Received Income Tax Summary Report for Month Ending 04-30-2015

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Received Income Tax Summary Report for Month Ending 04-30-2015


President Pro Tem Bonnie Wurst called the meeting to order at 7:30pm on May 4, 2015 at 701 Parlette Court with the following members present: Jim Neumeier, Daniel E. Lee, Bonnie Wurst, Chad Doll, Randy Fisher, Rachel Barber and Dan Graf. Also present were Mayor Rodney Metz, Service Director Bill Rains and Law Director Dennis Faller. There were 27 visitors present. President Steve Henderson was absent.

Received Income Tax Summary Report for Month Ending 04-30-2015.

Motion by Fisher, second by Lee to approve the minutes of the April 20, 2015 Council Meeting as submitted. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays.

Mayor Metz read a Proclamation recognizing the Wapakoneta High School Girls Bowling Team on their state title.

Finance Committee – a meeting was held on 04-29-2015 and the following was discussed: Myers explained to the committee that the CDBG funds in the RLF cannot be used for the previously granted loan to a local business. As the Mayor has already signed a loan agreement with that business, the city needs to find a way to honor that commitment. The State has agreed to allow the city to use the CDBG funds in the RLF for an approved project, the Gibbs St. reconstruction, and then to use other city funds to honor the loan commitment. Wurst asked if the city is allowed to use city funds for private business loans. Several examples of cities that do this were presented. Therefore those present agreed that this is possible. The committee recommends that the CDBG funds in the RLF fund be used for the Gibbs St. project. Rains will work with Auditor Walter to determine appropriate city funds to use to honor the previously approved business loan. Legislation will need to be prepared to create a city ED loan fund. Administration will work with Myers and this committee to create a committee to administer this new fund and develop new loan fund documents.

Mr. Neumeier asked if the budget has been adjusted to reflect the increased expenditure on Gibbs Street. Mrs. Wurst replied, yes. Mr. Neumeier asked if supplemental appropriation would be needed. Mr. Rains advised that Auditor Walter did not think it would be necessary. Mr. Neumeier asked if the loan has already been paid. Mr. Rains replied, no. Mr. Neumeier asked if the check will be written out of the electric fund. Mr. Rains replied, yes. Mr. Neumeier asked what the recourse will be if the loan is defaulted. Mr. Rains replied that Mr. Myers advised that the City would be in first position.

Communications – Clerk McDonald noted that per President Henderson’s request, Council packets contained a copy of the Josh Mandel letter mentioned during the previous Council meeting, regarding Mr. Neumeier and Mr. Doll commented that they would be in favor of the City participating in the website mentioned. Mr. Fisher added that he felt the website is not user-friendly. President Pro Tem Wurst assigned this matter to the Finance Committee to obtain further information.

Clerk McDonald advised that she did receive a copy of a notice of petition for annexation from Mr. Kyle Binkley of Binkley Land Surveying, LLC, and the hearing date is set for June 23, 2015 at 10:00am at the Auglaize County Commissioner’s Chambers.

Clerk McDonald read a request from the Performing Arts Committee to hold the 2015 Party in the Parkway Concert series downtown in the Heritage Parkway. Motion by Fisher, second by Doll to approve the request. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays.

Unfinished Business – Mr. Neumeier asked for an update on the request to change signage to deter vehicle traffic on West Auglaize Street during construction. Mr. Rains replied that no change in signage was made. Mr. Neumeier made the request again due to high traffic in the area on weekends. Mr. Neumeier asked how long the sewer will be open-cut in the 700 block of West Auglaize Street. Mr. Rains agreed to check on this.

Ms. Barber asked for the current location of the sections of Western Ohio Railway that were found during construction. Mr. Rains advised that the pieces are being stored at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

New Business - Motion by Graf, second by Barber to overrule and reject the recommendation of the Zoning Commission concerning the rezoning of the property located at 500 Willipie Street as referred to in the tabled Ordinance 2015-10. Mr. Fisher stated that he felt this rejection was a mistake, as the rezoning request meets all of the requirements as laid out by the Planning Commission. Vote – 6 yeas, 1 nay (Fisher). Motion passed.

