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AHS Physics Lab Report Rubric Name: ______Date: ______Lab Title: ______
Required Aspects Criterion Score Complete (3) Partial (2) Limited (1) Formulates a focused Design Formulates a problem/research Does not identify a problem/research question and question that is incomplete or problem/research question identifies the relevant Aspect 1 – Defining the Problem identifies only some relevant and does not clearly identify dependent and independent and Selecting Variables variables. the relevant variables. variables. Designs and implements a Designs a method that makes method for the effective control Designs a method that does Aspect 2 – Controlling Variables some attempt to control the of additional variables that not control the variables. variables. influence results. Develops and implements a Develops a method that results in Develops a method that does Aspect 3 – Developing a Method method that allows for the the collection of insufficient not allow for any relevant for Collecting Data collection of sufficient relevant relevant data. data to be collected. data. Appropriate materials have Inappropriate materials were been chosen, and clearly Use of appropriate materials is chosen to carry out the communicated in the report, to evident in the methods, but those Aspect 4 - Materials investigation and/or materials carry out the methods materials were not explicitly are not communicated in the developed. Equipment set is communicated report illustrated. All relevant raw data is Data Collection and Records appropriate quantitative Does not record any presented neatly in a manner and associated qualitative raw appropriate quantitative raw Processing that is easy to interpret with data, but with some mistakes or data or raw data is appropriate labeling, units, and Aspect 1 – Recording Raw Data omissions. incomprehensible. proper level of significance. Processes the raw data correctly as to relate it to the No processing of quantitative Processes quantitative raw data, central research question raw data is carried out or Aspect 2 – Processing Raw Data but with some processing mistakes through calculations and major mistakes are made in and/or omissions. appropriate graphic processing. representations. All processed data is neatly organized and clearly identified Presents processed data Presents processed data Aspect 3 – Presenting Processed with labels and units. Graphs appropriately, but with some inappropriately or Data include best fit, general mistakes and/or omissions. incomprehensibly. equation and slope determination Required Aspects Criterion Score Complete (3) Partial (2) Not at All (1) Conclusion and States a relevant conclusion, with justification, based on a States a conclusion that States no conclusion or the Evaluation reasonable interpretation of reasonably reflects the data, but conclusion is based on an the data. Compare results to fails to relate how the processed unreasonable/incorrect Aspect 1 – Concluding known theory and/or published supports this conclusion. interpretation of the data. values, whenever possible Relative error (% error) is calculated when appropriate. Specific sources of error are Identifies some relevant sources of Aspect 2 – Evaluating identified with analysis of the Identifies irrelevant sources of error and limitations, but the Procedure(s) effect of those errors on the error and limitations. evaluation is weak or missing. magnitude of results. Limitations of the experiment are noted. Suggests realistic, meaningful improvements to experimental Suggests unrealistic Aspect 3 – Improving the Suggests only superficial methods in respect of improvements or no Investigation improvements. identified errors and improvements. limitations. Several pieces of information Report Structure The report has a relevant title, Parts of the heading information omitted from the heading. it is dated, and all members of have been omitted or parts of the The report is completely the lab group are credited. report contain non-typed or poorly untyped and/or poor Aspect 1 – Headings and The report is typed, at least 10 formatted content formatting issues throughout Appearance font size, and neatly formatted. the report One or more sections of the Report follows a logical Report contains all relevant report have been omitted or sequence of presentation sections with only minor errors in presented in a non including all sections: Purpose Aspect 2 - Organization logical sequential order (ie. meaningful sequence (ie. > Materials > Procedures > processed data is presented evaluating your procedures Data (Raw and Processed) > before the raw data) before ever communicating Conclusions and Evaluation your procedures)