The Speech, Language and Communication Framework

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The Speech, Language and Communication Framework


This document includes all of the competences of the Speech, Language and Communication Framework. To submit training for consideration for the What Works training database, you need to provide a summary of which competences of the SLCF your training aims to support. Please show this clearly below. There may be some areas of knowledge or skill which your training covers in detail, and others where there is less coverage – you may find it useful to highlight these examples e.g. through using a different colour. If you have anything specific you would like to mention, please add a comment box onto the relevant part of the document.

STRAND A Typical speech, language and communication development and use UNIVERSAL ENHANCED SPECIALIST Universal A1 Are you aware of what the terms ‘speech’, ‘language’ and ‘communication’ mean and how they are used to describe typical development? Universal A2 Enhanced A1 Are you aware that speech and language Do you understand the typical stages in speech, development should follow a typical pattern? language and communication development? Enhanced A2 Do you understand normal differences in typical speech, language and communication development? Universal A3 Are you aware that most children and young people who learn English as an additional language follow a typical pattern of development? Universal A4 Are you aware that some children and young people do not follow the typical pattern of speech and language development and that this might mean that they have SLCN?

1 Universal A5 Are you aware that communication includes social skills? Universal A6 Enhanced A3 Are you aware that language is about Do you understand the differences between understanding as well as talking? receptive and expressive language? Universal A7 Are you aware that communication skills are developed through interacting with other people? Universal A8 Do you know that the home environment and other settings affect children’s and young people’s development and use of language? Universal A9 Enhanced A4 Specialist A1 Are you aware that language skills are the basis Do you know some of the ways in which Do you understand and are you able to evaluate for all learning? language and learning are linked? the relationship between language and learning? Enhanced A5 Do you understand how speech, language and communication skills are used in different contexts? Enhanced A6 Specialist A2 Are you aware of a model of speech, language Do you understand different theoretical models and communication? of speech, language and communication? Specialist A3 Are you able to promote the development of speech, language and communication for all children and young people where you work? Specialist A4 Are you able to advise others on children’s speech, language and communication

2 development, as appropriate to your profession and role?

STRAND B Identification and assessment of speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) UNIVERSAL ENHANCED SPECIALIST Universal B1 Enhanced B1 Are you aware that children and Are you aware of the range of SLCN that young people may have difficulties with children and young people may have? speech, language or communication? Enhanced B2 Specialist B1 Do you understand that SLCN can be primary or Do you understand how SLCN relate to a range can be associated with other disabilities or of other disabilities or needs? needs? Enhanced B3 Specialist B2 Do you know that some SLCN may be short Are you able to identify the children and young term and that some may be persistent or a people who have, or are at risk of developing lifelong disability? persistent SLCN? Enhanced B4 Specialist B3 Do you know that there is a difference between Are you able to differentiate between delayed and disordered speech, language and delayed and disordered speech, language communication development? and communication development? Universal B2 Enhanced B5 Do you know how common SLCN are among the Do you know how common SLCN are within general population? your workplace?

Universal B3 Enhanced B6 Specialist B4 Are you aware of what to look for to help Are you able to identify when a child or young Are you able to effectively identify children’s identify children and young people in your person is not developing speech, language and and young people’s SLCN? workplace who may have SLCN? communication as expected? Universal B4 Enhanced B7 Specialist B5 Are you aware that it is also important to Do you understand why it is important to assess Are you able to evaluate how the child’s

3 identify the effects of a child’s or young the effects of a child’s environment on their environment affects speech, language and person’s environment on their speech, language speech, language and communication communication development, skills and needs? and communication development? This development and skills? includes how adults use language in the environment. Universal B5 Are you aware of some of the ways in which difficulties with speech, language and communication can affect a child or young person you work with? Universal B6 Are you aware that there is a range of reasons for a child or young person to have SLCN? Universal B7 Enhanced B8 Are you aware of how common it is for Do you understand how having SLCN in their children and young people who speak English first language can affect the child’s or young as an additional language to have SLCN? person’s ability to learn English as an additional language?

Enhanced B9 Specialist B6 Do you know how to help identify Do you understand your role in identifying whether a child or young person with those children and young people who are English as an additional language has SLCN in learning English as an additional language and their first language, and how to follow the who have other SLCN, and in providing a link to appropriate referral process? specialist services or professionals if necessary? Universal B8 Enhanced B10 Specialist B7 Do you know how to raise concerns about the Do you know when and how to refer a child or Do you know when and how to get second speech, language and communication young person for further assessment and be opinions or further input from other development of children and young people able to do this, following the agreed procedures professionals or agencies to support your work where you work? in your workplace? with a child or young person with SLCN?

