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TERMS OF REFERENCE – Individual Short Term Technical Assistance for the review of the 2001 Early Childhood Care and Education Policy and development of a new policy framework

Assignment Short Term Technical Assistance for the review of the 2001 Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Policy and development of a new policy framework To support the UNICEF and Ministry of Education and Skills Development (MoESD) in Botswana review the impact of 2001 ECCE policy, understand the political, social and economic changes that have influenced the implementation of the policy and propose with wide and inclusive consultation a new policy framework for an integrated Early Child Development (ECD)1 approach for zero to six year olds in Botswana.

Location Gaborone, Botswana (with travel across country)

Duration Five months

Estimate number of 100 days working days

Start date 1 December 2014

End date 31 May 2015

Reporting to Chief Social Policy and Protection for Children, UNICEF Botswana Budget Source SC109901

Closing date for 7 November 2014 proposals

1. Justification/Background

The Ministry of Education and Skills Development (MoESD) in Botswana is launching a reception programme (1 year pre-primary) in January 2014 with 121 primary schools (out of about 750). This is a transition measure towards a full national 2-year pre-primary education programme. The transition is expected to take 5 years until the full pre-primary programme is available nationally. The transition period is also cognisant of the ambition of the government to promote 0-6 year old Early Child Development (ECD).

Similarly, the Ministry of Health (with mandate to secure the health of mothers and young children) and the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (with the mandate of to secure adherence of the Children’s Act 2009, the Act that brings the UNCRC and the African Charter on the Rights of the Child into law in Botswana, and responsibility to provide 0-6 services) have been developing services for young children in the 0-6 age bracket to promote Early Child Development (ECD).

1 A note on terminology: in this paper Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) refers to the 2001 Policy which covers the care, development and education of young children aged zero to six. Early Child Development (ECD) refers to the 0-6 sector, the interventions made by family, community and professionals and the development of young children. As well as its versatility, the phrase ECD is widely used internationally and in Botswana and so is the preferred term in this document. In this context of change and renewed government activism in the area of ECD, the 2001 ECCE Policy needs to be reviewed and updated. Given UNICEF’s long-standing support to the Botswana Ministry of Education and Skills Development (MoESD)2, this represents a new opportunity to support the Botswana Government to fulfil its ambition for all young children, particularly in the context where only about one-fifth of learners access a form of pre-primary education and where the integration of early child services (eg education, health and social services) needs to be enhanced.

To support the MoESD review the 2001 ECCE Policy, UNICEF Botswana is seeking technical assistance to review of the ECD sector and develop a new ECD policy in consultation with stakeholders and partners.

A consultant is sought for 5 months to complete this task from 1 August 2014. The remainder of the Terms of Reference provides detail on the requirements for the consultant.

2. Scope of the Work (Work assignment)

The consultant will be required to provide the following services:

1) Review of the Early Child Development sector This would incorporate: a. A desk study analysing the available literature, sector reviews, legislation, policies and programme information and statistics b. Interviews of key government and non-government stakeholders c. Field research to develop 3-4 representative case studies of how different ECD services are operating in communities at district or sub-district level.

2) Development of draft ECD policy framework This would involve drafting a set of consultation documents setting out the key dimensions of a new ECD policy framework and the evidence and policy challenges for each dimension in order to support a wide stakeholder consultation process.

3) Consult with stakeholders on ECD Using the draft ECD policy framework, undertake an extensive consultation with ECD stakeholders and partners.

4) Finalise ECD policy framework with guidance and materials on developing the ECD policy Use the evidence from the consultation to finalise the ECD policy framework and develop a resource pack to support MoESD and other Ministries develop the policy.

3. Expected Deliverables

This section provides the detail of the work expected from the individual. It sets out the activities to be undertaken and the outputs to be delivered against the timeline of the field tests. (The table below is draft and will be finalised with the successful consultant.)

