Performing Arts Scholarship Competition

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Performing Arts Scholarship Competition

PERFORMING ARTS SCHOLARSHIP COMPETITION Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Pottstown For Students in Grades 9 through 12 Preliminary Auditions: November 12, 13, and 14, 2013 Final Competition: Saturday, November 23, 2013

ELIGIBILITY: The scholarship competition is open to all students in Grades 9 through 12, including homeschoolers of applicable age.

HOW TO ENTER/DEADLINES:  All entrants much submit a completed Entry Form, including parent/legal guardian signature if under 18, in order to participate in the competition.  The Entry Form is found at the close of this document.  Please submit your Entry Form by no later than November 1, 2013 to: Pottstown Rotary Club Performing Arts Competition P. O. Box 20 Parkerford, PA. 19457-9905.  We strongly urge you to request a scheduled time for your audition appointment at the time you submit your Entry Form. There is a section on the Entry Form that allows you to do this. Should you fail to request an audition time, walk-ins will be seen during the Preliminary Auditions only, and only if time permits. Hence, it is in your best interest to request an audition appointment when submitting your Entry Form.

AWARDS: Four $750 scholarships will be awarded – one per performance category: Performance Category Scholarship Award  Instrumental Music $750  Vocal – Pop/Broadway $750  Vocal – Classical/Opera $750  Drama $750 Note: Scholarship money must be used for performing arts education with any private instructor, group class, summer camp program, or college coursework.

1 DATES/TIMES/LOCATION:  Both the Preliminary Auditions and Final Competition will be held at the Steel River Playhouse (formerly Tri-County Performing Arts Center), 245 E. High Street, Pottstown, PA 19464.  Timing for the Preliminary Auditions and Final Competition is outlined below: Preliminary Auditions: (Entrants need only be present during one of the specified dates below for audition)  Tuesday, November 12, 2013: 6:00 – 9:00 pm  Wednesday, November 13, 2013: 6:00 – 9:00 pm  Thursday, November 14, 2013: 6:00 – 9:00 pm

Final Competition:  Saturday, November 23, 2013: 6:00- 9:00 pm  The actual final competition will begin at 6:00 pm on November 23rd. Hence, those invited to perform during the final competition should plan on arriving at Steel River Playhouse at 5:30 pm that evening.  Again, audition appointments are strongly encouraged and will be assigned after submission of your Entry Form. Walk-ins will be seen during Preliminary Auditions only, if time allows. After completion of the Preliminary Auditions, a select number of entrants will be invited to participate in the Final Competition (also called the Public Presentation), during which those who are selected will then compete for the scholarships.  All entrants, whether invited to participate in the Final Competition or not, are invited to attend the Public Presentation the evening of November 23rd free of charge, and will have the opportunity to receive direct feedback from the evaluators immediately following the event.

ADMISSION:  Admission to attend the Final Competition is $8.00 per person.  Admission is free of charge for all students participating in the competition and for children ages 12 and under  We encourage you to invite your friends and family to attend to view the wealth of talent that our area students have. Plus the show is a lot of fun.


 The competition is open to solo artists only; no group numbers are permitted. Rules for each performance category are listed below.  All entrants may bring a headshot or recent photo, or we will take your photo on arrival. You may also bring a typed resume listing your training and experience, although this is not required. BE PREPARED FOR A BRIEF INTERVIEW DURING THE PRELIMINARY AUDITION, AND BE PREPARED TO TAKE DIRECTION. THIS IS DONE TO SEE IF YOU CAN LISTEN AND ARE DIRECTABLE.  Ensuing are the rules for each performance category for which a scholarship will be awarded: Vocal - Pop/Broadway and Vocal - Classical/Opera: Perform 32 bars (not including intro measures) of a ballad from any musical genre/style (e.g., Broadway, jazz, pop, country, classical); however, be prepared to perform more if requested by the evaluators. Your selection must be memorized. No accompanist will be provided for you. You must bring your own accompanist or a CD to use as your backup. A CD player will be available to you. If bringing a CD please note it will remain with the judges for use in the event that you are invited to compete in the final competition. If using the accompanist, bring one copy of your sheet music in the correct key, with all cuts or repetitions clearly marked. If using a CD player or other electronic devices, you must bring a track with instrumental music only (no vocals). A cappella singing is not permitted. Recommended: bring a second copy of your sheet music for the evaluators.