4 Specialist B8 Are you able to provide relevant information and feedback to practitioners you work with about identifying and assessing a child or young person’s SLCN? Enhanced B11 Specialist B9 Do you know a range of formal and informal Are you able to use a range of formal and assessment approaches which can be used to informal assessment techniques, as appropriate assess the speech, language and to your profession and role, to contribute to the communication skills and needs of children and multi-disciplinary holistic assessment of a child’s young people? or young person’s SLCN? Enhanced B12 Specialist B10 Are you aware that different forms of Are you able to evaluate different forms of assessment have benefits and limitations? assessment relevant for children and young people with SLCN, as appropriate to your profession and role? Enhanced B13 Do you know that different factors might influence how a child or young person responds to an assessment? Specialist B11 Are you able to evaluate the role of the assessor in the assessment process as appropriate to your profession and role? Specialist B12 Are you able to provide information to help identify and describe a child’s or young person’s SLCN, including their strengths? Specialist B13 Are you able to analyse the range of learning and development needs that a child or young person with SLCN may have, as appropriate for

5 your profession and role, and working with other people as necessary? Specialist B14 Are you able to monitor the progress of children and young people with SLCN, as appropriate to your profession and role, and be able to advise other people on how to monitor progress? Specialist B15 Are you able to support other people’s understanding of assessment information which is relevant to a child’s or young person’s SLCN, as appropriate to your profession and role? Specialist B16 Do you understand the factors that influence children’s and young people’s responses to assessment, and will use this knowledge to interpret assessment information?

STRAND C Positive Practice UNIVERSAL ENHANCED SPECIALIST Universal C1 Are you aware of and know how to use positive ways to communicate with children and young people where you work? Universal C2 Are you aware of some of the features that promote a positive communication environment? Enhanced C1 Specialist C1 Do you understand the importance of knowing Are you able to develop an appropriate profile the strengths and needs of a child or young of a child’s or young person’s SLCN, using your

6 person with SLCN and use these to influence knowledge of them and other relevant positive practice? assessment information, as appropriate for your profession and role? Specialist C2 Are you able to use an appropriate profile of a child’s or young person’s individual SLCN to plan strategies, interventions and approaches suitably and effectively adapted for them? Universal C3 Enhanced C2 Specialist C3 Are you aware of some of the positive Are you able to use appropriate strategies to Are you able to use a range of strategies, strategies to support the speech, language and support children and young people with SLCN? interventions and approaches to support a wide communication development of children and range of SLCN and effectively evaluate their young people you work with? effects? Enhanced C3 Are you able to alter your own language to meet the needs of children and young people with SLCN? Enhanced C4 Do you know, and are able to use, a range of strategies in your workplace that help children and young people with SLCN access social opportunities and communicate more effectively with other people their own age? Enhanced C5 Specialist C4 Are you able to set specific targets and choose Are you able to provide guidance and support strategies for children and young people with to other people to set specific targets and SLCN, with guidance and working jointly with choose appropriate strategies for children and other professionals? young people with SLCN, as appropriate to your profession and role? Universal C4 Enhanced C6 Specialist C5 Are you aware of the role of communication Are you aware of strategies to get the views of Are you able to get the views of children and in getting the views of children and young children and young people with SLCN and be young people with SLCN in relation to their

7 people? able to use these, with guidance if necessary? needs on a full range of relevant issues, and support other people to do so? Universal C5 Enhanced C7 Do you know the existing systems where you Are you able to provide clear and relevant work for collecting appropriate information information about the progress of children and about speech, language and communication? young people with SLCN you work with? This would relate to their speech, language and communication and should be easy for them, their parents or carers and other agencies to understand. Enhanced C8 Are you able to promote positive practice in the home or other relevant settings to support children and young people with SLCN? Enhanced C9 Specialist C6 Are you aware that positive practice is based on Do you understand the importance of evidence- evidence from current research? based practice and use relevant research and theories to influence your own and other people’s work? Enhanced C10 Specialist C7 Do you know that SLCN can affect a child’s or Are you able to provide guidance to other young person’s literacy skills and are you able people to help them to differentiate the to differentiate the curriculum or change your curriculum or their approach (or both), as approach (or both) as a result, with appropriate appropriate to your profession and role? guidance as necessary?

