A Self Help Centre

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A Self Help Centre

If undeliverable return to Emmanuel Centre Postage stamp A SELF HELP CENTRE Here For People with Disabilities 25 Windsor StPerthWA 6000 Tel: (08) 9328 8113 (Voice) (08) 9328 9571 (TTY) SMS 0401 016 399 Fax: (08) 9227 9720 Email: [email protected] Web address: www.emmanuelcentre.com.au

EMMANUEL NEWS September 2013 COMING EVENTS AS WE GO TO PRESS (Check before coming could be changed. Look inside for more info.)

Sunday Sept 1st 9.30am Mass at St Francis Xavier with interpreter and Powerpoint followed by morning tea. Monday Sept 2nd “Challenges” 9.30-10.30 am Emmanuel Centre; “Learning activities” with Christine 11-12.30 DRUMBEAT with Christine 1-2 pm Tuesday Sept 3rd“Painting with Geoff” 9.30-10.30 am Emmanuel Centre, “Craft Activities” with Shirley 11-12.30 or Grammar Disc with Emma. Bible Study 1-2.30 pm Tuesday 3rd September, Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral 7pm for Archbishop Clune. His coffin will be placed in the Crypt under the Cathedral. All welcome.seated by 6.45pm. Powerpoint and Interpreter available. Supper to follow.

Sunday Sept 8 t h ” 9.30 am Mass. At St Francis Xavier with Interpreter and PowerPoint Monday Sept 9th “Challenges” 9.30-10.30 am Emmanuel Centre; “Learning activities” with Christine 11-12.30 DRUMBEAT with Christine 1-2 pm Tuesday Sept10th “Painting with Geoff” 9.30-10.30 am Emmanuel Centre, Scrapbooking with Sharon “11-12.30 or Grammar Disc with Emma. Bible Study 1-2.30 pm Sunday Sept 15th ” 9.30am Mass at St Francis Xavier with interpreter and PowerpointAUSLAN CAFÉ 10.30am – 12noon followed by light lunch. Monday Sept 16th“Challenges” 9.30-10.30 am Emmanuel Centre; “Learning activities” with Christine 11-12.30 DRUMBEAT with Christine 1-2 pm Tuesday Sept 17th“Painting with Geoff” 9.30-10.30 am Emmanuel Centre, “Craft with Shirley” 11-12.30or Grammar Disc with Emma. Bible Study 1-2.30 pm Sunday Sept 22nd” 9.30am Mass at St Francis Xavier with interpreter and Powerpoint Monday Sept 23rd“Challenges” 9.30-10.30 am Emmanuel Centre; “Learning activities” with Christine 11-12.30 DRUMBEAT with Christine 1-2 pm Tuesday Sept 24th“Painting with Geoff” 9.30-10.30 am Emmanuel Centre, Activities with Christine “11-12.30or Grammar Disc with Emma. Bible Study 1-2.30 pm


Sunday Sept 29th” 9.30 am Mass. At St Francis Xavier with Interpreter and PowerPoint Sunday October6 t h ”9.30 AM Mass. At St Francis Xavier with Interpreter and PowerPoint followed by morning tea

SATURDAY OCTOBER 12 t h MENTAL HEALTH WEEK MASS AND REFLECTION with Archbishop (Emeritus) Barry Hickey at St Francis Xavier, 23 Windsor St from 10am -1.30pm . This includes lunch.

Sunday October13 t h ” 9.30 AM Mass. At St Francis Xavier with Interpreter and PowerPoint

Pope Francis recently said “Be revolutionaries. I ask you to swim against the tide; yes, I am asking you to rebel against this culture that sees everything as temporary and that ultimately believes you are incapable of responsibility that believes you are incapable of true love.”

Wow. It is great to hear that. When we were making our Emmanuel logo 32 years ago as a group of us were reflecting on the journey ahead of us we had an image of a fish swimming against the tide, against the waves, against what was considered the norm, the way of doing things.

For example, at that time it was not considered normal to concentrate on what people themselves could do in the area of disability. It was not considered normal that people with disability and their family members had anything to offer society or the church. It was not considered normal to believe that people who were physically challenged could work alongside people who were hearing or intellectually, sight or mentally challenged. In order to empower people it was considered that you needed a degree in social work, psychology or teaching, just to name a few. Emmanuel Centre from its beginnings seemed different; inviting people with disability from a wide range of disability to live and work, play and pray together was quite radical back in 1981.

God has a way of turning our assumptions upside down. So many times over my journey I have had to re-evaluate how I am doing something, why I am doing it and what other ways could the task be done.

