Interpreting Faces: Dr. Nicholas Rule (5:43)
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HUMAN LEARNING PSYED 2127/EDUC 2007 Spring, 2017 Date Topic MODULE 1 Jan. 4th Learning and Perception VIDEO: Interpreting Faces: Dr. Nicholas Rule (5:43)
READINGS: Picott, J. (2012). What’s in a face? Psychology Today, 11-5-2012. Retrieved 10-01-2015 from in-face
MODULE 2 Jan. 11th Social Media and Learning I VIDEO: Friends, Bonding and Social Media: Ms. Lauren Sherman (5:00)
READING: Sherman, L. E., Michikyan, M., & Greenfield, P. M. (2013). The effects of text, audio, video, and in-person communication on bonding between friends. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 7(2), article 3. doi: 10.5817/CP2013-2-3
MODULE 3 Jan.18th Culture and Learning I
VIDEO: Myth of the Model Minority: Dr. Matthew Miller (5:54)
READING: 1. Miller, M. J., Yang, M., Hui, K., Choi, N., & Lim, R. H. (2011). Acculturation, enculturation, and Asian American college students’ mental health and attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58, 346-358. NOTE: READ pgs. 346-348 ONLY.
1 Jan. 25th Applied Learning I: Fear
VIDEOS: Reducing Pain at the Doctor’s Office: Dr. Lindsey Cohen (6:08) Fear Conditioning: Michael Fanselow (6:04)
Cohen L. (2015). Automated parent-training for preschooler immunization pain relief: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 40, 526-534. Schaffhausen, J. (2005). Fear conditioning: How the brain learns about danger. Brain Connection. Retrieved 10-01-2015 from conditioning-how-the-brain-learns-about-danger/
MODULE 5 Feb. 1st Applied Learning II: The Virtual World and PTSD VIDEO: Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy: Dr. Skip Rizzo (6:08)
READINGS: Rizzo, A. et al (2013). Virtual reality applications to address the wounds of war. Psychiatric Annals, 43, 123-138. Retreived 9-30-2015 from %20Applications%20to%20Address%20the%20Wounds%20of%20War.pdf
Spiegel, A. (2013). If your shrink is a “bot” how do you respond? NPR, May 20, 2013. Retrieved 10-28-2015 from how-do-you-respond? utm_source=npr_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=20151028&utm_campaign=n pr_email_a_friend&utm_term=storyshare
MODULE 6 Feb. 8th Cognitive Neuroscience VIDEO: Decoding the Brain: Dr. Marcel Just (5:35)
2 Woollaston, V. (2015). The moment an idea is ‘filed’ in the brain: Scans pinpoint where we store new information---and it could let scientists read our minds. 12 June, 2015 Retrieved 9-30-2015 from
MODULE 7 Feb. 15th Mind Body Connections I
VIDEO: Health and Stress: Dr. Sheldon Cohen (5:09)
READINGS: 1. Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology at the UCLA SEMEL Institute (2015). Enhancing quality of life in breast cancer survivors. Mind-Body Connections, 5, 1. Retreived 9-30-2015 from Newsletter_2015-spring-final.pdf
2. Cohen, S., Janicki-Deverts, D., Turner, R., B., & Doyle, W.,J. (2014). Does hugging provide stress-buffering social support? A study of upper respiratory infection and illness. Psychological Science, 26, 135-147.
3. Infante, J.R., et al (2014). Levels of immune cells in transcendental meditation practitione rs. International Journal of Yoga, 7, 147–151. Retrieved 9-29-2015 from
MODULE 8 Feb. 21st Mind Body Connections II. VIDEO: Volunteering, Social Contacts and Blood Pressure: Dr. Rodlescia Sneed (5:38)
READINGS: 1. Sneed, R. S., & Cohen, S. (2014). Negative social interactions and incident hypertension among older adults. Health Psychology, 33, 554-565.
3 2. Sneed, R. & Cohen, S. (2013). A prospective study of volunteerism and hypertension risk in older adults. Psychology and Aging, 28, 578-586.
