Packaging and Product Innovation - Making the compostable choice

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The standard delegate rate for these events including all speaker notes and refreshments is:

AFOR Members £70+ VAT

Non Members £85 + VAT

Local Authority £22 + VAT

Please enclose cheque payable to ‘Association for Organics Recycling’

Or, please invoice the address above

To pay by credit card, please call 01933 446 444 Please fax booking forms to 01933 446450 or email them to [email protected] ALL DELEGATE BOOKINGS MUST BE PAID IN FULL BY Thursday 9th December 2010 Purchase order number…………………… Signed…………………………………………………… Date……………… For further information, please contact David (01933 446444, [email protected]) Association for Organics Recycling VAT Registration Number 669 9714 63 Please post forms with cheques to:

Association for Organics Recycling 3 Burystead Place Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN8 1AH

Terms and conditions apply, for details contact Association for Organics Recycling