US History Kelemen

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US History Kelemen

American Studies: U.S. History Mr. Brown

Study Guide for Unit 7: FDR, World War II, and America

Overview of the Unit: By 1940 America was still in the grip of a Great Depression, and events in Europe and Asia threatened to make matters worse. FDR would have to rely on the lessons derived from his experiences to defend America in the most horrific war of modern history. In the middle of these difficulties Americans continued to trust their leader, and they would elect him to an unprecedented fourth term of office. Americans themselves were changed by the ordeal of economic depression and then utterly transformed by a global war.

Essential Topic Questions:  How did World War II transform the political, social, and economic landscape of America?  What contradictions in values were raised by America’s involvement in World War II?

Questions to Keep on Asking:  To what extent can civil liberties and rights be limited during war?  Can our values be acceptably lifted when we have to wage and win a war?

Key Dates Test: Friday, February 3 Project: TBA NOTEBOOK: due_____

Reading Guide By Jan 27: Read Chapter16.1, Review 16.2 and 16.3, Read 16.4 : Key Terms To Know: problems with the Treaty of Versailles Peace settlement, motives for fascism and national socialism, pg. 546-547--FDR’s foreign economic policies, 1935 Neutrality Acts, “quarantine” policy, appeasement, nonaggression pact, Battle of Britain, pg. 555-U.S. policy on anti-Semitism, genocide;” cash and carry” policy, Tripartite Pact and Axis, Selective and Training Service Act, “arsenal of democracy”, lend-lease policy, u-boats, Atlantic Charter, Allies, FDR’s stance on Japan’s ambitions, Pearl Harbor

By Jan. 30: Read Chapter 17.1: GI, WAAC, “victory trim”, role of industry, Randolph’s march on Washington, OSRD, internment policy, Nisei, OPA, WPB, rationing Chapter 17.2-17.3: war plans of the Allies, reasons for the North African front, Italy—“soft underbelly”, D Day, Battle of the Bulge, unconditional surrender, island hopping, Midway, kamikazes, Okinawa, pgs. 590-593—Manhattan Project, debate over the A-bomb, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Yalta, United Nations

By Feb. 3: Read Chapter 17.4: economic gains of working people and women, population shifts, effects on marriage, GI Bill of Rights, CORE, zoot suit riots, Korematsu v. United States, JACL

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