The Name of the Organization Shall Be Bumatofu Hand of Grace

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The Name of the Organization Shall Be Bumatofu Hand of Grace



The name of the organization shall be Bumatofu hand of grace



Bumatofu hand of grace shall be located in: Bukitemu village Bumatofu parish Buhugu Sub County Budadiri east constituency Sironko District Uganda East Africa ARTICLE 3:


The aims and objectives of Bumatofu hand of grace shall be:

1. To provide care and support to Aids orphans, street children’s and single parent homes 2. To involve youth in HIV/Aids awareness in the community 3. To promote young talented musicians, actors and all performing artist, integrating their skills into the existing social efforts 4. To advocate for the rights of vulnerable groups within the community i.e. children, youths, elderly and the disabled. 5. To enhance cultural restoration among the communities within our program areas. 6. To campaign against domestic violence and related habits ARTICLE 4: Activities

The activities of Bumatofu hand of grace shall be:

1. Behavioral change campaign among children and youths 2. Child care services 3. parent child communication 4. cultural restoration 5. creation of development opportunities through exposure of talent 6. vocational studies 7.Education




1. Membership is open to all people in respective of race, tribe, color, nation or status 2. There are four types of membership in which at least every member shall fall, thus, Diamond membership, Gold membership, silver membership and standard me membership. To subscribe for Diamond membership, one to pay 50,000 shillings to subscribe for Gold membership, one has to pay 35,000shillings.To subscribe for siliver membership, one has to pay 25,000 shillings. Standard members of Bumatofu hand of grace are free of all charges of subscription. Standard members are the ordinary members of Bumatovu hand of grace 3. All aspiring members must subscribe to Bumatovu hand of grace organization 4. The benefits of Diamond and Gold members are wide in that they will be given all the necessary information consisting Bumatovu hand of grace annually. 5. All money got from membership subscription will be used to cater for the children taken care by Bumatofu hand of grace. 6. Subscription fee is not refundable because we are a business organization but not charitable regardless of status, race, tribe or nation. 7. If a standard member brings 20 other members to the family he will automatically subscribe as a silver member and will enjoy all rights of silver members 8. If a silver member brings 10 other members or 40 other standard members or 75 other gold members or other 5 diamond members, then he will automatically subscribe for gold and diamond membership. 9. If a gold member brings 10 silver members, or 7 gold or 5 diamonds he/she will automatically subscribe as a diamond member.

ARTICLE 6: Termination of membership

Termination of membership at Bumatofu hand of grace shall base on the following:- 1. Any one who dose not hold respect for another in all matters regardless of faith, sex, age, race, tribe or status 2. (a) Any one who spreads false or un worthy report/information to the public (b) Any one who leaks information to the public? 3. Any one who maliciously witnesses or black-mail others for the sake. 4. Any one who leads the crowd into ciaos

5. All members who indulge themselves in act of theft, adultery, rape defilement robbery, murder etc 6. All members who involve themselves in activities which cause danger to the lives of other members. 7. When a member dies, it is discredit to the organization 8. If member becomes mad 9. All members are entitled to a member ship card


Rights and obligations of members

1. All members are free to subscribe as many times as they want. 2. All members are entitled to get information regarding the organization 3. All members their freedom(s) of speech, worship, etc as stipulation in the constitution in the constitution of the IHC. 4. All members are free to express their feelings of doubt, fear appreciation and when they are hurt to the organization. 5. Diamond, gold and silver members are entitled to record their songs in Bumatofu hand music studies at reduced price of 50% and standard members will be required to pay 75%of the total amount. 6. Apart from organization workers meetings, all members are free to attend members meetings, unless for .special cases where the members will face the Bamutofu hand of grace council board for judication but this goes for all planned members meetings 7. (a) Gold and diamond members are entitled to accessing information needed especially about our organization must not be in confidential order. They also have the right to daily or weekly update as will be requested by the party. (b) Silver members have the right to access information, just like the gold and diamond members, good interpersonal relation ships are encouraged between the members and workers of Bumatofu hand of grace but all relarion ship that degrade the culture atBumatofu hand of grace shall not be entertained, about shall have monthly updates.