Motion by Wurst, second by Fisher to have legislation prepared to create a City Economic Development loan fund. Ms. Barber asked who will set the parameters for said loan fund. Mrs. Wurst replied that Greg Myers, City Administration and the Finance Committee will work on it, using the RLF as an example. Mrs. Wurst also advised that they will investigate what other cities are doing, and set up a committee to administer the fund. Ms. Barber asked for a timetable. Mrs. Wurst and Mr. Faller replied, approximately 2 to 3 months. Mr. Neumeier asked if loans are already being made from the fund. Mrs. Wurst replied, yes. Mr. Neumeier asked if the Ordinance will address how the loan will be funded. Mrs. Wurst replied, yes. Mr. Neumeier asked if loans were out currently from the RLF. Mrs. Wurst replied, yes. Mr. Neumeier asked if the loan money that is paid back stays in the City. Mr. Rains replied, yes. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays.

President Pro Tem Wurst asked Clerk to read Ord 2015-14R for the second time re: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE AND SAFETY TO SET SPECIFICATIONS, ADVERTISE FOR BIDS, AND EXECUTE A GRIND AND PAVE PROGRAM FOR VARIOUS STREETS WITHIN THE CITY OF WAPAKONETA. Mr. Neumeier noted that some corrections still need to be made within the revised Ord 2015-14.


Mr. Neumeier asked if potholes are being addressed. Mr. Rains advised that the materials to do so arrived today.


President Pro Tem Wurst asked Clerk to read Ord 2015-17 for the second time re: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE AND SAFETY TO ENTER IN AGREEMENT WITH AUGLAIZE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO PERFORM WORK ON GIBBS STREET WITHIN THE CITY OF WAPAKONETA WITH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT AND ED-RLF FUNDS. Motion by Fisher, second by Wurst to suspend the rules for Ord 2015-17. Mr. Neumeier asked for the reasoning behind suspending the rules for Ord 2015-17. Mr. Fisher replied that the hotel needs to have the money by the 18th, therefore the choices are to suspend the rules and pass the Ordinance, or have a special meeting prior to the 18th to do so. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays. Motion passed. Motion by Fisher, second by Wurst to amend Ord 2015-17 to include emergency language. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays. Motion passed. Motion by Fisher, second by Doll to adopt Ord 2015-17. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays. Motion passed.

President Pro Tem Wurst asked Clerk to read Res 2015-18R for the second time re: A RESOLUTION FOR SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED UPON ANNEXATION TO 14.663 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED IN DUCHOUQUET TOWNSHIP, AUGLAIZE COUNTY OHIO, PROPOSED FOR ANNEXATION, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Fisher, second by Wurst to suspend the rules for Res 2015-18R. Mr. Faller then provided Council with an explanation of the petition for annexation procedure. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays. Motion passed.

Mr. Kirk Wilmarth of 14987 Ramga Road, expressed his opposition to the proposed annexation, and noted that Glynwood Road does not have the sidewalks needed for the safety of a new development in that area. President Pro Tem Wurst advised Mr. Wilmarth to attend the Auglaize County Commissioners hearing on June 23rd to express his opposition to the annexation.

Motion by Fisher, second by Doll to adopt Res 2015-18R. Ms. Barber asked for further explanation of the proposed annexation.

Mr. Kyle Binkley of 1104 Timber Trail, explained that most of the area in the proposed new subdivision has already been annexed, and having this last 14.663 acres would streamline the process. Ms. Barber asked for the total acreage of the proposed subdivision. Mr. Binkley answered, approximately 56.81 acres. Ms. Barber asked how much housing is planned for said subdivision. Mr. Binkley answered, 75 lots, with the 14.663 acres affecting three of those lots. Mrs. Wurst asked if the subdivision has already been approved. Mr. Binkley replied, not yet. Mr. Binkley also noted that most of the land abutting Mr. Wilmarth’s property is floodplain that cannot be developed. Ms. Barber asked if the lots in question would be single family units. Mr. Binkley replied, yes, with an average of 1700 square foot per home. Ms. Barber asked if sidewalks and tree lawns are planned for said subdivision. Mr. Binkley said sidewalks will be planned for the internal area of the subdivision. Mr. Binkley said the greenspace and tree lawns will be addressed in the construction drawings. Mr. Graf asked what the places of entrance will be for the proposed subdivision. Mr. Binkley answered, Wells Street and Glynwood Road. Ms. Barber asked how many streets there will be in the proposed subdivision. Mr. Binkley replied, four.

Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays. Motion passed.

The Mayor gave the following reports:

Activity Highlights April 20, 2015

1. Participated in one Department Staff meeting. 2. Participated in monthly Tree Commission meeting. Discussion was West Auglaize Street and Urban Forester, Stephanie’s upcoming meeting. 3. Attended Health & Safety meeting of Wapakoneta City Council 4. Participated in monthly WEADC meeting. 5. Attended ribbon cutting for Mirror Magic Hair Salon as they relocated to Middle and Wood Street. 6. Participated in Wapakoneta City Council’s Street & Alley’s monthly meeting. 7. Meet with Ametek staff along with engineers from GE to discuss Ameteks power needs. 8. Hazardous tree inventory has been completed with Stephanie Miller Urban Forester and members of Wapakoneta Tree Commission. We spent two full days visiting every public tree. There are trees that will need removed. 9. Participated in Monthly Planning Commission meetings. 10. Attended United Way of Auglaize County Reverse Raffle. 11. Continue to work with Walmart and Clean Scene so Clean Scene may have access from Walmart property thus making the area friendlier for customer traffic to both businesses. Activity Highlights May 4, 2015 1. Met with Auglaize County Commissioners on the 28th and 30TH to discuss the CDBG funding through the County. The City of Wapakoneta Project would be more cost effective to fund through revolving loan fund. This is for allocation 2016. 2. Attend a meeting with Mr. Rains, Mr. Watt and Mr. Doll to discuss the design and the requirement for recognizing our youth in the school’s athletic program. Sign samples will be reviewed at our next meeting when samples are available. 3. Participated in Wapakoneta Police Department’s first community police event. The event was well attended by all ages. 4. Participated in DWP’s Derby Day. This is a fundraiser for Façade Program. 5. Presented plague recognizing Eagle Scout Court of Honor to Travis Rohrbach. 6. Participated in United Way Day of Caring.

Mr. Lee asked for an update on the Walmart and Clean Scene situation. Mayor Metz replied that Walmart wishes to be compensated if Clean Scene ties into the driveway, so other ideas are being discussed. Ms. Barber asked if item number 2 on the May 4th report is referencing signage at entrances to the City. Mr. Doll replied, yes.

Mayor Metz then advised Council that he would like to appoint Josh Hines to the Waste Minimization Committee.

Mayor Metz then noted that the displayed equipment in Council Chambers is the insulator that was struck by lightning, resulting in the power outage within the City recently.

The Service Director gave the following report: Reference the Mayor’s report.

Ms. Barber asked about the potholes on Pearl and Mechanic Streets. Mr. Rains reiterated that the material to fix the potholes arrived today, and repairs will be made a priority. Mr. Doll recommended utilizing Action Line to report issues such as this.

Ms. Barber noted that a citizen contacted her about the new sidewalks on Carnation Drive, and stated that they were embarrassed by how they looked. Mr. Doll added that perhaps the City could contact homeowners to get voluntary easements to correct the sidewalks, if this is permissible. Mr. Graf stated that he agreed with Mr. Doll’s suggestion. Mr. Rains replied that said sidewalks were done by ODOT specifications. Mr. Neumeier asked if the City has a right to look at ODOT plans such as these before work begins. Mr. Rains agreed to request this in future projects.

SCHEDULING OF MEETINGS: Lands and Buildings Committee will meet on May 14th at 3:30pm at City Hall.

Miscellaneous Business – Motion by Doll, second by Lee to approve the appointment of Josh Hines to Chairperson of the Waste Minimization Committee. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays. Motion passed.

Mrs. Wurst gave a reminder that Drop & Swap and Bicycle Safety Day will both be held on May 9th.

Motion by Fisher, second by Doll to adjourn at 8:40pm. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays.

President Clerk of Council

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