Drama: Perform 1 contemporary monologue of any type, memorized, maximum of 90 seconds. Please do not perform works of Shakespeare or his friends (contemporaries). Hand props are permitted but no full costumes or set pieces. Two (2) chairs will be available for use; please do not stand on or throw the chairs as part of your presentation. Be prepared to answer questions about your monologue.

Instrumental: Perform 32 bars of music from any genre/style; however, be prepared to play more if requested by the evaluators. Your selection must be memorized. Although only the soloist will be evaluated, you may bring up to 2 additional instrumentalists as accompaniment for your solo work, or you may bring a music track. No vocals are permitted and any instrumental

3 accompaniment must be a different instrument than that of the soloist. A CD player and a 2-plug outlet will be made available.


 For Preliminary Auditions: Entrants will be evaluated during the preliminary auditions by professional instructors/performers using a standardized evaluation form, in order to determine who will progress to the Final Presentations. Rooms will be provided for you to warm up and change your clothes, if needed. Preliminary auditions are closed to the public. Finalists will be announced via email or website posting upon completion of the all Preliminary Auditions, no later than Wednesday, November 20, 2013. All entrants are encouraged to attend the Final Presentations on the evening of November 23rd to support their fellow students, receive direct feedback and written evaluations, and enjoy a special reception in honor of their participation in the competition.

 For Final Competition: Finalists will perform their audition pieces for the public and for evaluators on Saturday, November 23, 2013 starting at 6:00 pm. Finalists are asked to report to Steel River Playhouse by 5:30 pm that evening, to prepare. Rooms will be provided for you to warm up and change your clothes, if needed. Presentations will be grouped in the following order: (1) Vocal – pop/Broadway; (2) Drama monologue; (3) instrumental; (4) vocal – classical/opera. Finalists must perform the same piece and wear the same attire as presented during the Preliminary Auditions. Evaluators for the Final Presentation will include professional artists and instructors from the area community. There will be a brief intermission between the second and third performance categories of finalists, so that evaluators may confer. Scholarships winners for all categories will be announced at the end of the evening, after all finalists have presented their work.

4 PREPARATION AND AUDITION TIPS:  What you wear matters! Think about how your outfit enhances your overall presentation.  Choose performance material that is appropriate for your age and prepare thoroughly. Seek assistance from your teachers, choir and band directors, or others in the community who can provide help.  Actors – make sure your monologue is from a published work, and read the complete work to understand the context. Do not use a teen monologue book.  Vocalists – choose work that sits well within your vocal range and shows your best singing technique.  When entering the room, wait until the evaluators have completed their notes from the prior candidate before introducing yourself and your piece. Vocalists and Instrumentalists should confer with the accompanist or set up their CD or instrumental accompaniment immediately upon entering the room, in order to be completely set up before addressing the evaluators.  When performing, don’t look directly at the evaluators (it can make them uncomfortable). They will be listening and taking notes, and are not part of your performance.  Do not offer to shake the hand of the accompanist or evaluators unless they offer it first.  Once the audition is over, thank the evaluators and the accompanist before leaving the room.

On-line Assistance: Please take a look at these websites and research others to learn more about selecting audition material and audition etiquette. Also you can check out sheet music websites to find music for your song choice (make sure it’s in the right key!), and can find a variety of karaoke instrumental tracks on Youtube.

5 Application Follows On next Page:

Please print and submit your completed Entry Form by NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 1, 2013 to:

Pottstown Rotary Club Performing Arts Competition P. O. Box 20 Parkerford, PA. 19457-9905.