(b) Obligations of members

1. All members are obliged to bring other members to the family of Bumatofu hand of grace 2. It is the sole responsibility for all members to detect for both external and internal changes that would affect negatively the progress of Bumatofu hand of grace and so report as seen. 3. All members must report any thing, whether good or bad that has been said or done to any of our targets by and out side or member and should try to evidence his /her information 4. Members are not allowed to settle dispute of organization workers and even there own disputes once they involve Bumatofu hand of grace family but shall bring such disputes to the family council board for resolution. 5. Members are equally responsible to bring out target and only if they have been recognized by the law, shall they be allowed to benefit from the earnings of Bumatofu hand of grace

ARTICLE : 8 Organization Structure



Program Area manager

Secretaries Human resource manager Project officer

Spiritual overseers Care takers Medical Heads of Field officer ministries operations manager

Orphans Orphans Orphans Members Youths

Drivers Cleaners Security officers

Receptionist ARTICLE : 9

Duties of office bearers

Office of the director

1. The director is the chief Executive officer of Bumatofu hand of grace. 2. He must ensure security of all the workers and members of Bumatofu hand of grace 3. He has the right to inspect all offices without limit and can initiate changes where necessary. 4. He is the senior spokesman of the organization 5. He is in charge of lobbing and advocating for the organization 6. He is in charge of overseeing the organization 7. He is in charge of approval of the staff of Bumatofu hand of grace 8. He is a signatory to the bank account 9. Approve project for funding.

Office o the Administrator

1. He inspect the office for proper execution of duties 2. The administrator governs all other offices except the office of the director 3. The adminstratator must have all information from the program area managers 4. Assessing information before it reaches the director 5. Monitoring of offices at district level

The financial controller

1. Is a signatory to all bank accounts 2. Is concerned about all financial issues 3. Must provide security for the treasury of the organization 4. Shall make daily financial reports to the director 5. Shall receive money for membership subscription 6. This office holds all matters pertaining salary payments allowances activity funding etc

The council board shall:-

1. This is the top policy enforcement organ of the organization 2. Gives punishments to culprits of the organization and enhances safety and peace within the organization 3. This is also the internal intelligence network of Bumatofu hand of the grace office of the General secretary

The General Secretary shall perform the following duties:- 1. Filling all documents of the organization 2. Writing down all minutes of the organization 3. Sign for facilitation funds on behalf of all secretaries

The other secretaries shall perform the following duties:-

4. Delivery of letters 5. Receiving all phone calls 6. Cleaning offices of the immediate bosses 7. Typing 8. Delivering of meals to officers

The program Area manager

The program area manager shall perform the following duties:-

1. Shall be the top branch officer 2. Inspect office within his area of leadership 3. He shall be answerable to the administrator 4. Have the right to call for meetings within the program area 5. Sign for facilitation funds.

The Human resource manager She/ He shall be in charge of the following:- 1. Sponsorships and grants 2. Collect all information concerning our targets 3. all humanitarian activities and National celebrations 4. Sign for facilitation funds The project officer The project officer shall:-

1. Register all upcoming projects and firms 2. Inspects all project funded by Bumatofu hand of grace 3. Shall be answerable to the thought of deletion of projects 4. Sign for facilitation funds

Medical officer

The project officer shall perform the following duties 1. monitoring children’s health status 2. Offering treatment to children. 3. Giving budgets for drugs and other requirements of the hospital 4. Inspecting health within the environment of Bumatofu hand of grace 5. Recommending partner implementing organizations in the health sector 6. Sign for facilitation

Field operations manager

Field operations managers shall perform the following duties:-

1. Making project work plans and budgets 2. Inspect field operations 3. Carrying out field operations at grass root level 4. Sign for field operations funds

Head of ministries The head of ministries shall perform the following duties:-

1. Register new ministries 2. Inspect ministries 3. Sign for ministries funds 4. chief spokes person for ministries 5. sign for funds needed for proper functioning of their ministries

