Kristos Hariav Ee Merelotz
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Lections: The Epistle Reading: The First Letter of Paul toTimothy 1:1-11 – Page 154 The Gospel According to John 2:1-11 Readers: Epistle: Arnold Koresian Gospel: Michelle Babikian Greeter: Gregory Tootooian
We bring attention to our parishioners that it is most inappropriate to enter the Sanctuary during: Reading of the Lections until the Creed is recited During Confession and Communion During the Sermon Please, wait in the vestibule until such time when it is proper to enter the Sanctuary.
Welcome to Parishioners and Friends We welcome all who have come to worship the Lord with us today. In a spirit of love and friendship, let us remind ourselves that Sundays in summer still continues to be special day to give direct attention to God. There is no other Sunday activity that can replace what we’ll get by meeting with fellow worshippers at church: the House of God.
P rayers For The Sick (Der Voghormia) – Page 45 of the Divine Liturgy Book Let us remember and ask God’s Blessings for our parishioners who are ill at home, in a hospital or nursing home. Let us continue with our prayers for:
Carlos Bedrossian Helen Kuefner
Jim Bottala Josh Najarian Mendell, CA Yn. Patricia Dagley Virginia Nazlaian Jacob Hagopian Mary Najarian Poulsen Marty Hamparzomian Alyce Schafer Rev. Fr. Vahram Hazarian Mary Sommese George Kazarian Sam Sommese Mary Kerridan Julie Tarpinian Grace Klujian
Prayer Request For those wishing to request special prayers or to enter a loved one’s name on the prayer list, please call the church office by Thursday of that week.
Nicene Creed Together, we shall recite the Nicene Creed (The Profession of Our Faith) on pages 18-19 of the Divine Liturgy Book found in the pews.
Care, Maintenance and Cost of the “Light of St. Gregory” Our thanks to the Abezetian Family for taking the responsibility of the cost of keeping the “Light of St. Gregory” illuminated in loving memory of Zabelle Abezetian during the month of July.
Evening Bible Study & Armenian Language Classes Classes will resume in September. Women’s Guild Tuesday, July 15th proved to be a gorgeous day for the Architectural Boat Cruise of Chicago sponsored by the Women’s Guild of Chicago. It was a group comprised of parishioners from St. Gregory the Illuminator, Chicago, St. James, Evanston and Armenian Evangelical Church, Des Plaines. Our thanks to Charlotte Bader for doing a wonderful job of coordinating the event.
All women of the church are invited to attend Guild meetings and activities. If you are interested in joining the Guild, please call Raelene Ohanesian: Cell: 773/718-1713.
Hye Camp 2008 Begins It’s almost time for Hye Camp 2008. It will begin Sunday, August 3 thru August 10 at Camp Hickory, 26201 West Nippersink Road, Ingleside, IL under the leadership of Rev. Fr. Tavit Boyajian. Campers 9 to 15 years of age will be involved with classes in religion, Armenian language, arts and craft and heritage and culture with sports and swimming. The deadline for applications was July 15; however, interested parties may get further information by calling the church office.
Update on the 34th Annual Armenian Fest Our Annual Fest has been cancelled due to the fire in the large hall. While insurance matters are being settled, a letter will be sent shortly to all parishioners outlining plans for an alternative “fest” and other upcoming events.
Journey to Armenia There’s still time to be part of the 10-day tour to Armenia, departing September 9 and returning on September 18, 2008. The tour includes Round Trip Airfare with British Airways, accommodations at Armenian Marriott Hotel, transfers and Visa Applications, $3,199.00 per person based on double occupancy. Single and triple rates are also available. A deposit of $1,500 is required for a reservation. There will be 5 days of private touring (includes all fees and guide.) Flyers with application forms are placed in the church vestibule. Please contact Craig Koresian @ 773-631-4786 or Pauline Nahabedian @ 847/967-5649.
PLEASE NOTE: Fr. Dajad will be away from July 7 – August 9. During his absence, emergencies and all church related matters should be referred to the church office or the Parish Council Chairman, Michelle Babikian, 773-889-2354 or Cell: 773/416-1994.
Sunday, July 20 - Deacon Services – 10:00 a.m. Sunday, July 27 - Divine Liturgy – Guest Celebrant, Fr. Paren Galstyan Sunday, August 3 - Deacon Services – 10:00 a.m. through - Hye Camp 2008 – Camp Hickory, Ingleside, IL Sunday, August 10 Sunday, August 17 - FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE HOLY MOTHER-OF-GOD (Blessing of Grapes) Sunday, Sept. 14 - FEAST OF THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS
Church Attendance July 13: 20
July 20 Union of Marash Armenians Harms Woods – Grove 1
July 27 St. John the Baptist 7825 W. Layton Ave Greenfield, WI 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
August -3 St. Mesrob Armenian Church Racine, WI Lakefront Festival Hall, Racine 11:00 a.m.
August 10 St. George Armenian Church 1015 McAree Rd. Waukegan, IL Noon – 5:00 p.m.
August 16-17 Cancelled – will be fulfilled at a later date. St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church Chicago
August 16-17 All Saints Armenian Church 1701 North Greenwood Road Glenview IL 60025 Saturday, 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
August 24 St. James Armenian Church TASTE OF ARMENIAN FESTIVAL Evanston, IL Noon to 7:00 p.m.
September 6 Knights of Vartan Avarayr Lodge #4 Chicago Proesel Park, Lunt & Kostner Lincolnwood, IL Noon to 6:00 p.m. Very Rev. Fr. Dajad Tsaturyan Interim Pastor ST. GREGORY THE ILLUMINATOR ARMENIAN CHURCH 6700 W. Diversey Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60707 Phone: (773) 637-1711 Fax: (773) 637-5592
Worship Hours Morning Service – 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy – 10:00 a.m. Deacon Services Deacon Raffi Hazarian and Subdeacon Vahe Caliskan
July 20, 2008