Allegan Area Curriculum Directors

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Allegan Area Curriculum Directors

Allegan Area Curriculum Directors September 22, 2015 12:00-2:30 AAESA, Learning Lab

11:30-12:00 Lunch and Networking (Please come for lunch to network with your peers! The formal agenda will start promptly at 12:00).

Jason, Mike, Pam, Larinda, Corey, Bob, Becky, Kammy, Teresa, Cheryl-Marie, Gayle, Laurie, Wendy

Discussion My Learnings PLC for Small Schools Big Ideas: Introduction- Unintentional marginalization of and Survey Results “specials” teachers in the process, may resist Vertical teams the process. Moral imperative to ensure high Interdisciplinary teams levels of learning- collective responsibility. Singletons who support Ch.1- Vertical Teams- outside content to Virtual teams common essential targets, learning Structural change progressions ie fluency, sentence writing, math practices. Determine level of rigor. Interventions go across grades. Collegiality required. Ch.2- Interdisciplinary Teams- skills not content ie employability, common denominator, performance task based on that. Focus on students, individual learning plans. Ch.3- Singletons as Support- Like Drama supporting grammar. Literacy as a shared goal? Explaining the “why” of their role/purpose on the team. Ch.4- Virtual Teams- capitalize on current virtual network, clear invitation on purpose of the work. (twitter, linkedin etc.) Ch.5- Structural Change- changing the structure so teachers share courses, changing location, reducing some natural barriers.

Good Reminders: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead

What will I do with this What training will be required? information: Structure? Gayle will follow up.

PSAT 8 Consortium Big Ideas: Plainwell- use for SI goals, growth, benchmarking Fennville- professional learning Wayland- Otsego- preparing for high stakes

Need to check: Martin, Hopkins Allegan? Link to RtI/PLCs

Good Reminders: Khan Academy resources $8 per student??? MI ELA institute summer 2016- best instruction in a high stakes world

Math- webinars- shaping the conversation- focus on instruction

Reading to Write/SAT essay curriculum-

What will I do with this Laurie will send out the agreement form for information: the consortium.

Educator Evaluation Big Ideas: 50% student Need multiple measures: growth this year Wayland Building SI Goals (20%) Individual teacher goals (reading, math- pre/post or NWEA, Common formative) 3 years (30%) PLC work?

40% walkthrough (Danielson) 10% Personal Growth Plan

Allegan Thoughtful classroom (50%) Student growth (40%) connected to essential standards- running record, delta math (el) CFAs (HS) Stages System to track

Good Reminders: Ohio guidance documents MDE SLO templates Doug Greer SLO at future meeting (joint CD Supts?) What will I do with this information:

ELL Support Big Ideas: Students arrive with no English (Spanish speaking)- HS 5 years, all electives the first year with Spanish, ESL support Churches? Sponsors? Homeland security? Newly arrived immigrants Welcome Kit- Fennville does some of this Public Events- Part of all in Spanish Peer mentoring- social Technology? ESL social worker Instructional strategies for classroom teachers- universal design- SIOP

Good Reminders:

What will I do with this Convene a work group- names to Laurie information:

Young 5s Big Ideas: What is everyone doing? Is there still a need, is it the right thing?

Plainwell- 1 section of K Readiness Otsego- 1 class- assessed in- focus on about ½ standards Hopkins- 2 Allegan- 2 Martin- no young fives, one is identified as developmental Fennville- 1 Wayland-

Expectations of each? KEA mandatory fall 2016? Socio-economic issue Readiness for children? Transition away?

Good Reminders:

What will I do with this Early Childhood group will meet in October- information: Preschool, k readiness, look at young 5s data- where did they go?

MDE Update Big Ideas: Revision- the Heart of Writing Webinar Series *MAISA Registration and Information Student Artifacts of Anchor Papers Reading Assessment and Checklist Oakland Site Checklist pdf Good Reminders:

What will I do with this information:

Achievement/Poverty Data Big Ideas:

Good Reminders:

What will I do with this information:

Around The Table: 45 minutes webinar for support staff REMC Bid Process ; DIBELS (amplify software); Social Studies public comment- emphasis on process; Paul Farmer- Agenda will be set at Mapping the Future; EEM Students with Disabilities Coordinator- send names to Wendy- Accommodations for SAT; Webinar series 7-9 p.m. Revision at the Heart of Writing (link); Math Leadership Group

Important Upcoming Dates:  AdvancED External Review – October 5th – 7th (**CD Interviews – October 5th @ 1:45pm – 2:30pm)  Mapping the Future – October 9th  Edify @ Next CD Meeting – October 13th  Reading Now Network – November 3rd  RTI – Coaching Academy Elementary – November 16th  RTI – Coaching Academy Secondary – November 17th

Links: Curriculum Directors CD Meeting Schedule 2015/2016

Next CD meeting: October 13th

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