The fish in our logo is swimming upstream and yes sometimes it feels as though the waves are too huge and we will drown in the attempt to change attitudes, assumptions and behaviours. We are encouraged by St Peter. When the waves are strong and stormy, keep your eyes on Jesus.

Some people might say that Emmanuel Centre is provocative. I have certainly been labeled with the word. I think Emmanuel is no less provocative than Jesus saying that He came to sow division. The gospel is like a two edged sword which does separate. It separates the real from the fake. It separates those who want an easy path from those who are willing to swim against the tide. It separates those who “tolerate” people with disability without ever seeing themselves as equals. It separates those who think their value comes from being needed from those who lives are a daily struggle to live life to the full.

Pope Francis gives many examples of swimming against the tide and I have heard that he often makes people nervous because of his radical ways of meeting people, reaching out spontaneously and mixing with people wherever they are without concern for himself. This I believe encourages people individually and as a church.

I reflect also on the people that I meet whose lives demonstrate swimming against the tide, with radical acts of love and hope. People who never tire of giving, continuously being creative, believing in the goodness and worth of others. I know many people who inspire me because every day they, like me, never know what will come their way and yet they change their plans to fit in with new circumstances without complaint (unlike me). Sudden sickness or accident can mean putting everything on hold until……..?

I believe we collectively and individually have two options. We can sit idly by and let this convoluted world and its values muddle through or we can make a bold move and leave behind a legacy of strong gospel values that help to strengthen us individual and collective.

If you have never swum against the tide why not try it?. You will be surprised how exciting it can be.”Viva the revolution!! Secret Squirrel Program Links young offenders with mental health Secret Squirrel support. Business: a Guide to The Mental Health Commission, the first of its Mental Health kind in Australia, has been pioneering new Recovery, written by ways to support people experiencing mental the late Jenny illness since it was established in 2010. Finding new ways to support young people Middlemiss, is a free with mental illness problems is at the heart of practical and the Commission’s Mental Health 2020 Strategic Policy. One such initiative is the new empowering book mental health court diversion and support pilot regarding mental illness. project in the Perth Children’s Court. Young people who appear in the Perth Children’s Former Western Australian author, Jenny Court now have access to on-site mental health Middlemiss, who lived with a form of schizophrenia, support when they need it. The mental health court opens her book with a discussion of the nature of diversion and support pilot project gives the wellbeing, illness and recovery. Readers are President and Magistrates of the Perth Children’s invited to think about their own life and how the Court access to a team of mental health specialists, including a clinical psychologist, a choices they make determine who they are and consultant psychiatrist, mental health nurses and what they are becoming. support workers. Secret Squirrel Business is supported by the latest Called Links, the team is on-hand to provide assessments and reports to the court, research in mental health and its wide ranging make referrals to appropriate services, practical advice is extended by workshop and offer some clinical interventions. exercises. By the end of the book, the readers While the pilot program is Perth- have an array of tools to help them act from the based, it will be evaluated to authenticity of their own inner being, giving a solid determine its success and potential future platform from which to tackle life’s future struggles expansion to regional centers. and challenges. ======Written by a 90 year old There is a variety of stories that capture how 1. When in doubt, just take the next small step. different individuals have charted their way to 2. You don’t have to win every argument. recovery. 3. It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it. Emmanuel Centre has a few hard copies of this 4. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw book which are available free. Ring 9328 8113 or everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back. email [email protected]. 5. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. The book can be downloaded at 6. Everything can change in the blink of an eye, but www.secretsquirrelbusiness.com.au. The website don’t worry, God never blinks. also features a forum for discussion as well as 7. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift. moving personal video stories and information 8. It’s never too late to be happy. about services that can help in the recovery 9.Frame every so-called disaster with these words In journey. five years, will this matter? 10.Always choose life. 11. Forgive 12. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. 13. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting. 14. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do. . ARE YOU ELIGIBLE FOR THE NDIS? DISABIITY CARE? If you are in a launch site, you can check your eligibility with the My Access Checker www.disabilitycareaustralia.qov.au/my - access - checker

Information for Participants The website says: If you are a person with disability and you meet the access requirements you can become a participant in the scheme. As a participant, you will be able to access DisabilityCare Australia individualised planning processes to identify the reasonable and necessary supports you need to enable you to achieve your goals. www.disabilitycareaustralia.gov.au/participants

Family and carers The website says: DisabilityCare Australia knows that families and carers, are partners in the support of people with disability. You provide help and support that cannot be provided by formal services or paid support workers. www.disabilitycareaustralia . qov.au/families - and - carerslinformation - families - and - carers

Service providers The website says: A provider is the term used to describe an individual or organisation that delivers a support or a product to a participant of DisabilityCare Australia. www.disabilitycareaustralia.gov.au/providers ======

INVITATION TO REINTERMENT MASS Archbishop Patrick Joseph Clune ST MARY’S CATHEDRAL Tuesday 3 September 2013 7pm (Please be seated by 6.45pm) All are welcome to this Mass when coffin is placed in St Mary’s Cathedral Crypt. There will be PowerPoint and Auslan Interpreter.

