Friends Membership Form
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The Friends of Biosphere Expeditions are people who feel passionate about providing continuous support to our critical wildlife conservation and research projects across the globe. By joining the Friends you can play a vital part in making a real difference to the survival of our planet’s endangered species.
If you can't take part in a full-blown expedition or project yet, or if you have already been with us and would like to stay involved, or if you would simply like to be part of what we are doing, then why not become a Friend of Biosphere Expeditions today? Help us to support critical wildlife conservation and research projects across the globe for a membership fee starting from a monthly £8 | €10 | US$15 | AU$15.
For full details on membership benefits and what we can achieve through your support, please visit www.biosphere-
BEST BEST FOR TOP BEST WILDLIFE BEST IN ENVIRONMENT TOP HOLIDAY VOLUNTEERING GREEN-MINDED RESPONSIBLE VOLUNTEERING SUSTAINABLE AWARD FOR NATURE ORGANISATION TRAVELLERS HOLIDAY HOLIDAY TRAVEL Germany Germany UK UK UK UK USA By submitting this fully completed form you are becoming a Friend of Biosphere Membership Application Expeditions. You can cancel your membership and related fees and payments at any time. Once we have received this form and your first payment, your membership pack will be sent to you straight away. for payments in £ Please note that payment by standing order is our preferred method of membership payment, as it carries the smallest administration costs, enabling us to put more of your money to good use.
Please tell us who you are Full name male female Address
Work tel. Home tel. Mobile E-mail Choose your membership Please note that fees below are quoted in British Pound Sterling (£). Please refer to or a newspaper for international exchange rates.
Monthly recurring at £8 per month minimum Please note: This payment can only made through a standing order from a UK bank or voluntary higher monthly fee of £ account (see below).
Yearly recurring at £96 per year minimum Please note: This payment can be made by bank transfer, UK cheque, debit/credit card or or voluntary higher yearly fee of £ through a standing order from a UK bank account (see below).
Life at £750 one-off payment minimum Please note: This payment can be made by bank transfer, UK cheque or debit/credit card or voluntary higher fee of £ (see below).
Paying for your membership: Standing order (this payment method can be used for monthly & yearly recurring membership payments) Please note that payment by standing order is our preferred method of membership payment, as it carries the smallest administration costs, enabling us to put more of your money to good use. You can easily set up a standing order using your online banking system, entering the account details given in the “bank transfer” section above. Or you can simply post the standing order instructions below to your bank. Paying for your membership: Credit/debit card (this payment method can be used for yearly recurring and life membership)
Card type (please tick) VISA Master/Eurocard VISA Delta VISA Electron Maestro
Card number Issue number (if it has one) Start date (if it has one) / Expiry date /
Paying for your membership: Bank transfer (this payment method can be used for yearly recurring and life membership payments) Transfer your funds to “Friends of Biosphere Expeditions”, NatWest Bank, account number: 82050686. Sort code: 53-81- 16. SWIFT: NWBKGB2L. IBAN: GB31NWBK53811682050686 (SWIFT/IBAN for international transfers).
Paying for your membership: UK cheque (this payment method can be used for yearly recurring and life membership payments) Please note that we can only accept cheques from a UK bank made out in British Pound Sterling (£). Please make your cheque payable to "Friends of Biosphere Expeditions” and send it to the address given below.
Post or e-mail this form to Biosphere Expeditions, The Henderson Centre, Ivy Road Norwich NR5 8BF, UK. T: +44-870-4460801 F: +44-870-4460809 E: [email protected]. Send part below (i.e. the standing order instructions) to your bank manager.
Standing order instructions: Send the sum of £ (insert sum, which must match what you have put above) immediately and then the same amount on each first day of the month / year (delete as appropriate) until cancelled to the account “Friends of Biosphere Expeditions”, National Westminster Bank, Sort code: 53-81-16, Account number: 82050686. This sum should be sent from my account as below: Bank name: Account name: Sort code: Account number: By signing below you are instructing your bank to action the standing order above and applying for membership of the Friends of Biosphere Expeditions, which will come into effect as soon as your first payment has cleared.
Signature Date