The Vidyalaya Plan
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1 Name of the Kendriya Vidyalaya Kendriya Vidyalaya 9BRD AF Pune 411014 2 Sector: Defense 3 Vidyalaya building (Temp/Perm): Permanent 4 Type of building (A1/A/B/C): B 5 Established in: 1984 6 Classes up to: XII 7 No. of Section: I – IV - 3 Sections V – X - 4 Sections XI & XII - 3 sections (2 – Science, 1- Commerce) 8 Streams: Commerce & Science 9 Total students’ strength of the Vidyalaya: 1790(As on 30.11.2015) 10 No. of sanctioned staff in position: 69 11 Vacancy position: 02 PRT 01 LDC & 01 assistant 01 PGT Commerce 01 TGT Maths 01 TGT SST 01 TGT Hindi 01 TGT Sanskrit 12 Name of the Principal: MR.S V Lawande THE VIDYALAYA PLAN 2015- 2016 KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA _9 BRD AF Pune S Activity/ Programme Status Planned Expected Actual date Key Result Areas/ Remarks . achievement date/time of Programme of N targets of completion completion action (wherever reqd) A SCHOOL PLAN 1 New works Electrification of Up to June 2015 Up to June 2015 Up to June NA school building and 2015 staff quarters under deposit work MES 2 Maintenance & Repair Maintained regularly Maintenance is done regularly as per Throughout the NA Up keep of the the need of the Vidyalaya Academic Year Vidyalaya 3 Daily up keep Regularly done Cleanliness, Gardening & Other Throughout the NA Vidyalaya is Routine Works Academic Year running smoothly 4 Annual maintenance of Regularly done Maintenance of School building and Throughout the School building school building and the the staff quarters will be ensured as Academic Year and the staff staff quarters. per the need. quarters are in good condition 5 Creation of additional NIL NA NA NA NA resources 6 Vidyalaya Garden Maintained regularly Plantation of new saplings in the Throughout the NA Beautification of Gardener vidyalaya garden. Academic Year Vidyalaya services Cutting of grass and unwanted Campus are being bushes regularly. taken Creation of natural beauty around through Vidyalaya contractor. 7 Repairs of old furniture Furniture is in good As and when NA condition required 8 Programme for Labs All the labs in the All the labs are regularly used under Throughout the NA (Math’s/Jr Vidyalaya are in good the guidance of teachers. Academic Year Sci./Phy/Chem/Bio/Comp condition. uter /Primary Resource room/Activity room) Lib/ Depts. 9 Condemnation of As per KVS guidelines As per KVS guidelines As per KVS unserviceable items. guidelines (Department wise)
S. Activity/Programme Status Planned Expected Actual date Key Result Remarks No achievement date/time of Areas/ targets of completion completion Programme of action (wherever required) 10 Development of Playground is not Construction of Basket Ball Court Estimate will be NA NA playground/Indoor Play sufficient for some prepared from activities. games like football, MES Lohegaon Cricket, Athletics etc. Pune 11 Any other Programme. NA NA NA NA NA
1 Procurement of new Sufficient furniture is Will be purchased as and when March 2016 -- Urgent furniture available for students. required. Need for furniture in primary section, teacher’s table - chair, steel cupboard s in the various departme nt, staff rooms and office. 2 Computers 103 Computers are Regular Up keeping of LAN is NA -- available in Vidyalaya ensured by Computer teacher/ Instructor 3 Internet connection Broadband Connection Regular Up keeping of LAN is Throughout the -- with LAN ensured by Computer teacher/ Academic Year Instructor 4 Water coolers 05 working Regularly repaired and Throughout the -- Maintained Academic Year 5 Water purifiers 05 working Regularly repaired and Throughout the -- Maintained Academic Year 6 Games/ Sports/ Purchased in the month More items may be purchased as Before 31st March -- Equipments of August through LPC per requisition 2016
7 Musical instruments Sufficient Equipments To be purchased as per requisition Before 31st March -- are available 2016 8 Audio-visual aids Sufficient Equipment’s To be purchased as per requisition Before 31st March are available 2016 9 Lab equipment Sufficient Equipments To be purchased as per requisition Before 31st March are available 2016 10 Library purchases Sufficient Books are Reference books and other December 2015 available important books will be purchased as per requisition. 11 Any other - - - ………… ………… ………
B ACADEMICS 1 Checking of written work Regularly done Daily correction for Primary Every week - - of all the classes and Weekly for secondary classes/periodicity. and Sr. secondary Classes. 2 Checking of the teacher’s Fortnightly Planning by teachers and Throughout the - - Diaries/periodicity monitoring by Principal Academic Year 3 Classroom supervision Daily Supervised Classroom supervision is being Throughout the -- done regularly. Academic Year 4 In- house teacher training Mostly teachers trained In house training programme Throughout the -- program. through In-service and arranged time to time on last Academic Year other training working day of month and programmes according to KVS norms. 5 Identification of the Weak and bright After identification of weak Throughout the -- weak/bright students students will be students regular remedial teaching Academic Year identified after the id done by the subject teachers results of FA-1 exams. and will be monitored by the Principal. 6 Remedial Measures Remedial classes are Students who require extra and Throughout the -- planned individual care will be given Academic Year remedial classes 7 Special coaching after As per teachers planning As per need and with the Up to end of the school hours consultation of concerned Academic Year teachers. 8 Study camps Study camps will be During Autumn & winter break, In autumn and -- conducted study camps will be conducted as winter breaks per requirement 9 Academic Innovations/ Teacher are instructed to To bring novelty their teaching Throughout the ………… . …… Experiments innovate new ideas in process Academic Year teaching 10 Spoken English Classes Regularly done Practice is being given for Spoken Throughout the -- English in regular periods of Academic Year English subject. 11 Performance Analysis As per exam schedule Performance analysis will be Throughout the -- done as per KVS norms, Academic Year 12 CMP Initiatives CMP programs are CMP Programs are implemented Throughout the -- being Actively and as per KVS instructions. Academic Year regularly implemented. 13 Innovation & Regularly done Some teachers are doing Throughout the -- Experimentation by innovative works in teaching Academic Year Teachers learning process.