Archbishop Patrick Joseph Clune was born on 6th of January 1864 in County Clare, Ireland. He was ordained priest in 1886 and went to Goulburn, New South Wales where he taught English literature. He became administrator of the Goulburn Cathedral until he returned to England to train as a Redemptorist in 1893.

He and a band of Redemptorists came to Perth in 1898. In 1905 he became Redemptorist Superior in Wellington New Zealand.

In 1910 he became Bishop and in 1913 became Perth’s first Archbishop. He died at 71 years of age and was buried in Karrakatta Cemetery. With the renovation of St Mary’s Cathedral there is a crypt underneath where the bishops of Perth will be laid to rest. Archbishop Clune’s remains will be reinterred at St Mary's to coincide with the centennial anniversary of the Cathedral. There will be supper after the Mass. We are looking for a parent who is free to go to this workshop and represent EMMANUEL. Please contact TBarbara Harris email :[email protected] N E or telephone 9328 8113. G R Potential Education Options for your Child U Potential Education Options for your Over the course of a child’s education years, many Child families will find themselves considering the education Worksh op Progra m options for their child. This workshop provides 10.00am families of children with disabilities the opportunity to  Workshop Welcome find out more about the education options that exist Keynote speaker: Child Development for their children, and the pros & cons of education Morning Tea options discussed by professionals/educators as well Mainstream as family representatives explaining their personal experiences. Lunch Education Support When: Sunday, 15th September 2013 Centre Time: 10.00am to 4.00pm Education Support Where: City West Lotteries House School Meeting Room 7 Afternoon Tea 2 Delhi Street, West Perth Home Education Cost: Free, morning tea, lunch & afternoon tea 4.00pm provided. (Please let us know of any dietary or Workshop Close access needs) Registration: (Free parking available on Delhi St, Go to: www.ddc.org.au/new-events/ Paid parking at Harbour Town or take Fremantle train to Email: [email protected] Citywest Station) Phone: Mary Butterworth 9420 7230 (except Wed)

======OPEN FORUM ON DISABILITY THE CHURCH AND THE WIDER COMMUNITY On Tuesday 30 July 2013, Emmanuel Centre had an Open Forum on Disability, the Church and the Wider Community. The Forum gave people with disabilities and their families and carers, the opportunity to raise issues of concern to them, to network with others and share experiences, including those which had worked well for them.

It was great to have the assistance of staff from the Catholic Education Office to facilitate the group discussions. All the information through the discussion groups has been collated to be forwarded to all who participated and to assist those who volunteered to form a Committee to look at ways of progressing things. Some of the issues raised included: Education, Employment, Accommodation, Respite Care, Socialisation, Participation in the Church and Inclusion in Parish Community, Access to Information and Services, NDIS and its implications, Legal responsibilities, Sexuality, Vulnerability, Ageing population and Fears for the future. If you would like a copy of the summary of the workshops outcomes or would like to be involved in working with the group which is going to take these matters forward please contact Barbara on 9328 8113 or [email protected]. We hope toorganise events, workshops and discussions and share information,to mention a just few possibilities. 1 in 5 Australian adults will experience mental illness every year. St Luke’s Catholic parish, Woodvale 29 Duffy Terrace is hosting a meeting with TASHABROOMHALL during Mental Health Week on Tuesday 8th October from 7-9 pm.

Tasha Broomhall is a Master Mental Health First Aid instructor who has delivered more than 130 Mental Health First Aid courses in Perth and throughout Western Australia This is a free event. Further information ring Barbara 9328 8113 or email: emmanuelcentre@ westnet.com.au To assist in catering please RSVP Thursday3rd October.

CONGRATULATIONS. THIS IS ACCESSIBLE This spring, you can explore the exhibition HERE&NOW13at the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery (LWAG), in Auslan with captions for people who are Deaf and hearing impaired. On show from 27 July – 28 September 2013, the HERE&NOW13 exhibition of contemporary art features the work of 11 outstanding Western Australian artists with disability.Use OpenMi Tours to receive captioned audio and Auslan translations for each display OpenMi Tours is a smartphone app which provides enhanced access options to cultural venues. The app is free and offers options for this exhibition so you can have an equal opportunity to the rich information of the audio tour: Audio with captions Auslan with captions. Audio description is also available for visitors who are Blind and vision-impaired, for selected displays. You can access the content for this exhibition in your preferred communication option, on your Android or Apple smartphone or tablet. We recommend downloading via Wi-Fi network before you arrive at the venue. No smartphone? You can loan one from the front desk. Just ask them.



