Instructional Tools for Different Learning Modalities

o color coded notes to help V i s u a l L e a r n e r s o diagrams, photographs, charts, reveal the categorization of Visual learners learn best graphs, and/or maps information from what they see. o visually organized notes on o slide shows or movies Therefore, as you are lesson overheads mind maps, acronyms planning, you should keep in o o guided imagery or visualization mind that some of your o for visual learners, still time opportunities to take notes or students will learn most o can be important, as these easily from visual tools such highlight key ideas students may be more as: o flash cards distracted than other students by movement or action. Au d i t o r y L e a r n e r s o lectures, oral instruction Auditory learners learn best o reading aloud o auditory tapes from hearing spoken words, o rhythmic sounds and song o repeating ideas orally, participating in discussions o group discussions reciting and explaining things to o for auditory learners, quiet time o poems, rhymes, word others. The following are can be important, as these association tools you might use in your learners may be easily distracted o music, lyrics lesson planning to ensure by noise. that you are reaching those students who learn best this way: T a c t i l e L e a r n e r s Tactile learners need to o experiments/labs experience the world through o props, physical examples o field trips, exhibits, tours touch. Many teachers often o making models, dioramas o manipulatives, like unit overlook this learning o textured manipulatives, such as blocks modality. The following are a sandpaper letters or foam shapes o index cards with facts to few means of addressing sequence these students’ unique learning style: K i n e s t h e t i c L e a r n e r s o opportunities for movement o experiments/labs Kinesthetic learners learn o plays, acting out, role playing o games through experience and o problem solving o field trips movement, and make the o writing notes o making lists greatest academic gains o props, physical examples o associating emotions with when they are involved and o associating gestures with ideas concepts active in a lesson. Consider the following strategies to meet these students’ needs: