Fayetteville Academy Student Supply Lists Grades 9-12 ~ 2015-2016 Note: Lists are subject to change before the first day of school. Supplies for courses not listed will be announced on the first day of school.  highlighter

Math Courses Science Courses World Language Courses Mrs. Koonce Pre-Calculus (CP and H) Dr. Johnston Mrs. Marquez  notebook and loose leaf paper Physics (CP and H), Astronomy Spanish II, Spanish IV (H)  graph paper  3-ring binder or notebook (can be  2 inch hard binder (not to be shared)  pencils with erasers shared)  loose leaf paper  TI-84+ calculator  pencils with erasers  6 tabbed dividers Geometry (H)  TI-84+ calculator  pencils with erasers  notebook and loose leaf paper  2 red pens  graph paper Mrs. Goodrum  one composition notebook  pencils with erasers Chemistry (CP and H), Biology (AP)  one highlighter pen  centimeter ruler  3-ring binder or notebook (can be  one pack of Expo markers  protractor and compass shared) Spanish (AP), Spanish VI (H)  3x5 note cards (optional but helpful)  loose leaf paper  2 inch hard binder  TI-84+ calculator  TI-84+ calculator  loose leaf paper  safety goggles (purchased through  pencils and pens Ms. Matthews Science Department)+  5 tabbed dividers Algebra I (H), Algebra II (CP and H)  one pack of Expo markers  2 inch hard binder (not to be shared) Dr. McDaniels  one USB flash drive (AP only)  loose leaf paper Chemistry (AP)  graph paper  3 inch hard binder (not to be shared) Ms. Mathhues  colored pencils  loose leaf paper Spanish I, III  pencils with erasers  pencils with erasers  2 inch binder (not to be shared)  TI-84+ calculator  special lab notebooks as noted in AP  loose leaf paper Chemistry summer letter  pencils with erasers or pens Mrs. Martin  TI-84+ calculator  4 tabbed dividers Calculus, Calculus (AP), Advanced Alg.  safety goggles (purchased through  Spanish III also needs a composition and Trig Science Department)+ notebook – may be the same one from  2 inch binder (not to be shared) Spanish II  3 dividers Mrs. Sappington  college ruled loose leaf paper Biology (CP and H), Anatomy and Physiology Mrs. Gillis  pencils with erasers  any size binder (may be shared) Latin I, Latin II, Latin III, Latin IV (H)  TI-84+ calculator  black ink pens only or pencils  2 inch binder (not to be shared). Geometry (CP)  colored pencils  4 tabbed dividers  2 inch hard binder (not to be shared) with  ruler  loose leaf paper loose leaf paper  safety goggles (purchased through  pencils with erasers  pencils with erasers Science Department)+  one composition notebook  4 dividers  spiral bound 3x5 note cards  compass and centimeter ruler  Latin-English Dictionary (recommend  TI-84+ calculator History Courses Cassell’s Latin Dictionary)

Mrs. Quesnel Mr. Smith Algebra I (CP) American Government (H) Electives  2 inch hard binder (not to be shared)  any size binder with pockets(may be  loose leaf paper shared) with loose leaf paper or a FTCC Courses  graph paper spiral notebook with 100-150 pages  supplies will be announced by instructor  pencils with erasers  pens or pencils  3 dividers US History (CP, History on Film Ms. Reavis  ruler  student's choice for binder or All Art Classes  TI-84+ calculator notebook  to be announced after first week of school  pens or pencils of various colors European History (AP) Mrs. Valcarcel English Courses  1 ½ inch hard binder with pockets Varsity Chorus, Junior Chorus (not to be shared)  1 inch or larger 3-ring binder (any color) Mrs. Aliff  tabbed dividers for 27 chapters  loose leaf paper English 9 (CP and H), English Language (AP)  pencils (no pens or markers)  1 ½ inch hard binder with pockets (not to Mr. Aliff be shared) World History (AP and CP)) Mrs. Smith  dividers for sections  1 ½ inch binder (not to be shared) or JAVA  loose leaf paper spiral notebook with at least 150  flash drive with 8G or more capacity  pencils with erasers pages (not to be shared) (recommend the one sold by SGA since  3-pronged folder with pockets  loose leaf paper student’s name can be written on the  black and red ink pens  black and red pens back)

Ms. Morazes Mrs. Harry English 10 (CP and H), English 11 (H) US History (AP)  student's choice of notebook, pens, pencils  2 inch binder (not to be shared)  loose leaf paper  tabbed dividers for 45 chapters  composition notebook for in-class writing  black and red pens (English 11 Honors students can re-use their notebook from 10th grade) Mr. Spell American Government (CP), History of Sports Mr. Washburn  1 ½ inch hard binder with paper + Note: Science safety goggles must meet ANSI z87 English 11 (CP), English 12 (CP and H), English Lit  folder that fits into binder + D3 standards (AP)  4 tabbed dividers  student's choice of notebook, pens, pencils  pack of 3x5 index cards

Revised 4/5/2018