As Agreed Upon by the Academic Planning Committee of Senate, the Division for Communication

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As Agreed Upon by the Academic Planning Committee of Senate, the Division for Communication

Intro (English):

To ensure the security of the certification process, strict guidelines for the issuing and printing of short-course certificates have been established. These certificates may not be printed by an individual or a department. They may only be printed by the unit with which the Short Course Section has entered into an agreement in this regard.

Full Article:

As agreed upon by the Academic Planning Committee of Senate, the Division for Communication and Liaison and the Short Course Section, short courses are certified by the University by means of certificates of competence or certificates of attendance. A definite distinction between the University’s official degree or diploma certificates and certificates for short courses is made by making use of different certificate designs and by only allowing the crest of the University on the official degree or diploma certificates of the institution and not on short-course certificates.

As part of the University’s quality assurance process, strict guidelines for the issuing and printing of short-course certificates have been established, and to ensure the security of the certification process, no certificates may be printed by an individual or department. They may only be printed by the unit with which the Short Course Section has entered into an agreement. Currently the unit selected and agreed upon, is SunPrint, the University’s printing division (for the Stellenbosch, Bellville Park and Tygerberg campuses).

Short-course certificates may only be issued for short courses that have been registered and approved on the central University registration system, which is hosted on the University’s staff portal.

Please visit the Short Course Section’s web site to obtain the compulsory information that has to be printed on the certificates and the correct procedure to follow to obtain certificactes.

Please contact the Short Course Section if you have any further questions. Ms Carol Kat E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 021 808 2992 Intro (Afrikaans):

Om die sekuriteit van die sertifiseringsproses te verseker, is streng riglyne vir die uitreik en druk van kortkursussertifikate onlangs vasgestel. Geen individu of departement sal toegelaat word om hierdie sertifikate te druk nie. Sertifikate mag slegs deur die eenheid waarmee die Afdeling Kortkursusse in hierdie verband ’n ooreenkoms aangegaan het, gedruk word.

Volle Artikel:

Soos deur die Akademiese Beplanningskomitee, Afdeling Kommunikasie en Skakeling en die Afdeling Kortkursusse ooreengekom, word kortkursusse deur die Universiteit gesertifiseer deur middel van sertifikate van bevoegdheid en sertifikate van bywoning. ’n Definitiewe onderskeid tussen die Universiteit se amptelike graad- en diplomasertifikate en die kortkursussertifikate moet getref word deur gebruik te maak van verskillende sertifikaatontwerpe en deur slegs die Universiteitswapen op die amptelike graad- en diplomasertifikate van die Universiteit te gebruik en nie op die kortkursussertifikate nie.

As deel van die Universiteit se gehalteversekering van kortkursusse, is streng riglyne vir die uitreik en druk van kortkursussertifikate nou in plek. Geen individu of departement word toegelaat om kortkursussertifikate uit te reik nie. Sertifikate mag slegs deur die eenheid waarmee die Afdeling Kortkursusse ’n ooreenkoms aangegaan het, gedruk word. Tans is die ooreenkoms met SunPrint, die drukafdeling van die Universiteit (vir die Stellenbosch-, Bellvillepark- en Tygerbergkampus).

Kortkursussertifkate mag slegs vir kortkursusse wat via die Universiteit se aanlynstelsel geregistreer en goedgekeur is, uitgereik word.

Besoek asseblief die webblad van die Afdeling Kortkursusse om die verpligte inligting wat op die sertifikate moet verskyn te verkry, asook om die regte proses te volg om sertifikate te bekom.

Kontak gerus die Afdeling Kortkursusse indien u enige verdere inligting verlang. Me Carol Kat E-pos: [email protected] Tel: 021 808 2992

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