Town of Surf City s8

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Town of Surf City s8

Town of Surf City Regular Council Meeting Minutes October 5, 2010

Mayor Guy called the regular monthly meeting of the Surf City Town Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Medlin gave the invocation, and Councilman Curley led the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present for the meeting were Councilwoman Albury, Councilmen Helms and Fowler, Town Manager Michael Moore, Attorney Charles Lanier, Finance Director Jane Kirk, and Town Clerk Patricia Arnold.

BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH Mayor Guy presented Finance Director Jane Kirk with the Breast Cancer Awareness Month Proclamation.

BEAUTIFICATION & APPEARANCE RECOGNITION Mayor Guy presented the Proclamations for the Home of the Month for October to Robert & Martha Little for their property located at 1330 S. Shore Drive and the Business of the Month for October to Undertoe Surf Shop owned by Gregg Minerva located at 831 Roland Ave.

NATIONAL FIRE PREVENTION WEEK Mayor Guy presented Fire Chief Joey Rivenbark with the National Fire Prevention Week Proclamation and urged the citizens to call the Fire Department and have them come out and check their smoke detectors.


PLAQUE OF APPRECIATION Mayor Guy presented NC Senator RC Soles with a Plaque of Appreciation for his dedication to the Town of Surf City and North Carolina.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the September 7, 2010 Regular Meeting were recommended for approval by Town Attorney Charles Lanier. Motion was made by Councilman Fowler and seconded by Councilwoman Albury to approve as presented and was carried unanimously.

PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Guy recessed the regular council meeting at 7:25 P.M. to open the public hearing for comment on satellite annexation of .2 acres located off Charlie Medlin Dr. and is owned by Daniel Medlin.

Planner Rademacher stated that the Town received a request for voluntary annexation of property located off Charlie Medlin Dr. belonging to Daniel Medlin of .2 acres. Petition was submitted to the clerk on September 2, 2010 and the clerk did do her certificate of sufficiency. Effective date for annexation would be October 5, 2010. If adopted the Planning Board recommends setting the zoning district to be R-15 Residential Zoning.

Brenda Golder, 1313 N. Shore Drive, asked what do they plan on this lot?

Planner Rademacher stated that this lot is to connect Tortuga Lane to Charlie Medlin Dr.

Public Hearing was closed at 7:26 P.M. Regular Council Meeting Minutes October 5, 2010 Page 2 Councilman Fowler made a motion to approve the satellite annexation of .2 acres located off Charlie Medlin Dr., owned by Daniel Medlin, and to set the zoning to MFC Multi Family Cluster zoning. Councilman Helms seconded motion. Motion carried unanimously. Copy of Ordinance is attached to these minutes.

BEACH HOUSE MARINA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Beach House Marina has requested an extension of their Conditional Use Permit. 11-30-99 Treasure Coast Yacht Club & Marina issued Conditional Use Permit for dry stack boat storage facility. 12-6-01 Beach House Marina issued Conditional Use Permit for dry boat storage facility, which expired 1-1-07. 11-8-06 Beach House Marina issued Conditional Use Permit for dry boat storage facility, which will expire 1-1-08. 9-4-07 Beach House Marina issued Conditional Use Permit for dry boat storage facility, which will expire 1-1-09 12-2-08 Beach House Marina issued Conditional Use Permit for dry boat storage facility which will expire 1-1-10. 11-4-09 Beach House Marina issued Conditional Use Permit for dry boat storage facility which will expire 1-1-11.

Staff recommends the Town extend the permit for one year with expiration date of 1-1-12 and comply with current development standards. (Drystacks, restaurant, & original layout only).

Councilwoman Albury made a motion to approve the extension of the Conditional Use Permit with the expiration date now being 1-1-12. Mayor Pro Tem Medlin seconded motion. Motion carried unanimously.

PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS RECLASSIFICATION Planner Rademacher requested that the classification of the Planning Board members (Business, ETJ, Real Estate, Building Trades, Resident (Mainland), Resident (Island),2-Resident-At-Large, & 2 Alternate members.) be updated as well as an additional member slot be added

Mayor Pro Tem Medlin made a motion to approve the Planning Board reclassification and addition of one new member slot. Councilman Helms seconded motion. Motion carried unanimously.

ENGINEERS PROJECT UPDATES, Gus Simmons, Cavanaugh & Associates

Mainland Pump Station

The Contractor has fallen behind schedule by at least 2 weeks at this point in the project, primarily due to events over the past 2 weeks. Obviously, the area experienced unusual amounts of rainfall and adverse weather conditions to promote construction activities during the last week of September. Although SUC has not yet requested an extension of the contract dates due to weather, we anticipate that such a request may be forthcoming. The week prior, the primary construction effort was centered on completing the concrete pour of the floor slab. However, problems with the concrete mix delivered to the jobsite (seven (7) trucks were turned away and sent back to the plant due to quality of mix) prevented this pour from being completed. Further complicating the matter, a minor amount of concrete poured had to be removed, as well as the Regular Council Meeting Minutes October 5, 2010 Page 3 resulting damaged reinforcing steel. The process of removing the poured concrete, cleaning the forms, and replacing the reinforcing steel, coupled with the time requirement for a second pour, resulted in an approximate one week loss of effort. Most of the equipment is now at the site, and the electrical panels and equipment are being stored at a secure, off-site location. Over the next 30 days, the final concrete pours will be completed, the masonry walls will be erected, and underground piping installation will be completed.

To summarize, over the last 30 Days:

1. SU set forms and poured the concrete for the 1:1 wedge slopes inside the wet well. 2. SU’s crews installed the steps into the wall for ingress/egress into the wet well. 3. SU’s crews waterproof the walls of the pump room with Thoroseal. 4. Sub-contractor CFA’s crews formed the suspend slab, installed the steel rebar for the floor slab and concrete beams, installed box-out openings for the pumps, hatches and stairs. The float access and sleeves for vents & pipes were installed. 5. Mark Weiss and Mark Tiller inspected the steel rebar for correct size and spacing according to the Plans/Specs. 6. SU’s crews pulled the steel shoring piles from the perimeter of the pump station area. The crews used good earth material to place backfill around the concrete structure placing the material in small lifts and compacting. An ECS technician was called to project site to test the backfill material for density requirements. 7. SU’s sub-contractor installed the three (3) bores for the two (2) FM lines and the SS line to be constructed under NC 50/210 highway. 8. SU’s installed a new manhole in place of the existing manhole on the east side of NC 50/210 highway. SU’s crews tied the 12” SS line into the new manhole for the gravity sewer and plugged the line to seal off until all new lines are tested for operation. 9. SU’s crews installed 12” SS gravity sewer line from new manhole #1 through new manhole #6. In the next 30 Days, we can expect the following: 1. SU will have their electrical sub-contractor to install conduit into the form work for the concrete floor slab. 2. SU plans to pour the concrete floor slab. 3. SU will install the door frames. 4. SU’s sub-contractor will lay the block building on top of the floor slab when 100% strength is reached. 5. SU’s crews plan to install the necessary block-outs for the louvers and vents. 6. SU’s crews plan to install anchors for roof beams. 7. SU sub-contractor will strip the support system from under the suspended concrete floor slab. (if 100% strength is reached) 8. SU’s crews plan to install pumps and all piping for pumps. 9. SU’s crews plan to install the water line to the building. 10. SU’s plans to lay 12” and 16” force main lines. 11. SU’s crews plan to install the meter vault and flow meter.

Surf City Wastewater Treatment Facilities

Juniper Swamp Phase 2 Disposal Design: The design work has been completed, reviewed, and is ready to submit for permitting. Regular Council Meeting Minutes October 5, 2010 Page 4 Tortuga Lane Street & Utilities Design

The Erosion Control permit has been issued. The Stormwater Management permit is still under review and is pending issuance. Subsequently, the Town will apply for the water and sewer permits from the State, and can begin advertisement over the winter.