Activity Outputs / deliverables Complete by 1) Review of the Early Child Report(s) capturing the different January Development sector elements of the review, which should 2015 include:

2 UNICEF has supported the MoESD in: developing the ECCE policy 2001, the 0-3 year old curriculum (not published as yet), the 4-6 year old curriculum and Teacher training curriculum for ECD (the last two are being used as part of the reception programme). This would incorporate: a. A desk study analysing the  Literature review available literature, sector  Analysis of related legislations, reviews, legislation, policies and policies and programmes in programme information and Botswana statistics b. Interviews of key government  Evidence from stakeholder and non-government interviews stakeholders  Case studies of field research c. Field research to develop 3-4 documenting how ECD is representative case studies of operating in different how different ECD services are communities operating in communities at district or sub-district level.  Recommendations from review 2) Development of draft ECD policy ECD policy framework documentation January framework for consultation , which includes: 2015  Conceptual framework This would involve drafting a set of consultation documents setting out  Policy proposals the key dimensions of a new ECD  Evidence for the proposals policy framework and the evidence and policy challenges for each  Key issues, dilemmas and dimension in order to support a wide other issues related to the stakeholder consultation process. policy proposals  Documentation (eg questionnaires) to support the consultation process 3) Consult with stakeholders on ECD Conferences, surveys/interviews and April 2015 workshops completed as part of Using the draft ECD policy extensive consultation with all framework, undertake an extensive stakeholders and partners. consultation with ECD stakeholders Report on outcome of consultation and partners. .

4) Finalise ECD policy framework with Final ECD policy framework document May 2015 guidance and materials on Resource pack to support MoESD and developing the ECD policy other Ministries to complete policy development process. Use the evidence from the consultation to finalise the ECD policy framework and develop a resource pack to support MoESD and other Ministries develop the policy.

4. Payment Schedule

Payments shall be based on agreed deliverables on the following basis:  30% upon signing of the contract  30% upon satisfactory completion of the milestones planned for January 2015 aboveNove  40% upon satisfactory completion of all the contract milestones

5. Desired Background and Experience

This section provides the expected knowledge, skills, attitudes and experiences of applicants. Please only apply if you are able to meet all the essential criteria. Area Criteria Reason for inclusion Essential / Desirable Knowledge Knowledge of the early To understand the Desirable child development services context of the project in Botswana Knowledge of ECD To ensure policies are Desirable systems in other countries benchmarked against similar to Botswana best international practice Advanced technical To provide leading-edge Essential knowledge of ECD from advice and thought health, education and leadership on the project family support disciplines, including knowledge of international trends and research relating to ECD as it pertains to education, health and family support. Skills Strong interpersonal and To generate clear and Essential communication skills in concise reports and English communicate complex content effectively orally. Advanced policy To execute the core Essential development skills aspects of the project including: effectively  data and research analysis  stakeholder engagement  policy formation Effective organizational To be able to understand Essential skills and ability to multi- the context of the project task and handle work in an quickly and work within efficient and timely the tight project timescale manner. Demonstrated and to show ability of ability to coordinate tasks working effectively in to meet deadlines complex organisations necessary. such as government and UN organisations Strong analytical skills To review and interpret Essential the policy context Attitudes Committed to working to To produce the best Essential time and high quality results within the contract Confident in suggesting To ensure that the Essential new ideas or solutions to delivery of the project can solve issues that emerge be as effective as through the project possible Experiences Minimum of 5 years of Experience in Essential progressively responsible programme professional work implementation and experience in the area of monitoring and ECD policy development. evaluation. Experience of working with To show ability of Desirable national government working effectively with ministries or UN agencies government and UN organisations

Education Advanced University Proven evidence of high Essential qualification degree in a field relevant level of technical and to ECD. expertise in the area of the subject matter

6. Call for proposals

Individuals are invited to complete the P11 form, provide a CV and a statement of how they meet the knowledge, skills, attitudes and experience as set out in the “Expected Background” section. Where possible provide examples of meeting the requirement. Applicants are also invited to provide their rate (daily, weekly or monthly).

Deadline for application is November 7 2014. Depending on the responses, individuals may be invited to provide further information and/or invited to an interview.

7. Evaluation weighting

__70___% technical

__30___% financial

100% total

8. Conditions

- The contractor will work on its own computer(s) and use its own office resources and materials in the execution of this assignment. - How to apply:

Applications with all supporting documents should be addressed to:

Cyprian M'ekandi Operations Manager UNICEF Botswana [email protected]

AND copy [email protected] and [email protected]

Please clearly indicate the title of the consultancy assignment in the subject line.

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