6 ROTARY CLUB OF POTTSTOWN PERFORMING ARTS SCHOLARSHIP COMPETITION ENTRY FORM For Students in Grades 9 through 12 Preliminary Auditions: November 12, 13, and 14, 2013 Final Competition: Saturday, November 23, 2013 COMPLETED ENTRY FORM IS REQUIRED BY NOVEMBER 1, 2013

Student Name: Phone:



Birth Date (include year): Current Age: Current Grade:

Current Performing Arts Instructor/s:

Emergency Contact:

Address: Phone:

Competition Category: Please check the talent category or categories in which you wish to compete. Refer to Competition Rules and Guidelines for a complete understanding of the categories before selecting.

Voice Voice (Pop/ Broadway): (Classical/ Opera) Acting (monologue) Instrumental

Please provide a brief description of your talent and skills in the space below: (for example, type of instrument, number of years been studying music/vocal/drama, type of training and performance experience, if any):

7 Preliminary Audition Dates: Preliminary Auditions will take place at the Steel River Playhouse, 245 E. High Street, Pottstown, PA, on:

 Tuesday, November 12, 2013: 6:00 – 9:00 pm  Wednesday, November 13, 2013: 6:00 – 9:00 pm  Thursday, November 14, 2013: 6:00 – 9:00 pm

No accompanist will be provided for you. You must bring your own accompanist or a CD to use as your backup. A CD player will be available to you. If bringing a CD please note it will remain with the judges for use in the event that you are invited to compete in the finals.

There are a limited number of audition slots for each category. Audition appointments are strongly encouraged and must be submitted with this Entry Form by no later than November 1, 2013. Walk-ins will be seen during Preliminary Auditions only, and only if time allows.

Please indicate your 1st and 2nd choice for an audition date and time. Please allow for at least 1 hour of availability in case of audition delays. Again, the dates and times for auditions are listed at the top of this page. You will be notified of your scheduled audition time by email.

1st Choice: 2nd Choice:

Final Competition: The Final Competition (Public Presentation) will take place at the Steel River Playhouse, 245 E. High Street, Pottstown, PA on:

 Saturday, November 23, 2013: 6:00- 9:00 pm

All entrants are encouraged to attend the Final Presentation to support their fellow students, receive direct feedback and written evaluations, and enjoy a special reception in honor of their participation in the competition.

8 Permission to Compete (required for students under age 18):

I, as parent/legal guardian of the above- named minor, do hereby give my permission for said minor to participate in the Rotary of Pottstown Performing Arts Scholarship Competition.

Name (print): Phone: Signature Email : :

Representation and Release: By signing below (or by Parent or Legal Guardian signing below, in the case of a minor, on both the Parent’s or Legal Guardian’s as well as the minor child’s behalf), I agree to the following:

In consideration of the Rotary Club of Pottstown, the Steel River Playhouse (formerly Village Productions (Tri-PAC), and High Street Music (separately and collectively referred to as the “Parties”) allowing me to compete in the Rotary Club of Pottstown Performing Arts Scholarship Competition (the “Event”), I hereby agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless the Parties (and their officers, employees, agents, volunteers, and Board members), from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, losses or expenses, including attorneys’ fees, and including any injury to myself or another party, associated with my participation in the Event (including but not limited to those arising in connection with use of any facilities, as well as those arising from a third party due to my own conduct). I hereby authorize the Parties to use any photographs and/or media recordings in which I appear, for any purpose including but not limited to promotional purposes and release via the internet and/or other media outlets, without further notice, permission, or compensation. I hereby grant the Parties (and their officers, employees, agents, volunteers, independent contractors, and Board members), permission, in their discretion, to release medical information to the program staff or others deemed necessary and in my interests, and to seek and authorize emergency medical treatment for me, and I hereby agree to assume all medical costs incurred. I hereby agree to abide by all the rules of this competition, and acknowledge that all decisions of the Evaluators are final. I further agree that if any part of this agreement is found by a court or other

9 appropriate authority to be invalid, the remainder of the agreement nevertheless will remain in full force and effect. I further acknowledge that I have read and understood this Representation and Release, and voluntarily agree to be legally bound by its terms.

Signature of Student: Date:

Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian (for students under age 18):


Please submit your completed Entry Form NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 1, 2013 to:

Pottstown Rotary Club Performing Arts Competition P. O. Box 20 Parkerford, PA 19457-9905.


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