Do you know that SLCN can affect a child’s or young person’s numeracy skills and are you able to differentiate the curriculum or change your approach (or both) as a result, with appropriate guidance as necessary? Enhanced C11 Specialist C8

8 Are you able to follow guidance to support the Are you able to provide guidance to other cognitive, social, emotional and behavioural people to support the cognitive, social, needs that children and young people with emotional and behavioural needs that children SLCN may have in your workplace? and young people with SLCN may have, as appropriate to your profession and role? Enhanced C12 Are you aware that different tasks, situations, settings and parts of the curriculum, present different challenges in terms of language and you will be able to consider this fully in your work? Enhanced C13 Specialist C9 Are you aware that specialist resources are Are you able to advise other people on a range available to support children and young people of specialist resources that are relevant for with SLCN? children and young people with SLCN, as appropriate to your profession and role? Enhanced C14 Specialist C10 Do you understand how resources can be Are you able to adapt, and support other people adapted to meet the SLCN of children and to adapt and use, existing resources for children young people, and take responsibility for and young people with SLCN, as appropriate to adapting them, with guidance as necessary? your profession and role? Enhanced C15 Are you able to provide a range of opportunities for developing speech, receptive and expressive language and social communication, for children and young people with SLCN? Enhanced C16 Specialist C11 Do you understand how to make all Are you able to identify factors that are opportunities available to all children and young currently preventing children and young people people with SLCN in your workplace? with SLCN from gaining access to all aspects of your setting (or another setting), and identify and take appropriate steps to remove or reduce

9 these barriers? Enhanced C17 Specialist C12 Are you able to encourage children and young Are you able to advise other people on people with SLCN to become more strategies to promote the development of independent? independence for children and young people with SLCN? Specialist C13 Are you able to provide information (written and verbal) that is fully accessible and appropriate for the relevant audiences? Specialist C14 Are you able to provide appropriate analysis and guidance to other practitioners on their practice, as appropriate to your profession and role? Specialist C15 Do you understand what support, benefits and opportunities children and young people with SLCN are entitled to?

STRAND D Speech, language and communication and behaviour, social and emotional development UNIVERSAL ENHANCED SPECIALIST Universal D1 Enhanced D1 Specialist D1 Are you aware of the importance of language Do you understand the range of emotional, Do you understand the complex relationships and communication for behavioural, emotional social and mental health needs that children between SLCN and social and emotional and social development? and young people with SLCN may have, and development, metal health and behaviour and how these needs affect their behaviour, use this, and current evidence, to influence your learning and development? work? Universal D2 Enhanced D2 Are you aware that adults’ language and style of Do you understand how to change your communication can affect the behavioural, language to promote positive behaviour,

10 emotional and social development of children emotional wellbeing and social communication and young people? skills for children and young people with SLCN? Enhanced D3 Specialist D2 Do you understand some reasons why SLCN Do you understand how SLCN can affect may affect children’s and young people’s children’s and young people’s behaviour and behaviour and use this to influence your work? use appropriate strategies to limit these effects and support other people to do so, as appropriate to your profession and role? Enhanced D4 Specialist D3 Do you understand some reasons why SLCN Do you understand how SLCN can affect may affect children’s and young people’s social children’s and young people’s social and and emotional development and mental health, emotional development and mental health, and and use this to influence your work? know how to limit these effects and support other people to do so, as appropriate to your profession and role?

Enhanced D5 Are you able to use appropriate activities that develop the social communication skills of children and young people with SLCN? Specialist D4 Do you understand, apply and evaluate different approaches to supporting behaviour and meeting the social, emotional and mental health needs of children and young people with SLCN? Specialist D5 Are you able to identify and provide skills and strategies to children and young people with SLCN which support their behaviour and social and emotional development?

11 STRAND E Roles and responsibilities and how services are structured UNIVERSAL ENHANCED SPECIALIST Universal E1 Enhanced E1 Specialist E1 Are you aware of your own roles and Do you understand your own roles and Are you able to evaluate your role (or roles) in responsibilities in your workplace in relation to responsibilities in relation to children and young meeting children’s and young people’s SLCN children and young people’s speech, language people with SLCN, and are able to monitor your and in supporting other people to do so? and communication development? effectiveness in your workplace? Universal E2 Enhanced E 2 Specialist E2 Are you aware of the benefits of joint working Are you able to identify the factors that allow Are you able to contribute positively to the in supporting speech, language and you to work as effectively as possible with other development of effective multi-agency working communication for all children and young professionals and be able to take responsibility practices for children and young people with people? for helping this to happen? SLCN? Universal E3 Enhanced E3 Specialist E3 Are you aware of the different professionals Do you understand the different roles and Do you understand the professional culture and who may be involved in supporting children and practices of different practitioners who work practices of the practitioners who work with young people with particular SLCN? with children and young people with SLCN? children and young people with SLCN, and how these affect joint working? Enhanced E4 Do you understand the relevant terms used by professionals who work with children and young people with SLCN?

