instruction on sections creating side headings 3 creating categories for the headings 3 4 Students will-select a font and formatting style 1 Direct instruction on formatting choices and the including double spacing before keying the report 2 importance of consistency in report writing 3 4 4

Students will-create a cover page with a picture and 2 Direct Instruction the name of their computer pioneer as well as the 3 student’s full name 4 5

Students will use the spelling and grammar check as 2 Direct Instruction well as proof reading techniques on the report 3 6 4