The receptionist The receptionist shall perform the following duties:-

1. Shall be the first person to attend to visitors 2. Shall receive calls from the gate and make different connections 3. Shall register all visitors in the visitor book 4. Shall make inquiry from the different offices on behalf of the visitors 5. Shall give information concerning the program of the organization to people who comes to inquire 6. Shall sign for the money needed for the execution of their duties

Spiritual overseers Spiritual overseers shall perform the following duties

1. give knowledge to children in regard to their faith 2. Counsel children in different areas of life in regard to their faith 3. sign for the money necessary for the fulfillment of their duties

Care takers Care takers shall perform the following duties:-

1. Ensure that children are morally upright. 2. Cook food for the children 3. Train children in all activates that will help them to grow up as responsible citizens 4. Help children in making up their beds and other similar works 5. They shall help the children in washing their clothes 6. They shall also carry out research on the health progress of the children 7. Nurturing and nursing babies at any age. 8. Ensuring safety of children’s property 9. Guarding children against all things that might endanger the lives of children 10.Making child reports. 11.Budgeting for the things required for the smooth running of the home

Drivers Drivers shall perform the following duties:

1. Fueling of vehicles 2. Driving of organization’s Vehicle at the command of the administrator 3. Delivering requirements for office children’s home and youths 4. Sign for the money needed to carry out their duties 5. Give the mileage account report daily or weekly as will be required.

Security officer Security officer shall perform the following duties

1. Protect property of the organization 2. Ensure safety and security of the children and all the people who dwell within the organization’s premises 3. Check all doubted vehicle people and other things before they are allowed to enter into the organization’s premises 4. Register all visitors at the gates and must get their proper Identification before they are to be allowed to the reception. 5. Sign for the funds needed to effectively carry out their duties

Cleaners Cleaners shall perform the following duties:-

1. Ensures that the organization’s compounds are thoroughly clean 2. The children’s home are clean 3. The offices are cleaned 4. The building glasses, doors an other things are properly cleaned 5. Sign for the funds needed to effectively execute their duties

Article 10 Organs of the organization

1. The Executive council: this is the top governing body but it can be prosecuted by the legislative council 2. The legislative council: this is the top policy making body and it is called the council board 3. The Judicial council: this enforces the policies made by the legislative council. 4. The Annual General meeting: this is the decision making body which make all decision changes within Bumatofu hand of grace

Article 11 Term of office The terms of office shall be as follows:- 1. The director, administration, chairman council board and general secretary will only be limited by age, or self retirement. This is because there offices belong to the initiators of the vision of Bumatofu hand of grace. 2. All other offices will be limited to performance, conduct character changes and contract

Article 12 Elections The procedure for election shall be as follows.

1. For all Bumatofu hand of grace workers, there will be no election conducted because all workers will be employed basing on their a academic transcripts 2. Elections shall be conducted for the post of chairperson of the members committee who must originate from the diamond / gold subscribers, the rest of the posts like vice chairperson, security, mobilizer, publisher, etc shall be open to all levels of subscription except standard members 3. Standard members shall not be allowed to hold any posts but shall remain members of the committee. Article 13 Meetings

1. The quorum for every meeting shall be at least 75% of the members’ presence. 2. The agenda of every meeting shall be as follows:-

 Anthems  Prayer  Communication from the chairman  Resolutions  Any other business  Closing

3. (a) Meeting shall be conducted every last Friday of the month for all organization workers (b) All these meetings shall be chaired by the program area manager 4. We shall hold annual meeting every year in which we shall review through the year’s files and lay programs for the incoming year. 5. Emergence meetings shall be called for by the director where need arises 6. Members of Bumatofu hand of grace shall be allowed to meet with workers on quarterly basis and these meeting shall be chaired by chairperson form the member’s class. 7. Members meeting shall be called for by the ruling body of their committee after being authorized by the head of ministries. 8. Annual parties shall be made for the members of workers by Bumatofu hand of grace.