Held 3rd Sunday of Month on Sunday 15th September, 20th October and 17th November 2013 10.30 to 12noon followed by light lunch. All free. All welcomeFurther information contact FrPaul 9328 8113, 0401 016399 SMS, Facebook for Deaf : http://facebook.com/Auslan.live


Do you want to learn or improve your English? Classes are held every Tuesday from 11am to 12noon. Contact Emmanuel for further information.

CLASSES ARE FREE.START anytime. Tel: (08) 9328 8113 (Voice), (08) 9328 9571 (TTY)SMS 0401 016 399, Fax: (08) 9227 9720

Email: [email protected] ======A RE YOU INTERESTED IN KNOWING MORE ABOUT THE BIBLE? Each week on Tuesdays from 1pm to 2.30pm we have a regular Bible Group who are studying the Bible. We have just finished studying “The Beginnings” unit. We have been looking at Genesis stories. We will soon be starting “The Patriarchs” and the Latter Prophets.”Interpreter and powerpointavailable +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Peter Blockey is a successful graduate of the Leaders of Tomorrow program 2013. He has successfully applied for a Community Living and Participation Grant for his next project. The project will include processing the recording music of Deaf Culture lyrics and film production with video clips. Peter would like to invite Deaf community members to attend a filming day. Peter wants to present the view of the world through the eyes of Deaf people. Peter will use social media as a way to be able to share this unique view with the wider community as a step towards breaking down barriers built by misconceptions and lack of awareness. If you are interested in being involved in Peter’s project pleasecontact him onhis email [email protected] COMMUNICATING WITH DEAF PEOPLE BY SMART PHONE (Android Platform)  Are you ready for the challenge? Don’t be afraid. Try them out!   ListNote Speech/Text Notepad  Website Link:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details? id=com.khymaera.android.listnotefree&hl=en   Information: Take notes even when you don't feel like typing! Just speak your note, and it will be saved as text. This notepad app was designed to quickly jot down your ideas, with minimal hassle. And it makes it easy to keep those ideas organized.Cost: Free version or Pro Version $5.49 Review: 4/5 stars   Voice Transcriber  Website Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sixteenbitboy.transcriptor  Information: This application is an automatic voice transcriber, thought to be used in interviews.  Cost: Free Review: 3.5/5 stars   Deafcom  Website Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=defcom.v1  Information: DEAFCOM - The Deaf Communications Assistant  This is a very simple application that will convert speech into readable text.  For deaf users, it can assist in faster communication and may also be used as a useful tool when practicing your speech.  Cost: Free Review : 4.3/5   NoteSpeakListen for Deaf.  Website Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=note.speak.listen.trial  Information:A handy application for deaf people, allowing a deaf person to write a note for a hearing person. This note will be displayed in large type and will be clearly visible on the device screen. This application allows a deaf person to talk with a hearing person, passing the phone to each other.  The application has a very useful feature for translating speech into text, which comes in handy. Cost: Free Trial Version (up to 10 notes) then $5.99 Review: 3.8/5 Stars   Speech to Text  Website: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details? id=appinventor.ai_xenom_apps.SpeechToText  Information: The Speech to Text app uses Androids built-in Speech Recogniser to turn speech into text which can be sent as an SMS or Email or copied and pasted into another app.  Cost: Free Review: 2.9/5 stars

DIDYOU KNOW? SMS Relay = you can use any mobile phone (no internet needed) to make a relay call. Information :http://relayservice.gov.au/making-a-call/sms-relay/

Video relay – you can make a relay call in Auslan using your computer (or iPad or iPhone) with Skype. Information : http://relayservice.gov.au/making-a-call/video-relay/

If you would like to receive our Emmanuel centre’s Newsletter, give us your name and address ad tell us how you want it in: Braille, Email, .Mail, Large Print or other format, Audio, CD. Please let us know.

Email: [email protected] Website: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/auslan.live SMS: 0401 016 399, Voice 9328 8113. MENTAL HEALTH WEEK CELEBRATION SATURDAY 12th OCTOBER “All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Shout to the Lord all the earth, ring out your joy.” (Psalm 97) Archbishop (Emeritus) Barry Hickey will lead us on a journey of

“God is with us always, Let us give thanks” at St Francis Xavier Church, 23 Windsor St, Perth on Saturday 12th October 2012

Beginning with Mass at 10am

Concluding 1.30pm

A light lunch will be provided. Notification of attendance will assist with catering This is a free event For further information, contact Barbara Harris at Emmanuel Centre on 9328 8113 or email: [email protected]

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