Comprehensive Water Audit & Leak Detection Phase 1 of the Water Audit was completed in June.

Phase 2 of the Water Audit was completed in August. Phase 2 included development of recommendations for improvements to water system efficiency, and the enhancement of water system revenues. These recommendations were formally reviewed with Town staff in early August.

Phase 3 of the Water Audit is scheduled for October. Phase 3 will include Active Leak Detection within the water distribution system, which will survey targeted areas for leak sounds using acoustic technology.

A project summary will be presented to Council following completion of Phase 3.

Other Notables: · Even though the sewer flows were quite substantial during the recent storm and flooding, the wastewater treatment plant was able to accommodate such peak flows without process failure. Currently, the influent screen is inoperable due to damage from a large amount of sand and grit being ‘washed’ to the plant. However, the plant remains functional (there is a manual, redundant screen). The accumulation of such large volumes of treated effluent, however, will prove to be difficult for the Town as we begin the wetter, winter season. · The Community Park ballfields were, to the greatest extent, undamaged by the torrential rains and flooding. Thankfully, the seeding activities that occurred little more than one month ago were sufficient to prevent erosion on the playing fields. The access drive from the gravel parking lot, however, did incur some erosion. However, the severity of this erosion was controlled by the stabilization matting that was placed beneath the road during construction.

PUBLIC FORUM Bill Marshburn, 14171 Hwy 53 E, Maple Hill, Candidate for District 2 Pender County Commissioner, told his experience background to the citizens.

Mary Bell McKeever, 204 B Boca Bay Lane, stated that she would like to raise awareness of green living in recycling by providing education on water harvesting. By having rain barrels placed at town buildings for more advertising as a green living community. She stated that she is attending a green living expo next week in Wilmington.

Mayor Guy asked her to bring back information to the clerk to forward to the Council members.

Clifton Moore thanked the Mayor and Senator Soles for their kind comments.

COUNCIL FORUM Councilman Curley thanked everyone for participating in the meeting. Regular Council Meeting Minutes October 5, 2010 Page 5

Mayor Pro Tem Medlin appreciated everyone for coming and for all that the volunteers do.

Councilwoman Albury thanked everyone for coming to the meeting.

Councilman Fowler thanked everyone and invited everyone to the Fall Festival at the Community Center on the 29th from 6-8 pm and to Autumn Fest in Topsail Beach on the 16th.

Councilman Helms stated that he likes to see citizen show interest in the town by coming to the meetings.

Mayor Guy  Flu shot Clinic today had 150 participants.  November 2nd Election  November 4th next Surf City Council Meeting.  Citizen Information Meeting for NCDOT replacement of Swing bridge will be held October 21st 3-7 pm  Read thank you letter from the Ed Summerlin family.  Read thank you letter from Randall Worthington regarding his sister.

MANAGER REPORT  USMC will be held off base trailing October 25th – November 24th.  Tropical Storm Nicole o Thought did very well o Complaint level low o Storm water chambers did good o Had leaks in town hall o No sewer spills o Meeting with FEMA on Thursday  RESOLUTION SUPPORTING BRIDGE REPLACEMENT Councilwoman Albury made a motion to approve the Resolution and forward it to NCDOT. Councilman Helms seconded motion. Motion carried unanimously.  Animal Ordinance: with animal control falling under the Health Department Manager Moore has been speaking to the County Manager on the possibility of working together on how to handle animal complaints. A meeting will be set up soon.  Onslow County EMS: Manager is working to get a meeting set with the Mayor and the person in charge of Onslow County EMS to see if we can get the situation work out so citizens will not have a problem being taken to New Hanover Memorial.

TOWN ATTORNEY REPORT No report at this time.

ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:57 p.m. upon the motion by Councilwoman Albury and seconded by Councilman Fowler. The Council unanimously approved motion. Regular Council Meeting Minutes October 5, 2010 Page 6

______Patricia E. Arnold, CMC Town Clerk A. D. (Zander) Guy, Jr., Mayor

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