Article 14 Finance 1. Money to be used shall be got from membership subscription donation and other sources that will have been set like forms and other income generating projects 2. All money requisitions must be submitted to the financial controller at least a week early this goes for all planned activities (a) Only money to be used shall be kept by financial controller (b) All big sums of money must be kept in the bank

3. This account will be operated by Three (3) Executive members that is the director as principal signatory, Treasurer and secretary as other tow signatories. The principal signatory Paul Kitobo will always sign plus one of the two e.g. treasurer Sarah Newumbe and secretary songo Seth . 4. Only the director is supposed to get money from the donors and he must bank it immediately. 5. Financial mismanagement shall be seriously dealt with 6. (a) all salaries and allowances must be given at the appointed time unless there is financial hand cap (b) All depts. Of the organization must be cleared once if there is money in the treasure and no wages of a work shall be held back 7. (a) all membership subscriptions must be made in office of the treasurer. (b) This money is solely for the use in the children’s home and shall not be diverted to any other activities. 8. The financial controller shall not issue money for any activity which has not been clarified by the director. 9. Salary increments shall be made after the boards Bumatofu hand of grace have declared it. Hand cash shall not be given inform of a donation; instead, a closed cheque shall be given.

Article 15 Seal / Stamp 1. Every office has its seal / stamp and they will be relevant in only their offices 2. The seal / stamp of the director; financial controller; general secretary and chairman council board shall be considered when monthly money transactions. 3 Forging seals is a crime which shall be seriously dealt with.

Article 16 By laws 1. (a) you shall not mishandle the fund (b) You shall give a true accountability of all funds received with Aid of a receipt or written document 2. Public holidays and weekends are to be honored 3. Do not pervert justice by being partial to the poor and favoring the great. 4. You shall not accept bribes of any kind from any aspiring member of the family. 5. The sole beneficiaries of Bumatofu hand of grace and only Aids orphans, street children and the poor children within the program areas 6. All the organizations worker shall be done within the office premises. 7. External bodies are not allowed to execute these duties within our office premises. 8. Personal visitors are not allowed at the office primes unless needed. 9. Children from the streets shall not be allowed in the family unless with priority permission from the law enforcement agencies to avoid criminal clams of kind nap. 10. You shall handle all assets of the family with great care and if not accidental, you shall meet all the expenses pertaining to the replacement of the property damage. 11. You shall not poorly receive visitors; repeated reports about this shall lead to expulsion. 12. You must hold respect for one another regardless of sex, age, race tribe or states. 13. You shall not directly attack any one because you are hurt, but such grievances must be reported to the council board which will take action according to this constitution. 14. You shall not follow the crowd in doing wrong weather for noble Case or not. 15. You should report any conspiracy you hear of, regarding Bumatofu hand of grace to the council board and action shall be taken. 16. Any lost or misplace property, if fund, should be taken to the family authorities. 17. Any one found withlost or misplaced property shall be considered a thief and shall be dealt with accordingly. 18 All properties of the organsation shall not be taken out of the office premises. 19. All visitors must register in the visitors; book at the reception or gate before they are allowed to see the host. 20. Visitors with wrong motives shall face the judicial council and in extreme cases shall be prosecuted by the lows of the constitution of Uganda. 21. Workers of Bumatofu hand of grace shall have their meals at the office premise and no food shall be brought unless incases where the family has moved out for official purpose like work shops seminars and filled operation 22. All field activities, working plan and budgets must be submitted to the administrator at least a weak early and report must be made on weekly bases

Article 17 Amendment The procedure of amending the constitution shall be as follows:-

1. A proposal must first be submitted to the general secretary. 2. It should then be circulated to the members before 14 days to the annual general meeting 3. It is the n included an a gender for debate under amendments. 4. It shall then be debated upon in the annual general meeting. 5. 75% of the members must approve it. 6. Then it is intended in the constitution

Article 18 Dissolution Winding up of the organization shall be in cases 1. if the organization collapses ,all the assets would be given out to other organizations within the country.

The constitution has been drafted in the presence of the following members

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