14 Teacher Student Exchange NA NA NA ………. ………. ……… Program. 15 Inspection reports & Followed as per Actions are taken according to -- follow up direction given by directions inspection team
S. Activity/Programme Status Planned Expected Actual date Key Result Remarks No achievement date/time of Areas/ targets of completion completion Programme of action (wherever required)
C PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES 1 Club activities/House Regularly Organized Inter house competitions/ Club Throughout the -- activities activities are organized as per Academic Year schedule 2 Publication of Under process To be published for the previous Sept 2015 -- Vidyalaya Patrika session 3 Publication of News Regularly done Regularly done …… -- Letters Vidyalaya & CMP 4 Organizing Annual To be celebrated Annual day has to be celebrated Oct/ Dec 2015 -- Day/Sports Day in the II week of Dec. 2015 and sports day will be celebrated in the month of Oct. 5 Games/Sports/ coaching NA NA NA NA -- by outside Experts / agencies 6 Vocational art/crafts NA NA NA NA -- training by outside agencies 7 Communication of Communicated Communicated through students NA NA -- Calendar activities to Diary. parents 8 Communication to parents Communicated regularly Through PTA & PTM meetings NA NA -- of students progress in and through students Diary and writing Shaala darpan. 9 Scouts and Guides Organized regularly Prescribed curriculum is followed Throughout the -- Program Academic Year 10 Environmental Awareness Organized regularly To aware the students about Throughout the -- program environment Academic Year 11 Value education program Organized regularly Organised various talks by experts Throughout the -- and teachers regularly. Academic Year 12 Adventure Program Organized regularly Will be conducted as per plan …………. -- 13 Educational Excursions Will be organized as per Students will be taken for December 2015 Vidyalaya Calendar educational excursion along with teachers 14 Guidance and counseling Organized regularly Guidance and counseling is being Throughout the Program conducted by the teachers and the Academic Year Principal regularly. 15 Health check up of students Will be Organized twice. Staff Doctor and Nurse has been Twice a year appointed on contractual basis. Health check-up is organized twice a year. 16 Talks by experts Organized regularly Various experts are invited in Vidyalaya Throughout the Academic Year 17 Coaching for competitive - - - examinations 18 Any other activity ……………. ……… ……… ………… …………… ……
D School Management
1 Selection of staff for Panel prepared Appointment are made as per vacancy contractual appointment 2 Office automation and To be automated Office Staff are to be trained in training training of staff camp By RO 3 Annual stock Verification Annually Stock in charges verified and updated their stocks 4 Budget proposal and BE (2015-16) & BE has been prepared will be approved utilization of VVN RE(2016-17) in the 1st VMC Meeting. S. Activity/Program Status Planned Expected Actual date Key Result Areas/ Remarks N achievement date/time of completion Program of action targets of (wherever required) completion E School and Community Relationship activities 1 Vidyalaya Management At least 3 times a To discuss various agenda points in Committee Meetings year meeting 2 Vidyalaya Executive 3 times a year To discuss various agenda points in Committee Meetings meeting 3 PTA Meetings Regularly organized Performance of students is discussed /intimated to the parents 4 Publication of admission Admission Brochure Admission Brochure is available on brochures is available on KVS KVS web site. web site Application forms were printed and distributed as per requirement. 5 Staff Development As per directions of To be followed strictly as per KVS …………… ………… ………… ………. Program involving KVS directions community 6 Community Organized with the Projects undertaken by scouts and Throughout the Development Program help of scouts and guides for development of Academic Year guides community services.