Universal E4 Are you able to communicate effectively with other practitioners about the speech, language and communication of the children and young people you work with? Universal E5 Enhanced E5 Specialist E4 Are you aware of the main principles of ‘Every Do you understand how ‘Every Child Do you understand how Every Child Child Matters’ (ECM)* in relation to children’s Matters’ (ECM)* relates to how services are Matters (ECM)* applies to the range of

12 and young people’s speech and language provided for children and young people with practitioners who work with children and young development? SLCN? people with SLCN?

*Every Child Matters was a government policy, which is *Every Child Matters was a government policy, which is *Every Child Matters was a government policy, which is no longer current. no longer current. no longer current. Universal E6 Enhanced E6 Specialist E5 Are you aware of any reasonable adjustments Do you know how to identify which children Are you able to provide relevant advice on for children and young people with SLCN in and young people with SLCN in your workplace making reasonable adjustments for children and relation to your workplace’s duties under the are defined as disabled under the Equality Act young people with SLCN in relation to the Equality Act 2010? 2010? Equality Act 2010, as appropriate to your profession and role? Specialist E6 Do you understand how the skills and knowledge of practitioners from different professional groups can complement and benefit each other? Specialist E7 Do you understand the structure of national and local health, social care and educational services which are relevant for a range of children with SLCN?

STRAND F Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in Educational Settings. Reference 0-25 SEND Code of Practice and Children and Families Act 2014. UNIVERSAL ENHANCED SPECIALIST Universal F1 Enhanced F1 Specialist F1 Are you aware that children and young people Do you know, understand and take Are you able to evaluate the role that the with SLCN may have SEND and may need responsibility for meeting your legal Government’s policies and professional additional support in educational settings? responsibilities in relation to pupils with SLCN? guidelines have played in identifying, assessing and planning for children and young people with SEND, specifically SLCN?

13 Universal F2 Enhanced F2 Are you aware of the Government’s policy on Do you understand the Government’s policy on including children and young people with including children and young people with SEND SEND or SLCN in educational settings? or SLCN in educational settings? Enhanced F3 Specialist F2 Do you understand how health, social care and Are you able to maintain up-to-date knowledge education laws, policies and guidance have and understanding of recent, relevant influenced current practices in SEN, referring in developments in the Government’s policy and particular to SLCN of children and young guidelines? people? Specialist F3 Do you understand the 0-25 SEND (see the note below) framework and how it applies to children and young people with SLCN at a local level, and be able to advise other people on this?

STRAND G Parents, carers, families, peers and friends UNIVERSAL ENHANCED SPECIALIST Universal G1 Enhanced G1 Specialist G1 Are you aware of the roles of parents, carers, Do you understand the importance of the views Are you able to work effectively in a range of families, peers and friends in speech, language and knowledge of parents and carers in ways with the parents, carers, families, peers and communication development? different aspects of your work with children and and friends of children and young people to young people with SLCN? support speech, language and communication? Specialist G2 Are you able to support other practitioners to work effectively with the parents, carers, families, peers and friends of children and young people to support speech, language and communication? Enhanced G2

14 Do you understand the importance and effect of the relationships between children and young people with SLCN and their friends and other people their own age? Enhanced G3 Are you able to include the views of parents, carers, friends and other young people in your planning? Universal G2 Enhanced G4 Specialist G3 Are you aware that there are voluntary sector Are you aware of relevant public sector or Are you able to provide parents, carers, and public sector agencies that provide support voluntary-sector agencies, and know what families, peers and friends of children and for children and young people with SLCN and support they can provide to children and young young people with SLCN with appropriate their families and friends? people with SLCN, and their families? information about a relevant range of voluntary-sector and public-sector agencies?

STRAND H The effect of professional development in speech, language and communication UNIVERSAL ENHANCED SPECIALIST Universal H1 Enhanced H1 Specialist H1 Are you aware of the benefits of professional Do you understand the importance of assessing Are you able to clearly evaluate how your own development in increasing the positive effect the effect of your professional development in professional development affects a range of you can have on the speech, language and speech, language and communication and be outcomes in your work with children and young communication development of all children and able to do so effectively? people with SLCN? young people? Enhanced H2 Do you understand that your CPD in speech, language and communication can be achieved in a number of different ways? Enhanced H3 Do you understand the need to make sure that your CPD in speech, language and communication includes contact with an

15 appropriately qualified professional? Specialist H2 Are you able to develop and provide appropriate and differentiated training and CPD opportunities in speech, language and communication development and needs to practitioners and parents, as appropriate to your profession and role? Specialist H3 Are you able to evaluate the effectiveness of the training and professional development you provide to other people on a range of outcomes? Specialist H4 Do you understand and apply appropriate current research and evidence-based practice to support your own and other people’s professional development? Specialist H5 Do you understand the importance of supporting the transfer of skills from training and CPD into the workplace to allow practitioners to develop their practice and help children and young people make the maximum progress possible?


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