MODULE 9 Feb. 29th Theory of Mind and Mirror Neurons VIDEOS: 1. False Belief: Dr. Alan Leslie (8:34) 2. Mirror Neurons: Dr. Jamie Pineda (5:41)
READINGS: 1. Mikulak, A. (2015). Understanding others’ thoughts enables young kids to lie. Association for Psychological Science. Press Release. Oct. 6. Retrieved 10-6-2015 from others-thoughts-enables-young-kids-to-lie.html 2. Goldman, J.G. (2014). Mirror neurons are essential, but not in the way you think. Nautilus, posted June 04, 2014. Retreived 9-30-2015 from 3. Lowry, L. (2015). “Tuning in” to others. How young children develop theory of mind. The Hanen Center. Helping You Help Children communicate. Retrieved 9-30-2015 from children-develop.aspx 4. Soraya, L. (2008). Empathy, mindblindness and theory of mind: Do people with autism really lack empathy? Psychology Today, May 19. Retrieved 9-30-2015 from diary/200805/empathy-mindblindness-and-theory-mind 5. Thomas, B. (2012). What’s so special about mirror neurons? Scientific American, Nov. 6. Retreived 9-30-2015 from blog/whats-so-special-about-mirror-neurons/
Mar. 7th Spring Break
MODULE 10 Mar. 14th Issues in School Learning VIDEO:
4 CNN News Report on Reggio Emilia Italy Early Childhood Schools in the US. Retrieved 9-30- 2015 from reggio
1. Cunningham, G., K. (2008). University of North Carolina education schools: Helping or hindering potential teachers? Pope Center Series on Higher Education. Retrieved 9-30-2015 from f 2. Clark, R., E., Kirschner, P.,A., & Sweller, J. (2012). Putting students on the path to learning. American Educator, Spring, 6-11. 3. Kirschner, P.A., Sweller, J., & Clark, R.E. (2006). Why minimal guidance during instruction does not work: An analysis of the failure of constructivist, discovery problem-based, experiential and inquiry-based teaching. Educational Psychologist, 41, 75-86. 4. Kuhn, D. (2007). Is direct instruction an answer to the right question? Educational Psychologist, 42, 109-113. 5. WNET EDUCATION (2004). Concept to classroom: Workshop: Constructivism as a paradigm for teaching and learning. Retrieved 10-3-2015 from
MODULE 11 Mar. 21st Reconstructive Memory
VIDEO: Reconstructive Memory: Dr. Elizabeth Loftus (5:49)
Loftus, E., F. (1997) Creating false memories. Scientific American, 277, 3, 70-75. Retrieved 9-27-2015 from Loftus, E.F. (2011). Intelligence gathering post 9/11. American Psychologist , 66, 532-541. Retrieved 9-27-2015 from Schacter, D.L.& Loftus, E.F. (2013) Memory and law: What can cognitive neuroscience contribute? Nature Neuroscience. 16,119-123. Retreived 9-25-2015 from uniq=-pmbz2j
5 MODULE 12 Mar. 28th Culture and Learning II VIDEO: Multiracial Development: Dr. Diana Sanchez (5:47)
READINGS: 1. Sanchez, D., et al. (2015). Confronting as autonomy promotion: Speaking up against discrimination and psychological well-being in racial minorities. Journal of Health Psychology, February 18, 2015, doi: 10.1177/1359105315569619
MODULE 13 Apr. 4th Aggression in the Real World: Driving
VIDEO: Aggressive Driving: Dr. David Wiesenthal (4:58)
1. Wickens, C., M. Mann, R.E., & Wiesenthal, D., L., (2013). Addressing driver aggression: Contributions from psychological science. Current Directions in Psychological Science 22, 386–391.
Apr. 11th Diversity Issues and Learning VIDEO: Stereotype Threat: Dr. Claude Steele (5:22)
1. Nussbaum, D. (2013). Narrowing the achievement gap with a psychological intervention. Scientific American, (Blog), April 15. Retreived 9-29-2015 from achievement-gap-with-a-psychological-intervention/
MODULE 15 Apr. 18th Social Media and Learning II
1. Lister-Landman, K. M., Domoff, S. E., & Dubow, E. F. (2015, October 5). The Role of Compulsive Texting in Adolescents’ Academic Functioning. Psychology of Popular Media
Culture. Advance online publication.
2. Turkle, S. (2015). Stop Googling: Let’s talk. The New York Times, 9-26-2015. Retrieved 9-26-2015 from googling-lets-talk.html?emc=eta1&_r=0