Address Reminders
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Soroptimist International of Harrisburg, PA Inc Soroptimist International of the Americas, Inc. Chartered June 1, 1938 North Atlantic Region Making a Difference for Women since 1921 NAR Theme: Live Your Dream the Renaissance Way The vision of SI is: District IV Theme: May All Our Dreams Come True To be a Global Voice for Women Through Awareness, Advocacy and Action.
District IV Theme:SOROPTIMIST May All Our Dreams Come True INTERNATIONAL MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT CATHY Of Harrisburg, PA Inc. Greetings ladies, Officers & Board of Directors 2007-2008 I hope this issue finds you well and surviving this ever-changing mix President: Cathy Orwan President-elect: Kay Straw of winter weather. This club year is flying by . . . we are at the half- Recording Secretary: way point already. Our program committee has done a wonderful job Renee Jones of lining up interesting presenters for the upcoming months. We may Corresponding Secretary: have a visit from our Governor Elect in March and, of course, you Jayne Brinkley won’t want to miss the April Awards Dinner Meeting. The Fashion Treasurer: Show is fast approaching. Let’s all work together to make this year’s Tess Boches event one our most successful fund-raising efforts. We have received Assistant Treasurer: the call to Spring Conference. Information is included in this issue of Jackie Speaks the newsletter. I encourage all of you to attend. If you are a new DIRECTORS member Spring Conference is a wonderful opportunity to gain a better One Year: Susan Wolfe understanding of the organization and have fun at the same time. If One Year: Eileen Hileman Two Years: Meada McAllister you are a “seasoned” member, it will be a good opportunity to renew DELEGATES and review. One Year: Miriam Hawk Two Years: Susan Luu Please keep in mind, the Board welcomes your comments and suggestions. President Cathy
FEBRUARY MEETING INSIDE THIS ISSUE Soroptimist Birthdays 2 Special Notes 2 DATE: February 26, 2008 Calendar of Events 2 February Program Soroptibits 3, 4 Soroptimist News 4 TIME: 6:30 P.M. Invocation: Venture Corner 5 Doris McGarvey Friendship Link 6 PLACE: Holiday Inn East Fashion Show 6 Harrisburg Suite NAR Call to Conference 7 4751 Lindle Road Editor’s page 8 Harrisburg, PA 2
IMPORTANT MESSAGE COMMUNITY SERVICE Members who plan to attend the dinner meeting COMMITTEE MUST notify Ella Rothenberger (545-7836) the Wednesday before the meeting. The deadline Reminder List for dinner reservations for the February meeting is Wednesday, February 20. Please bring to the meeting: Campbell labels for the Neighborhood Center, eye glasses for the Guatemala project, stamps for the Veterans (remember to leave an inch of paper around the stamp), and dictionaries and magazines for Poland. MENU SELECTION February Chicken Supreme IT'S GIRL SCOUT COOKIE TIME!!! NOTE CHANGE If you are planning to buy cookies, consider purchasing them from our Troop. Meada will take orders at the February meeting. Don’t forget to put your order in THANKS for Weis and/or Giant Gift Cards to Doris McGarvey (545-8646). Orders for Karns Gift Card go to Gretta Morrow (564-0179).
February Birthdays
10 Betty Barnes 12 Lynn Diehl 13 Joyce Burger
March Birthdays
01 Carol Colyer 11 Carole Giesler 19 Kate Conard
2008 2008 February 19 Venture Meeting April 11-13 NAR Spring Conference, State February 26 Dinner/Business Meeting at the College Holiday Inn East April 22 Awards Dinner at the Holiday Inn March 11 Board Meeting East March 12 Deadline for Soroptigram news May 1 Membership Mixer March 25 Dinner/Business Meeting at June 24 70th Birthday Celebration Holiday Inn East July 16-19 SIA Biennial Convention, Taipei March 29 Fashion Show at Holiday Inn Taiwan East August 9 Summer Social 3
Address reminders:
Joyce Burger will be away until March 31. If you need to get in touch with Joyce, her phone is 1-843-341-3087 or 717-512-0931. Her address is #2219 Villamare 1 Ocean Lane HHI, SC 29928
Susan Sherman would like you to note a change in her email. Please use [email protected].
January’s meeting: To the right, January’s meeting speaker, Bill Minsker. Bill and one of his Polish students provided us an update from Pennsylvania Partnerships Abroad, Ltd. Bill left for Poland shortly after his speech and will return to the United States this summer.
For February’s Meeting:
Are you bringing a guest to the meeting? Let the Membership Committee know and we will give them a guest packet and do our best to make them feel welcome.
BOOK EXCHANGE as reported by Billie Hawk Thank you for all your support for our book exchange. We continue to look for some new books to expand our selection. Paperbacks are easier to transport but we won’t refuse any good book. Happy reading!!! 4
Proper Custom and Protocol:
Be on time for meetings. Attend regularly. Begin and close metings on time. Address the presiding office by title and first name, e.g. President Cathy, or Governor Wanda. Address fellow Soroptimists by first name. Do business with other Soroptimists on a business basis, expecting no favors or special treatment. Pay your own way, unless you're invited as a guest or as a speaker. Present a membership card as credentials when visiting another club. Invite Soroptimists and others (as deemed appropriate by the president) to business meetings. Welcome visiting Soroptimists. Disagree politely and keep informality within the bounds of fellowship and parliamentary procedure.
Use Correct Terminology:
We are Soroptimists - not Sorops. We are members - not sisters or girls We are clubs - not chapters We are a federation - not national or federal We have a pledge - not a creed or motto We attend a club and district meetings, region conferences, federation and international conventions. We elect region officers - not regional officers We believe in Soroptimist - not Soroptimism
This lesson in Soroptimist Etiquette has been brought to you by the Membership/Member Education Committee. 5
VENTURE NEWS as reported by Joyce Burger
Ventures are beginning the new year with plans for doing service for the community, planning to attract new members, and some are getting new additions to their families. Looks like a very busy time for these ladies.
As part of their services they are again making breakfast at Ronald McDonald House on February 16 and again on March 22. Another service project has Ventures filling Easter Baskets for various organizations. Rite Aid donated items to fill the baskets and Ventures will prepare them to be delivered to Evergreen House, Ronald McDonald House, the Neighborhood Center, and the DVS. If Soroptimists have suggestions of organizations that might be interested in receiving baskets please inform Ventures.
On February 19, Ventures are holding a New Member Social at the Harrisburg Hilton Hotel from 5:30 to 7:00. If you know someone who might be interested let Ventures know. Soroptimist are invited to join in for a nice evening.
The baby news from Venture VP Melanie and her husband Mark Scaring is that they are expecting a little one soon and so Melanie is passing her VP position on to Kathleen Conley for the next few months.
Venture Joy Shill and husband Todd recently took a trip to China and returned home with a new addition to their family, Nia Bella Shill. Joy and Todd waited a long time for their beautiful daughter and so we wish them much happiness.
Venture meetings are now held at the HACC Library and Soroptimists are welcome. 6
LUNCHEON AND FASHION SHOW as reported by Debi Kint
The Fashion Show March 29, 2008 will be here before we know it. I trust you all have received you tickets and basket assignments. If you haven’t or if you need more flyers and letters please call Debi Kint at 648-6915.
At the February Meeting all door prizes must be turned in to Kate Conard. Since Eleanor will be traveling on February 26, Helen Drothler will be collecting the money for your tickets and table reservations at the meeting. Soroptimist International of Harrisburg PRESENTS . . . our 15th Annual Luncheon and Spring Fashion Show
Fashions Courtesy Of . . . selected stores from the Hershey Outlets and the Shoppes of Susquehanna March 29, 2007 Holiday Inn-East Social Hour will begin at 11:30 a.m. Luncheon served at 12:30 p.m.
Have you started to plan your basket for the Fashion Show? Time is running out so don’t forget to contact the other Soroptimists assigned to your committee. Remember that one person from each basket is responsible for delivering the basket to the hotel by 10 a.m. on March 29. 7
When: April 11 – 13, 2008
Where: Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel 215 InnovationBoulevard State College, PA Phone: 800-233-7505 or 814-865-8500 Group Rates: $121.00 per night double occupancy or $111.00 per night single occupancy Registration ID #: CEN0410-001 Reservation deadline: March 11, 2008
Registration Fee: $15.00
Meals: Friday Classic Tailgate Buffet: $35.00 Friday Night University Creamery Ice Cream Social: $10.00 Saturday Noon Lunch Buffet: $50.00 Saturday Night Formal Banquet: $40.00 Sunday Morning Breakfast Buffet: $25.00
Special Events: Guided Tour of Penn State Campus Tailgate Party & Sundae Bar featuring Club Cheer Contest First Time Attendees Reception Teatime Awards Luncheon featuring Magnificent Millinery Contest
Register at the February Meeting. All checks made payable to Soroptimist International of Harrisburg Editor’s Notes 8
Soroptimists are women of all ages, cultures, and ethnic groups. They are working moms and single women, small business owners and corporate executives, attorneys, teachers and physicians. SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL Soroptimists are leaders across all professional OF HARRISBURG, PA INC. disciplines that also serve as role models for younger women at the beginning of their careers. Editor: Alice Lubrecht The common thread that connects all Soroptimists is the desire to make a difference for others through Contributing Reporters volunteer service. Billie Hawk Meada McAllister Joyce Burger Cathy Orwan Soroptimist International of the Americas (SIA) is Debi Kint part of Soroptimist International, the world’s largest classified service organization for executive and professional women. WE ARE ON THE WEB The Harrisburg Club’s mission is to use our time, talents and resources to advance the status of women and children. To accomplish this mission, we establish and support specific projects to address EDITOR’S NOTE the needs locally, regionally and internationally.
Thanks to everyone who helped in the preparation of this issue of the Soroptigram. Many hands make light work.
President Cathy is still looking for a member to serve as permanent editor of the Soroptigram. Please volunteer so we can continue to have a newsletter.
Alice Lubrecht will be the editor for the March 2008 Soroptigram.